thresholdManager MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T Rec. X.739 | ISO/IEC 10164-11:1993":scanner; CHARACTERIZED BY thresholdManagerPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR thresholdManagerBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "The thresholdManager MOC permits the management of counter and gauge thresholds, in order to generate defined alarm notifications as a result of a value change crossing the threshold level of a counter or gauge. The objects selected in the managedObjectInstanceSelectionPackage and scopedSelectionPackage shall refer to the observed object instances and not to measurement function object instances. See GSM 12.11 clause 5.1.2";; ATTRIBUTES scanAttributeIdList GET-REPLACE ADD-REMOVE; NOTIFICATIONS thresholdAlarm; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "ITU-T Rec. X.738:1993":managedObjectInstanceSelectionPackage PRESENT IF "managed object instance selection is required and the scopedSelectionPackage is not present", "ITU-T Rec. X.738:1993":scopedSelectionPackage PRESENT IF "scoped selection is required and the managedObjectInstanceSelectionPackage is not present", counterThresholdPackage PRESENT IF "counter threshold is required and gaugeThresholdPackage is not present ", gaugeThresholdPackage PRESENT IF "gauge threshold is required and counterThresholdPackage is not present ", REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211ObjectClass 10}; counterThresholdPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR counterThresholdPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package supports the management of counter thresholds. See GSM 12.11 clause";; ATTRIBUTES counterThreshold GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Package 10}; gaugeThresholdPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR gaugeThresholdPackageBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This package supports the management of gauge thresholds. See GSM 12.11 clause";; ATTRIBUTES gaugeThreshold GET-REPLACE; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Package 20}; thresholdAlarmRecord MANAGED OBJECT CLASS DERIVED FROM "ITU-T Rec. X.721: 1992": eventLogRecord; CHARACTERIZED BY thresholdAlarmRecordPackage PACKAGE BEHAVIOUR thresholdAlarmRecordBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS " This MOC specifies the format of the thresholdAlarm. The identifier value for the eventType attribute shall be thresholdAlarm ";; ATTRIBUTES observedObjectClass GET, observedObjectInstance GET, counterOrGaugeIdentifier GET, thresholdLevel GET, "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":perceivedSeverity GET, "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":probableCause GET; CONDITIONAL PACKAGES "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":notificationIdentifierPackage PRESENT IF "the notification Identifier parameter is present in the notification", "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":correlatedNotificationsPackage PRESENT IF "the correlatedNotifications parameter is present in the notification", "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":additionalTextPackage PRESENT IF "the Additional text parameter is present in the notification", "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":additionalInformationPackage PRESENT IF "the Additional information parameter is present in the notification "; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211ObjectClass 20}; thresholdingStatus ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ThresholdingStatus; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ;; BEHAVIOUR thresholdingStatusBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies whether the thresholding mechanism is in the activated or deactivated state. See GSM 12.11 clause 6.1.1";; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Attribute 10}; counterThreshold ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX CounterThreshold; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR counterThresholdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the characteristics of a counter threshold (such as levels, severity and the notification generation switch). See GSM 12.11 clause 6.1.1";; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Attribute 20}; gaugeThreshold ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX GaugeThreshold; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR gaugeThresholdBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the characteristics of a gauge threshold for the high and low values (such as levels, severities and notification generation switches). See GSM 12.11 clause 6.1.1";; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Attribute 30}; observedObjectClass ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ObjectClass; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR observedObjectClassBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the object class of the observed object for which a counter or gauge threshold crossing resulted in the threshold alarm notification.";; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Attribute 40}; observedObjectInstance ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ObjectInstance; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR observedObjectInstanceBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the object instances of the observed object for which a counter or gauge threshold crossing resulted in the threshold alarm notification.";; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Attribute 50}; counterOrGaugeIdentifier ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX AttributeId; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR counterOrGaugeIdentifierBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the counter or gauge which resulted in the threshold alarm notification.";; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Attribute 60}; thresholdLevel ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ObservedValue; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY ; BEHAVIOUR thresholdLevelBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the level of the counter or gauge which resulted in the threshold alarm notification.";; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Attribute 70}; scanAttributeIdList ATTRIBUTE WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX ScanAttributeIdList; MATCHES FOR EQUALITY, SET-COMPARISON, SET-INTERSECTION; BEHAVIOUR scanAttributeIdListBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This attribute identifies the attributes to be scanned for thresholding. See subclause";; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Attribute 80}; thresholdAlarm NOTIFICATION BEHAVIOUR thresholdAlarmBehaviour BEHAVIOUR DEFINED AS "This notification is emitted as a result of a value change crossing the threshold level of a counter or gauge. See GSM 12.11 clause";; WITH INFORMATION SYNTAX ThresholdAlarmInformation AND ATTRIBUTE IDS observedObjectClass observedObjectClass, observedObjectInstance observedObjectInstance, counterOrGaugeIdentifier counterOrGaugeIdentifier, thresholdLevel thresholdLevel, severity "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":perceivedSeverity, probableCause "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":probableCause, notificationIdentifier "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":notificationIdentifier, correlatedNotifications "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":correlatedNotifications, additionalText "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":additionalText, additionalInformation "ITU-T Rec. X.721:1992":additionalInformation; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211Notification 10}; thresholdManager-managedElement NAME BINDING SUBORDINATE OBJECT CLASS thresholdManager AND SUBCLASSES; NAMED BY SUPERIOR OBJECT CLASS "ITU-T Rec. M.3100: 1995":managedElement AND SUBCLASSES; WITH ATTRIBUTE scannerId; CREATE WITH-REFERENCE-OBJECT, WITH-AUTOMATIC-INSTANCE-NAMING; DELETE ONLY-IF-NO-CONTAINED-OBJECTS; REGISTERED AS {GSM1211TypeModule.gsm1211NameBinding 10}; GSM1211TypeModule {ccitt (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Operation-Maintenance (3) gsm-12-11 (11) informationModel (0) asn1Module (2) version1 (1)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS gsm-12-11 FROM GSM-DomainDefinitions {ccitt (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Operation-Maintenance (3) gsm-12-30 (30) informationModel (0) asn1Module (2) gsm-OM-DomainDefinitions (0) version1 (1)} ProbableCause, PerceivedSeverity, ObservedValue, AdditionalText, AdditionalInformation, NotificationIdentifier, CorrelatedNotifications FROM Attribute-ASN1Module {joint-iso-ccitt ms(9) smi(3) part2(2) asn1Module (2) 1} AttributeId, ObjectInstance, ObjectClass FROM CMIP-1 { joint-iso-ccitt ms(9) cmip(1) modules(0) protocol(3) } ; -- EXPORTS Everything -- Object Identifiers -- Information Model Related Identifiers gsm1211InformationModel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {gsm-12-11 informationModel (0)} gsm1211ObjectClass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {gsm1211InformationModel managedObjectClass (3)} gsm1211Package OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {gsm1211InformationModel package (4)} gsm1211Attribute OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {gsm1211InformationModel attribute (7)} gsm1211Notification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {gsm1200InformationModel notification (10)} -- Threshold Management Related Identifiers CounterThreshold ::= SET OF SEQUENCE { initialComparisonLevel INTEGER, comparisonLevel INTEGER, offsetValue INTEGER, severity PerceivedSeverity, notififyOnOff BOOLEAN} -- notififyOnOff may have the following values:- -- True (the generation of defined notifications is switched on), or -- False (the generation of defined notifications is switched off) GaugeThreshold ::= SET OF SEQUENCE { notifyLow NotifyThreshold, notifyHigh NotifyThreshold} NotifyThreshold ::= SEQUENCE { threshold ObservedValue, severity PerceivedSeverity, notifyOnOff BOOLEAN } -- notififyOnOff may have the following values:- -- True (the generation of defined notifications is switched on), or -- False (the generation of defined notifications is switched off) ObservedValue ::= CHOICE { integer INTEGER, real REAL } ScanAttributeIdList ::= SET OF AttributeId ThresholdAlarmInformation::= SEQUENCE { observedObjectClass ObjectClass, observedObjectInstance ObjectInstance, counterOrGaugeIdentifier AttributeId, thresholdLevel ObservedValue, severity PerceivedSeverity, probableCause ProbableCause, notificationIdentifier [1]NotificationIdentifier OPTIONAL, correlatedNotifications [2]CorrelatedNotifications OPTIONAL, additionalText [3]AdditionalText OPTIONAL, additionalInformation [4]AdditionalInformation OPTIONAL } -- Probable cause value assignments gsm1211ProbableCause OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {gsm1211InformationModel standardSpecificExtension (0) probableCause (0)} gsmA-BisToBTSInterfaceFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 1} gsmA-BisToTRXInterfaceFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 2} gsmAntennaProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 3} gsmBatteryBreakdown ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 4} gsmBatteryChargingFault ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 5} gsmClockSynchronisationProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 6} gsmCombinerProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 7} gsmDiskProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 8} gsmEquipmentFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 9} gsmExcessiveReceiverTemperature ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 10} gsmExcessiveTransmitterOutputPower ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 11} gsmExcessiveTransmitterTemperature ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 12} gsmFrequencyHoppingDegraded ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 13} gsmFrequencyHoppingFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 14} gsmFrequencyRedefinitionFailed ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 15} gsmLineInterfaceFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 16} gsmLinkFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 17} gsmLossOfSynchronisation ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 18} gsmLostRedundancy ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 19} gsmMainsBreakdownWithBatteryBackUp ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 20} gsmMainsBreakdownWithoutBatteryBackUp ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 21} gsmPowerSupplyFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 22} gsmReceiverAntennaFault ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 23} gsmReceiverFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 24} gsmReceiverMulticouplerFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 25} gsmReducedTransmitterOutputPower ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 26} gsmSignalQualityEvaluationFault ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 27} gsmTimeslotHardwareFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 28} gsmTransceiverProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 29} gsmTranscoderProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 30} gsmTranscoderOrRateAdapterProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 31} gsmTransmitterAntennaFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 32} gsmTransmitterAntennaNotAdjusted ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 33} gsmTransmitterFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 34} gsmTransmitterLowVoltageOrCurrent ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 35} gsmTransmitterOffFrequency ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 36} gsmDatabaseInconsistency ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 37} gsmFileSystemcallUnsuccessful ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 38} gsmInputParameterOutOfRange ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 39} gsmInvalidParameter ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 40} gsmInvalidPointer ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 41} gsmMessageNotExpected ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 42} gsmMessageNotinitialized ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 43} gsmMessageOutOfSequence ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 44} gsmSystemCallUnsuccessful ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 45} gsmTimeoutExpired ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 46} gsmVariableOutOfRange ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 47} gsmWatchDogTimerExpired ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 48} gsmCoolingSystemFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 49} gsmExternalEquipmentFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 50} gsmExternalPowerSupplyFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 51} gsmExternalTransmissionDeviceFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 52} gsmFanFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 53} gsmHighHumidity ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 54} gsmHighTemperature ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 55} gsmIntrusionDetected ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 56} gsmLowHumidity ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 57} gsmLowTemperature ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 58} gsmSmokeDetected ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 59} gsmExcessiveErrorRate ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 60} gsmReducedAlarmReporting ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 61} gsmReducedEventReporting ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 62} gsmReducedLoggingCapability ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 63} gsmSystemResourcesOverload ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 64} gsmBroadcastChannelFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 65} gsmConnectionEstablishmentError ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 66} gsmInvalidMessageReceived ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 67} gsmInvalidMSUReceived ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 68} gsmLAPDLinkProtocolFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 69} gsmLocalAlarmIndication ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 70} gsmRemoteAlarmIndication ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 71} gsmRoutingFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 72} gsmSS7ProtocolFailure ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 73} gsmTransmissionError ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 74} gsmReceiverProblem ProbableCause ::= globalValue : {gsm1211ProbableCause 75} END