CAP-Operations {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) cap-operations(50) version2(1)} -- This module contains the type definitions for the CAP v.2 operations. DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OPERATION FROM TCAPMessages {ccitt recommendation q 773 modules(2) messages(1) version2(2)} -- error types Cancelled, CancelFailed, ETCFailed, ImproperCallerResponse, MissingCustomerRecord, MissingParameter, ParameterOutOfRange, RequestedInfoError, TaskRefused, UnavailableResource, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter, UnknownLegID, SystemFailure FROM CS1-Errors {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) inDomain(1) in-network(1) modules(0) cs1-errors(1) version1(0)} -- CAP v.2 argument types ApplyChargingArg, ApplyChargingReportArg, AssistRequestInstructionsArg, CallInformationReportArg, CallInformationRequestArg, CancelArg, ConnectArg, ConnectToResourceArg, EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg, EventReportBCSMArg, FurnishChargingInformationArg, InitialDPArg, PlayAnnouncementArg, PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg, ReceivedInformationArg, ReleaseCallArg, RequestReportBCSMEventArg, ResetTimerArg, SendChargingInformationArg, SpecializedResourceReportArg FROM CAP-DataTypes {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) cap-datatypes(52) version2(1)}; -- TYPE DEFINITIONS FOR CAP v.2 OPERATIONS FOLLOW -- gsmSCF-gsmSSF operations ActivityTest ::= OPERATION RESULT -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF or gsmSCF -> gsmSRF or gsmSCF -> assistSSF, Timer: Tat -- This operation is used to check for the continued existence of a relationship between the -- gsmSCF and gsmSSF, gsmSCF and gsmSRF or gsmSCF and assistSSF. If the relationship is still in existence, then the gsmSSF, gsmSRF or assistSSF will respond. --..If no reply is received, then the gsmSCF will assume that the gsmSSF, gsmSRF or assistSSF -- has failed in some way and will take the appropriate action. ApplyCharging ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT ApplyChargingArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedParameter, UnexpectedDataValue, ParameterOutOfRange, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnknownLegID } -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tac -- This operation is used for interacting from the gsmSCF with the gsmSSF CSE-controlled call -- duration charging mechanism. ApplyChargingReport ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT ApplyChargingReportArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedParameter, UnexpectedDataValue, ParameterOutOfRange, SystemFailure, TaskRefused } -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Tacr -- The ApplyChargingReport operation provides the feedback from the gsmSSF to the gsmSCF for the -- CSE-controlled call duration charging mechanism. AssistRequestInstructions ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT AssistRequestInstructionsArg ERRORS { MissingCustomerRecord, MissingParameter, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF: gsmSRF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Tari -- This operation is used when there is an assist or handoff procedure and may be sent by the -- gsmSSF or gsmSRF to the gsmSCF. This operation may be sent by the gsmSSF or gsmSRF to -- the gsmSCF, when the initiating gsmSSF has set up a connection to the gsmSRF or to the -- assisting gsmSSF as a result of receiving an EstablishTemporaryConnection from the gsmSCF. CallInformationReport ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT CallInformationReportArg -- Direction: gsmSSF ?? gsmSCF, Timer: Tcirp -- This operation is used to send specific call information for a single call to the gsmSCF as -- requested by the gsmSCF in a previous CallInformationRequest. CallInformationRequest ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT CallInformationRequestArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, ParameterOutOfRange, RequestedInfoError, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedParameter, UnknownLegID } -- Direction: gsmSCF ?? gsmSSF, Timer: Tcirq -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to record specific information about a single -- call and report it to the gsmSCF (with a CallInformationReport operation). Cancel ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT CancelArg ERRORS { CancelFailed } -- Direction: gsmSCF ?? gsmSSF, or gsmSCF ?? gsmSRF, Timer: Tcan -- When this operation is sent from gsmSCF to gsmSSF, then all outstanding requests will be cancelled. -- The following outstanding requests will be cancelled: RequestReportBCSMEvent, ApplyChargingReport, -- CallInformationReport. -- -- When this operation is sent from gsmSCF to gsmSRF, then the indicated previous operation will be -- cancelled.-- The following operations may be cancelled: PlayAnnouncement and PromptAndCollectUserInformation. Connect ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT ConnectArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tcon -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to perform the call processing actions to route -- or forward a call to a specified destination. To do so, the gsmSSF may or may not use -- destination information from the calling party (e.g., dialled digits) and existing call setup -- information depending on the information provided by the gsmSCF. ConnectToResource ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT ConnectToResourceArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } -- Direction: gsmSCF ?? gsmSSF, Timer: Tctr -- This operation is used to connect a call from the physical entity containing the gsmSSF to the -- physical entity containing the gsmSRF. Continue ::= OPERATION -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Tcue -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to proceed with call processing at the DP at -- which it previously suspended call processing to await gsmSCF instructions (i.e., proceed to -- the next point in call in the BCSM). The gsmSSF continues call processing without -- substituting new data from gsmSCF. DisconnectForwardConnection ::= OPERATION ERRORS { SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence } -- Direction: gsmSCF ?? gsmSSF, Timer: Tdfc -- This operation is used to disconnect a forward temporary connection or a connection to a -- resource. EstablishTemporaryConnection ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg ERRORS { ETCFailed, MissingParameter, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } -- Direction: gsmSCF ?? gsmSSF, Timer: Tetc -- This operation is used to create a connection to a resource (e.g. to -- play an announcement, to collect user information); it implies the use of the assist procedure. EventReportBCSM ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT EventReportBCSMArg -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Terb -- This operation is used to notify the gsmSCF of a call-related event (e.g., BCSM events such -- as answer or disconnect) previously requested by the gsmSCF in a RequestReportBCSMEvent -- operation. FurnishChargingInformation ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT FurnishChargingInformationArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } -- Direction: gsmSCF ?? gsmSSF, Timer: Tfci -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to generate, register a call record or to -- include some information in the default call record. The registered call record is intended -- for off line charging of the call. InitialDP ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT InitialDPArg ERRORS { MissingCustomerRecord, MissingParameter, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } -- Direction: gsmSSF -> gsmSCF, Timer: Tidp -- This operation is used after a TDP to indicate request for service. ReleaseCall ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT ReleaseCallArg -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Trc -- This operation is used to tear down an existing call at any phase of the call for all -- parties involved in the call. RequestReportBCSMEvent ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT RequestReportBCSMEventArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter, UnknownLegID } -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gsmSSF, Timer: Trrb -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to monitor for a call-related event (e.g., BCSM -- events such as answer or disconnect), then send a notification or request for instructions -- back to the gsmSCF when the event is detected. ResetTimer ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT ResetTimerArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, TaskRefused, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } -- Direction: gsmSCF -? gsmSSF, Timer: Trt -- This operation is used to request the gsmSSF to refresh an application timer in the gsmSSF. SendChargingInformation ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT SendChargingInformationArg ERRORS { MissingParameter, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedParameter, ParameterOutOfRange, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnknownLegID } -- Direction: gsmSCF -? gsmSSF, Timer: Tsci -- This operation is used to instruct the gsmSSF on the charging informationwhich the gsmSSF -- shall send to the Mobile Station by means of GSM access signalling. -- gsmSCF-gsmSRF Operations -- AssistRequestInstructions -- gsmSRF -? gsmSCF -- Refer to previous description of this operation in the gsmSCF-gsmSSF operations clause. -- Cancel -- gsmSCF -? gsmSRF -- Refer to previous description of this operation in the gsmSCF-gsmSSF operations clause. PlayAnnouncement ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT PlayAnnouncementArg ERRORS { Cancelled, MissingParameter, SystemFailure, UnavailableResource, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } LINKED { SpecializedResourceReport } -- Direction: gsmSCF -? gsmSRF, Timer: Tpa -- This operation is to be used after Establish Temporary Connection (assist procedure with -- a second gsmSSF) or a Connect to Resource (no assist) operation. It may be used for inband -- interaction with a Mobile Station. In the former case, the gsmSRF is usually collocated -- with the gsmSSF for standard tones (congestion tone etc.) or standard announcements. In -- the latter case, the gsmSRF is always collocated with the gsmSSF in the MSC. Any error is -- returned to the gsmSCF. When the gsmSRF is colocated with the gsmSSF, this operation is -- relayed from the gsmSCF to the gsmSRF via the gsmSSF. The timer associated with this -- operation must be of a sufficient duration to allow its linked operation to be correctly -- correlated. PromptAndCollectUserInformation ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg RESULT ReceivedInformationArg ERRORS { Cancelled, ImproperCallerResponse, MissingParameter, SystemFailure, TaskRefused, UnavailableResource, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter } -- Direction: gsmSCF -? gsmSRF, Timer: Tpc -- This operation is used to interact with a user to collect information. When the gsmSRF -- is colocated with the gsmSSF, this operation is relayed from the gsmSCF to the gsmSRF -- via the gsmSSF. SpecializedResourceReport ::= OPERATION ARGUMENT SpecializedResourceReportArg -- Direction: gsmSRF -? gsmSCF, Timer: Tsrr -- This operation is used as the response to a PlayAnnouncement operation when the announcement -- completed report indication is set. When the gsmSRF is colocated with the gsmSSF, this -- operation is relayed from the gsmSRF to the gsmSCF via the gsmSSF. END CAP-DataTypes {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3)cap-datatypes(52) version2(1)} -- This module contains the type definitions for the CAP v.2 data types. DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS -- CAP Classes EXTENSION, SupportedExtensions FROM CAP-Classes {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) cap-classes(54) version2(1)} -- This module contains the class definitions for CAP v.2. -- CS1 Parameters CallingPartysCategory, HighLayerCompatibility, Integer4, InvokeID, LegID, MiscCallInfo, MonitorMode, RedirectionInformation, ServiceKey FROM CS1-DataTypes { ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) inDomain(1) in-network(1) modules(0) cs1-datatypes(2) version1(0)} BothwayThroughConnectionInd FROM CS2-datatypes { ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) inDomain(1) in-network(1) CS2(20) modules(0) in-cs2-datatypes (0) version1(0)} IMSI, ISDN-AddressString, Ext-BasicServiceCode, NAEA-CIC FROM MAP-CommonDataTypes { ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CommonDataTypes(18) version4(4)} LocationInformation, SubscriberState FROM MAP-MS-DataTypes { ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-MS-DataTypes(11) version4(4)} CallReferenceNumber, SuppressionOfAnnouncement FROM MAP-CH-DataTypes { ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CH-DataTypes(13) version4(4)} ; -- TYPE DEFINITIONS FOR CAP v.2 DATA TYPES FOLLOW -- Argument Data Types ApplyChargingArg ::= SEQUENCE { aChBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] AChBillingChargingCharacteristics, partyToCharge [2] SendingSideID DEFAULT sendingSideID : leg1, extensions [3] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, ... } -- The partyToCharge parameter indicates the party in the call to which the ApplyCharging -- operation should be applied. ApplyChargingReportArg ::= CallResult AssistRequestInstructionsArg ::= SEQUENCE { correlationID [0] CorrelationID, iPSSPCapabilities [2] IPSSPCapabilities, extensions [3] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, ... } -- OPTIONAL denotes network operator specific use. The value of the correlationID may be the -- Called Party Number supplied by the initiating gsmSSF. CallInformationReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationList [0] RequestedInformationList, extensions [2] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, legID [3] ReceivingSideID OPTIONAL, ... } CallInformationRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationTypeList [0] RequestedInformationTypeList, extensions [2] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, legID [3] SendingSideID OPTIONAL, ... } CancelArg ::= CHOICE { invokeID [0] InvokeID, allRequests [1] NULL } ConnectArg ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress, alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [6] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, extensions [10] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [28] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [29] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [30] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, genericNumbers [14] GenericNumbers OPTIONAL, suppressionOfAnnouncement [55] SuppressionOfAnnouncement OPTIONAL, oCSIApplicable [56] OCSIApplicable OPTIONAL, ..., na-Info [57] NA-Info OPTIONAL } -- na-Info is included at the discretion of the gsmSCF operator. ConnectToResourceArg ::= SEQUENCE { resourceAddress CHOICE { ipRoutingAddress [0] IPRoutingAddress, none [3] NULL }, extensions [4] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [7] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, ... } EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg ::= SEQUENCE { assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress [0] AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress, correlationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, scfID [3] ScfID OPTIONAL, extensions [4] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [7] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, ..., na-info [50] NA-Info OPTIONAL } -- na-info is included at the discretion of the -- gsmSCF operator. EventReportBCSMArg ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeBCSM [0] EventTypeBCSM, eventSpecificInformationBCSM [2] EventSpecificInformationBCSM OPTIONAL, legID [3] ReceivingSideID OPTIONAL, miscCallInfo [4] MiscCallInfo DEFAULT {messageType request}, extensions [5] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, ... } FurnishChargingInformationArg ::= FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics InitialDPArg ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey, calledPartyNumber [2] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [3] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [5] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, iPSSPCapabilities [8] IPSSPCapabilities OPTIONAL, locationNumber [10] LocationNumber OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [12] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, extensions [15] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility [23] HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, additionalCallingPartyNumber [25] AdditionalCallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, bearerCapability [27] BearerCapability OPTIONAL, eventTypeBCSM [28] EventTypeBCSM OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [29] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [30] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, iMSI [50] IMSI OPTIONAL, subscriberState [51] SubscriberState OPTIONAL, locationInformation [52] LocationInformation OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode [53] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, callReferenceNumber [54] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, mscAddress [55] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, calledPartyBCDNumber [56] CalledPartyBCDNumber OPTIONAL, timeAndTimezone [57] TimeAndTimezone OPTIONAL, gsm-ForwardingPending [58] NULL OPTIONAL, ..., initialDPArgExtension [59] InitialDPArgExtension OPTIONAL } InitialDPArgExtension ::= SEQUENCE { naCarrierInformation [0] NACarrierInformation OPTIONAL, gmscAddress [1] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, ... } -- If iPSSPCapabilities is not present then this denotes that a colocated gsmSRF is not -- supported by the gsmSSF. If present, then the gsmSSF supports a colocated gsmSRF capable -- of playing announcements via elementaryMessageIDs and variableMessages, the playing of -- tones and the collection of DTMF digits. Other supported capabilities are explicitly -- detailed in the IPSSPCapabilities parameter itself. -- naCarrierInformation is included at the discretion of the gsmSSF operator. PlayAnnouncementArg ::= SEQUENCE { informationToSend [0] InformationToSend, disconnectFromIPForbidden [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, requestAnnouncementComplete [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, extensions [3] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, ... } PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { collectedInfo [0] CollectedInfo, disconnectFromIPForbidden [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, informationToSend [2] InformationToSend OPTIONAL, extensions [3] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, ... } ReceivedInformationArg ::= CHOICE { digitsResponse [0] Digits } ReleaseCallArg ::= Cause RequestReportBCSMEventArg ::= SEQUENCE { bcsmEvents [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfBCSMEvents) OF BCSMEvent, extensions [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, ... } -- Indicates the BCSM related events for notification. ResetTimerArg ::= SEQUENCE { timerID [0] TimerID DEFAULT tssf, timervalue [1] TimerValue, extensions [2] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, ... } SendChargingInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics, partyToCharge [1] SendingSideID, extensions [2] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL, ... } SpecializedResourceReportArg ::= NULL -- Common Data Types AChBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(minAChBillingChargingLength .. maxAChBillingChargingLength)) (CONSTRAINED BY {-- shall be the result of the BER-encoded value of the type CAMEL-AChBillingChargingCharacteristics --}) -- The AChBillingChargingCharacteristics parameter specifies the charging related information to -- be provided by the gsmSSF and the conditions on which this information has to be reported back -- to the gsmSCF with the ApplyChargingReport operation. The value of the -- AchBillingChargingCharacteristics of type OCTET STRING carries a value of the ASN.1 data type : -- CAMEL-AchBillingChargingCharacteristics. The normal encoding rules are used to encode this -- value. -- The violation of the UserDefinedConstraint shall be handled as an ASN.1 syntax error. AdditionalCallingPartyNumber ::= Digits -- Indicates the Additional Calling Party Number. AlertingPattern ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) -- The encoding of the last octet of this parameter is as defined in GSM 09.02 [Reference 14]. -- Only the last octet is used. The remaining octets shall be sent with all bits set to zero. -- The receiving side shall ignore the first two octets. AOCBeforeAnswer ::= SEQUENCE { aOCInitial [0] CAI-GSM0224, aOCSubsequent [1] AOCSubsequent OPTIONAL } AOCSubsequent ::= SEQUENCE { cAI-GSM0224 [0] CAI-GSM0224 , tariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (1..86400) OPTIONAL } -- tariffSwitchInterval is measured in 1 second units ApplicationTimer ::= INTEGER (0..2047) -- Used by the gsmSCF to set a timer in the gsmSSF. The timer is in seconds. AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress ::= Digits -- Indicates the destination address of the gsmSRF for the assist procedure. BCSMEvent ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeBCSM [0] EventTypeBCSM, monitorMode [1] MonitorMode, legID [2] LegID OPTIONAL, dPSpecificCriteria [30] DPSpecificCriteria OPTIONAL } -- Indicates the BCSM Event information for monitoring. BearerCapability ::= CHOICE { bearerCap [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..maxBearerCapabilityLength)) } -- Indicates the type of bearer capability connection to the user. For bearerCap, the value as -- described in ISUP (ETS 300 356-1 [3], User Service Information) shall be used. CAI-GSM0224 ::= SEQUENCE { e1 [0] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e2 [1] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e3 [2] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e4 [3] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e5 [4] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e6 [5] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e7 [6] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL } -- Indicates Charge Advice Information to the Mobile Station. For information regarding -- parameter usage, refer to GSM 02.40 [26]. CalledPartyBCDNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minCalledPartyBCDNumberLength .. maxCalledPartyBCDNumberLength)) -- Indicates the Called Party Number, including service selection information. Refer to GSM -- 04.08 [25] for encoding. This data type carries only the "type of number", "numbering plan -- identification" and "number digit" fields defined in [25]; it does not carry the "called -- party BCD number IEI" or "length of called party BCD number contents". CalledPartyNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minCalledPartyNumberLength .. maxCalledPartyNumberLength)) -- Indicates the Called Party Number. Refer to ETS 300 356-1 [3] for encoding. CallingPartyNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minCallingPartyNumberLength .. maxCallingPartyNumberLength)) -- Indicates the Calling Party Number. Refer to ETS 300 356-1 [3] for encoding. CallResult ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minCallResultLength .. maxCallResultLength)) (CONSTRAINED BY {-- shall be the result of the BER-encoded value of type CAMEL-CallResult --}) -- The violation of the UserDefinedConstraint shall be handled as an ASN.1 syntax error. -- This parameter provides the gsmSCF with the charging related information previously requested -- using the ApplyCharging operation. This shall include the partyToCharge parameter as -- received in the related ApplyCharging operation to correlate the result to the request. CAMEL-AChBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { timeDurationCharging [0] SEQUENCE { maxCallPeriodDuration [0] INTEGER (1..864000), releaseIfdurationExceeded [1] ReleaseIfDurationExceeded OPTIONAL, tariffSwitchInterval [2] INTEGER (1..86400) OPTIONAL } } -- tariffSwitchInterval is measured in 1 second units. -- maxCallPeriodDuration is measured in100 millisecond units CAMEL-CallResult ::= CHOICE { timeDurationChargingResult [0] SEQUENCE { partyToCharge [0] ReceivingSideID, timeInformation [1] TimeInformation, callActive [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE } } CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE{ fCIBCCCAMELsequence1 [0] SEQUENCE { freeFormatData [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (minFCIBillingChargingDataLength.. maxFCIBillingChargingDataLength)), partyToCharge [1] SendingSideID DEFAULT sendingSideID : leg1 } } CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { aOCBeforeAnswer [0] AOCBeforeAnswer, aOCAfterAnswer [1] AOCSubsequent } Cause ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minCauseLength .. maxCauseLength)) -- Indicates the cause for interface related information. Refer to the ETS 300 356-1 [3] Cause -- parameter for encoding. For the use of Cause and Location values refer to Q.850. -- Shall only include the cause value. CollectedDigits ::= SEQUENCE { minimumNbOfDigits [0] INTEGER (1..16) DEFAULT 1, maximumNbOfDigits [1] INTEGER (1..16), endOfReplyDigit [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, cancelDigit [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, startDigit [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, firstDigitTimeOut [5] INTEGER (1..127) OPTIONAL, interDigitTimeOut [6] INTEGER (1..127) OPTIONAL, errorTreatment [7] ErrorTreatment DEFAULT stdErrorAndInfo, interruptableAnnInd [8] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, voiceInformation [9] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, voiceBack [10] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } -- The use of voiceBack and the support of voice recognition via voiceInformation is -- network operator specific. The endOfReplyDigit, cancelDigit, and startDigit parameters -- have been designated as OCTET STRING, and are to be encoded as BCD, one digit per octet -- only, contained in the four least significant bits of each OCTET. The following encoding shall -- be applied for the non-decimal characters: -- 1011 (*), 1100 (#). -- The usage is service dependent. CollectedInfo ::= CHOICE { collectedDigits [0] CollectedDigits } CorrelationID ::= Digits -- used by gsmSCF for correlation with a previous operation. Refer to clauses 9.5 and 9.15 -- for a description of the procedures associated with this parameter. DateAndTime ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(7)) -- DateAndTime is BCD encoded. The year digit indicating millenium occupies bits 0-3 of -- the first octet, and the year digit indicating century occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. -- The year digit indicating decade occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, whilst the digit -- indicating the year within the decade occupies bits 4-7 of the second octet. -- The most significant month digit occupies bits 0-3 of the third octet, and the least -- significant month digit occupies bits 4-7 of the third octet. -- The most significant day digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fourth octet, and the least significant -- day digit occupies bits 4-7 of the fourth octet. -- The most significant hours digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fifth octet, and the least significant -- digit occupies bits 4-7 of the fifth octet. -- The most significant minutes digit occupies bits 0-3 of the sixth octet, and the least -- significant digit occupies bits 4-7 of the sixth octet. -- The most significant seconds digit occupies bits 0-3 of the seventh octet, and the least seconds -- significant digit occupies bits 4-7 of the seventh octet. -- For the encoding of digits in an octet, refer to the timeAndtimezone parameter. DestinationRoutingAddress ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1) OF CalledPartyNumber -- Indicates the Called Party Number. Digits ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minDigitsLength .. maxDigitsLength)) -- Indicates the address signalling digits. Refer to the ETS 300 356-1 [3] Generic Number -- and Generic Digits parameters for encoding. The coding of the subfields "NumberQualifier" -- in Generic Number and "Type Of Digits" in Generic Digits are irrelevant to the CAP, the -- ASN.1 tags are sufficient to identify the parameter. The ISUP format does not allow to -- exclude these subfields, therefore they shall be sent. The value is network operator specific. -- -- The following parameters should use Generic Number: -- AdditionalCallingPartyNumber for InitialDP -- AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress for EstablishTemporaryConnection -- CorrelationID for AssistRequestInstructions -- -- The following parameters should use Generic Digits: -- CorrelationID in EstablishTemporaryConnection -- number in VariablePart -- digitsResponse in ReceivedInformationArg -- In the digitsResponse the digits may also include the '*', '#', a, b , c and d digits by using -- the IA5 character encoding scheme. If the BCD even or BCD odd encoding scheme is used, the -- follwing encoding shall be applied for the non-decimal characters: -- 1011 (*), 1100 (#). -- Note that when CorrelationID is transported in Generic Digits, then the digits shall -- always be BCD encoded. DPSpecificCriteria ::= CHOICE { applicationTimer [1] ApplicationTimer } -- The gsmSCF may set a timer in the gsmSSF for the NoAnswer event. If the user does not -- answer the call within the allocated time, the gsmSSF reports the event to the gsmSCF. ErrorTreatment ::= ENUMERATED { stdErrorAndInfo (0), help (1), repeatPrompt (2) } -- stdErrorAndInfo means returning the "ImproperCallerResponse" error in the event of an error -- condition during collection of user info. EventSpecificInformationBCSM ::= CHOICE { routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo [2] SEQUENCE { failureCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ... }, oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo [3] SEQUENCE { busyCause [0]Cause OPTIONAL, ... }, oNoAnswerSpecificInfo [4] SEQUENCE { -- no specific info defined- ... }, oAnswerSpecificInfo [5] SEQUENCE { -- no specific info defined- ... }, oDisconnectSpecificInfo [7] SEQUENCE { releaseCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ... }, tBusySpecificInfo [8] SEQUENCE { busyCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, callForwarded [50] NULL OPTIONAL, ... }, tNoAnswerSpecificInfo [9] SEQUENCE { callForwarded [50] NULL OPTIONAL ... }, tAnswerSpecificInfo [10] SEQUENCE { -- no specific info defined- ... }, tDisconnectSpecificInfo [12] SEQUENCE { releaseCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ... } } -- Indicates the call related information specific to the event. EventTypeBCSM ::= ENUMERATED { collectedInfo (2), routeSelectFailure (4), oCalledPartyBusy (5), oNoAnswer (6), oAnswer (7), oDisconnect (9), oAbandon (10), termAttemptAuthorized (12), tBusy (13), tNoAnswer (14), tAnswer (15), tDisconnect (17), tAbandon (18) } -- Values collectedInfo and termAttemptAuthorized can only be -- used for TDPs. ExtensionField ::= SEQUENCE { type EXTENSION.&id ({SupportedExtensions}), -- shall identify the value of an EXTENSION type criticality CriticalityType DEFAULT ignore, value [1] EXTENSION.&ExtensionType({SupportedExtensions}{@type}) } -- This parameter indicates an extension of an argument data type. Its content is network -- operator specific FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minFCIBillingChargingLength .. maxFCIBillingChargingLength)) (CONSTRAINED BY {-- shall be the result of the BER-encoded value of type CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics --}) -- This parameter indicates the billing and/or charging characteristics. -- The violation of the UserDefinedConstraint shall be handled as an ASN.1 syntax error. GenericNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(minGenericNumberLength.. maxGenericNumberLength)) -- Indicates a generic number. Refer to ETS 300 356-1 [3] Generic number for encoding. GenericNumbers ::= SET SIZE(1..numOfGenericNumbers) OF GenericNumber InbandInfo ::= SEQUENCE { messageID [0] MessageID, numberOfRepetitions [1] INTEGER (1..127) OPTIONAL, duration [2] INTEGER (0..32767) OPTIONAL, interval [3] INTEGER (0..32767) OPTIONAL } -- Interval is the time in seconds between each repeated announcement. Duration is the -- total amount of time in seconds, including repetitions and intervals. The end of -- announcement is either the end of duration or numberOfRepetitions, whatever comes -- first. Duration with value 0 indicates infinite duration. InformationToSend ::= CHOICE { inbandInfo [0] InbandInfo, tone [1] Tone } IPRoutingAddress ::= CalledPartyNumber -- Indicates the routing address for the IP. IPSSPCapabilities ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minIPSSPCapabilitiesLength.. maxIPSSPCapabilitiesLength)) -- Indicates the gsmSRF resources available. The parameter has two parts, a standard and a -- bilateral part. The standard part indicates capabilities defined as optional in CAP V.2 -- that shall be recognised (but not necessarily supported) by a CAP V.2 gsmSCF. The bilateral -- part contains further information that is not specified in the present document, but which is set -- according to bilateral agreements between network operators and/or equipment vendors. -- The last octet of the standard part is indicated by bit 7 being set to 0, otherwise Bit 7 of -- a standard part octet is set to 1 indicating that the standard part continues in the following -- octet. Coding is as follows: -- -- Octet 1 Standard Part for CAP V.2 -- Bit Value Meaning -- 0 0 IPRoutingAddress not supported -- 1 IPRoutingAddress supported -- 1 0 VoiceBack not supported -- 1 VoiceBack supported -- 2 0 VoiceInformation not supported, via speech recognition -- 1 VoiceInformation supported, via speech recognition -- 3 0 VoiceInformation not supported, via voice recognition -- 1 VoiceInformation supported, via voice recognition -- 4 0 Generation of voice announcements from Text not supported -- 1 Generation of voice announcements from Text supported -- 5 - Reserved -- 6 - Reserved -- 7 0 End of standard part -- 1 This value is reserved in CAP V.2 -- -- Octets 2 to 4 Bilateral Part: Network operator / equipment vendor specific LegType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) leg1 LegType ::= '01'H leg2 LegType ::= '02'H LocationNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minLocationNumberLength .. maxLocationNumberLength)) -- Indicates the Location Number for the calling party. Refer to ETS 300 356-1 [3] for encoding. MessageID ::= CHOICE { elementaryMessageID [0] Integer4, text [1] SEQUENCE { messageContent [0] IA5String (SIZE(minMessageContentLength.. maxMessageContentLength)), attributes [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (minAttributesLength.. maxAttributesLength)) OPTIONAL }, elementaryMessageIDs [29] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfMessageIDs) OF Integer4, variableMessage [30] SEQUENCE { elementaryMessageID [0] Integer4, variableParts [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF VariablePart } } -- Use of the text parameter is network operator/equipment vendor specific. NACarrierInformation ::= SEQUENCE { naCarrierId [0] NAEA-CIC OPTIONAL, naCICSelectionType [1] NACarrierSelectionInfo OPTIONAL, ...} NACarrierSelectionInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- NA carrier selection information octet carries the same values as ANSI -- ISUP T1.113: '00'H - not indicated or not explicitly provided -- '01'H - subscribed not dialed -- '02'H - subscribed and dialed -- '03'H - subscribed with dialing undetermined -- '04'H - dialed CIC not subscribed NAOliInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- NA Oli information takes the same value as defined in ANSI ISUP T1.113 -- e.g. '3D'H - Decimal value 61 - Cellular Service (Type 1) -- '3E'H - Decimal value 62 - Cellular Service (Type 2) -- '3F'H - Decimal value 63 - Cellular Service (roaming) NAChargeNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..7)) -- This parameter uniquely identifies the chargeable number for a call sent into a North American -- long distance carrier. It transports the ChargeNumber Parameter Field -- as defined in ANSI ISUP T1.113. This provides -- - 1 octet for the nature of address indicator field, plus -- - 1 octet for a numbering plan field, plus -- - up to 5 octets for the address signal (up to 10 digits) -- The Charge Number in ANSI T1.113 normally contains a 10 digit national number within the North -- American Numbering Plan (NANP); longer (e.g. international) charge numbers are not supported in -- T1.113 NA-Info ::= SEQUENCE { naCarrierInformation [0] NACarrierInformation OPTIONAL, naOliInfo [1] NAOliInfo OPTIONAL, naChargeNumber [2] NAChargeNumber OPTIONAL, ...} OriginalCalledPartyID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minOriginalCalledPartyIDLength .. maxOriginalCalledPartyIDLength)) -- Indicates the original called number. Refer to ETS 300 356-1 [3] Original Called Number -- for encoding. OCSIApplicable ::= NULL -- Indicates that the Originating CAMEL Subscription Information, if present, shall be -- applied on the outgoing call leg created with a Connect operation. For the use of this -- parameter see GSM 03.78 [15]. ReceivingSideID ::= CHOICE {receivingSideID [1] LegType} -- used to identify LegID in operations sent from gsmSSF to gsmSCF RedirectingPartyID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minRedirectingPartyIDLength .. maxRedirectingPartyIDLength)) -- Indicates redirecting number. Refer to ETS 300 356-1 [3] Redirecting number for encoding. ReleaseIfDurationExceeded ::= SEQUENCE { tone BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, ..., extensions [10] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..numOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField OPTIONAL } -- Indicates that the call shall be released, with optional warning tone. RequestedInformationList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfInfoItems) OF RequestedInformation RequestedInformationTypeList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfInfoItems) OF RequestedInformationType RequestedInformation ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationType [0] RequestedInformationType, requestedInformationValue [1] RequestedInformationValue } RequestedInformationType ::= ENUMERATED { callAttemptElapsedTime (0), callStopTime (1), callConnectedElapsedTime (2), releaseCause (30) } RequestedInformationValue ::= CHOICE { callAttemptElapsedTimeValue [0] INTEGER (0..255), callStopTimeValue [1] DateAndTime, callConnectedElapsedTimeValue [2] Integer4, releaseCauseValue [30] Cause } -- The callAttemptElapsedTimeValue is specified in seconds. The unit for the -- callConnectedElapsedTimeValue is 100 milliseconds. ScfID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minScfIDLength..maxScfIDLength)) -- defined by network operator. Indicates the SCF identifier. SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minSCIBillingChargingLength .. maxSCIBillingChargingLength)) (CONSTRAINED BY {-- shall be the result of the BER-encoded value of type CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics --}) -- Indicates AOC information to be sent to a Mobile Station -- The violation of the UserDefinedConstraint shall be handled as an ASN.1 syntax error. SendingSideID ::= CHOICE {sendingSideID [0] LegType} -- used to identify LegID in operations sent from gsmSCF to gsmSSF ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo ::= SEQUENCE { bothwayThroughConnectionInd [2] BothwayThroughConnectionInd OPTIONAL } TimeInformation ::= CHOICE { timeIfNoTariffSwitch [0] TimeIfNoTariffSwitch, timeIfTariffSwitch [1] TimeIfTariffSwitch } -- Indicates call duration information TimeIfNoTariffSwitch ::= INTEGER(0..864000) -- TimeIfNoTariffSwitch is measured in 100 millisecond intervals TimeIfTariffSwitch ::= SEQUENCE { timeSinceTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER(0..864000), tariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER(1..864000) OPTIONAL } -- timeSinceTariffSwitch and tariffSwitchInterval are measured in 100 millisecond intervals TimerID ::= ENUMERATED { tssf (0) } -- Indicates the timer to be reset. TimerValue ::= Integer4 -- Indicates the timer value (in seconds) TimeAndTimezone ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(minTimeAndTimezoneLength.. maxTimeAndTimezoneLength)) -- Indicates the time and timezone, relative to GMT. This parameter BCD encoded. -- The year digit indicating millenium occupies bits 0-3 of the first octet, and the year -- digit indicating century occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. -- The year digit indicating decade occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, whilst the digit -- indicating the year within the decade occupies bits 4-7 of the second octet. -- The most significant month digit occupies bits 0-3 of the third octet, and the least -- significant month digit occupies bits 4-7 of the third octet. -- The most significant day digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fourth octet, and the least -- significant day digit occupies bits 4-7 of the fourth octet. -- The most significant hours digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fifth octet, and the least -- significant hours digit occupies bits 4-7 of the fifth octet. -- The most significant minutes digit occupies bits 0-3 of the sixth octet, and the least -- significant minutes digit occupies bits 4-7 of the sixth octet. -- The most significant seconds digit occupies bits 0-3 of the seventh octet, and the least -- significant seconds digit occupies bits 4-7 of the seventh octet. -- -- The timezone information occupies the eigth octet. For the encoding of Timezone refer to -- Reference [28], GSM 03.40. -- -- The BCD digits are packed and encoded as follows: -- -- Bit 7 6 5 4 | 3 2 1 0 -- 2nd digit | 1st digit Octet 1 -- 3rd digit | 4th digit Octet 2 -- .. .. -- nth digit | n-1th digit Octet m -- -- 0000 digit 0 -- 0001 digit 1 -- 0010 digit 2 -- 0011 digit 3 -- 0100 digit 4 -- 0101 digit 5 -- 0110 digit 6 -- 0111 digit 7 -- 1000 digit 8 -- 1001 digit 9 -- 1010 spare -- 1011 spare -- 1100 spare -- 1101 spare -- 1110 spare -- 1101 spare -- -- where the leftmost bit of the digit is either bit 7 or bit 3 of the octet. Tone ::= SEQUENCE { toneID [0] Integer4, duration [1] Integer4 OPTIONAL } -- The duration specifies the length of the tone in seconds, value 0 indicates infinite duration. VariablePart ::= CHOICE { integer [0] Integer4, number [1] Digits, -- Generic digits time [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)), -- HH:MM, BCD coded date [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)), -- YYYYMMDD, BCD coded price [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) } -- Indicates the variable part of the message. Time is BCD encoded. -- The most significant hours digit occupies bits 0-3 of the first octet, and the least -- significant digit occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. The most significant minutes digit -- occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, and the least significant digit occupies bits 4-7 -- of the second octet. -- -- Date is BCD encoded. The year digit indicating millenium occupies bits 0-3 of the first octet, -- and the year digit indicating century occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. The year digit -- indicating decade occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, whilst the digit indicating the year -- within the decade occupies bits 4-7 of the second octet. -- The most significant month digit occupies bits 0-3 of the third octet, and the least -- significant month digit occupies bits 4-7 of the third octet. The most significant day digit -- occupies bits 0-3 of the fourth octet, and the least significant day digit occupies bits 4-7 -- of the fourth octet. -- Price is BCD encoded. The digit indicating hundreds of thousands occupies bits 0-3 of the -- first octet, and the digit indicating tens of thousands occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. -- The digit indicating thousands occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, whilst the digit -- indicating hundreds occupies bits 4-7 of the second octet. The digit indicating tens occupies -- bits 0-3 of the third octet, and the digit indicating 0 to 9 occupies bits 4-7 of the third -- octet. The tenths digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fourth octet, and the hundredths digit -- occupies bits 4-7 of the fourth octet. -- -- For the encoding of digits in an octet, refer to the timeAndtimezone parameter -- -- Definition of range constants minAChBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 5 maxAChBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 177 minAttributesLength INTEGER ::= 2 maxAttributesLength INTEGER ::= 10 maxBearerCapabilityLength INTEGER ::= 11 minCallResultLength INTEGER ::= 12 maxCallResultLength INTEGER ::= 24 minCalledPartyBCDNumberLength INTEGER ::= 1 maxCalledPartyBCDNumberLength INTEGER ::= 41 minCalledPartyNumberLength INTEGER ::= 3 maxCalledPartyNumberLength INTEGER ::= 12 minCallingPartyNumberLength INTEGER ::= 2 maxCallingPartyNumberLength INTEGER ::= 10 minCauseLength INTEGER ::= 2 maxCauseLength INTEGER ::= 2 minDigitsLength INTEGER ::= 2 maxDigitsLength INTEGER ::= 11 minFCIBillingChargingDataLength INTEGER ::= 1 maxFCIBillingChargingDataLength INTEGER ::= 40 minFCIBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 5 maxFCIBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 49 minGenericNumberLength INTEGER ::= 3 maxGenericNumberLength INTEGER ::= 11 minIPSSPCapabilitiesLength INTEGER ::= 1 maxIPSSPCapabilitiesLength INTEGER ::= 4 minLocationNumberLength INTEGER ::= 2 maxLocationNumberLength INTEGER ::= 10 minMessageContentLength INTEGER ::= 1 maxMessageContentLength INTEGER ::= 127 minOriginalCalledPartyIDLength INTEGER ::= 2 maxOriginalCalledPartyIDLength INTEGER ::= 10 minRedirectingPartyIDLength INTEGER ::= 2 maxRedirectingPartyIDLength INTEGER ::= 10 minScfIDLength INTEGER ::= 2 maxScfIDLength INTEGER ::= 10 minSCIBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 4 maxSCIBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 69 minTimeAndTimezoneLength INTEGER ::= 8 maxTimeAndTimezoneLength INTEGER ::= 8 numOfBCSMEvents INTEGER ::= 10 numOfExtensions INTEGER ::= 10 numOfGenericNumbers INTEGER ::= 5 numOfInfoItems INTEGER ::= 4 numOfMessageIDs INTEGER ::= 5 END -- The maxACHBillingChargingLength allows 160 octets for the possible inclusion of extension fields -- of the releaseIfDurationExceeded subparameter. CAP-Codes {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3)cap--codes(53) version2(1)} -- This module contains the operation and error code assignments for the CAP v.2 application -- protocol. DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- OPERATION AND ERROR CODE ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE CAP v.2 PROTOCOL FOLLOWS IMPORTS -- operation types ActivityTest, ApplyCharging, ApplyChargingReport, AssistRequestInstructions, CallInformationReport, CallInformationRequest, Cancel, Connect, ConnectToResource, Continue, DisconnectForwardConnection, EstablishTemporaryConnection, EventReportBCSM, FurnishChargingInformation, InitialDP, PlayAnnouncement, PromptAndCollectUserInformation, ReleaseCall, RequestReportBCSMEvent, ResetTimer, SendChargingInformation, SpecializedResourceReport FROM CAP-Operations { ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) cap-operations(50) version2(1)} -- CS1 error types Cancelled, CancelFailed, ETCFailed, ImproperCallerResponse, MissingCustomerRecord, MissingParameter, ParameterOutOfRange, RequestedInfoError, TaskRefused, UnavailableResource, UnexpectedComponentSequence, UnexpectedDataValue, UnexpectedParameter, UnknownLegID, SystemFailure FROM CS1-Errors {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) inDomain(1) in-network(1) modules(0) cs1-errors(1) version1(0)} -- CAP error types -- the operations are grouped by the identified ASEs. -- -- gsmSCF activation ASE initialDP InitialDP ::= localValue 0 -- SCF/gsmSRF activation of assist ASE assistRequestInstructions AssistRequestInstructions ::= localValue 16 -- Assist connection establishment ASE establishTemporaryConnection EstablishTemporaryConnection ::= localValue 17 -- Generic disconnect resource ASE disconnectForwardConnection DisconnectForwardConnection ::= localValue 18 -- Non-assisted connection establishment ASE connectToResource ConnectToResource ::= localValue 19 -- Connect ASE (elementary gsmSSF function) connect Connect ::= localValue 20 -- Call handling ASE (elementary gsmSSF function) releaseCall ReleaseCall ::= localValue 22 -- BCSM Event handling ASE requestReportBCSMEvent RequestReportBCSMEvent ::= localValue 23 eventReportBCSM EventReportBCSM ::= localValue 24 -- gsmSSF call processing ASE continue Continue ::= localValue 31 -- Timer ASE resetTimer ResetTimer ::= localValue 33 -- Billing ASE furnishChargingInformation FurnishChargingInformation ::= localValue 34 -- Charging ASE applyCharging ApplyCharging ::= localValue 35 applyChargingReport ApplyChargingReport ::= localValue 36 -- Call report ASE callInformationReport CallInformationReport ::= localValue 44 callInformationRequest CallInformationRequest ::= localValue 45 -- Signalling control ASE sendChargingInformation SendChargingInformation ::= localValue 46 -- Specialized resource control ASE playAnnouncement PlayAnnouncement ::= localValue 47 promptAndCollectUserInformation PromptAndCollectUserInformation ::= localValue 48 specializedResourceReport SpecializedResourceReport ::= localValue 49 -- Cancel ASE cancel Cancel ::= localValue 53 -- Activity Test ASE activityTest ActivityTest ::= localValue 55 -- ERROR codes cancelled Cancelled ::= localValue 0 cancelFailed CancelFailed ::= localValue 1 eTCFailed ETCFailed ::= localValue 3 improperCallerResponse ImproperCallerResponse ::= localValue 4 missingCustomerRecord MissingCustomerRecord ::= localValue 6 missingParameter MissingParameter ::= localValue 7 parameterOutOfRange ParameterOutOfRange ::= localValue 8 requestedInfoError RequestedInfoError ::= localValue 10 systemFailure SystemFailure ::= localValue 11 taskRefused TaskRefused ::= localValue 12 unavailableResource UnavailableResource ::= localValue 13 unexpectedComponentSequence UnexpectedComponentSequence ::= localValue 14 unexpectedDataValue UnexpectedDataValue ::= localValue 15 unexpectedParameter UnexpectedParameter ::= localValue 16 unknownLegID UnknownLegID ::= localValue 17 END CAP-ASEs {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) cap-ases(55) version2(1)} -- This module contains grouping of operations by the identified ASEs for the CAP v.2 application. -- DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- GROUPING OF OPERATIONS BY THE IDENTIFIED ASEs FOR THE CAP v.2 PROTOCOL FOLLOWS IMPORTS -- macros APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT FROM Remote-Operations-Notation-Extension {joint-iso-ccitt remote-operations(4) notation-extension(2)} -- operation codes activityTest, applyCharging, applyChargingReport, assistRequestInstructions, callInformationReport, callInformationRequest, cancel, connect, connectToResource, continue, disconnectForwardConnection, establishTemporaryConnection, eventReportBCSM, furnishChargingInformation, initialDP, playAnnouncement, promptAndCollectUserInformation, releaseCall, requestReportBCSMEvent, resetTimer, sendChargingInformation, specializedResourceReport FROM CAP-Codes {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3)cap-codes(53) version2(1)} ; -- APPLICATION SERVICE ELEMENTS GSM-SCF-activation-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- consumer is gsmSSF CONSUMER INVOKES { initialDP } GSM-SCF-GSM-SRF-activation-of-assist-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- consumer is gsmSSF/gsmSRF CONSUMER INVOKES { assistRequestInstructions } Assist-connection-establishment-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { establishTemporaryConnection } Generic-disconnect-resource-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { disconnectForwardConnection } Non-assisted-connection-establishment-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { connectToResource } Connect-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { connect } Call-handling-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { releaseCall } BCSM-event-handling-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- consumer is gsmSSF CONSUMER INVOKES { eventReportBCSM } -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { requestReportBCSMEvent } GSM-SSF-call-processing-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { continue } Timer-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { resetTimer } Billing-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { furnishChargingInformation } Charging-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- consumer is gsmSSF CONSUMER INVOKES { applyChargingReport } -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { applyCharging } Call-report-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- consumer is SSF CONSUMER INVOKES { callInformationReport } -- supplier is SCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { callInformationRequest } Signalling-control-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is SCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { sendChargingInformation } Specialized-resource-control-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- consumer is SSF/gsmSRF CONSUMER INVOKES { specializedResourceReport } -- supplier is SCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { playAnnouncement, promptAndCollectUserInformation } Cancel-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is SCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { cancel } Activity-test-ASE ::= APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT -- supplier is gsmSCF SUPPLIER INVOKES { activityTest } END APPLICATION-CONTEXT MACRO ::= BEGIN TYPE NOTATION ::= Symmetric | InitiatorConsumerOf ResponderConsumerOf | empty VALUE NOTATION ::= value(VALUE OBJECT IDENTIFIER) Symmetric ::= "OPERATIONS OF" "{" ASEList "}" InitiatorConsumerOf ::= "INITIATOR CONSUMER OF" "{" ASEList "}" | empty ResponderConsumerOf ::= "RESPONDER CONSUMER OF" "{" ASEList "}" | empty ASEList ::= ASE | ASEList "," ASE ASE ::= type -- shall reference an APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT type. END CAP-v2-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC APPLICATION-CONTEXT -- dialogue initiated by gsmSSF with InitialDP INITIATOR CONSUMER OF { GSM-SCF-activation-ASE, Assist-connection-establishment-ASE, Non-assisted-connection-establishment-ASE, Generic-disconnect-resource-ASE, Connect-ASE, Call-handling-ASE, BCSM-event-handling-ASE, Charging-ASE, GSM-SSF-call-processing-ASE, Timer-ASE, Billing-ASE, Call-report-ASE, Signalling-control-ASE, Specialized-resource-control-ASE, Cancel-ASE, Activity-test-ASE } ::= {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) ac(0) cap-gsmssf-to-gsmscf(50) version2(1)}; CAP-v2-assist-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC APPLICATION-CONTEXT -- dialogue initiated by gsmSSF with AssistRequestInstructions INITIATOR CONSUMER OF { GSM-SCF-GSM-SRF-activation-of-assist-ASE, Generic-disconnect-resource-ASE, Non-assisted-connection-establishment-ASE, Timer-ASE, Specialized-resource-control-ASE, Cancel-ASE, Activity-test-ASE } ::= {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) ac(0) cap-assist-handoff-gsmssf-to-gsmscf(51) version2(1)}; CAP-v2-gsmSRF-to-gsmSCF-AC APPLICATION-CONTEXT -- dialogue initiated by gsmSRF with AssistRequestInstructions INITIATOR CONSUMER OF { GSM-SCF-GSM-SRF-activation-of-assist-ASE, Specialized-resource-control-ASE, Cancel-ASE, Activity-test-ASE } ::= {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) ac(0)cap-gsmSRF-to-gsmscf(52) version2(1)}; CAP-Classes {ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) cap--classes(54) version2(1)} -- This module contains the class definitions for CAP v.2. DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Code FROM Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-ccitt remote-operations(4) informationObjects(5) version1(0)} ; EXTENSION ::= CLASS { &ExtensionType, &criticality CriticalityType DEFAULT ignore, &id Code } WITH SYNTAX { EXTENSION-SYNTAX &ExtensionType, CRITICALITY &criticality, IDENTIFIED BY &id } CriticalityType ::= ENUMERATED { ignore (0), abort (1) } -- Only value Global OBJECT IDENTIFIER is used for &id -- Only the value ignore (0) is used for &criticality. -- Example of addition of an extension named ''Some Network Specific Indicator'' of type -- BOOLEAN, with criticality ''ignore'' and to be identified with object ID ''ccitt(0) -- identified-organization(4) organisation(x) gsm(x) capextension'': -- Example of definition using the above information object class: -- -- SomeNetworkSpecificIndicator EXTENSION ::= { -- EXTENSION-SYNTAX BOOLEAN -- CRITICALITY ignore -- IDENTIFIED BY global : xxxxxx -- } firstExtension EXTENSION ::= { EXTENSION-SYNTAX NULL, CRITICALITY ignore, IDENTIFIED BY global:{xxxxxx} } SupportedExtensions EXTENSION ::= {firstExtension--full set of network operator extensions--} END