SMS-usefulDefinitions { iso identified-organization etsi(040) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms1(10) usefulDefinitions(0) } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS id-ot-SC, id-ot-MSC, id-port, id-ac-so, id-ac-st, id-SMRSE, id-as-SMRSE; IMPORTS ID ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- root for all sms allocations mobile-domain ID ::= {iso identified-organization etsi(40) mobile-domain(0) } gsm-messaging ID ::= { mobile-domain gsm-messaging(4) } gsm-sms1 ID ::= { gsm-messaging gsm-sms1(10)} -- categories id-mod ID ::= { gsm-messaging 1 } -- modules id-ot ID ::= { gsm-messaging 2 } -- object type id-pt ID ::= { gsm-messaging 3 } -- port types id-ac ID ::= { gsm-messaging 4 } -- appl. contexts id-ase ID ::= { gsm-messaging 5 } -- ASEs id-as ID ::= { gsm-messaging 6 } -- abstract syntaxes -- modules usefulDefinitions ID ::= { gsm-sms1 0 } relayProtocol ID ::= { gsm-sms1 1 } relayAbstractService ID ::= { gsm-sms1 2 } -- object types id-ot-SC ID ::= { id-ot 0 } id-ot-MSC ID ::= { id-ot 1 } -- port types id-port ID ::= { id-pt 0 } -- application contexts id-ac-so ID ::= { id-ac 0 } -- SC does BIND id-ac-st ID ::= { id-ac 1 } -- MSC does BIND -- application service elements id-SMRSE ID ::= { id-ase 0 } -- abstract syntaxes id-as-SMRSE ID ::= { id-as 0 } END RelayAbstractService { iso identified-organization etsi(040) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms1(10) relayAbstractService(2) } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS everything IMPORTS BIND, UNBIND FROM Remote-Operations-Notation { joint-iso-ccitt remote-operations(4) notation(0) } OBJECT, PORT, ABSTRACT-BIND, ABSTRACT-UNBIND, ABSTRACT-OPERATION, ABSTRACT-ERROR FROM AbstractServiceNotation { joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) asdc(2) modules(0) notation(1) } id-ot-SC, id-ot-MSC, id-port FROM SMS-UsefulDefinitions { iso identified-organization etsi(040) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms1(10) usefulDefinitions(0) } ; -- upper bound settings ub-operator-name-length INTEGER ::= 20 ub-agreem-name-length INTEGER ::= 20 ub-X121Address-length INTEGER ::= 15 ub-password-length INTEGER ::= 20 -- Objects -- The SC and the MSC are modelled as atomic objects, sC-Object and MSC-Object. Each object -- has one port for the interconnection. ([S] and [C] indicate supply and consumption of services, -- respectively). sC-Object OBJECT PORTS { sMR-port [C] } ::= id-ot-SC mSC-Object OBJECT PORTS { sMR-port [S] } ::= id-ot-MSC -- Port sMR-port PORT CONSUMER INVOKES { Forward-MS-Terminated-Short-Message } SUPPLIER INVOKES { Forward-MS-Originated-Short-Message, Alert- SC } ::= id-port -- Bind SMR-Bind ::= ABSTRACT-BIND TO { sMR-port } BIND ARGUMENT SMR-Bind-Parameters RESULT SMR-Bind-confirm BIND-ERROR SMR-Bind-failure -- Unbind -- The UNBIND is a harsh release of the association: all outstanding operations are aborted, and -- SMR-ALERT requests may be lost if they collide with the SMR-UNBIND request. The SC and -- the MSC should negotiate (during SMR-BIND) the use of services on the association (the -- operations parameter - list of operation types for the association) in such a way that no harmful -- losses of operations occur. SMR-Unbind ::= ABSTRACT-UNBIND FROM { sMR-port } UNBIND ARGUMENT Time-when-connected RESULT Time-when-disconnected -- Association control parameters SMR-Bind-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { initiatorID [0] Name, password [1] Password OPTIONAL, pswNeeded [2] BOOLEAN, iniType [3] Telecom-System-Type, operations [4] List-of-Operations } -- Above and in SMR-Bind-confirm -- initiatorID/respID: identify the initiating/responding telecommunication subsystem -- password: may assist in authentication -- pswNeeded (BIND only): requests password into SMR-Bind SMR-Bind-confirm -- iniType/respType: identify the types of the systems -- operations: lists the SM relay operations requested and supported on the association: -- operations listed in both the BIND and the CONFIRM may be used (i.e. this is a negotiation -- between SC and MSC) -- transient (CONFIRM only): forces the association (and the underlying connections) transient: it -- must be UNBouND as soon as there are no operations to be performed Name ::= SEQUENCE { operator [0] Operator OPTIONAL, bilateralAgreem [1] BilateralAgreem OPTIONAL, dataNetworkAddress [2] X121Address OPTIONAL, iSDNAddress SMS-Address OPTIONAL } -- operator is a text string containing the name of the SC/PLMN operator. bilateralAgreem is a -- text string identifying the bilateral agreement between the SC and the PLMN operators which -- allows for this association to be established. -- dataNetworkAddress is the PSPDN X.121 address of the SC/MSC issuing the BIND or -- CONFIRM, occurring only if a PSPDN is used. -- iSDNAddress is the PLMN address of the SC as seen by the MSs (same datum in both BIND -- and CONFIRM). -- Any pair of subsets of these parameters may be used to identify the SC and the MSC to one -- another. Operator ::= PrintableString (SIZE(0..ub-operator-name-length)) BilateralAgreem ::= PrintableString (SIZE(0..ub-agreem-name-length)) X121Address ::= NumericString (SIZE(0..ub-X121Address-length)) - SMS-Address is specified later in this module. Password ::= PrintableString (SIZE(0..ub-password-length)) Telecom-System-Type ::= INTEGER { short-Message-Service-Centre (0), public-Land-Mobile-Network (1) -- Extensions are possible: additional -- telecommunication subsystems might adopt this -- service element for their interconnection. } List-of-Operations ::= BIT STRING { sMR-MO-Data-by-MSC (0), sMR-MT-Data-by-SC (1), sMR-Alert-by-MSC (2) -- Extensions are possible: additional operations may be defined within this service -- element. Existing systems should tolerate unknown values, but negotiate not to -- perform unknown operations. } SMR-Bind-confirm ::= SEQUENCE { respId [0] Name, password [1] Password OPTIONAL, respType [3] Telecom-System-Type, operations [4] List-of-Operations, transient [5] BOOLEAN, connectTime [6] Time-when-connected } SMR-Bind-failure ::= SEQUENCE { connect-failure-reason [0] Connect-failure, alternative-system [1] Name OPTIONAL } -- connect-failure-reason contains one of the error indications given in the following table. -- alternative-system is included when the SC/PLMN operator wishes to indicate that the MSC/SC -- might try to establish an association with another SC/MSC. Connect-failure ::= INTEGER { not-entitled (0), temporary-overload (1), temporary-failure (2), incorrect-ID-or-password (3), not-supported (4) } Time-when-disconnected ::= UTCTime Time-when-connected ::= UTCTime -- The SMR-MT-DATA operation -- SMR-MT-DATA Forward-MS-Terminated-Short-Message ::= ABSTRACT-OPERATION ARGUMENT RPDataMT RESULT RPAck ERRORS { Unknown-subscriber, Teleservice-not-provisioned, Call-barred, Facility-not-supported, Memory-capacity-exceeded, Absent-subscriber, MS-busy-for-MT-SMS SMS-lower-layer-capabilities-not-prov, Error-in-MS, Illegal-subscriber, Illegal-equipment, System-failure } -- SMR-MT-DATA error alternatives listed below Unknown-subscriber ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Teleservice-not-provisioned ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Call-barred ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Illegal-subscriber ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Illegal-equipment ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError System-failure ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Facility-not-supported ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Memory-capacity-exceeded ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Absent-subscriber ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError MS-busy-for-MT-SMS ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError SMS-lower-layer-capabilities-not-prov ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Error-in-MS ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError -- SMR-MT-DATA parameters -- SMR-MT-DATA parameters RPDataMT ::= SEQUENCE { mt-priority-request [0] BOOLEAN, mt-more-messages-to-send [1] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, mt-message-reference RP-MR, -- if more messages to send mechanism is used, the mt-message-reference value -- must remain unchanged until all the messages to the same destination -- have been sent. mt-originating-address SMS-Address, mt-destination-address SMS-Address, mt-user-data RP-UD } -- SMR-MT-DATA acknowledgement RPAck ::= SEQUENCE { message-reference RP-MR } RPError ::= SEQUENCE { msg-waiting-set [1] BOOLEAN, message-reference RP-MR, rp-msidsn SMS-Address OPTIONAL -- must be an international ISDN address rp-user-data RP-UD OPTIONAL } RP-MR ::= [APPLICATION 2] INTEGER (0..255) RP-UD ::= [APPLICATION 3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..164)) -- Definition of Short Message Service address SMS-Address ::= [APPLICATION 0] SEQUENCE { address-type INTEGER { unknown-type(0), international-number(1), national-number(2), network-specific-number(3), short-number(4), alphanumeric-number(5), abbreviated-number(6) }, numbering-plan INTEGER { unknown-numbering(0), iSDN-numbering(1), data-network-numbering(3), telex-numbering(4), national-numbering(8), private-numbering(9), ERMES-numbering(10) }, address-value CHOICE { octet-format SemiOctetString -- other formats are for further study } } SemiOctetString ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..10)) -- each octet contains -- two binary coded -- decimal digits -- The SMR-MO-DATA and SMR-ALERT operations -- SMR-MO-DATA Forward-MS-Originated-Short-Message ::= ABSTRACT-OPERATION ARGUMENT RPDataMO RESULT RPAck ERRORS { SC-congestion, MS-not-SC-Subscriber, Invalid-Sme-address, System-failure } -- SMR-ALERT Alert-SC ::= ABSTRACT-OPERATION ARGUMENT RPAlertSC -- SMR-MO-DATA error alternatives SC-congestion ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError MS-not-SC-Subscriber ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError Invalid-Sme-address ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError System-failure ::= ABSTRACT-ERROR PARAMETER RPError -- Parameters -- SMR-MO-DATA parameters RPDataMO ::= SEQUENCE { mo-message-reference RP-MR, mo-originating-address SMS-Address, mo-user-data RP-UD } -- SMR-ALERT parameters RPAlertSC ::= SMS-Address -- must be an international ISDN address END RelayProtocol { iso identified-organization etsi(040) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms1(10) relayProtocol(1) } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS everything IMPORTS -- application service elements and application contexts aCSE, APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT, APPLICATION-CONTEXT FROM Remote-Operations-Notation-extension { joint-iso-ccitt remote-operations(4) notation-extension(2) } rOSE FROM Remote-Operations-APDUs { joint-iso-ccitt remote-operations(4) apdus(1) } -- object identifiers id-ac-so, id-ac-st, id-SMRSE, id-as-SMRSE FROM SMS-UsefulDefinitions { iso identified-organization etsi(040) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms1(10) usefulDefinitions(0) } -- abstract service parameters Forward-MS-Terminated-Short-Message, Forward-MS-Originated-Short-Message, Alert-SC, SMR-Bind, SMR-Unbind, Unknown-subscriber, Teleservice-not-provisioned, Call-barred, Facility-not-supported, Absent-subscriber, MS-busy-for-MT-SMS Invalid-Sme-address, Memory-Capacity-Exceeded, SMS-lower-layer-capabilities-not-prov, Error-in-MS, Illegal-subscriber, Illegal-equipment, System-failure, SC-congestion, MS-not-SC-Subscriber FROM RelayAbstractService { iso identified-organization etsi(040) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms1(10) relayAbstractService(2) } ; aS-ACSE OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-ccitt association-control(2) abstractSyntax(1) apdus(0) version (1) } -- Application contexts -- Two different application contexts are specified: -- one for the case when the SC BINDs (and UNBINDs), -- and the other for the case when the MSC BINDs (and UNBINDs). -- There is only one application service element, however (see "Application service elements" below.) sC-BINDs-and-UNBINDs APPLICATION-CONTEXT APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENTS { aCSE } BIND SMR-Bind UNBIND SMR-Unbind REMOTE OPERATIONS { rOSE } INITIATOR CONSUMER OF { sMRSE } ABSTRACT SYNTAXES { id-as-SMRSE , aS-ACSE } ::= id-ac-so mSC-BINDs-and-UNBINDs APPLICATION-CONTEXT APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENTS { aCSE } BIND SMR-Bind UNBIND SMR-Unbind REMOTE OPERATIONS { rOSE } RESPONDER CONSUMER OF { sMRSE } ABSTRACT SYNTAXES { id-as-SMRSE , aS-ACSE } ::= id-ac-st -- Application service elements sMRSE APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT CONSUMER INVOKES { forward-MS-Terminated-Short-Message} SUPPLIER INVOKES { forward-MS-Originated-Short-Message, alert-SC } ::= id-SMRSE -- Remote operations forward-MS-Terminated-Short-Message Forward-MS-Terminated-Short-Message ::= 1 -- Note: localValue-words omitted, since they are typically not used, and likely to be removed -- from the OPERATION and ERROR macros in ROSE. forward-MS-Originated-Short-Message Forward-MS-Originated-Short-Message ::= 2 alert-SC Alert-SC ::= 3 -- Remote errors unknown-subscriber Unknown-subscriber ::= 1 teleservice-not-provisioned Teleservice-not-provisioned ::= 11 call-barred Call-barred ::= 13 illegal-subscriber Illegal-subscriber ::= 9 illegal-equipment Illegal-equipment ::= 44 system-failure System-failure ::= 36 facility-not-supported Facility-not-supported ::= 21 memory-capacity-exceeded Memory-capacity-exceeded ::= 22 absent-subscriber Absent-subscriber ::= 29 mS-busy-for-MT-SMS mS-busy-for-MT-SMS ::= 30 sMS-lower-layers-capabilities-not-prov SMS-lower-layer-capabilities-not-prov ::= 19 error-in-MS Error-in-MS ::= 20 sC-congestion SC-congestion ::= 101 mS-not-SC-Subscriber MS-not-SC-Subscriber ::= 103 invalid-sme-address Invalid-sme-address ::=104 END SMS-usefulDefinitions { iso identified-organization etsi(040) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms2(11) usefullDefinitions(0) } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ID ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- root for all sms allocations mobile-domain ID ::= {iso identified-organization etsi(40) mobile-domain(0) } gsm-messaging ID ::= { mobile-domain gsm-messaging(4) } -- categories gsm-sms2 ID ::= { gsm-messaging 11} -- modules usefullDefinitions ID::= {gsm-sms2 0} relayProtocol ID::= {gsm-sms2 1} END RelayProtocol { iso identified-organization etsi(040) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms2(11) relayprotocol(1) } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS everything -- The SMR-Bind-Parameters will be the User Data field in the N-CONNECT request/indication -- message. SMR-Bind-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { initiatorID [0] Name, password [1] Password OPTIONAL, pswNeeded [2] BOOLEAN, iniType [3] Telecom-System-Type } -- Above and in SMR-Bind-confirm -- initiatorID/respID identify the initiating/responding telecommunication subsystem -- password may assist in authentification -- pswneeded (BIND only) requests password into SMR-Bind SMR-Bind-confirm -- initype/resptype identify the types of the systems -- transient (CONFIRM only) forces the association (and the underlying connections) transient : it must be UNBouND as soon as there are no operations to be performed Name ::= SEQUENCE { operator [0] Operator OPTIONAL, bilateralAgreem [1] BilateralAgreem OPTIONAL, dataNetworkAddress [2] X121Address OPTIONAL, iSDN Address SMS-Address OPTIONAL } -- operator is a text string containing the name of the SC/PLMN operator. bilateralagreem is a text -- string identifying the bilateral agreement between the SC and the PLMN operators which allows -- for this association to be established. -- dataNetworkAddress is the PSPDN X.121 address of the SC/MSC issuing the BIND or -- CONFIRM, occurring only if a PSPDN is used. -- iSDNAddress is the PLMN address of the SC as seen by the MSs (same datum in both BIND -- and CONFIRM). -- Any pair of subsets of theses parameters may be used to identify the SC and the MSC to one -- another. -- upper bound settings ub-operator-name-length INTEGER ::= 20 ub-agreem-name-length INTEGER ::= 20 ub-X121Address-length INTEGER ::= 15 ub-password-length INTEGER ::= 20 Operator ::= PrintableString (SIZE (0..ub-operator-name-length)) BilateralAgreem ::= PrintableString (SIZE (0..ub-agreem-name-length)) X121Address ::= NumericString (SIZE (0..ub-X121Address-length)) -- Definition of Short Message Service address SMS-Address ::= [APPLICATION 0] SEQUENCE { adress-type INTEGER { unknown-type (0), international-number (1), national-number (2), network-specific-number (3), short-number (4) }, numbering-plan INTEGER {unknown-numbering (0), iSDN-numbering (1), data-network-numbering (3), telex-numbering (4), national-numbering (8), private-numbering (9) }, address-value CHOICE { octet-format SemiOctetString -- other formats are for further study } } -- each octet contains two binary coded decimal digits SemiOctetString ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..10)) Password ::= PrintableString(SIZE(0..ub-password-length)) Telecom-System-Type ::= INTEGER { short-Message-Service-Centre (0), public-Land-Mobile-Network (1) -- Extensions are possible: additional telecommunication subsystems -- might adopt this service element for their interconnection. } -- SMR-Bind-confirm will be the User Data in the N-CONNECT response/confirm message SMR-Bind-confirm ::= SEQUENCE { respID [0] Name, password [1] Password OPTIONAL, respType [3] Telecom-System-Type, transient [5] BOOLEAN, connectTime [6] Time-when-connected } -- The following defines the choices and tags for the N-DISCONNECT request/indication User Data. RELAYdiscs ::= CHOICE { bindfail [1] SMR-Bind-failure, unbindreq [2] SMR-Unbind } SMR-Bind-failure ::= SEQUENCE { connect-failure-reason [0] Connect-failure, alternative-system [1] Name OPTIONAL } -- connect-failure-reason contains one of the error given in the following table. alternative-system -- is included when the SC/PLMN operator wishes to indicate that the MSC/SC might try to -- establish an association with another SC/MSC. -- Connection Failure Reason -- not-entitled: The responder is not entitled to accept a request for an association between itself -- and the initiator. -- temporary-overload: The responder is not capable of establishing an association due to -- temporary overload. -- temporary-failure: The responder is not capable of establishing an association due to a -- temporary failure (having impact on an entity at SM-RL or at layers above). -- incorrect-ID-or-password: The responder will not accept the request to establish an association -- between itself and the initiator due to incorrect identity or password. -- not-supported: The responder does not recognize the telecommunication subsystem type of the -- initiator, or cannot support any of the operations suggested on the association. Connect-failure ::= INTEGER { not-entitled (0), temporary-overload (1), temporary-failure (2), incorrect-ID-or-password (3), not-supported (4) } SMR-Unbind ::= Time-when-connected Time-when-connected ::= UTCTime -- The following defines the choices and tags for the N-DATA request/indication User Data RELAYapdus ::= CHOICE { rpdatamt [1] RPDataMT, rpdatamo [2] RPDataMO, rpalertsc [3] RPAlertSC, rpack [4] RPAck, rperror [5] RPError } RPDataMT ::= SEQUENCE { mt-priority-request [0] BOOLEAN, mt-more-messages-to-send [1] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, mt-message-reference RP-MR, mt-originating-address SMS-Address, mt-destination-address SMS-Address, mt-user-data RP-UD } RPDataMO ::= SEQUENCE { mo-message-reference RP-MR, mo-originating-address SMS-Address, mo-user-data RP-UD } RP-MR ::= [APPLICATION 2] INTEGER (0..255) RP-UD ::= [APPLICATION 3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..164)) RPAck ::= SEQUENCE { message-reference RP-MR } Error-reason ::= INTEGER { unknown-subscriber (1), teleservice-not-provisioned (11), call-barred (13), sMS-lower-layer-capabilities-not-prov (19), error-in-MS (20), facility-not-supported (21), memory-capacity-exceeded (22), absent-subscriber (29), illegal-subscriber (9), illegal-equipment (44), system-failure (36), sC-congestion (101), mS-not-SC-Subscriber (103), invalid-sme-address (104) } RPError ::= SEQUENCE { error-reason Error-reason, msg-waiting-set BOOLEAN, message-reference RP-MR } RPAlertSC ::= SMS-Address -- must be an international ISDN address END ForwardMTShortMessage ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn [0] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, sm-RP-PRI [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, serviceCentreAddress [2] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, sm-RP-UI SM-RP-UI} ForwardMOShortMessage ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn [2]IsdnAddressString, serviceCentreAddress [4]IsdnAddressString, sm-RP-UI SM-RP-UI} ServiceCentreAlert ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn IsdnAddressString, serviceCentreAddress IsdnAddressString} ForwardMTShortMessage ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn [0] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, sm-RP-PRI [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, serviceCentreAddress [2] IMPLICIT IsdnAddressString, sm-RP-UI SM-RP-UI, moreMessagesToSend NULL OPTIONAL} ForwardMOShortMessage ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn [2] IsdnAddressString, serviceCentreAddress [4] IsdnAddressString, sm-RP-UI SM-RP-UI} ServiceCentreAlert::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn IsdnAddressString, serviceCentreAddress IsdnAddressString} InformServiceCentre ::= OPERATION PARAMETER SEQUENCE{ msIsdn IsdnAddressString OPTIONAL, mwStatus MWStatus OPTIONAL) CallBarred ::= ERROR Parameter cause ENUMERATED {barringServiceActive (0), operatorBarring (1)} - optional - ErrorInMS ErrorInMS ::= ERROR - FacilityNotSupported FacilityNotSupported ::= ERROR - MemoryCapacityExceeded MemoryCapacityExceeded ::= ERROR - MSNotSCSubscriber MSNotSCSubscriber ::= ERROR - IllegalMS IllegalMS ::= ERROR - InvalidSMEAddress IllegalMS ::= ERROR - SC-Congestion SC-Congestion ::= ERROR - SMSLowerLayersCapabilitiesNotProvisioned SMSLowerLayersCapabilitiesNotProvisioned ::= ERROR - SystemFailure SystemFailure ::= ERROR Parameter NetworkResource OPTIONAL TeleserviceNotProvisioned ::= ERROR No parameters. - UnexpectedDataValue UnexpectedDataValue ::= ERROR - UnknownSubscriber UnknownSubscriber ::= ERROR VERSION 1 SPECIFIC ERRORS - AbsentSubscriber AbsentSubscriber ::= ERROR mwd-Set BOOLEAN OPTIONAL VERSION 2 SPECIFIC ERRORS - AbsentSubscriber AbsentSubscriber ::= ERROR AddressString ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..maxAddressLength)) IsdnAddressString ::= AddressString (SIZE (1..10)) NetworkResource ::= ENUMERATED{ pLMN (0), hLR (1), vLR (2), previous-VLR (3), controlling-MSC (4), vMSC (5), eIR (6), radioSubsystem (7)} SM-RP-UI ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..maxSignalInfoLength)) maxSignalInfoLength INTEGER ::= 200 octets * TBCD-STRING ::= OCTET STRING - digits 0 to 9, two digits per octet, - each digit encoded 0000 to 1001, - 1111 used as filler when there is an odd number of digits. MWStatus ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE 1)