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Supersedes FIPS PUB 10-3
1984 February 9
Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 10-4
1995 April
Announcing the Standard for
1.Name of Standard.Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and
Their Principal Administrative Divisions (FIPS PUB 10-4).
2.Category of Standard.Data Standard, Representations and Codes.
3.Explanation.This Standard provides a list of the basic geopolitical entities in
the world, together with the principal administrative divisions that comprise each entity.
Each basic geopolitical entity that was listed in FIPS PUB 10-3, Countries, Dependencies,
and Areas of Special Sovereignty, as updated, is included; it is represented by the same
two-character, alphabetic ``country code.'' Each principal administrative division is
identified by a four-character code consisting of the two-character ``country code''
followed by a two-character "administrative division code.''
This Standard may be applied either in the two-character format, in which only a basic
entity is identified, or in the four-character format that identifies both a basic entity
and one of its principal divisions. This Standard incorporates already issued technical
changes and supersedes FIPS PUB 10-3 in its entirety. This version, however, differs from
FIPS 10-3 in that it does not include diacritics or scope notes. Conventional names and
formerly approved names for administrative divisions have also been discontinued, and
Table 2, Appendix A, and Appendix B have been eliminated.
The purposes of data element standardization are to eliminate unnecessary duplications and
incompat ibilities in the collection, processing, and dissemination of data, and to
maximize the usefulness of data resources. The use of data referenced to a standard set of
representations or codes reduces collection costs by allowing previously collected data to
be applied to new uses, and provides a potential for benefit derived from those additional
applications. Standardization also reduces conversion costs for interchange of data
between databases, and reduces costs of data element maintenance by the implementation of
a centrally, maintained standard to replace separately maintained elements.
4.Approving Authority.The Secretary of Commerce.
5.Maintenance Agency. Office of the Geographer and Global Issues, U.S. Department
of State, Washington, DC 20520.
Questions concerning the list of entities and codes should be addressed to the Maintenance
Agency. The Maintenance Agency will provide information to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology on changes as they occur. These may include changes in names (as
approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names), or changes in definitions or codes. See
Section 9 below for information on how to obtain copies of this standard.
Change notices to this FIPS PUB will be issued by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology. Users who wish to receive such notices should complete the Change Request Form
provided in this publication and return it to the address indicated on the form.
6.Applicability. This data element and representation standard is made available
for the interchange of information among Federal departments and independent agencies. It
is intended for use in activities associated with the mission of the Department of State
and national defense programs. It may also be used for Federal interchanges of information
with the non-Federal sector including industry, State, local, and other Governments, and
the public at large.
This Standard is intended for applications involving the interchange of international
data. Applications limited primarily to domestic data, i.e., concerning the United States
and its outlying areas, should use FIPS PUB 5-2, Codes for the Identification of the
States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of the United States, and
Associated Areas.
For applications involving interchange of international data that require the use of the
country codes of the International Organization for Standardization, i.e., ISO 3166, FIPS
PUB 104-1, American National Standard Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries,
Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty for Information Interchange, is available.
FIPS PUB 104-1 provides both two-and three-character alphabetic codes for each entity
listed. Federal agencies that do not require FIPS PUB 104-1 for international data
interchange, and that are not involved in national defense programs or with the mission of
the U.S. Department of State, may adopt either FIPS PUB 10-4 or FIPS PUB 104-1.
7.Implementation Schedule. Changes provided by this revision can be implemented
immediately. Use by Federal agencies is encouraged when such use contributes to
operational benefits, efficiency, or economy.
8.Specifications. Federal Information Processing Standard 10-4 (FIPS PUB 10-4),
Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative
Divisions (affixed).
9.Where to Obtain Copies of the Standard. Copies of this publication, on diskette
or hard copy, are available for sale by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS),
U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161; order desk telephone: (703) 487-4650.
When ordering, please refer to Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 10-4
(FIPSPUB10-4) title, and medium desired.
Supersedes FIPS PUB 10-3
1984 February 9
Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 10-4
1995 April
Specifications for
1.Name of Standard. Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and
Their Principal Administrative Divisions.
2.Category of Standard. Data Standard, Representations and Codes.
3.Explanation. This Standard provides a list of the basic geopolitical entities in
the world, together with the principal administrative divisions that comprise each entity.
As in FIPS 10-3, each basic geopolitical entity is represented by a two-character,
alphabetic country code, and each principal administrative division is identified by a
four-character code consisting of the two-character country code followed by a
two-character, primarily numeric, administrative division code.
This Standard may be applied either in the two-character format, in which only a basic
entity is identified, or in the four-character format that identifies a basic entity and
one of its principal administrative divisions. If a complete basic entity is to be
represented in the four-character format, blanks are to be used for its administrative
division code. FIPS PUB 10-3 is superseded in its entirety by this Standard.
Basic geopolitical entities assigned country codes include the following categories: (a)
independent states; (b) dependent areas; (c) areas of quasi-independence, non-contiguous
territories, possessions with out populations, areas with special sovereignty
associations, areas without sovereignty; (d) political regimes not recognized by the
United States; and (e) outlying areas of the United States. The list of basic entities
provides complete coverage of the land areas of the world without overlap or duplication.
For purposes of this standard, a principal administrative division is defined as an
administrative area directly subordinate to the pertinent governing authority. Even though
all principal administrative divisions within an entity may not be of equal rank, this
Standard considers them as ``principal.''
Geographic names in current use that are listed in this Standard are approved by the
United States Board on Geographic Names (BGN), the authority established under Public Law
80-242 to provide for uniformity in geographic nomenclature and orthography throughout the
Federal Government. Names in this Standard approved by the Board include current names of
countries, dependencies, areas of special sover eignty, and their principal administrative
4.Specifications. The basic geopolitical entities and their divisions are named,
where they are sequenced in alphabetic order by basic entity. A typical entry consists of
the two-character, alphabetic country code of each basic entity; the entity name; the
designatory term or terms for administrative divisions of that entity; and the names and
complete four-character codes of all the principal divisions that comprise the entity.
The two-character administrative division code is alphanumeric, although it is purely
numeric in most cases. An alphanumeric code is used to distinguish administrative
divisions such as in New Zealand where there are more than 99.
The designatory terms of divisions in non-English-speaking areas are presented in English
translation followed by their indigenous forms, where these are available. For example, in
Norway, fylke is the indigenous term for an administrative division and province is the
English equivalent for that term. In the entry for Norway, this information is presented
below the country code as province/fylke.
Some countries have more than one class of administrative division, for example, province
and territory. Asterisks are used to distinguish members of different classes. In the case
of province and territory, these designatory terms would be presented below the country
code as:
Then, each name of a territory listed would be followed by an asterisk, while each name of
a province would be left unmarked. To distinguish third and fourth designatory terms, two
and three asterisks are used, respectively.
For entities in which a script other than the Roman is locally used, BGN-approved
Romanization systems indicate Roman script equivalents for names. Conventional names are
enclosed in parentheses and formerly approved names are enclosed in square brackets.
5.Qualifications. None.
AF AFGHANISTAN province/velayatAF01 Badakhshan AF02 Badghis AF03 Baghlan AF30 Balkh AF05 Bamian AF06 Farah AF07 Faryab AF08 Ghazni AF09 Ghowr [Ghor] AF10 Helmand AF11 Herat AF31 Jowzjan AF13 Kabol AF23 Kandahar [Kandahar] AF14 Kapisa AF15 Konar AF24 Kondoz [Kunduz] AF16 Laghman AF17 Lowgar [Logar] AF18 Nangarhar AF19 Nimruz [Chakhansur] AF20 Oruzgan [Uruzgan] AF21 Paktia AF29 Paktika AF22 Parvan [Parwan] AF32 Samangan AF33 Sar-e Pol AF26 Takhar AF27 Vardak [Warkak] AF28 Zabol [Zabul] AL ALBANIA district/rreth AL01 Berat AL02 Dibre AL03 Durres AL04 Elbasan AL05 Fier AL06 Gjirokaster AL07 Gramsh AL08 Kolonje AL09 Korce AL10 Kruje AL11 Kukes AL12 Lezhe AL13 Librazhd AL14 Lushnje AL15 Mat AL16 Mirdite AL17 Permet AL18 Pogradec AL19 Puke AL20 Sarande AL21 Shkoder AL22 Skrapar AL23 Tepelene AL28 Tirane AL26 Tropoje AL27 Vlore AG ALGERIA province/wilaya AG34 Adrar AG35 Ain Defla AG36 Ain Temouchent AG01 Alger AG37 Annaba AG03 Batna AG38 Bechar AG18 Bejaia AG19 Biskra AG20 Blida AG39 Bordj Bou Arreridj AG21 Bouira AG40 Boumerdes AG04 Constantine AG22 Djelfa AG41 Chlef AG42 El Bayadh AG43 El Oued AG44 El Tarf AG45 Ghardaia AG23 Guelma AG46 Illizi AG24 Jijel AG47 Khenchela AG25 Laghouat AG26 Mascara AG06 Medea AG48 Mila AG07 Mostaganem AG27 M'sila AG49 Naama AG09 Oran AG50 Ouargla AG29 Oum el Bouaghi AG51 Relizane AG10 Saida AG12 Setif AG30 Sidi Bel Abbes AG31 Skikda AG52 Souk Ahras AG53 Tamanghasset AG33 Tebessa AG13 Tiaret AG54 Tindouf AG55 Tipaza AG56 Tissemsilt AG14 Tizi Ouzou AG15 Tlemcen AQ AMERICAN SAMOA AN ANDORRA parish/parroquia AN01 Andorra AN02 Canillo AN03 Encamp AN04 La Massana AN05 Ordino AN06 Sant Julia de Loria AO ANGOLA province/provincia AO19 Bengo AO01 Benguela AO02 Bie AO03 Cabinda AO04 Cuando Cubango AO05 Cuanza Norte AO06 Cuanza Sul AO07 Cunene AO08 Huambo AO09 Huila AO20 Luanda AO17 Lunda Norte AO18 Lunda Sul AO12 Malanje AO14 Moxico A013 Namibe AO15 Uige AO16 Zaire AV ANGUILLA AY ANTARCTICA AC ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA parish AC01 Barbuda AC03 Saint George AC04 Saint John AC05 Saint Mary AC06 Saint Paul AC07 Saint Peter AC08 Saint Philip AR ARGENTINA **district/distrito *national territory/territorio nacional province/provincia AR01 Buenos Aires AR02 Catamarca AR03 Chaco AR04 Chubut AR05 Cordoba AR06 Corrientes AR07 Distrito Federal** AR08 Entre Rios AR09 Formosa AR10 Jujuy AR11 La Pampa AR12 La Rioja AR13 Mendoza AR14 Misiones AR15 Neuquen AR16 Rio Negro AR17 Salta AR18 San Juan AR19 San Luis AR20 Santa Cruz AR21 Santa Fe AR22 Santiago del Estero AR23 Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur* AR24 Tucuman AM ARMENIA AA ARUBA AT ASHMORE AND CARTIER ISLANDS AS AUSTRALIA state *territory AS01 Australian Capital Territory* AS02 New South Wales AS03 Northern Territory* AS04 Queensland AS05 South Australia AS06 Tasmania AS07 Victoria AS08 Western Australia AU AUSTRIA state/bundesland AU01 Burgenland AU02 Karnten AU03 Niederosterreich AU04 Oberosterreich AU05 Salzburg AU06 Steiermark AU07 Tirol AU08 Vorarlberg AU09 Wien AJ AZERBAIJAN
BF BAHAMAS, THE districtBF24 Acklins and Crooked Islands BF05 Bimini BF06 Cat Island BF10 Exuma BF25 Freeport BF26 Fresh Creek BF27 Governor's Harbour BF28 Green Turtle Cay BF22 Harbour Island BF29 High Rock BF13 Inagua BF30 Kemps Bay BF15 Long Island BF31 Marsh Harbour BF16 Mayaguana BF23 New Providence BF32 Nichollstown and Berry Islands BF18 Ragged Island BF33 Rock Sound BF34 Sandy Point BF35 San Salvador and Rum Cay BA BAHRAIN municipality BA01 Al Hadd BA02 Al Manamah BA08 Al Mintaqah al Gharbiyah BA11 Al Mintaqah al Wusta BA10 Al Mintaqah ash Shamaliyah BA03 Al Muharraq BA13 Ar Rifa` wa al Mintaqah al Janubiyah BA05 Jidd Hafs BA14 Madinat Hamad BA12 Madinat `Isa BA09 Mintaqat Juzur Hawar BA06 Sitrah FQ BAKER ISLAND BG BANGLADESH district BG22 Bagerhat BG04 Bandarban BG25 Barguna BG01 Barisal BG23 Bhola BG24 Bogra BG26 Brahmanbaria BG27 Chandpur BG28 Chapai Nawabganj BG29 Chattagram BG30 Chuadanga BG05 Comilla BG31 Cox's Bazar BG32 Dhaka BG33 Dinajpur BG34 Faridpur BG35 Feni BG36 Gaibandha BG37 Gazipur BG38 Gopalganj BG39 Habiganj BG40 Jaipurhat BG41 Jamalpur BG42 Jessore BG43 Jhalakati BG44 Jhenaidah BG45 Khagrachari BG46 Khulna BG47 Kishorganj BG48 Kurigram BG49 Kushtia BG50 Laksmipur BG51 Lalmonirhat BG52 Madaripur BG53 Magura BG54 Manikganj BG55 Meherpur BG56 Moulavibazar BG57 Munshiganj BG12 Mymensingh BG58 Naogaon BG59 Narail BG60 Narayanganj BG61 Narsingdi BG62 Nator BG63 Netrakona BG64 Nilphamari BG13 Noakhali BG65 Pabna BG66 Panchagar BG67 Parbattya Chattagram BG15 Patuakhali BG68 Pirojpur BG69 Rajbari BG70 Rajshahi BG71 Rangpur BG72 Satkhira BG73 Shariyatpur BG74 Sherpur BG75 Sirajganj BG76 Sunamganj BG77 Sylhet BG78 Tangail BG79 Thakurgaon BB BARBADOS parish BB01 Christ Church BB02 Saint Andrew BB03 Saint George BB04 Saint James BB05 Saint John BB06 Saint Joseph BB07 Saint Lucy BB08 Saint Michael BB09 Saint Peter BB10 Saint Philip BB11 Saint Thomas BS BASSAS DA INDIA BO BELARUS BE BELGIUM province/province(French),provincie (Flemish) BE01 Antwerpen BE02 Brabant BE03 Hainaut BE04 Liege BE05 Limburg BE06 Luxembourg BE07 Namur BE08 Oost-Vlaanderen BE09 West-Vlaanderen BH BELIZE district BH01 Belize BH02 Cayo BH03 Corozal BH04 Orange Walk BH05 Stann Creek BH06 Toledo BN BENIN province BN01 Atakora BN02 Atlantique BN03 Borgou BN04 Mono BN05 Oueme BN06 Zou BD BERMUDA *municipality parish BD01 Devonshire BD02 Hamilton BD03 Hamilton* BD04 Paget BD05 Pembroke BD06 Saint George* BD07 Saint George's BD08 Sandys BD09 Smiths BD10 Southampton BD11 Warwick BT BHUTAN district/dzongkhag BT05 Bumthang BT06 Chhukha BT07 Chirang BT08 Daga BT09 Geylegphug BT10 Ha BT11 Lhuntshi BT12 Mongar BT13 Paro BT14 Pemagatsel BT15 Punakha BT16 Samchi BT17 Samdrup BT18 Shemgang BT19 Tashigang BT20 Thimphu BT21 Tongsa BT22 Wangdi Phodrang BL BOLIVIA department/departamento BL01 Chuquisaca BL02 Cochabamba BL03 El Beni BL04 La Paz BL05 Oruro BL06 Pando BL07 Potosi BL08 Santa Cruz BL09 Tarija BK BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BC BOTSWANA district BC01 Central BC02 Chobe BC03 Ghanzi BC04 Kgalagadi BC05 Kgatleng BC06 Kweneng BC07 Ngamiland BC08 North-East BC09 South-East BC10 Southern BV BOUVET ISLAND BR BRAZIL **federal district/distrito federal state/estado *territory/territorio BR01 Acre BR02 Alagoas BR03 Amapa* BR04 Amazonas BR05 Bahia BR06 Ceara BR07 Distrito Federal** BR08 Espirito Santo BR29 Goias BR13 Maranhao BR14 Mato Grosso BR11 Mato Grosso do Sul BR15 Minas Gerais BR16 Para BR17 Paraiba BR18 Parana BR30 Pernambuco BR20 Piaui BR21 Rio de Janeiro BR22 Rio Grande do Norte BR23 Rio Grande do Sul BR24 Rondonia BR25 Roraima* BR26 Santa Catarina BR27 Sao Paulo BR28 Sergipe BR31 Tocantins IO BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY VI BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS BX BRUNEI district BX01 Belait BX02 Brunei and Muara BX03 Temburong BX04 Tutong BU BULGARIA province/oblast BU29 Burgas BU30 Grad Sofiya BU31 Khaskovo BU32 Lovech BU33 Mikhaylovgrad BU34 Plovdiv BU35 Razgrad BU36 Sofiya BU37 Varna UV BURKINA province/province UV15 Bam UV16 Bazega UV17 Bougouriba UV18 Boulgou UV19 Boulkiemde UV20 Ganzourgou UV21 Gnagna UV22 Gourma UV23 Houet UV24 Kadiogo UV25 Kenedougou UV26 Komoe UV27 Kossi UV28 Kouritenga UV29 Mouhoun UV30 Namentenga UV31 Naouri UV32 Oubritenga UV33 Oudalan UV34 Passore UV35 Poni UV36 Sanguie UV37 Sanmatenga UV38 Seno UV39 Sissili UV40 Soum UV41 Sourou UV42 Tapoa UV43 Yatenga UV44 Zoundweogo BM BURMA *division state BM02 Chin State BM03 Irrawaddy* BM04 Kachin State BM05 Karan State BM06 Kayah State BM07 Magwe* BM08 Mandalay* BM13 Mon State BM09 Pegu* BM01 Rakhine State BM14 Rangoon* BM10 Sagaing* BM11 Shan State BM12 Tenasserim* BY BURUNDI province BY09 Bubanza BY02 Bujumbura BY10 Bururi BY11 Cankuzo BY12 Cibitoke BY13 Gitega BY14 Karuzi BY15 Kayanza BY16 Kirundo BY17 Makamba BY05 Muramvya BY18 Muyinga BY19 Ngozi BY20 Rutana BY21 Ruyigi
CB CAMBODIA *autonomous municipality province/khetCB01 Batdambang CB02 Kampong Cham CB03 Kampong Chhnang CB04 Kampong Spoe CB05 Kampong Thum CB06 Kampot CB07 Kandal CB08 Kaoh Kong CB09 Kracheh CB10 Mondol Kiri CB11 Phnum Penh* CB12 Pouthisat CB13 Preah Vihear CB14 Prey Veng CB15 Rotanokiri CB16 Siemreab-Otdar Meanchey CB17 Stoeng Treng CB18 Svay Rieng CB19 Takev CM CAMEROON province CM10 Adamaoua CM11 Centre CM04 Est (East) CM12 Extreme-Nord (Far North) CM05 Littoral CM13 Nord (North) CM07 Nord-Ouest (North-west) CM08 Ouest (West) CM14 Sud (South) CM09 Sud-Ouest (South-west) CA CANADA province *territory CA01 Alberta CA02 British Columbia CA03 Manitoba CA04 New Brunswick CA05 Newfoundland CA06 Northwest Territories* CA07 Nova Scotia CA08 Ontario CA09 Prince Edward Island CA10 Quebec CA11 Saskatchewan CA12 Yukon Territory* CV CAPE VERDE district/concelho CV01 Boa Vista CV02 Brava CV03 Fogo CV04 Maio CV05 Paul CV06 Praia CV07 Ribeira Grande CV08 Sal CV09 Santa Catarina CV10 Sao Nicolau CV11 Sao Vicente CV12 Tarrafal CJ CAYMAN ISLANDS district CJ01 Creek CJ02 Eastern CJ03 Midland CJ04 South Town CJ05 Spot Bay CJ06 Stake Bay CJ07 West End CJ08 Western CT CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC **commune *economic prefecture/prefecture economique prefecture/prefecture CT01 Bamingui-Bangoran CT18 Bangui** CT02 Basse-Kotto CT15 Gribingui* CT03 Haute-Kotto CT04 Haute-Sangha CT05 Haut-Mbomou CT06 Kemo-Gribingui CT07 Lobaye CT08 Mbomou CT09 Nana-Mambere [Nana-Nambere] CT17 Ombella-Mpoko CT11 Ouaka CT12 Ouham CT13 Ouham-Pende CT16 Sangha* CT14 Vakaga CD CHAD prefecture/prefecture CD01 Batha CD02 Biltine CD03 Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti CD04 Chari-Baguirmi CD05 Guera CD06 Kanem CD07 Lac CD08 Logone Occidental CD09 Logone Oriental CD10 Mayo-Kebbi CD11 Moyen-Chari CD12 Ouaddai CD13 Salamat CD14 Tandjile CI CHILE region/region CI02 Aisen del General Carlos Ibanez del Campo CI03 Antofagasta CI04 Araucania CI05 Atacama CI06 Bio-Bio CI07 Coquimbo CI08 Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins CI09 Los Lagos CI10 Magallanes y de la Antartica Chilena CI11 Maule CI12 Region Metropolitana CI13 Tarapaca CI01 Valparaiso CH CHINA *autonomous region/zizhiqu **municipality/shi province/sheng CH01 Anhui [Anhwei] CH22 Beijing** [Peking] CH07 Fujian [Fukien] CH15 Gansu [Kansu] CH30 Guangdong [Kwangtung] CH16 Guangxi* [Kwangsi] CH18 Guizhou [Kweichow] CH31 Hainan CH10 Hebei [Hopeh] CH08 Heilongjiang [Heilungkiang] CH09 Henan [Honan] CH12 Hubei [Hupeh] CH11 Hunan CH04 Jiangsu [Kiangsu] CH03 Jiangxi [Kiangsi] CH05 Jilin [Kirin] CH19 Liaoning CH20 Nei Mongol* (Inner Mongolia) CH21 Ningxia* (Ningxia) CH06 Qinghai [Tsinghai] CH26 Shaanxi [Shensi] CH25 Shandong [Shantung] CH23 Shanghai** CH24 Shanxi [Shansi] CH27 Sichuan [Szechwan] CH28 Tianjin** CH13 Xinjiang* [Sinkiang] CH14 Xizang* (Tibet) CH29 Yunnan CH02 Zhejiang [Chekiang] KT CHRISTMAS ISLAND IP CLIPPERTON ISLAND CK COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS CO COLOMBIA *commissariat/comisaria department/departamento **intendancy/intendencia ***special district/distrito especial CO01 Amazonas* CO02 Antioquia CO03 Arauca** CO04 Atlantico CO35 Bolivar CO36 Boyaca CO37 Caldas CO08 Caqueta CO32 Casanare** CO09 Cauca CO10 Cesar CO11 Choco CO12 Cordoba CO33 Cundinamarca CO34 Distrito Especial*** CO15 Guainia* CO14 Guaviare* CO16 Huila CO17 La Guajira CO38 Magdalena CO19 Meta CO20 Narino CO21 Norte de Santander CO22 Putumayo** CO23 Quindio CO24 Risaralda CO25 San Andres y Providencia** CO26 Santander CO27 Sucre CO28 Tolima CO29 Valle del Cauca CO30 Vaupes* CO31 Vichada* CN COMOROS island CN01 Anjouan CN02 Grande Comore CN03 Moheli CF CONGO *commune region/region CF01 Bouenza CF12 Brazzaville* CF03 Cuvette CF04 Kouilou CF05 Lekoumou CF06 Likouala CF07 Niari CF08 Plateaux CF11 Pool CF10 Sangha CW COOK ISLANDS CR CORAL SEA ISLANDS CS COSTA RICA province/provincia CS01 Alajuela CS02 Cartago CS03 Guanacaste CS04 Heredia CS06 Limon CS07 Puntarenas CS08 San Jose IV COTE D'IVOIRE department/departement IV01 Abengourou IV35 Abidjan IV04 Aboisso IV05 Adzope IV06 Agboville IV36 Bangolo IV37 Beoumi IV07 Biankouma IV38 Bondoukou IV27 Bongouanou IV39 Bouafle IV40 Bouake IV11 Bouna IV12 Boundiali IV03 Dabakala IV41 Daloa IV14 Danane IV42 Daoukro IV43 Dimbokro IV16 Divo IV44 Duekoue IV17 Ferkessedougou IV18 Gagnoa IV45 Grand-Lahou IV46 Guiglo IV28 Issia IV20 Katiola IV21 Korhogo IV29 Lakota IV47 Man IV30 Mankono IV48 Mbahiakro IV23 Odienne IV31 Oume IV49 Sakassou IV50 San Pedro IV51 Sassandra IV25 Seguela IV52 Sinfra IV32 Soubre IV53 Tabou IV54 Tanda IV55 Tiassale IV33 Tingrela IV26 Touba IV56 Toumodi IV57 Vavoua IV58 Yamoussoukro IV34 Zuenoula HR CROATIA CU CUBA *special municipality/municipio especial province/provincia CU05 Camaguey CU07 Ciego de Avila CU08 Cienfuegos CU02 Ciudad de la Habana CU09 Granma CU10 Guantanamo CU12 Holguin CU04 Isla de la Juventud* CU11 La Habana CU13 Las Tunas CU03 Matanzas CU01 Pinar del Rio CU14 Sancti Spiritus CU15 Santiago de Cuba CU16 Villa Clara CY CYPRUS district CY01 Famagusta CY02 Kyrenia CY03 Larnaca CY05 Limassol CY04 Nicosia CY06 Paphos EZ CZECH REPUBLIC
DA DENMARK *city/staden county/amtDA01 Arhus DA02 Bornholm DA03 Frederiksborg DA04 Fyn DA05 Kobenhavn DA07 Nordjylland DA08 Ribe DA09 Ringkobing DA10 Roskilde DA11 Sonderjylland DA06 Staden Kobenhavn* DA12 Storstrom DA13 Vejle DA14 Vestsjalland DA15 Viborg DJ DJIBOUTI cercle DJ01 `Ali Sabih DJ02 Dikhil DJ03 Djibouti DJ04 Obock DJ05 Tadjoura DO DOMINICA parish DO02 Saint Andrew DO03 Saint David DO04 Saint George DO05 Saint John DO06 Saint Joseph DO07 Saint Luke DO08 Saint Mark DO09 Saint Patrick DO10 Saint Paul DO11 Saint Peter DR DOMINICAN REPUBLIC *district/distrito province/provincia DR01 Azua DR02 Baoruco DR03 Barahona DR04 Dajabon DR05 Distrito Nacional* DR06 Duarte DR11 Elias Pina DR28 El Seibo DR08 Espaillat DR29 Hato Mayor DR09 Independencia DR10 La Altagracia DR12 La Romana DR30 La Vega DR14 Maria Trinidad Sanchez DR31 Monsenor Nouel DR15 Monte Cristi DR32 Monte Plata DR16 Pedernales DR17 Peravia DR18 Puerto Plata DR19 Salcedo DR20 Samana DR21 Sanchez Ramirez DR33 San Cristobal DR23 San Juan DR24 San Pedro De Macoris DR25 Santiago DR26 Santiago Rodriguez DR27 Valverde
EC ECUADOR province/provinciaEC02 Azuay EC03 Bolivar EC04 Canar EC05 Carchi EC06 Chimborazo EC07 Cotopaxi EC08 El Oro EC09 Esmeraldas EC01 Galapagos EC10 Guayas EC11 Imbabura EC12 Loja EC13 Los Rios EC14 Manabi EC15 Morona-Santiago EC21 Napo EC17 Pastaza EC18 Pichincha EC22 Sucumbios EC19 Tungurahua EC20 Zamora-Chinchipe EG EGYPT governorate/muhafazah EG01 Ad Daqahliyah EG02 Al Bahr al Ahmar EG03 Al Buhayrah EG04 Al Fayyum EG05 Al Gharbiyah EG06 Al Iskandariyah EG07 Al Isma'iliyah EG08 Al Jizah EG09 Al Minufiyah EG10 Al Minya EG11 Al Qahirah EG12 Al Qalyubiyah EG13 Al Wadi al Jadid EG14 Ash Sharqiyah EG15 As Suways EG16 Aswan EG17 Asyut EG18 Bani Suwayf EG19 Bur Sa'id EG20 Dumyat EG26 Janub Sina' EG21 Kafr ash Shaykh EG22 Matruh EG23 Qina EG27 Shamal Sina' EG24 Suhaj ES EL SALVADOR department/departamento ES01 Ahuachapan ES02 Cabanas ES03 Chalatenango ES04 Cuscatlan ES05 La Libertad ES06 La Paz ES07 La Union ES08 Morazan ES09 San Miguel ES10 San Salvador ES11 Santa Ana ES12 San Vicente ES13 Sonsonate ES14 Usulutan EK EQUATORIAL GUINEA province/provincia EK03 Annobon EK04 Bioko Norte EK05 Bioko Sur EK06 Centro Sur EK07 Kie-Ntem EK08 Litoral EK09 Wele-Nzas ER ERITREA EN ESTONIA *(city) county/maa EN01 Harjumaa EN02 Hiiumaa EN03 Ida-Virumaa EN04 Jarvamaa EN05 Jogevamaa EN06 Kohtla-Jarve* EN07 Laanemaa EN08 Laane-Virumaa EN09 Narva* EN10 Parnu* EN11 Parnumaa EN12 Polvamaa EN13 Raplamaa EN14 Saaremaa EN15 Sillamae* EN16 Tallinn* EN17 Tartu* EN18 Tartumaa EN19 Valgamaa EN20 Viljandimaa EN21 Vorumaa ET ETHIOPIA administrative region/astedader akababi *autonomous region/rasgez akababi ET15 Adis Abeba ET01 Arsi [Arusi] ET17 Asosa ET38 Bale [Mendebo] ET18 Borena ET19 Debub Gonder ET20 Debub Shewa ET21 Debub Welo ET22 Dire Dawa* ET23 Gambela ET39 Gamo Gofa [Gemu Gwefa] ET40 Ilubabor ET41 Kefa ET24 Metekel ET25 Mirab Gojam ET26 Mirab Harerge ET27 Mirab Shewa ET28 Misrak Gojam ET29 Misrak Harerge ET30 Nazret ET31 Ogaden* ET32 Omo ET33 Semen Gonder ET34 Semen Shewa ET35 Semen Welo ET42 Sidamo ET37 Tigray* [Tigre] ET43 Welega [Walaga] EU EUROPA ISLAND
FK FALKLAND ISLANDS (ISLAS MALVINAS)FO FAROE ISLANDS FM FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA island FM03 Chuuk FM01 Kosrae FM02 Pohnpei FM04 Yap FJ FIJI *dependency division FJ01 Central FJ02 Eastern FJ03 Northern FJ04 Rotuma* FJ05 Western FI FINLAND province/laani FI01 Ahvenanmaa FI02 Hame FI03 Keski-Suomi FI04 Kuopio FI05 Kymi FI06 Lappi FI07 Mikkeli FI08 Oulu FI09 Pohjois-Karjala FI10 Turku ja Pori FI11 Uusimaa FI12 Vaasa FR FRANCE region/region FRC1 Alsace FR97 Aquitaine FR98 Auvergne FR99 Basse-Normandie FRA1 Bourgogne FRA2 Bretagne FRA3 Centre FRA4 Champagne-Ardenne FRA5 Corse FRA6 Franche-Comte FRA7 Haute-Normandie FRA8 Ile-de-France FRA9 Languedoc-Roussillon FRB1 Limousin FRB2 Lorraine FRB3 Midi-Pyrenees FRB4 Nord-Pas-de-Calais FRB5 Pays de la Loire FRB6 Picardie FRB7 Poitou-Charentes FRB8 Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur FRB9 Rhone-Alpes FG FRENCH GUIANA FP FRENCH POLYNESIA FS FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC LANDS
GB GABON provinceGB01 Estuaire GB02 Haut-Ogooue GB03 Moyen-Ogooue GB04 Ngounie GB05 Nyanga GB06 Ogooue-Ivindo GB07 Ogooue-Lolo GB08 Ogooue-Maritime GB09 Woleu-Ntem GA GAMBIA, THE *city division GA01 Banjul* GA02 Lower River GA03 MacCarthy Island GA07 North Bank GA04 Upper River GA05 Western GZ GAZA STRIP GG GEORGIA GM GERMANY state/land GM01 Baden-Wurttemberg GM02 Bayern [Bavaria] GM16 Berlin GM11 Brandenburg GM03 Bremen GM04 Hamburg GM05 Hessen GM12 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GM06 Niedersachsen GM07 Nordrhein-Westfalen GM08 Rheinland-Pfalz GM09 Saarland GM13 Sachsen GM14 Sachsen-Anhalt GM10 Schleswig-Holstein GM15 Thuringen GH GHANA region GH02 Ashanti GH03 Brong-Ahafo GH04 Central GH05 Eastern GH01 Greater Accra GH06 Northern GH10 Upper East GH11 Upper West GH08 Volta GH09 Western GI GIBRALTAR GO GLORIOSO ISLANDS GR GREECE department/nomos GR31 Aitolia kai Akarnania GR38 Akhaia GR36 Argolis GR41 Arkadhia GR20 Arta GR35 Attiki GR47 Dhodhekanisos GR04 Drama GR30 Evritania GR01 Evros GR34 Evvoia GR08 Florina GR32 Fokis GR29 Fthiotis GR10 Grevena GR39 Ilia GR12 Imathia GR17 Ioannina GR45 Iraklion GR23 Kardhitsa GR09 Kastoria GR14 Kavala GR27 Kefallinia GR25 Kerkira GR15 Khalkidhiki GR43 Khania GR50 Khios GR49 Kikladhes GR06 Kilkis GR37 Korinthia GR11 Kozani GR42 Lakonia GR21 Larisa GR46 Lasithi GR51 Lesvos GR26 Levkas GR24 Magnisia GR40 Messinia GR07 Pella GR16 Pieria GR19 Preveza GR44 Rethimni GR02 Rodhopi GR48 Samos GR05 Serrai GR18 Thesprotia GR13 Thessaloniki GR22 Trikala GR33 Voiotia GR03 Xanthi GR28 Zakinthos GL GREENLAND municipality GL01 Nordgronland GL02 Ostgronland GL03 Vestgronland GJ GRENADA parish GJ01 Saint Andrew GJ02 Saint David GJ03 Saint George GJ04 Saint John GJ05 Saint Mark GJ06 Saint Patrick GP GUADELOUPE GQ GUAM GT GUATEMALA department/departamento GT01 Alta Verapaz GT02 Baja Verapaz GT03 Chimaltenango GT04 Chiquimula GT05 El Progreso GT06 Escuintla GT07 Guatemala GT08 Huehuetenango GT09 Izabal GT10 Jalapa GT11 Jutiapa GT12 Peten GT14 Quiche GT13 Quetzaltenango GT15 Retalhuleu GT16 Sacatepequez GT17 San Marcos GT18 Santa Rosa GT19 Solola GT20 Suchitepequez GT21 Totonicapan GT22 Zacapa GK GUERNSEY GV GUINEA administrative region/region administrative GV01 Beyla GV02 Boffa GV03 Boke GV04 Conakry GV05 Dabola GV06 Dalaba GV07 Dinguiraye GV08 Dubreka GV09 Faranah GV10 Forecariah GV11 Fria GV12 Gaoual GV13 Gueckedou GV14 Kankan GV15 Kerouane GV16 Kindia GV17 Kissidougou GV18 Koundara GV19 Kouroussa GV20 Labe GV21 Macenta GV22 Mali GV23 Mamou GV24 Nzerekore GV25 Pita GV26 Siguiri GV27 Telimele GV28 Tougue GV29 Yomou PU GUINEA-BISSAU region PU01 Bafata PU12 Biombo PU11 Bissau PU05 Bolama PU06 Cacheu PU10 Gabu PU04 Oio PU02 Quinara PU07 Tombali GY GUYANA region GY10 Barima-Waini GY11 Cuyuni-Mazaruni GY12 Demerara-Mahaica GY13 East Berbice-Corentyne GY14 Essequibo Islands-West Demerara GY15 Mahaica-Berbice GY16 Pomeroon-Supenaam GY17 Potaro-Siparuni GY18 Upper Demerara-Berbice GY19 Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo
HA HAITI department/departementHA06 Artibonite HA07 Centre HA08 Grand' Anse HA09 Nord HA10 Nord-Est HA03 Nord-Ouest HA11 Ouest HA12 Sud HA13 Sud-Est HM HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS HO HONDURAS department/departamento HO01 Atlantida HO02 Choluteca HO03 Colon HO04 Comayagua HO05 Copan HO06 Cortes HO07 El Paraiso HO08 Francisco Morazan HO09 Gracias a Dios HO10 Intibuca HO11 Islas de la Bahia HO12 La Paz HO13 Lempira HO14 Ocotepeque HO15 Olancho HO16 Santa Barbara HO17 Valle HO18 Yoro HK HONG KONG HQ HOWLAND ISLAND HU HUNGARY *capital city/fovaros county/megye **urban county/megyei varos HU01 Bacs-Kiskun HU02 Baranya HU03 Bekes HU26 Bekescsaba** HU04 Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen HU05 Budapest* HU06 Csongrad HU07 Debrecen** HU27 Dunaujvaros** HU28 Eger** HU08 Fejer HU25 Gyor** HU09 Gyor-Moson-Sopron HU10 Hajdu-Bihar HU11 Heves HU29 Hodmezovasarhely** HU20 Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok HU30 Kaposvar** HU31 Kecskemet** HU12 Komarom-Esztergom HU13 Miskolc** HU32 Nagykanizsa** HU14 Nograd HU33 Nyiregyhaza** HU15 Pecs** HU16 Pest HU17 Somogy HU34 Sopron** HU18 Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg HU19 Szeged** HU35 Szekesfehervar** HU36 Szolnok** HU37 Szombathely** HU38 Tatabanya** HU21 Tolna HU22 Vas HU23 Veszprem HU39 Veszprem** HU24 Zala HU40 Zalaegerszeg**
IC ICELAND county/sysla *independent town/kaupstadirIC01 Akranes* IC02 Akureyri* IC03 Arnessysla IC04 Austur-Bardastrandarsysla IC05 Austur-Hunavatnssysla IC06 Austur-Skaftafellssysla IC07 Borgarfjardarsysla IC08 Dalasysla IC09 Eyjafjardarsysla IC10 Gullbringusysla IC11 Hafnarfjordur* IC12 Husavik* IC13 Isafjordur* IC14 Keflavik* IC15 Kjosarsysla IC16 Kopavogur* IC17 Myrasysla IC18 Neskaupstadur* IC19 Nordur-Isafjardarsysla IC20 Nordur-Mulasysla IC21 Nordur-Tingeyjarsysla IC22 Olafsfjordur* IC23 Rangarvallasysla IC24 Reykjavik* IC25 Saudarkrokur* IC26 Seydisfjordur* IC27 Siglufjordur* IC28 Skagafjardarsysla IC29 Snafellsnes- og Hnappadalssysla IC30 Strandasysla IC31 Sudur-Mulasysla IC32 Sudur-Tingeyjarsysla IC33 Vestmannaeyjar* IC34 Vestur-Bardastrandarsysla IC35 Vestur-Hunavatnssysla IC36 Vestur-Isafjardarsysla IC37 Vestur-Skaftafellssysla IN INDIA state *union territory IN01 Andaman and Nicobar Islands* IN02 Andhra Pradesh IN30 Arunachal Pradesh IN03 Assam IN04 Bihar IN05 Chandigarh* IN06 Dadra and Nagar Haveli* IN32 Daman and Diu* IN07 Delhi* IN33 Goa IN09 Gujarat IN10 Haryana IN11 Himachal Pradesh IN12 Jammu and Kashmir IN19 Karnataka IN13 Kerala IN14 Lakshadweep* [Laccadive, Minacoy, and Amindivi Islands] IN15 Madhya Pradesh IN16 Maharashtra IN17 Manipur IN18 Meghalaya IN31 Mizoram* IN20 Nagaland IN21 Orissa IN22 Pondicherry* IN23 Punjab IN24 Rajasthan IN29 Sikkim IN25 Tamil Nadu [Madras] IN26 Tripura IN27 Uttar Pradesh IN28 West Bengal ID INDONESIA province/propinsi **special district/daerah khusus ibukota *special region/daerah istimewa ID01 Aceh* [Atjeh] ID02 Bali ID03 Bengkulu ID09 Irian Jaya ID04 Jakarta Raya** [Djakarta Raya] ID05 Jambi [Djambi] ID06 Jawa Barat [Djawa Barat] ID07 Jawa Tengah [Djawa Tengah] ID08 Jawa Timur [Djawa Timur] ID11 Kalimantan Barat ID12 Kalimantan Selatan ID13 Kalimantan Tengah ID14 Kalimantan Timur ID15 Lampung ID16 Maluku ID17 Nusa Tenggara Barat ID18 Nusa Tenggara Timur ID19 Riau ID20 Sulawesi Selatan ID21 Sulawesi Tengah ID22 Sulawesi Tenggara ID23 Sulawesi Utara ID24 Sumatera Barat ID25 Sumatera Selatan ID26 Sumatera Utara ID27 Timor Timur ID10 Yogyakarta* [Jogjakarta] IR IRAN province/ostan IR01 Azarbayjan-e Bakhtari IR02 Azarbayjan-e Khavari IR13 Bakhtaran IR22 Bushehr IR03 Chahar Mahall va Bakhtiari IR28 Esfahan IR07 Fars IR08 Gilan IR09 Hamadan IR11 Hormozgan IR10 Ilam IR29 Kerman IR30 Khorasan IR15 Khuzestan IR05 Kohkiluyeh va Buyer Ahmadi IR16 Kordestan IR23 Lorestan IR24 Markazi IR17 Mazandaran IR25 Semnan IR04 Sistan va Baluchestan IR26 Tehran IR31 Yazd IR27 Zanjan IZ IRAQ province/muhafazah IZ01 Al Anbar IZ02 Al Basrah IZ03 Al Muthanna IZ04 Al Qadisiyah IZ17 An Najaf IZ11 Arbil IZ05 As Sulaymaniyah IZ13 At Ta'mim [Kirkuk] IZ06 Babil IZ07 Baghdad IZ08 Dahuk IZ09 Dhi Qar IZ10 Diyala IZ12 Karbala' IZ14 Maysan IZ15 Ninawa IZ18 Salah ad Din IZ16 Wasit EI IRELAND county EI01 Carlow EI02 Cavan EI03 Clare EI04 Cork EI06 Donegal EI07 Dublin EI10 Galway EI11 Kerry EI12 Kildare EI13 Kilkenny EI15 Laois EI14 Leitrim EI16 Limerick EI18 Longford EI19 Louth EI20 Mayo EI21 Meath EI22 Monaghan EI23 Offaly EI24 Roscommon EI25 Sligo EI26 Tipperary EI27 Waterford EI29 Westmeath EI30 Wexford EI31 Wicklow IS ISRAEL district/mehoz IS01 HaDarom (Southern) IS02 HaMerkaz (Central) IS03 HaZafon (Northern) IS04 Hefa (Haifa) IS05 Tel Aviv IS06 Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) IT ITALY region/regione IT01 Abruzzi IT02 Basilicata IT03 Calabria IT04 Campania IT05 Emilia-Romagna IT06 Friuli-Venezia Giulia IT07 Lazio IT08 Liguria IT09 Lombardia IT10 Marche IT11 Molise IT12 Piemonte IT13 Puglia IT14 Sardegna IT15 Sicilia IT16 Toscana IT17 Trentino-Alto Adige IT18 Umbria IT19 Valle d'Aosta IT20 Veneto
JM JAMAICA parishJM01 Clarendon JM02 Hanover JM17 Kingston JM04 Manchester JM07 Portland JM08 Saint Andrew JM09 Saint Ann JM10 Saint Catherine JM11 Saint Elizabeth JM12 Saint James JM13 Saint Mary JM14 Saint Thomas JM15 Trelawny JM16 Westmoreland JN JAN MAYEN JA JAPAN prefecture JA01 Aichi JA02 Akita JA03 Aomori JA04 Chiba JA05 Ehime JA06 Fukui JA07 Fukuoka JA08 Fukushima JA09 Gifu JA10 Gumma JA11 Hiroshima JA12 Hokkaido JA13 Hyogo JA14 Ibaraki JA15 Ishikawa JA16 Iwate JA17 Kagawa JA18 Kagoshima JA19 Kanagawa JA20 Kochi JA21 Kumamoto JA22 Kyoto JA23 Mie JA24 Miyagi JA25 Miyazaki JA26 Nagano JA27 Nagasaki JA28 Nara JA29 Niigata JA30 Oita JA31 Okayama JA47 Okinawa JA32 Osaka JA33 Saga JA34 Saitama JA35 Shiga JA36 Shimane JA37 Shizuoka JA38 Tochigi JA39 Tokushima JA40 Tokyo JA41 Tottori JA42 Toyama JA43 Wakayama JA44 Yamagata JA45 Yamaguchi JA46 Yamanashi DQ JARVIS ISLAND JE JERSEY JQ JOHNSTON ATOLL JO JORDAN governorate/muhafazah JO02 Al Balqa' JO09 Al Karak JO10 Al Mafraq JO11 `Amman JO12 At Tafilah JO13 Az Zarqa JO14 Irbid JO07 Ma`an JU JUAN DE NOVA ISLAND
KZ KAZAKHSTANKE KENYA *area province KE01 Central KE02 Coast KE03 Eastern KE05 Nairobi Area* KE06 North-Eastern KE07 Nyanza KE08 Rift Valley KE09 Western KQ KINGMAN REEF KR KIRIBATI islands KR01 Gilbert Islands KR02 Line Islands KR03 Phoenix Islands KN KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF province *special city KN01 Chagang-do KN16 Hamgyong-bukto KN03 Hamgyong-namdo KN07 Hwanghae-bukto KN06 Hwanghae-namdo KN08 Kaesong-si* KN09 Kangwon-do KN14 Namp'o-si* KN11 P'yongan-bukto KN15 P'yongan-namdo KN12 P'yongyang-si* KN13 Yanggang-do KS KOREA, REPUBLIC OF province *special city KS01 Cheju-do KS03 Cholla-bukto KS16 Cholla-namdo KS05 Ch'ungch'ong-bukto KS17 Ch'ungch'ong-namdo KS12 Inch'on-jikhalsi* KS06 Kangwon-do KS18 Kwangju-jikhalsi KS13 Kyonggi-do KS14 Kyongsang-bukto KS08 Kyongsang-namdo KS10 Pusan-jikhalsi* KS11 Soul-t'ukpyolsi* KS15 Taegu-jikhalsi* KS19 Taejon-jikhalsi KU KUWAIT governorate/muhafazah KU01 Al Ahmadi KU02 Al Kuwayt KU03 Hawalli KG KYRGYZSTAN
LA LAOS province/khouengLA01 Attapu [Attopeu] LA02 Champasak [Champassak] LA03 Houaphan [Houa Phan] LA04 Khammouan [Khammouane] LA05 Louang Namtha [Houa Khong] LA06 Louangphrabang [Luang Prabang] LA07 Oudomxai LA08 Phongsali [Phong Saly] LA09 Saravan [Saravane] LA10 Savannakhet LA11 Vientiane LA13 Xaignabouri [Sayaboury] LA14 Xiangkhoang [Xieng Khouang] LG LATVIA LE LEBANON governorate/muhafazah LE01 Al Biqa` LE02 Al Janub LE03 Ash Shamal LE04 Bayrut LE05 Jabal Lubnan LT LESOTHO district LT10 Berea LT11 Butha-Buthe LT12 Leribe LT13 Mafeteng LT14 Maseru LT15 Mohales Hoek LT16 Mokhotlong LT17 Qachas Nek LT18 Quthing LT19 Thaba-Tseka LI LIBERIA *commonwealth district county LI01 Bong LI03 Grand Bassa LI04 Grand Cape Mount LI02 Grand Jide LI05 Lofa LI06 Maryland LI07 Monrovia* LI08 Montserrado LI09 Nimba LI10 Sino LY LIBYA municipality/baladiyah LY47 Ajdabiya LY03 Al `Aziziyah LY48 Al Fatih LY49 Al Jabal al Akhdar LY05 Al Jufrah LY50 Al Khums LY08 Al Kufrah LY51 An Nuqat al Khams LY13 Ash Shati' LY52 Awbari LY53 Az Zawiyah LY54 Banghazi LY55 Darnah LY56 Ghadamis LY57 Gharyan LY58 Misratah LY30 Murzuq LY34 Sabha LY59 Sawfajjin LY60 Surt LY61 Tarabulus LY41 Tarhunah LY42 Tubruq LY62 Yafran LY45 Zlitan LS LIECHTENSTEIN commune/gemeinde LS01 Balzers LS02 Eschen LS03 Gamprin LS04 Mauren LS05 Planken LS06 Ruggell LS07 Schaan LS08 Schellenberg LS09 Triesen LS10 Triesenberg LS11 Vaduz LH LITHUANIA LU LUXEMBOURG district/district LU01 Diekirch LU02 Grevenmacher LU03 Luxembourg
MC MACAU district/concelhoMC01 Ilhas MC02 Macau [Macao] MK MACEDONIA MA MADAGASCAR province/faritanin' MA05 Antananarivo MA01 Antsiranana MA02 Fianarantsoa MA03 Mahajanga MA04 Toamasina MA06 Toliara MI MALAWI district MI24 Blantyre MI02 Chikwawa MI03 Chiradzulu MI04 Chitipa MI06 Dedza MI07 Dowa MI08 Karonga MI09 Kasungu MI11 Lilongwe MI10 Machinga [Kasupe] MI12 Mangochi [Fort Johnston] MI13 Mchinji MI14 Mulanje [Mlange] MI25 Mwanza MI15 Mzimba MI17 Nkhata Bay MI18 Nkhotakota MI19 Nsanje MI16 Ntcheu MI20 Ntchisi [Nchisi] MI21 Rumphi [Rumpi] MI22 Salima MI05 Thyolo MI23 Zomba MY MALAYSIA *federal territory/wilayah persekutuan state/negeri MY01 Johor MY02 Kedah MY03 Kelantan MY15 Labuan* MY04 Melaka MY05 Negeri Sembilan MY06 Pahang MY07 Perak MY08 Perlis MY09 Pulau Pinang MY16 Sabah MY11 Sarawak MY12 Selangor MY13 Terengganu MY14 Wilayah Persekutuan* MV MALDIVES district MV02 Aliff MV20 Baa MV17 Daalu MV14 Faafu MV27 Gaafu Aliff MV28 Gaafu Daalu MV07 Haa Aliff MV23 Haa Daalu MV26 Kaafu MV05 Laamu MV03 Laviyani MV12 Meemu MV29 Naviyani MV25 Noonu MV13 Raa MV01 Seenu MV24 Shaviyani MV08 Thaa MV04 Waavu ML MALI district/region ML01 Bamako ML02 Gao ML03 Kayes ML07 Koulikoro ML04 Mopti ML05 Segou ML06 Sikasso ML08 Tombouctou MT MALTA IM MAN, ISLE OF RM MARSHALL ISLANDS MB MARTINIQUE MR MAURITANIA region/region MR07 Adrar [Septieme Region] MR03 Assaba [Troisieme Region] MR05 Brakna [Cinquieme Region] MR08 Dakhlet Nouadhibou[Huitieme Region] MR04 Gorgol [Quatrieme Region] MR10 Guidimaka [Dixieme Region] MR01 Hodh Ech Chargui [Premiere Region] MR02 Hodh El Gharbi [Deuxieme Region] MR12 Inchiri [Douzieme Region] MR09 Tagant [Neuvieme Region] MR11 Tiris Zemmour [Onzieme Region] MR06 Trarza [Sixieme Region] MP MAURITIUS district *dependency MP21 Agalega Islands* MP12 Black River MP22 Cargados Carajos* MP13 Flacq MP14 Grand Port MP15 Moka MP16 Pamplemousses MP17 Plaines Wilhems MP18 Port Louis MP19 Riviere du Rempart MP23 Rodrigues* MP20 Savanne MF MAYOTTE MX MEXICO *federal district/distrito federal state/estado MX01 Aguascalientes MX02 Baja California MX03 Baja California Sur MX04 Campeche MX05 Chiapas MX06 Chihuahua MX07 Coahuila de Zaragoza MX08 Colima MX09 Distrito Federal* MX10 Durango MX11 Guanajuato MX12 Guerrero MX13 Hidalgo MX14 Jalisco MX15 Mexico MX16 Michoacan de Ocampo MX17 Morelos MX18 Nayarit MX19 Nuevo Leon MX20 Oaxaca MX21 Puebla MX22 Queretaro de Arteaga MX23 Quintana Roo MX24 San Luis Potosi MX25 Sinaloa MX26 Sonora MX27 Tabasco MX28 Tamaulipas MX29 Tlaxcala MX30 Veracruz-Llave MX31 Yucatan MX32 Zacatecas MQ MIDWAY ISLANDS MD MOLDOVA MN MONACO commune MN01 La Condamine MN02 Monaco MN03 Monte-Carlo MG MONGOLIA *municipality/hot province/aymag MG01 Arhangay MG02 Bayanhongor MG03 Bayan-Olgiy MG21 Bulgan MG05 Darhan* MG06 Dornod MG07 Dornogovi MG08 Dundgovi MG09 Dzavhan MG22 Erdenet* MG10 Govi-Altay MG11 Hentiy MG12 Hovd MG13 Hovsgol MG14 Omnogovi MG15 Ovorhangay MG16 Selenge MG17 Suhbaatar MG18 Tov MG20 Ulaanbaatar* MG19 Uvs MW MONTENEGRO MH MONTSERRAT parish MH01 Saint Anthony MH02 Saint Georges MH03 Saint Peter MO MOROCCO *municipality/wilaya province/province MO01 Agadir MO02 Al Hoceima MO03 Azilal MO05 Beni Mellal MO04 Ben Slimane MO06 Boulemane MO07 Casablanca* MO08 Chaouen MO09 El Jadida MO10 El Kelaa des Srarhna MO11 Er Rachidia MO12 Essaouira MO13 Fes MO14 Figuig MO33 Guelmim MO34 Ifrane MO15 Kenitra MO16 Khemisset MO17 Khenifra MO18 Khouribga MO35 Laayoune MO41 Larache MO19 Marrakech MO20 Meknes MO21 Nador MO22 Ouarzazate MO23 Oujda MO24 Rabat-Sale* [Rabat] MO25 Safi MO26 Settat MO38 Sidi Kacem MO27 Tanger MO36 Tan-Tan MO37 Taounate MO39 Taroudannt MO29 Tata MO30 Taza MO40 Tetouan MO32 Tiznit MZ MOZAMBIQUE province/provincia MZ01 Cabo Delgado MZ02 Gaza MZ03 Inhambane MZ10 Manica MZ04 Maputo MZ06 Nampula MZ07 Niassa MZ05 Sofala MZ08 Tete MZ09 Zambezia
WA NAMIBIA districtWA01 Bethanien WA03 Boesmanland WA02 Caprivi Oos WA22 Damaraland WA04 Gobabis WA05 Grootfontein WA23 Hereroland Oos WA24 Hereroland Wes WA06 Kaokoland WA20 Karasburg WA07 Karibib WA25 Kavango WA08 Keetmanshoop WA09 Luderitz WA10 Maltahohe WA26 Mariental WA27 Namaland WA11 Okahandja WA12 Omaruru WA13 Otjiwarongo WA14 Outjo WA15 Owambo WA16 Rehoboth WA17 Swakopmund WA18 Tsumeb WA21 Windhoek NR NAURU district NR01 Aiwo NR02 Anabar NR03 Anetan NR04 Anibare NR05 Baiti NR06 Boe NR07 Buada NR08 Denigomodu NR09 Ewa NR10 Ijuw NR11 Meneng NR12 Nibok NR13 Uaboe NR14 Yaren BQ NAVASSA ISLAND NP NEPAL zone NP01 Bagmati NP02 Bheri NP03 Dhawalagiri NP04 Gandaki NP05 Janakpur NP06 Karnali NP07 Kosi NP08 Lumbini NP09 Mahakali NP10 Mechi NP11 Narayani NP12 Rapti NP13 Sagarmatha NP14 Seti NL NETHERLANDS **administrative area *municipality/gemeente province/provincie NL01 Drenthe NL12 Dronten* NL02 Friesland NL03 Gelderland NL04 Groningen NL14 Lelystad* NL05 Limburg NL06 Noord-Brabant NL07 Noord-Holland NL08 Overijssel NL09 Utrecht NL10 Zeeland NL13 Zuidelijke IJsselmeerpolders** NL11 Zuid-Holland NT NETHERLANDS ANTILLES NC NEW CALEDONIA NZ NEW ZEALAND county *district **town district NZ01 Akaroa NZ03 Amuri NZ04 Ashburton NZ07 Bay of Islands NZ08 Bruce NZ09 Buller NZ10 Chatham Islands NZ11 Cheviot NZ12 Clifton NZ13 Clutha NZ14 Cook NZ16 Dannevirke NZ17 Egmont NZ18 Eketahuna NZ19 Ellesmere NZ20 Eltham NZ21 Eyre NZ22 Featherston NZ24 Franklin NZ26 Golden Bay NZ27 Great Barrier Island NZ28 Grey NZ29 Hauraki Plains NZ30 Hawera* NZ31 Hawke's Bay NZ32 Heathcote NZD9 Hikurangi** NZ33 Hobson NZ34 Hokianga NZ35 Horowhenua NZD4 Hurunui NZ36 Hutt NZ37 Inangahua NZ38 Inglewood NZ39 Kaikoura NZ40 Kairanga NZ41 Kiwitea NZ43 Lake NZ45 Mackenzie NZ46 Malvern NZE1 Manaia** NZ47 Manawatu NZ48 Mangonui NZ49 Maniototo NZ50 Marlborough NZ51 Masterton NZ52 Matamata NZ53 Mount Herbert NZ54 Ohinemuri NZ55 Opotiki NZ56 Oroua NZ57 Otamatea NZ58 Otorohanga* NZ59 Oxford NZ60 Pahiatua NZ61 Paparua NZ63 Patea NZ65 Piako NZ66 Pohangina NZ67 Raglan NZ68 Rangiora* NZ69 Rangitikei NZ70 Rodney NZ71 Rotorua* NZE2 Runanga NZE3 Saint Kilda NZD5 Silverpeaks NZ72 Southland NZ73 Stewart Island NZ74 Stratford NZD6 Strathallan NZ76 Taranaki NZ77 Taumarunui NZ78 Taupo NZ79 Tauranga NZE4 Thames-Coromandel* NZ81 Tuapeka NZ82 Vincent NZ83 Waiapu NZD8 Waiheke NZ84 Waihemo NZ85 Waikato NZ86 Waikohu NZ88 Waimairi NZ89 Waimarino NZ90 Waimate NZ91 Waimate West NZ92 Waimea NZ93 Waipa NZ95 Waipawa* NZ96 Waipukurau* NZ97 Wairarapa South NZ98 Wairewa NZ99 Wairoa NZA4 Waitaki NZA6 Waitomo* NZA8 Waitotara NZE6 Wallace NZB2 Wanganui NZE5 Waverley** NZB3 Westland NZB4 Whakatane* NZA1 Whangarei NZA2 Whangaroa NZA3 Woodville NU NICARAGUA department/departamento NU01 Boaco NU02 Carazo NU03 Chinandega NU04 Chontales NU05 Esteli NU06 Granada NU07 Jinotega NU08 Leon NU09 Madriz NU10 Managua NU11 Masaya NU12 Matagalpa NU13 Nueva Segovia NU14 Rio San Juan NU15 Rivas NU16 Zelaya NG NIGER department/departement NG01 Agadez NG02 Diffa NG03 Dosso NG04 Maradi NG05 Niamey NG06 Tahoua NG07 Zinder NI NIGERIA state *capital territory NI34 Abia NI11 Abuja Capital Territory* NI35 Adamawa NI21 Akwa Ibom NI25 Anambra NI06 Bauchi NI26 Benue NI27 Borno NI22 Cross River NI36 Delta NI37 Edo NI38 Enugu NI28 Imo NI39 Jigawa NI23 Kaduna NI29 Kano NI24 Katsina NI40 Kebbi NI41 Kogi NI30 Kwara NI05 Lagos NI31 Niger NI16 Ogun NI17 Ondo NI42 Osun NI32 Oyo NI19 Plateau NI10 Rivers NI33 Sokoto NI43 Taraba NI44 Yobe NE NIUE NF NORFOLK ISLAND CQ NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS NO NORWAY province/fylke NO01 Akershus NO02 Aust-Agder NO04 Buskerud NO05 Finnmark NO06 Hedmark NO07 Hordaland NO08 More og Romsdal NO09 Nordland NO10 Nord-Trondelag NO11 Oppland NO12 Oslo NO13 Ostfold NO14 Rogaland NO15 Sogn og Fjordane NO16 Sor-Trondelag NO17 Telemark NO18 Troms NO19 Vest-Agder NO20 Vestfold
MU OMANPK PAKISTAN ***capital territory **Pakistan-administered area province *territory PK06 Azad Kashmir** PK02 Balochistan PK01 Federally Administered Tribal Areas* PK08 Islamabad*** PK07 Northern Areas** PK03 North-West Frontier PK04 Punjab PK05 Sindh LQ PALMYRA ATOLL PM PANAMA *intendancy/intendencia province/provincia PM01 Bocas del Toro PM02 Chiriqui PM03 Cocle PM04 Colon PM05 Darien PM06 Herrera PM07 Los Santos PM08 Panama PM09 San Blas* PM10 Veraguas PP PAPUA NEW GUINEA province PP01 Central PP08 Chimbu PP09 Eastern Highlands PP10 East New Britain PP11 East Sepik PP19 Enga PP02 Gulf PP12 Madang PP13 Manus PP03 Milne Bay PP14 Morobe PP20 National Capital PP15 New Ireland PP04 Northern PP07 North Solomons PP18 Sandaun PP05 Southern Highlands PP06 Western PP16 Western Highlands PP17 West New Britain PF PARACEL ISLANDS PA PARAGUAY department/departamento PA18 Alto Paraguay PA01 Alto Parana PA02 Amambay PA03 Boqueron PA04 Caaguazu PA05 Caazapa PA19 Canindeyu PA06 Central PA20 Chaco PA07 Concepcion PA08 Cordillera PA10 Guaira PA11 Itapua PA12 Misiones PA13 Neembucu PA21 Nueva Asuncion PA15 Paraguari PA16 Presidente Hayes PA17 San Pedro PE PERU *constitutional province/provincia constitucional department/departamento PE01 Amazonas PE02 Ancash PE03 Apurimac PE04 Arequipa PE05 Ayacucho PE06 Cajamarca PE07 Callao* PE08 Cusco PE09 Huancavelica PE10 Huanuco PE11 Ica PE12 Junin PE13 La Libertad PE14 Lambayeque PE15 Lima PE16 Loreto PE17 Madre de Dios PE18 Moquegua PE19 Pasco PE20 Piura PE21 Puno PE22 San Martin PE23 Tacna PE24 Tumbes PE25 Ucayali RP PHILIPPINES *chartered city province RP01 Abra RP02 Agusan del Norte RP03 Agusan del Sur RP04 Aklan RP05 Albay RPA1 Angeles* RP06 Antique RPG8 Aurora RPA2 Bacolod* RPA3 Bago* RPA4 Baguio* RPA5 Bais* RP22 Basilan RPA6 Basilan City* RP07 Bataan RP08 Batanes RP09 Batangas RPA7 Batangas City* RP10 Benguet RP11 Bohol RP12 Bukidnon RP13 Bulacan RPA8 Butuan* RPA9 Cabanatuan* RPB1 Cadiz* RP14 Cagayan RPB2 Cagayan de Oro* RPB3 Calbayog* RPB4 Caloocan* RP15 Camarines Norte RP16 Camarines Sur RP17 Camiguin RPB5 Canlaon* RP18 Capiz RP19 Catanduanes RP20 Cavite RPB6 Cavite City* RP21 Cebu RPB7 Cebu City* RPB8 Cotabato* RPB9 Dagupan* RPC1 Danao* RPC2 Dapitan* RP24 Davao RPC3 Davao City* RP25 Davao del Sur RP26 Davao Oriental RPC4 Dipolog* RPC5 Dumaguete* RP23 Eastern Samar RPC6 General Santos* RPC7 Gingoog* RP27 Ifugao RPC8 Iligan* RP28 Ilocos Norte RP29 Ilocos Sur RP30 Iloilo RPC9 Iloilo City* RPD1 Iriga* RP31 Isabela RP32 Kalinga-Apayao RPD2 La Carlota* RP33 Laguna RP34 Lanao del Norte RP35 Lanao del Sur RPD3 Laoag* RPD4 Lapu-Lapu* RP36 La Union RPD5 Legaspi* RP37 Leyte RPD6 Lipa* RPD7 Lucena* RP56 Maguindanao RPD8 Mandaue* RPD9 Manila* RPE1 Marawi* RP38 Marinduque RP39 Masbate RP40 Mindoro Occidental RP41 Mindoro Oriental RP42 Misamis Occidental RP43 Misamis Oriental RP44 Mountain RPE2 Naga* RPH3 Negros Occidental RP46 Negros Oriental RP57 North Cotabato RP67 Northern Samar RP47 Nueva Ecija RP48 Nueva Vizcaya RPE3 Olongapo* RPE4 Ormoc* RPE5 Oroquieta* RPE6 Ozamis* RPE7 Pagadian* RP49 Palawan RPE8 Palayan* RP50 Pampanga RP51 Pangasinan RPE9 Pasay* RPF1 Puerto Princesa* RPH2 Quezon RPF2 Quezon City* RP68 Quirino RP53 Rizal RP54 Romblon RPF3 Roxas* RP55 Samar RPF4 San Carlos, Negros Occidental* RPF5 San Carlos, Pangasinan* RPF6 San Jose* RPF7 San Pablo* RPF8 Silay* RP69 Siquijor RP58 Sorsogon RP70 South Cotabato RP59 Southern Leyte RP71 Sultan Kudarat RP60 Sulu RPF9 Surigao* RP61 Surigao del Norte RP62 Surigao del Sur RPG1 Tacloban* RPG2 Tagaytay* RPG3 Tagbilaran* RPG4 Tangub* RP63 Tarlac RP72 Tawitawi RPG5 Toledo* RPG6 Trece Martires* RP64 Zambales RPG7 Zamboanga* RP65 Zamboanga del Norte RP66 Zamboanga del Sur PC PITCAIRN ISLANDS PL POLAND province/wojewodztwo PL23 Biala Podlaska PL24 Bialystok PL25 Bielsko PL26 Bydgoszcz PL27 Chelm PL28 Ciechanow PL29 Czestochowa PL30 Elblag PL31 Gdansk PL32 Gorzow PL33 Jelenia Gora PL34 Kalisz PL35 Katowice PL36 Kielce PL37 Konin PL38 Koszalin PL39 Krakow PL40 Krosno PL41 Legnica PL42 Leszno PL43 Lodz PL44 Lomza PL45 Lublin PL46 Nowy Sacz PL47 Olsztyn PL48 Opole PL49 Ostroleka PL50 Pila PL51 Piotrkow PL52 Plock PL53 Poznan PL54 Przemysl PL55 Radom PL56 Rzeszow PL57 Siedlce PL58 Sieradz PL59 Skierniewice PL60 Slupsk PL61 Suwalki PL62 Szczecin PL63 Tarnobrzeg PL64 Tarnow PL65 Torun PL66 Walbrzych PL67 Warszawa PL68 Wloclawek PL69 Wroclaw PL70 Zamosc PL71 Zielona Gora PO PORTUGAL *autonomous region/regiao autonoma district/distrito PO02 Aveiro PO23 Azores* PO03 Beja PO04 Braga PO05 Braganca PO06 Castelo Branco PO07 Coimbra PO08 Evora PO09 Faro PO11 Guarda PO13 Leiria PO14 Lisboa PO10 Madeira* PO16 Portalegre PO17 Porto PO18 Santarem PO19 Setubal PO20 Viana do Castelo PO21 Vila Real PO22 Viseu RQ PUERTO RICO
QA QATARRE REUNION RO ROMANIA county/judet *municipality/municipiu RO01 Alba RO02 Arad RO03 Arges RO04 Bacau RO05 Bihor RO06 Bistrita-Nasaud RO07 Botosani RO08 Braila RO09 Brasov RO10 Bucuresti* RO11 Buzau RO41 Calarasi RO12 Caras-Severin RO13 Cluj RO14 Constanta RO15 Covasna RO16 Dimbovita RO17 Dolj RO18 Galati RO19 Gorj RO42 Giurgiu RO20 Harghita RO21 Hunedoara RO22 Ialomita RO23 Iasi RO25 Maramures RO26 Mehedinti RO27 Mures RO28 Neamt RO29 Olt RO30 Prahova RO31 Salaj RO32 Satu Mare RO33 Sibiu RO34 Suceava RO35 Teleorman RO36 Timis RO37 Tulcea RO38 Vaslui RO39 Vilcea RO40 Vrancea RS RUSSIA RW RWANDA prefecture/prefecture (French), prefegitura (Kinyarwanda) RW01 Butare RW02 Byumba RW03 Cyangugu RW04 Gikongoro RW05 Gisenyi RW06 Gitarama RW07 Kibungo RW08 Kibuye RW09 Kigali RW10 Ruhengeri
SC ST. KITTS AND NEVIS parishSC01 Christ Church Nichola Town SC02 Saint Anne Sandy Point SC03 Saint George Basseterre SC04 Saint George Gingerland SC05 Saint James Windward SC06 Saint John Capisterre SC07 Saint John Figtree SC08 Saint Mary Cayon SC09 Saint Paul Capisterre SC10 Saint Paul Charlestown SC11 Saint Peter Basseterre SC12 Saint Thomas Lowland SC13 Saint Thomas Middle Island SC15 Trinity Palmetto Point SH ST. HELENA *administrative area dependency SH01 Ascension* SH02 Saint Helena SH03 Tristan da Cunha ST ST. LUCIA quarter ST01 Anse-la-Raye ST03 Castries ST04 Choiseul ST02 Dauphin ST05 Dennery ST06 Gros-Islet ST07 Laborie ST08 Micoud ST11 Praslin ST09 Soufriere ST10 Vieux-Fort SB ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON VC ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES parish VC01 Charlotte VC06 Grenadines VC02 Saint Andrew VC03 Saint David VC04 Saint George VC05 Saint Patrick SM SAN MARINO municipality/castello SM01 Acquaviva SM06 Borgo Maggiore SM02 Chiesanuova SM03 Domagnano SM04 Faetano SM05 Fiorentino SM08 Monte Giardino SM07 San Marino SM09 Serravalle TP SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE district/concelho TP01 Principe TP02 Sao Tome SA SAUDI ARABIA emirate/mintaqah SA02 Al Bahah SA15 Al Hudud ash Shamaliyah SA03 Al Jawf SA05 Al Madinah SA08 Al Qasim SA09 Al Qurayyat SA10 Ar Riyad SA06 Ash Sharqiyah SA11 `Asir SA13 Ha'il SA17 Jizan SA14 Makkah SA16 Najran SA19 Tabuk SG SENEGAL region/region SG01 Dakar SG03 Diourbel SG09 Fatick SG10 Kaolack SG11 Kolda SG08 Louga SG04 Saint-Louis SG05 Tambacounda SG07 Thies SG12 Ziguinchor SR SERBIA SE SEYCHELLES district/district SE01 Anse aux Pins SE02 Anse Boileau SE03 Anse Etoile SE04 Anse Louis SE05 Anse Royale SE06 Baie Lazare SE07 Baie Sainte Anne SE08 Beau Vallon SE09 Bel Air SE10 Bel Ombre SE11 Cascade SE12 Glacis SE13 Grand' Anse (Mahe) SE14 Grand' Anse (Praslin) SE15 La Digue SE16 La Riviere Anglaise SE17 Mont Buxton SE18 Mont Fleuri SE19 Plaisance SE20 Pointe La Rue SE21 Port Glaud SE22 Saint Louis SE23 Takamaka SL SIERRA LEONE province SL01 Eastern SL02 Northern SL03 Southern SL04 Western Area SN SINGAPORE LO SLOVAKIA SI SLOVENIA BP SOLOMON ISLANDS province BP05 Central BP06 Guadalcanal BP07 Isabel BP08 Makira BP03 Malaita BP09 Temotu BP04 Western SO SOMALIA region/gobolka SO01 Bakool SO02 Banaadir SO03 Bari SO04 Bay SO05 Galguduud SO06 Gedo SO07 Hiiraan SO08 Jubbada Dhexe SO09 Jubbada Hoose SO10 Mudug SO11 Nugaal SO12 Sanaag SO13 Shabeellaha Dhexe SO14 Shabeellaha Hoose SO15 Togdheer SO16 Woqooyi Galbeed SF SOUTH AFRICA province SF01 Cape Province SF02 Natal SF03 Orange Free State SF04 Transvaal SX SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS SP SPAIN autonomous community/comunidad autonoma SP51 Andalucia SP52 Aragon SP34 Asturias SP53 Canarias SP39 Cantabria SP54 Castilla-La Mancha SP55 Castilla y Leon SP56 Cataluna SP57 Extremadura SP58 Galicia SP07 Islas Baleares SP27 La Rioja SP29 Madrid SP31 Murcia SP32 Navarra SP59 Pais Vasco SP60 Valenciana PG SPRATLY ISLANDS CE SRI LANKA district CE01 Amparai CE02 Anuradhapura CE03 Badulla CE04 Batticaloa CE23 Colombo CE06 Galle CE24 Gampaha CE07 Hambantota CE25 Jaffna CE09 Kalutara CE10 Kandy CE11 Kegalla CE12 Kurunegala CE26 Mannar CE14 Matale CE15 Matara CE16 Moneragala CE27 Mullaittivu CE17 Nuwara Eliya CE18 Polonnaruwa CE19 Puttalam CE20 Ratnapura CE21 Trincomalee CE28 Vavuniya SU SUDAN region/iqlim SU26 A`ali an Nil SU28 Al Istiwa'iyah SU29 Al Khartum SU27 Al Wusta SU30 Ash Shamaliyah SU31 Ash Sharqiyah SU32 Bahr al Ghazal SU33 Darfur SU34 Kurdufan NS SURINAME district/distrikt NS10 Brokopondo NS11 Commewijne NS12 Coronie NS13 Marowijne NS14 Nickerie NS15 Para NS16 Paramaribo NS17 Saramacca NS18 Sipaliwini NS19 Wanica SV SVALBARD WZ SWAZILAND district WZ01 Hhohho WZ02 Lubombo WZ03 Manzini WZ05 Praslin WZ04 Shiselweni SW SWEDEN province/lan SW01 Alvsborgs Lan SW02 Blekinge Lan SW03 Gavleborgs Lan SW04 Goteborgs och Bohus Lan SW05 Gotlands Lan SW06 Hallands Lan SW07 Jamtlands Lan SW08 Jonkopings Lan SW09 Kalmar Lan SW10 Kopparbergs Lan SW11 Kristianstads Lan SW12 Kronobergs Lan SW13 Malmohus Lan SW14 Norrbottens Lan SW15 Orebro Lan SW16 Ostergotlands Lan SW17 Skaraborgs Lan SW18 Sodermanlands Lan SW26 Stockholms Lan SW21 Uppsala Lan SW22 Varmlands Lan SW23 Vasterbottens Lan SW24 Vasternorrlands Lan SW25 Vastmanlands Lan SZ SWITZERLAND canton/canton (French), cantone (Italian), kanton (German) SZ01 Aargau SZ02 Ausser-Rhoden SZ03 Basel-Landschaft SZ04 Basel-Stadt SZ05 Bern SZ06 Fribourg SZ07 Geneve SZ08 Glarus SZ09 Graubunden SZ10 Inner-Rhoden SZ26 Jura SZ11 Luzern SZ12 Neuchatel SZ13 Nidwalden SZ14 Obwalden SZ15 Sankt Gallen SZ16 Schaffhausen SZ17 Schwyz SZ18 Solothurn SZ19 Thurgau SZ20 Ticino SZ21 Uri SZ22 Valais SZ23 Vaud SZ24 Zug SZ25 Zurich SY SYRIA province/muhafazah SY01 Al Hasakah SY02 Al Ladhiqiyah SY03 Al Qunaytirah SY04 Ar Raqqah SY05 As Suwayda' SY06 Dar`a SY07 Dayr az Zawr SY13 Dimashq SY09 Halab SY10 Hamah SY11 Hims SY12 Idlib SY08 Rif Dimashq SY14 Tartus
TI TAJIKISTANTZ TANZANIA region TZ01 Arusha TZ23 Dar es Salaam TZ03 Dodoma TZ04 Iringa TZ05 Kigoma TZ06 Kilimanjaro TZ07 Lindi TZ08 Mara TZ09 Mbeya TZ10 Morogoro TZ11 Mtwara TZ12 Mwanza TZ13 Pemba North TZ20 Pemba South TZ02 Pwani TZ24 Rukwa TZ14 Ruvuma TZ15 Shinyanga TZ16 Singida TZ17 Tabora TZ18 Tanga TZ21 Zanzibar Central/South TZ22 Zanzibar North TZ25 Zanzibar Urban/West TZ19 Ziwa Magharibi TH THAILAND *municipality province TH35 Ang Thong TH28 Buriram TH44 Chachoengsao TH32 Chai Nat TH26 Chaiyaphum TH48 Chanthaburi TH02 Chiang Mai TH03 Chiang Rai TH46 Chon Buri TH58 Chumphon TH23 Kalasin TH11 Kamphaeng Phet TH50 Kanchanaburi TH22 Khon Kaen TH63 Krabi TH40 Krung Thep* TH06 Lampang TH05 Lamphun TH18 Loei TH34 Lop Buri TH01 Mae Hong Son TH24 Maha Sarakham TH43 Nakhon Nayok TH53 Nakhon Pathom TH21 Nakhon Phanom TH27 Nakhon Ratchasima TH16 Nakhon Sawan TH64 Nakhon Si Thammarat TH04 Nan TH31 Narathiwat TH17 Nong Khai TH38 Nonthaburi TH39 Pathum Thani TH69 Pattani TH61 Phangnga TH66 Phatthalung TH41 Phayao TH14 Phetchabun TH56 Phetchaburi TH13 Phichit TH12 Phitsanulok TH36 Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya TH07 Phrae TH62 Phuket TH45 Prachin Buri TH57 Prachuap Khiri Khan TH59 Ranong TH52 Ratchaburi TH47 Rayong TH25 Roi Et TH20 Sakon Nakhon TH42 Samut Prakan TH55 Samut Sakhon TH54 Samut Songkhram TH37 Saraburi TH67 Satun TH33 Sing Buri TH30 Sisaket TH68 Songkhla TH09 Sukhothai TH51 Suphan Buri TH60 Surat Thani TH29 Surin TH08 Tak TH65 Trang TH49 Trat TH71 Ubon Ratchathani TH19 Udon Thani TH15 Uthai Thani TH10 Uttaradit TH70 Yala TH72 Yasothon TO TOGO circumscription/circonscription TO01 Amlame TO02 Aneho TO03 Atakpame TO15 Badou TO04 Bafilo TO05 Bassar TO06 Dapaong TO07 Kante TO08 Klouto TO14 Kpagouda TO09 Lama-Kara TO10 Lome TO11 Mango TO12 Niamtougou TO13 Notse TO16 Sotouboua TO17 Tabligbo TO19 Tchamba TO20 Tchaoudjo TO18 Tsevie TO21 Vogan TL TOKELAU TN TONGA island group TN01 Ha`apai TN02 Tongatapu TN03 Vava`u TD TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO county *municipality **ward TD01 Arima* TD02 Caroni TD03 Mayaro TD04 Nariva TD05 Port-of-Spain* TD06 Saint Andrew TD07 Saint David TD08 Saint George TD09 Saint Patrick TD10 San Fernando* TD11 Tobago** TD12 Victoria TE TROMELIN ISLAND PS TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS (PALAU) TS TUNISIA governorate/wilayah TS14 Al Kaf TS15 Al Mahdiyah TS16 Al Munastir TS02 Al Qasrayn TS03 Al Qayrawan TS26 Aryanah TS17 Bajah TS18 Banzart TS27 Bin `Arus TS06 Jundubah TS28 Madanin TS19 Nabul TS29 Qabis TS10 Qafsah TS31 Qibili TS32 Safaqis TS33 Sidi Bu Zayd TS22 Silyanah TS23 Susah TS34 Tatawin TS35 Tawzar TS36 Tunis TS37 Zaghwan TU TURKEY province/il TU01 Adana TU02 Adiyaman TU03 Afyon TU04 Agri TU75 Aksaray TU05 Amasya TU68 Ankara TU07 Antalya TU08 Artvin TU09 Aydin TU10 Balikesir TU76 Batman TU77 Bayburt TU11 Bilecik TU12 Bingol TU13 Bitlis TU14 Bolu TU15 Burdur TU16 Bursa TU17 Canakkale TU18 Cankiri TU19 Corum TU20 Denizli TU21 Diyarbakir TU22 Edirne TU23 Elazig TU24 Erzincan TU25 Erzurum TU26 Eskisehir TU27 Gaziantep TU28 Giresun TU69 Gumushane TU70 Hakkari TU31 Hatay TU32 Icel TU33 Isparta TU34 Istanbul TU35 Izmir TU46 Kahraman Maras TU78 Karaman TU36 Kars TU37 Kastamonu TU38 Kayseri TU79 Kirikkale TU39 Kirklareli TU40 Kirsehir TU41 Kocaeli TU71 Konya TU43 Kutahya TU44 Malatya TU45 Manisa TU72 Mardin TU48 Mugla TU49 Mus TU50 Nevsehir TU73 Nigde TU52 Ordu TU53 Rize TU54 Sakarya TU55 Samsun TU74 Siirt TU57 Sinop TU80 Sirnak TU58 Sivas TU59 Tekirdag TU60 Tokat TU61 Trabzon TU62 Tunceli TU63 Urfa TU64 Usak TU65 Van TU66 Yozgat TU67 Zonguldak TX TURKMENISTAN TK TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS TV TUVALU
UG UGANDA provinceUG05 Busoga UG18 Central UG20 Eastern UG08 Karamoja UG21 Nile UG22 North Buganda UG23 Northern UG12 South Buganda UG24 Southern UG25 Western UP UKRAINE *city/misto province/oblast' **republic/respublika UP01 Cherkas'ka Oblast' UP02 Chernihivs'ka Oblast' UP03 Chernivets'ka Oblast' UP04 Dnipropetrovs'ka Oblast' UP05 Donets'ka Oblast' UP06 Ivano-Frankivs'ka Oblast' UP07 Kharkivs'ka Oblast' UP08 Khersons'ka Oblast' UP09 Khmel'nyts'ka Oblast' UP10 Kirovohrads'ka Oblast' UP11 Krym, Respublika** UP12 Kyyiv, Misto* UP13 Kyyivs'ka Oblast' UP14 Luhans'ka Oblast' UP15 L'vivs'ka Oblast' UP16 Mykolayivs'ka Oblast' UP17 Odes'ka Oblast' UP18 Poltavs'ka Oblast' UP19 Rivnens'ka Oblast' UP20 Sevastopol', Misto* UP21 Sums'ka Oblast' UP22 Ternopil's'ka Oblast' UP23 Vinnyts'ka Oblast' UP24 Volyns'ka Oblast' UP25 Zakarpats'ka Oblast' UP26 Zaporiz'ka Oblast' UP27 Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast' TC UNITED ARAB EMIRATES emirate TC01 Abu Zaby TC02 `Ajman TC04 Al Fujayrah TC06 Ash Shariqah TC03 Dubayy TC05 Ra's al Khaymah TC07 Umm al Qaywayn UK UNITED KINGDOM county *metropolitan county UK01 Avon UK02 Bedford UK03 Berkshire UK04 Buckingham UK05 Cambridge UK06 Cheshire UK07 Cleveland UK08 Cornwall UK09 Cumbria UK10 Derby UK11 Devon UK12 Dorset UK13 Durham UK14 East Sussex UK15 Essex UK16 Gloucester UK17 Greater London* UK18 Greater Manchester* UK19 Hampshire UK20 Hereford and Worcester UK21 Hertford UK22 Humberside UK23 Isle of Wight UK24 Kent UK25 Lancashire UK26 Leicester UK27 Lincoln UK28 Merseyside* UK29 Norfolk UK31 Northampton UK32 Northumberland UK30 North Yorkshire UK33 Nottingham UK34 Oxford UK35 Shropshire UK36 Somerset UK37 South Yorkshire* UK38 Stafford UK39 Suffolk UK40 Surrey UK41 Tyne and Wear* UK42 Warwick UK43 West Midlands* UK44 West Sussex UK45 West Yorkshire* UK46 Wiltshire (Northern Ireland: 52 through 77, inclusive) district UK52 Antrim UK53 Ards UK54 Armagh UK55 Ballymena UK56 Ballymoney UK57 Banbridge UK58 Belfast UK59 Carrickfergus UK60 Castlereagh UK61 Coleraine UK62 Cookstown UK63 Craigavon UK64 Down UK65 Dungannon UK66 Fermanagh UK67 Larne UK68 Limavady UK69 Lisburn UK70 Londonderry UK71 Magherafelt UK72 Moyle UK73 Newry and Mourne UK74 Newtownabbey UK75 North Down UK76 Omagh UK77 Strabane (Scotland: 78 through 89, inclusive) *islands area region UK78 Borders UK79 Central UK80 Dumfries and Galloway UK81 Fife UK82 Grampian UK83 Highland UK84 Lothian UK85 Orkney* UK86 Shetland* UK87 Strathclyde UK88 Tayside UK89 Western Isles* (Wales: 90 though 97, inclusive) county UK90 Clwyd UK91 Dyfed UK92 Gwent UK93 Gwynedd UK94 Mid Glamorgan UK95 Powys UK96 South Glamorgan UK97 West Glamorgan US UNITED STATES *district state US01 Alabama US02 Alaska US04 Arizona US05 Arkansas US06 California US08 Colorado US09 Connecticut US10 Delaware US11 District of Columbia* US12 Florida US13 Georgia US15 Hawaii US16 Idaho US17 Illinois US18 Indiana US19 Iowa US20 Kansas US21 Kentucky US22 Louisiana US23 Maine US24 Maryland US25 Massachusetts US26 Michigan US27 Minnesota US28 Mississippi US29 Missouri US30 Montana US31 Nebraska US32 Nevada US33 New Hampshire US34 New Jersey US35 New Mexico US36 New York US37 North Carolina US38 North Dakota US39 Ohio US40 Oklahoma US41 Oregon US42 Pennyslvania US44 Rhode Island US45 South Carolina US46 South Dakota US47 Tennessee US48 Texas US49 Utah US50 Vermont US51 Virginia US53 Washington US54 West Virginia US55 Wisconsin US56 Wyoming UY URUGUAY department/departamento UY01 Artigas UY02 Canelones UY03 Cerro Largo UY04 Colonia UY05 Durazno UY06 Flores UY07 Florida UY08 Lavalleja UY09 Maldonado UY10 Montevideo UY11 Paysandu UY12 Rio Negro UY13 Rivera UY14 Rocha UY15 Salto UY16 San Jose UY17 Soriano UY18 Tacuarembo UY19 Treinta y Tres UZ UZBEKISTAN
NH VANUATU districtNH05 Ambrym NH06 Aoba/Maewo NH07 Banks/Torres NH08 Efate NH09 Epi NH10 Malakula NH11 Paama NH12 Pentecote NH13 Santo/Malo NH14 Shepherd NH15 Tafea VT VATICAN CITY VE VENEZUELA ***federal dependencies/dependencias federales **federal district/distrito federal state/estado *territory/territorio VE01 Amazonas* VE02 Anzoategui VE03 Apure VE04 Aragua VE05 Barinas VE06 Bolivar VE07 Carabobo VE08 Cojedes VE09 Delta Amacuro* VE24 Dependencias Federales*** VE10 Distrito Federal** VE11 Falcon VE12 Guarico VE13 Lara VE14 Merida VE15 Miranda VE16 Monagas VE17 Nueva Esparta VE18 Portuguesa VE19 Sucre VE20 Tachira VE21 Trujillo VE22 Yaracuy VE23 Zulia VM VIETNAM
*municipality/thanh pho province/tinhVM43 An Giang VM53 Ba Ria-Vung Tau VM02 Bac Thai VM03 Ben Tre VM54 Binh Dinh VM55 Binh Thuan VM56 Can Tho VM05 Cao Bang VM44 Dac Lac VM45 Dong Nai VM46 Dong Thap VM57 Gia Lai VM11 Ha Bac VM58 Ha Giang VM51 Ha Noi* VM59 Ha Tay VM60 Ha Tinh VM12 Hai Hung VM13 Hai Phong* VM52 Ho Chi Minh* VM61 Hoa Binh VM62 Khanh Hoa VM47 Kien Giang VM63 Kon Tum VM22 Lai Chau VM23 Lam Dong VM39 Lang Son VM64 Lao Cai VM24 Long An VM48 Minh Hai VM65 Nam Ha VM66 Nghe An VM67 Ninh Binh VM68 Ninh Thuan VM69 Phu Yen VM70 Quang Binh VM29 Quang Nam-Da Nang VM71 Quang Ngai VM30 Quang Ninh VM72 Quang Tri VM73 Soc Trang VM49 Song Be VM32 Son La VM33 Tay Ninh VM35 Thai Binh VM34 Thanh Hoa VM74 Thua Thien VM37 Tien Giang VM75 Tra Vinh VM76 Tuyen Quang VM77 Vinh Long VM50 Vinh Phu VM78 Yen Bai VQ VIRGIN ISLANDS
WQ WAKE ISLANDWF WALLIS AND FUTUNA WE WEST BANK WI WESTERN SAHARA WS WESTERN SAMOA district WS01 A`ana WS02 Aiga-i-le-Tai WS03 Atua WS04 Fa`asaleleaga WS05 Gaga`emauga WS07 Gagaifomauga WS08 Palauli WS09 Satupa`itea WS10 Tuamasaga WS06 Va`a-o-Fonoti WS11 Vaisigano
YM YEMEN governorate/muhafazahYM01 Abyan YM02 `Adan YM07 Al Bayda' YM08 Al Hudaydah YM09 Al Jawf YM03 Al Mahrah YM10 Al Mahwit YM11 Dhamar YM04 Hadramawt YM12 Hajjah YM13 Ibb YM06 Lahij YM14 Ma'rib YM05 Shabwah YM15 Sa`dah YM16 San`a' YM17 Ta`izz CG ZAIRE region/region *town/ville CG01 Bandundu CG08 Bas-Zaire CG02 Equateur CG09 Haut-Zaire CG03 Kasai-Occidental CG04 Kasai-Oriental CG06 Kinshasa* CG07 Kivu CG05 Shaba ZA ZAMBIA province ZA02 Central ZA08 Copperbelt ZA03 Eastern ZA04 Luapula ZA09 Lusaka ZA05 Northern ZA06 North-Western ZA07 Southern ZA01 Western ZI ZIMBABWE province ZI01 Manicaland ZI03 Mashonaland Central ZI04 Mashonaland East ZI05 Mashonaland West ZI06 Matabeleland North ZI07 Matabeleland South ZI02 Midlands ZI08 Masvingo TW TAIWAN *municipality/shih province/sheng TW01 Fu-chien TW02 Kao-hsiung* TW03 T'ai-pei* TW04 T'ai-wan
The Foreword, Abstract, and Key Words follow:
1995 April
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/National Institute of Standards and Technology
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Ronald H. Brown, Secretary National Institute of Standards and Technology, Arati Prabhakar, Director Foreword The Federal Information Processing Standards Publication Series of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the official publication relating to standards and guidelines adopted and promulgated under the provisions of Section 111(d) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 as amended by the Computer Security Act of 1987, Public Law 100-235. These mandates have given the Secretary of Commerce and NIST important responsibilities for improving the utilization and management of computers and related telecommunications systems in the Federal Government. The NIST, through its Computer Systems Laboratory, provides leadership, technical guidance, and coordination of Government efforts in the development of standards and guidelines in these areas. Comments concerning Federal Information Processing Standards Publications are welcomed and should be addressed to the Director, Computer Systems Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. James H. Burrows, Director Computer Systems Laboratory Abstract This Standard provides a list of the basic geopolitical entities in the world, together with the principal divisions that comprise each entity. Each basic geopolitical entity that was listed in FIPS PUB 10-3, Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty, as updated, is included; it is represented by the same two-character alphabetic, country code. Each principal administrative division is identified by a four-character code consisting of the two-character country code followed by a two-character administrative division code. This Standard supersedes FIPS 10-3 in its entirety. Key words: country codes; country division codes; data codes; data elements; data standards; Federal Information Processing Standard; geographic codes; information processing; information resources management; principal administrative divisions.
![]() Point of Contact: GeoNames - Last Updated: 24 November 2003 |