FIPS 55-3 - State Codes, County Codes, Place Codes, Place Names, MSA, Congressional Districts
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Supersedes FIPS PUB 55-2
1987 February 3
1987 January 16
Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 55-3
1994 December 28
Announcing the Standard for
The Index for the Online
Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology after approval by the Secretary of Commerce pursuant to Section 111(d) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended by the Computer Security Act of 1987, Public Law 100-235.
1.Name of Guideline.Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and Other Locational Entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Outlying Areas.
2.Category of Guideline.Data Standards and Guidelines, Representations and Codes.
3.Explanation.Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 55-3 provides codes for named popu lated places, primary county divisions (such as townships and census county divisions), American Indian and Alaska Native areas, and several kinds of facilities. It also provides comparable codes for counties and equivalent legal and statistical entities. In addition to the entity name and its code, the guideline provides other identifying and cross-reference information for each file entry. This guideline covers the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the outlying areas (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and United States Minor Outlying Islands) and freely associated areas (the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau) of the United States.
For each State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and outlying areas, the guideline records all incorporated places, census designated places, county subdivisions, counties and statistically equivalent entities and their primary divisions as recognized by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. It also includes all American Indian and Alaska Native areas included in the last census, and a list of many other named populated locations. Among the facilities included are national parks, military installations, Coast Guard bases, and major airports. The guideline provides a class designator, or code, for each entry to distinguish populated places, county subdivisions, counties, American Indian and Alaska Native areas, selected facili ties, and obsolete and unverified names. The class code structure also provides subcategories that distin guish active local governments from those that are inactive or nonfunctioning, various types of populated places and Federally and State recognized American Indian and Alaska Native entities, several types of government facilities, and so forth.
FIPS 55-3 supersedes FIPS 55-2 in its entirety and incorporates technical changes that have been issued by the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, and the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. Several categories of locational entities have been dropped in FIPS 55-3; these are documented in the text. In addition, the text of FIPS 55-3 contains minor editorial changes and updates from the text of FIPS 55-2.
4.Approving Authority.U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (Computer Systems Laboratory).
5.Maintenance Agency.U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Geographic Names Section.
Address questions concerning the list of entities and their assigned codes and related information to the Maintenance Agency: Manager, Geographic Names Information System, U.S. Geological Survey, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. Users of this standard who want to be notified of changes that occur before the next publication of the guideline must complete the Change Request Form provided in this publication and send it to: Standards Processing Coordinator, Computer Systems Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. The NIST will issue Change Notices on an as-needed basis.
6.Cross Index and Related Documents.
- a. ANS X3.47-1977, Information SystemsCodesStructure and Data Requirements for the Identifi cation of Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and Other Locational Entities of the United States and Its Outlying and Associated Areas for Information Interchange, American National Standards Institute.
- b. ANS X3.38-1972, Information SystemsCodesIdentification of the States, the District of Colum bia, and the Outlying and Associated Areas of the United States for Information Interchange, American National Standards Institute.
- c. ANS X3.31-1973, Information SystemsCodesStructure for the Identification of the Counties and County Equivalents of the United States and Its Outlying and Associated Areas for Information Interchange, American National Standards Institute.
- d. FIPS PUB 5-2, Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of the United States, and Associated Areas, 1987, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- e. FIPS PUB 6-4, Counties and Equivalent Entities of the United States, Its Possessions, and Associ ated Areas, 1990, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- f. FIPS PUB 8-6, Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) (Including CMSAs, PMSAs, and NECMAs), 1984, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- g. Worldwide Geographic Location Codes, Office of Finance, U.S. General Services Administration.
- h. National Five-Digit ZIP Code and Post Office Directory, U.S. Postal Service, 1994.
- i. Congressional District Atlas, 103rd Congress of the United States, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1993.
- j. FIPS PUB 9-1, Congressional Districts of the United States, 1990, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- k. FIPS PUB 104-1, ANS Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty for Information Interchange, 1983, National Institute of Standards and Technol ogy.
7.Objectives.The objectives of this guideline are to improve the use of the data resources of the Federal Government and to avoid unnecessary duplication and incompatibilities in the collection, processing, and dissemination of data. 8.Applicability.This guideline is recommended for the collection, processing, and interchange of coded data by Federal agencies, and whenever requirements for such data are imposed by a Federal agency or industry, State or local governments, or the public. Use within agency data systems is encouraged when such use contributes to operational benefits, efficiency, and/or economy.
9.Specifications.This guideline implements the provisions of ANSI X3.47-1993, as summarized on the following pages.
10.Where to Obtain Copies of the Guideline.
- a. Copies of this publication are for sale by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; contact the NTIS Sales Office (703/487-4650) for cost and ordering information. When ordering, refer to Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 55-3 Documentation (FIPSPUB55-3) or 55DC-5 Data Codes (FIPSPUB55DC-5) and its title. Payment may be made by check, money order, credit card, or deposit account.
- b.Two additional forms of this publication are available from the NTIS: magnetic tape and microfiche. Information about the cost of these products may be obtained by contacting the NTIS Computer Products Office at the above address/telephone number.
- c. Change information may be obtained by submitting the Change Request Form as noted above.
- d. A list of all published Federal Information Processing Standards Publications and current prices is available from:Standards Processing Coordinator, Computer Systems Laboratory, Building 225, Room B-64, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301/975-2816).
- e. Copies of ANS standards may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036 (212/642-4900).
Supersedes FIPS PUB 55-2 1987 February 3
and55DC-4 1987 January 16
Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 55-3
1994 December 28
Specifications for
- 1.1 Main Alphabet Sequence
- 1.2 Inactive and Nonfunctioning Primary County Divisions
- 1.3 Counties and Statistically Equivalent Entities
- 1.4 Data Included for Each Entity
- 3.1 File Format
- 3.2 Record Format
- 4.1 - Field 1: - FIPS State Code
- 4.2 - Field 2: - FIPS Entity Code
- 4.3 - Field 3: - State Alphabetic Code
- 4.4 - Field 4: - Total Number of Counties
- 4.5 - Field 5: - County Record Sequence Number
- 4.6 - Field 6: - Class Code
- 4.7 - Field 7: - Entity Name
- 4.8 - Field 8: - FIPS County Code
- 4.9 - Field 9: - Name of County or Statistically Equivalent Entity
- 4.10 - Field 10: - Part of Code (Inclusion Code)
- 4.11 - Field 11: - Other Name Code (Cross-Reference Code)
- 4.12 - Field 12: - Zip Code
- 4.13a - Field 13a: - Name Match/Postal Sentinel
- 4.13b - Field 13b: - Zip Code Range
- 4.14 - Field 14: - GSA Code
- 4.15 - Field 15: - Census Bureau (MRF) Code
- 4.16 - Field 16: - FIPS Metropolitan Area Code
- 4.17 - Field 17: - Total Number of CDs
- 4.18 - Field 18: - CD Record Sequence Number
- 4.19 - Field 19: - First CD Indentification Number
- 4.20 - Field 20: - Second CD Identification Number
- 4.21 - Field 21: - Third CD Identification Number
- 5.1 Definition of Terms
- 5.2 Entity Selection With the Aid of the Class Code
- 5.3 Class Code Structure
- 5.3.1Group 1: - Populated Places Not Associated With Facilities
- 5.3.2Group 2: - Counties and County Equivalents, Primary CountyDivisions, American Indian Areas, and AlaskaNative Areas
- 5.3.3Group 3: - Facilities, Except for Communication or Transportation
- 5.3.4Group 4: - Communications and Transportation Facilities
- 5.3.5Group 5: - Obsolete or Incorrect Names or Entities
1.DESCRIPTION OF DATA FILES The files of Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB) 55 provide a unique code for each listed populated place, primary county division, and other locational entity in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Outlying Areas. (References to ``State'' in this standard also apply to the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and each Outlying Area including the freely associated areas.) The file contains approximately 195,000 individual entities. The unique code combination consists of a 2-digit numeric State Code (as specified in FIPS PUB 5-2) and a 5-digit numeric FIPS entity code (as specified in this FIPS PUB). The entity code sequence is repeated for each State, so that an entity code requires the FIPS State code to identify each entity uniquely. For example, the city of Modesto, California is distinguished from all other places in the Nation by its 7-digit code, 0648354, in which ``06'' represents the State of California and ``48354'' uniquely identifies Modesto within that State. In addition to the State and entity codes, the record for each entity contains several related items of information for that entity.
1.1Main Alphabet Sequence
Records are listed numerically by FIPS place code within each State. The lowest-numbered entity code is assigned to the first entity in alphabetical sequence for each State. Successively assigned entity codes increase in numerical value as entity names progress in alphabetic order. The entity code assigned to the last entity in the main alphabetic sequence does not exceed 89999. This correspondence between alphabetic order and entity code sequence facilitates alphabetic sorting by permitting an alternate numeric sort on fewer characters. The alphabetic sequence is standard and represents the order a word would appear if all spaces and punctuation were removed. Characters within parentheses are ignored. The alphabetization is for the complete spelling of abbreviated entity names that may appear in the file, for example, Mt. Pleasant will be alphabetized as if unabbreviated as Mount Pleasant. There is a notable exception. Words beginning with the letters ``Mc'' are alphabetized as if spelled ``Mac''. Different entities with the same name are sorted by county code; if more than one entity of the same name exists in a single county, generally entities in Group 1 of the class code structure have a lower value than Group 2 class code entities, and so on. Some entities contain numeric characters; a numeric character string is treated as a single character, thus an entity name followed by a number 2 sorts earlier in the alphanumeric sort than the same name followed by a 10.
The codes assigned to the original set of entities in the main sequence for each State provided for a standard numerical increment between successive codes. The lone exception was the assignment of codes to the most well-known places; codes assigned to such places usually end in ``00'' or ``000,'' necessitating a larger-than-standard increment. In a State with a smaller number of entities, the standard increment between successive place codes is larger, while in a State with a larger number of entities, the standard increment between successive place codes is smaller. Thus, place codes are nearly uniformly distributed between the limits of the main sequence. The State with the largest number of entities is Pennsylvania; accordingly, it has the smallest standard increment, eight. The numeric gap between entity codes allows for the insertion of additional records in proper alphabetic sequence with code assignments that retain the ascending numerical sequence. As a result of entities being added since the original code assignment, the increment between some place codes will be smaller than the initial standard increment. In a very small number of instances since FIPS PUB 55-2, new entity records required recoding of existing records to maintain the alphanumeric sort.
1.2Inactive and Nonfunctioning Primary County Divisions
A second sequence of codes provides assignments for selected types of inactive, nonfunctioning, or statistical primary county divisions not listed in the main sequence. This sequence begins after entity code 90000 and does not exceed 97999. There may be two or more separate sets of entities and codes in this second sequence, such as the townships followed by the census county divisions in Nevada. Eighteen States do not have a second sequence at this time: Alaska, Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michi gan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin. The second sequence also is not used in Puerto Rico or any of the Outlying Areas.
In this sequence, as in the main sequence, entities are spaced in equal numerical increments between the limiting place codes, except where entities have been added to the original version of this file. Again, in States with many entities, the numeric difference between successive codes is less than in States with fewer entities. And in some instances since FIPS PUB 55-2, new entity records required recoding of existing records to maintain alphanumeric sort.
1.3Counties and Statistically Equivalent Entities
Another sequence of codes begins at or after 99001 in the file for each State. This sequence assigns a 5-digit FIPS 55 code to each county and statistically equivalent entity. The code consists of 99 followed by the 3-digit county code specified in FIPS PUB 6-4. For example, Autauga County, Alabama, with a county code of 001, is assigned a FIPS 55 code of 99001 in the Alabama file; Montgomery County, Maryland, with a county code of 031, is assigned a FIPS 55 code of 99031 in the Maryland file. This sequence is provided so that every local governmental unit, including counties, can be assigned a compatible 7-digit code. In addition, these records provide summarized information about the metropolitan area(s) and 103rd Congress congressional district(s) (CD) in which each county is located.
The sequence commencing at 99001 does NOT apply to the independent cities of Baltimore (city), Maryland; St. Louis (city), Missouri; Carson City, Nevada; and the 41 independent cities in Virginia. The county-equivalent codes assigned to these cities in FIPS PUB 6-4 are NOT used to create FIPS 55 codes because appropriate place codes are already assigned to the independent cities in the main sequence of this FIPS PUB.
1.4Data Included for Each Entity
Some of the data included for each entity in the file, in addition to its name and FIPS entity code, are the FIPS PUB 5-2 State code and the State postal abbreviation, the name and FIPS PUB 6-4 code of each county in which the entity is located, a class code (see Section 5) that identifies the type of entity, the ZIP Code (or code range) if the entity name also is the name of a post office, and a cross-reference to the Worldwide Geographic Location Codes issued by the U.S. General Services Administration. The ``Part of Code'' and ``Other Name Code'' fields provide for the identification of relationships between entities.
Additional data are included for each entity that represents a county, primary county division, incorpo rated place, census designated place, American Indian area, or Alaska Native area. For these entities, the CD(s) in which each is located is identified; the data reflect the reapportionment and redistricting for the 103rd Congress, whose term began in January 1993 and ended in January 1995. Also, for any entity located in a metropolitan statistical area or primary metropolitan statistical area, the code for that area is shown. For incorporated and census designated places and for American Indian/Alaska Native areas, the code assigned by the U.S. Bureau of the Census is listed. (Note that the Census Bureau plans to use only the FIPS 55 codes for these entities, beginning with the 1997 economic censuses and the 2000 decennial census.)
Four indexing fields are used on the tape, but are not printed in the hard-copy version. Section 4 provides a complete list of fields and their locations in each tape record and in the printed version.
2.TAPE FORMAT Files are recorded on a single, standard 9-track tape at a density of 1600 bpi, odd parity. There are 64 logical records per physical record (8448 characters per block). Both ASCII and EBCDIC versions are available. Both versions are upper- and lower-case characters. Tapes are unlabeled.
The FIPS 55 file is subdivided into 60 individual filesone for each State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and each Outlying Areaon a single reel of tape. This offers access to any State or statistically equivalent entity. The files are sequenced in numerical order based on the FIPS State codes; that is, the States and the District of Columbia occur first in alphabetical sequence, followed by Puerto Rico and the Outlying Areas in alphabetical sequence. The sequence, number of entities, and number of records in each file are listed in Table 1 (pp. 2526).
3.2Record Format
The record length is fixed at 132 characters. Entities that are located in only one county and in not more than three CDs require only one 132-character record; 99 percent of all entities require only one record. The remaining entities require more than one 132-character record because they are located in more than one county or in more than three CDs in a single county.
Data that are constant for an entity are repeated in each tape record for that entity (but are not repeated in the printed version). Any data for an entity can vary between counties except the FIPS State code, State abbreviation, entity code, and entity name.
Only one record format is used, regardless of how many records each entity requires. To provide for the possibility of a variable number of records per entity, the computer file uses four indexing fields. Two indexing fields are associated with additional records for CDs in one county and two fields relate to additional records for counties.
- To allow for more than three CDs in a single county, there are a 2-digit indexing field named ``Total Number of CDs'' and a 1-digit indexing field named ``CD Record Sequence Number.'' For example, in a county that is located in eight CDs, the first field would be set to ``8'' and the second field would be set to ``1,'' ``2,'' and ``3,'' respectively, in the first of the three successive records required to store the eight CD codes. The system allows for up to 27 CDs in a single entitymore than any entity currently requires.
- To allow for more than one county for an entity, a 2-digit indexing field named ``Total Number of Counties'' identifies how many counties each entity requires. Another 2-digit field, ``County Sequence Number,'' identifies the county sequence of the current record in the set of records for the entity. There will be more than one record with the same county sequence number if more than three CDs are listed for that county.
4.SPECIFIC RECORD LAYOUT Note:``Location'' applies to the tape version only; ``Printed version'' identifies the placement of fields in the hard copy.
4.1Field 1:FIPS State Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 1 2 2 numeric blank field
Remarks:Identifies the states or statistical equivalent within which an entity is located; see FIPS PUB 5-2 for a more detailed explanation; see Table 1, pages 25 and 26 for a complete list of FIPS State codes (under the heading, FIPS Code).
Printed Version:Printed in the heading of each page. 4.2Field 2:FIPS Entity Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 3 7 5 numeric blank field
Remarks:Identifies the assigned FIPS 55 entity code; records are filed in ascending entity code sequence by State.
Printed version:First tabular field from left. 4.3Field 3:State Alphabetic Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 8 9 2 alpha blank field
Remarks:Identifies the State abbreviation used by the U.S. Postal Service. The codes are specified in ANS Z39.27-1984 and adopted in FIPS PUB 104-1, see Table 1, pages 25 and 26, for a complete list of State Alphabetic codes (under the heading Alpha Code).
Printed version:Printed in the heading of each page. 4.4Field 4:Total Number of Counties
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 10 11 2 numeric blank field
Remarks:Identifies the number of counties in which the entity is located; data right-justified; leading space if entry is a single digit.
Printed version:Not printed. 4.5Field 5:County Record Sequence Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 12 13 2 numeric blank field
Remarks:Identifies sequentially each separate county record associated with an entity, thus for each entity in more than one county each entity-county combination increases the sequence number by one; data right-justified; leading space if entry is a single digit.
Printed version:Not printed. 4.6Field 6:Class Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 14 15 2 alpha- blank field numeric
Remarks:Identifies the type of entity; leading character is alphabetic; second character is blank or numeric; see Section 5 for an explanation of class codes.
Printed version:Fifth tabular field from left. 4.7Field 7:Entity Name
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 16 67 52 alpha- blank field numeric
Remarks:Identifies the name of the entity record; data left-justified; names of more than 52 characters are truncated; spaces complete field.
Printed version:Second tabular field from left. 4.8Field 8:FIPS County Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 68 70 3 alpha- blank field numeric
Remarks:Identifies the county or statistical equivalent in which this entity record is located; entities in multiple counties have multiple records; see FIPS PUB 6-4 for an explanation.
Printed version:Third tabular field from left. 4.9Field 9:Name of County or Statistically Equivalent Entity 4.8Field 8:FIPS County Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 71 92 22 alpha- blank field numeric
Remarks:Identifies the name of the county or statistical equivalent in which this entity record is located; entities in multiple counties have multiple records; data left-justified; names of more than 22 characters are truncated; spaces complete field.
Printed version:Fourth tabular field from left. 4.10Field 10:Part of the Code (Inclusion Code)
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Never has 93 97 5 numeric blank field
Remarks:Indicates that this entity is either within the boundaries of another entity or, if obsolete, now is part of a new entity, whose FIPS 55 entity code is given here; see Section 5 for usage with specific class codes. Printed version:Eighth tabular field from left. 4.11Field 11:Other Name Code (Cross-Reference Code)
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 98 102 5 numeric
Remarks:Identifies FIPS 55 entity code of reference; see Section 5 for usage with specific class codes.
Printed version:Ninth tabular field from left. 4.12Field 12:ZIP Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 103 107 5 numeric
Remarks:Identifies the lowest-numbered or only ZIP Code of a servicing post office.
Printed version:Sixth tabular field from left. 4.13aField 13a:Name Match/Postal Sentinel
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 108 109 2 alpha
Remarks:If the entity name matches a name in the Geographic Names Information System of the U.S. Geological Survey, ``G'' is shown in the left position. If the entity name matches the name of a U.S. post office, ``P'' is shown in the right position. Either position may be blank.
Printed version:If a ``G'' and/or ``P'' is appropriate for an entity, it is printed immediately to the right of the ZIP Code Range field. 4.13bField 13b:ZIP Code Range
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 110 111 2 numeric
Remarks:If the entity is assigned more than one 5-digit sequential ZIP Code, data represent the two rightmost digits of the highest-numbered ZIP Code of the set; otherwise, data are spaces.
Printed version:Seventh tabular field from left. 4.14Field 14:GSA Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 112 115 4 numeric
Remarks:Identifies the General Services Administration's 4-digit worldwide geographic location code.
Printed version: Tenth tabular field from left. 4.15Field 15:Census Bureau (MRF) Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 116 119 4 numeric
Remarks: Identifies the Census Bureau's 4-digit code for each incorporated place, census designated place, or American Indian/Alaska Native area; Census Bureau code for a place may duplicate an American Indian/Alaska Native area.
Printed version: Eleventh tabular field from left. 4.16Field 16:FIPS Metropolitan Area Code Code
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 120 123 4 numeric
Remarks:Identifies the FIPS PUB 8-6 4-digit code for a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) or primary metropolitan statistical area (PMSA) as designated by the Office of Management and Budget on June 30, 1993, for each incorporated place, census designated place, primary county division, American Indian/ Alaska Native area, and county record, where applicable; if a New England county or American Indian area is located in more than one MSA/PMSA, the code 9999 is used; for the consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) code related to a PMSA, see FIPS PUB 8-6.
Printed version: Twelfth tabular field from left. 4.17 Field 17:First CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 124 125 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the first (or fourth, or seventh, etc. depending on the CD Record Sequence Number) 103rd Congress CD Alaska Native code for each county, primary county division, incorporated place, census designated place, or American Indian/Alaska Native area; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Third tabular field from right. 4.18 Field 18:Second CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 126 127 2 numeric
Remarks: Records the second (or fifth, or eighth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Second tabular field from right. 4.19 Field 19:Third CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 128 129 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.20 Field 20:Fourth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 129 130 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.21 Field 21:Fifth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 131 132 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.22 Field 22: Sixth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 133 134 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.23 Field 23:Seventh CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 135 136 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.24 Field 24:Eigthth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 137 138 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.25 Field 25: Ninth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 139 140 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.26 Field 26:Tenth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 141 142 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.27 Field 27: Eleventh CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 143 144 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.28 Field 28: Twelvth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 145 146 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.29 Field 29: Thirteenth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 147 148 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.30 Field 30: Fourteenth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 149 150 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field. 4.31 Field 31: Fifteenth CD Identification Number
Blank Field Location No. of Type of Form Start End Chars. Data Spaces 151 152 2 numeric
Remarks:Records the third (or sixth, or ninth, etc. depending on the CD record sequence number) 103rd Congress CD code; see FIPS PUB 9-1.
Printed version:Rightmost tabular field.
5.1Definition of Terms The following definitions are provided to facilitate understanding of the class code system.
active:Refers to a governmental unit (county or statistically equivalent area, minor civil division, consolidated city, or incorporated place) that exercises its legally constituted governmental functions and powers; see inactive and nonfunctioning.
Alaska Native Area: a)A legal entity recognized by the Federal Government pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. These are the Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) and Alaska Native Village (ANV). Or a statistical entity that identifies the settled portion of the Alaska Native tribes, delineated for purposes of data presentation by or for the Census Bureauthis is the Alaska Native Village statistical area (ANVSA). b)a legal entity recognized by the Federal Government persuant to Alaska Native Claims settlement Act to conduct the business and nonprofit affairs for Alaskathis is the Alaska Native Regional Corporation.
American Indian Area: a)A legal entity with specific boundaries established by treaty, statute, and/or executive order, over which a Federally recognized American Indian trive has jurisdiction. This area is called an American Indian reservation, but includes entities with other designations such as pueblo, colony, and community; b)a legal entity for which lands are held in trust by the Federal Government for the use and benefit of a tribe or individual member of a tribethis is called trust land, either tribal or individual; c) a legal entity with specific boundaries established by state statute for a state-recognized American tribethis is called a state American Indian reservation; d) a statistical entity delineated for the purposes of data tabulation by or for the Census Bureau that delimits the population and area over which one or more American Indian tribes lacking a reservation have jurisdiction and/or provide benefits and services to members of the tribe this is called a tribal jurisdictional statistical area in Oklahoma, and tribal designated statistical area in other states.
authoritative common name:A name in common use and approved by an authoritative body such as the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.
census county division (CCD):A statistical entity that serves as a primary county division in 21 States that do not have minor civil divisions (MCDs) or whose MCDs are not used for data presentation by the Census Bureau.
census designated place (CDP):A statistical entity that represents a named populated settlement, not within the limits of an incorporated place, that has locally delineated boundaries and is recognized by the Census Bureau in the data tabulations for the most recent decennial census; in Puerto Rico the equivalent of a CDP is called a comunidad or zona urbana.
census subarea:A statistical entity that serves as a primary county division in Alaska.
census subdistrict:A legally defined entity, established for statistical purposes, that serves as a primary county division in the Virgin Islands of the United States.
community:A populated place that is not an incorporated or census designated place of the same name; includes neighborhood areas within an incorporated or census designated place with a different name and all types of named settlements.
county equivalent:A primary division of a State or a State equivalent; other than a county; for example, a parish in Louisiana, a borough or census area in Alaska, or an independent city in Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, or Virginia.
facility:A locational entity, established as a site for designated activities but not primarily for habitation (even though on-site habitation may be necessary to the execution of the primary activities); for example, a college, hospital, military installation, national park, office building, or prison.
inactive:Refers to a governmental unit (county or statistically equivalent areas, minor civil division, consolidated city, or incorporated place that has legally constituted governmental functions and powers, but currently does not exercise them; see active and nonfunctioning.
incorporated place:A populated place that is a legal entity having legally defined boundaries and legally constituted governmental functions and powers; also serves as a primary county division in some States.
independent city:An incorporated place that is not legally part of a county or county equivalent and, therefore, also serves as a county equivalent; applies only to Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia.
independent place:An incorporated place that is also a primary county division.
minor civil division (MCD):A legal entity that is a subdivision of a county or county equivalent, other than an incorporated place, established by appropriate State or local governmental authorities and recog nized by the Census Bureau as a primary county division; for example, a township in Ohio, a town in Vermont, a magisterial district in Virginia. The Census Bureau recognizes MCDs in 28 States, Puerto Rico, and in all the Outlying Areas and freely associated areas.
nonfunctioning:A legal entity (county, or statistically equivalent area, minor civil division, or incorpo rated place that does not have legally constituted governmental functions and powers and cannot have elected officials; see active and inactive.
nonplace:A term that modifies the set of county equivalents and primary county divisions so as to exclude from membership all incorporated places and census designated places.
populated place:A named geographic concentration of residential population; a populated place that is a legal entity is an incorporated place or consolidated city; a populated place that is a statistical entity is a census designated place (aldea or zona urbana in Puerto Rico); a populated place that is neither is a community.
primary county division:The principal territorial unit into which a county or county equivalent (except an independent city) is completely subdivided, without overlap; see census county division, census subarea, census subdistrict, incorporated place, minor civil division, and unorganized territory.
State equivalent:The District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, United States Minor Outlying Islands, and the Virgin Islands of the United States; three freely associated statesthe Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islandsand the Republic of Palau, also are defined as State equivalents for this FIPS.
unorganized territory (UNORG):A statistical entity established within a portion of a county or county equivalent that is not subdivided into minor civil divisions or part of an incorporated place that is also a primary county division or in an independent city, for the purposes of data presentation of the Census Bureau; occurs only in those States that have minor civil divisions, and always serves as a primary county division.
5.2Entity Selection With the Aid of the Class Code
Each file entity record is assigned a 2-character class code that distinguishes the type of entity. The first character is alphabetic and identifies a class. The second character either is blank if a class has no subclasses, or is a digit from 1 to 9 that identifies a subclass. See Section 5.3.
legal entity:a geographic unit with legally defined boundaries established under Federal, State, or local law as a government unit or as an area for the administration of a governmental function.
statistical entity:a geographic unit established for the purposes of data presentation by the Census Bureau that has no legally defined boundaries or governmental function.
governmental unit:a geographic entity that has the ability to have elected officials and raise revenues through taxes; see active and inactive.
The primary function of the class code structure is to distinguish different types of entities, such as counties, primary county divisions, and populated places. These three types generally form a hierarchy; that is, a county (or county equivalent) will contain one or more primary county divisions, while a primary county division may include one or more populated places. Some populated places, however, also serve as primary county divisions, and a few also serve as county equivalents. Some are coextensive with their primary county divisions. For each of these types of entities, the class code structure distinguishes the type of entity, whether it has a special relationship to another type of entity, and whether it is a legal entity (active, inactive, or nonfunctioning entity), a statistical entity, or another type of locational entity. For example, among the primary county divisions, the active governmental units are identified by two subclasses in Class T; for populated places, the active governmental units are identified as incorporated places and distinguished by several of the subclasses in Class C.
The class code structure is extremely important in distinguishing entities that have the same or a similar name and may be located in the same county. Below is an example from the Michigan file:
Entity Entity County County Class Code Name Code Name Code 51620 Marion (Township of) 029 Charlevoix T1 51640 Marion (Township of) 093 Livingston T1 51660 Marion 133 Osceola C1 51680 Marion (Township of) 133 Osceola T1 51700 Marion (Township of) 145 Saginaw T1 51720 Marion (Township of) 151 Sanilac T1 51740 Marion Springs 145 Saginaw U6
There are six different entities with the same name of Marion (as determined by the six unique codes assigned to the records.) There also is an entity named Marion Springs. It is important to the user to determine what entities should be selected. If only places are required, then the records with classes C1 and U6 should be selected. If a further differentiation requires only legal incorporated places, then only the C1 record should be selected. If active minor civil divisions are specified then only the records with class T1 should be selected. Note that in Osceola County, there are two records with the name of Marionone a C1 incorporated place record and one a T1 active MCD record. The importance of the same name applying to multiple records in the same county takes on more importance as the class codes contain information about the realtionships between entities. As an example of the use of the class code in distinguishing between an incorporated place and a primary county division where the class code includes some determined relationship information between entity types, consider these data for two records in New York:
Entity Entity County County Class Code Name Code Name Code 30521 Green Island 001 Albany C1 30532 Green Island (Town of) 001 Albany T5
The first record is for an active incorporated place, identified by its class code C1, while the second record is an active primary county division, an MCD, denoted by its class code of T5. C1 indicates that the incorporated place is included in a primary county division, T5 indicates that the MCD is coextensive with an incorporated place, and the county name shows that both are located in the same county. In this case, both governmental units are coextensive with another entity; however, it is not explicit from the class codes that the coextensivity specifically involves these two entities. Because neither the place name nor the county location serves to distinguish the two units, the user must be aware of the geographic relationships in New York, and the application must be very clear as to whether the incorporated place, the MCD, or both are to be selected, with the possibility that there may be geographic duplication. An apparently similar situation exists in Wisconsin, as shown in the following example:
Entity Entity County County Class Code Name Code Name Code 48000 Madison 025 Dane C5 48025 Madison (Town of) 025 Dane T1
In this case, the two entities cannot be coextensive. This is revealed by the class codes C5 and T1. C5 identifies an independent incorporated place that is also a primary county division, and T1 identifies an active minor civil division that is not coextensive with an incorporated place. Use of the class codes identifies that the two entities exist separately from one another, and this could be the basis for selecting one or the other, A slightly different situation exists with the following two records in Massachusetts:
Entity Entity County County Class Code Name Code Name Code 09175 Brookline (Town of) 021 Norfolk T1 09210 Brookline 021 Norfolk U1
The class code T1 identifies the first record as an active MCD. The class code of the second record, U1, identifies the entity as a CDP that has an authoritative common name for its population. Again, neither the place name nor county name is of help in selecting the appropriate entity. However, if a specific application required the selection of a populated place (regardless of its governmental status), the second record (with class code U1) should be selected; if the application required the selection of an active governmental unit or a primary county division, the first record (with class code T1) should be chosen. The class code structure also is useful to distinguish alternate names for the same incorporated place. The Census Bureau identifies each incorporated place by its legal corporate name, as reported by State and local officials. In some instances, the place is commonly known by another name that may be very similar. For example, consider this pair of records in Alabama.
Other Entity Entity County County Class Name Code Name Code Name Code Code 55824 Oakhill 131 Wilcox C4 55848 (corporate name Oak Hill) 55848 Oak Hill 131 Wilcox C1 55824 (corporate name for Oakhill)
These records display alternate names for the same entity. The record with class code C1 is the legal corporate name, and the name used by the Census Bureau. The record with class code C4 represents an alternate name. Although the alternate name may not be official, it nevertheless may be an authoritative common name. The record for the entry with the legal name provides the user with codes for its metropolitan area (if any) and congressional district as well as a cross-reference to the Census Bureau Code; the C4 record does not. For any file application, the user must determine in advance whether the legal name or the alternate common name is to be used selected based on assigned class codes. If such a determination is not made, both records may appear in the data collected and, as a result, an erroneous duplication of data may be the result. Note that for both entities, the code for the other entity appears in the Other Name Code field. The class code can be useful in selecting a portion of a single entity with a particular status, as shown by this example in California:
Entity Entity County County Class Code Name Code Name Code 21600 Edwards Air Force Base 029 Kern M2 037 Los Angeles M1 071 San Bernadino M1
In this example, Edwards Air Force Base is both a military facility and a CDP in Kern County, as shown by the class code M2. That is where most or all of the on-base population is located. However, the base extends into Los Angeles and San Bernadino Counties, but is not a CDP in those counties, as indicated by the class code M1. If the entire base is to be identified, all three counties must be listed, but if only the populated place is of concern, only the record with a class code of MZ in Kern County should be selected. A similar situation occurs in this example in Ohio:
Entity Entity County County Class Code Name Code Name Code 36918 Hunting Valley 035 Cuyahoga C5 055 Geauga C1
Hunting Valley is located in two counties. It serves as a primary county division in Cuyahoga County, as indicated by class code C5, but it is dependent within a township in Geauga County, specified by class code C1. If only primary county divisions are desired in an application, only Cuyahoga County should be listed, whereas if the full extent of the incorporated place is required, then all records with the SAMP entity code must be specified. 5.3Class Code Structure
Each class is included in one of five major groups: populated places not associated with facilities; counties and county equivalents, primary county divisions, and American Indian areas and Alaska Native areas; facilities other than communications and transportation; communications and transportation facili tates; and obsolete or incorrect names. The groups identify the distinctions among populated settlements, areally larger units that tend not to represent a cluster of population, a variety of facilities, and the inevitable other category. Some class codes are new for FIPS 55-3, and some categories recognized in previous versions of FIPS 55 have been dropped or revised; these changes are noted in the text.
The subclasses provide the ability to relate an entity to a class other than its own. This ability is useful because a number of entities serve in more than one capacity. For example, a military base may also serve as a commercial airport, and an American Indian reservation may also serve as a primary county division. Similarly, it is useful to identify close relationships through this method. A number of subclasses identify entities in different classes that are coextensive or approximately so, such as a place that is coextensive with a minor civil division or an Alaska Native Village statistical area. There also are subclasses that identify alternate names for the same entity. The groups, classes, and subclasses are described below.
5.3.1Group 1:Populated Places Not Associated With Facilities
Class C:Incorporated Places
Names appearing in this class are those recognized by the U.S. Bureau of the Census based on information provided by State, county, and local governments. Alternate authoritative common names recog nized by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names are recorded in subclass C4.
- C1:Identifies an active incorporated place that is not also recognized as an Alaska Native Village statistical area, and does not also serve as a primary county division; that is, it is included in and is part of a primary county division. For example, the city of Hammond, Indiana is within and part of North township; the city of Austin, Texas is within and part of several census county divisions in several counties; Hammond and Austin are coded C1.
- C2:Identifies an incorporated place that also serves as a primary county division because, although the place is coextensive with a minor civil division (MCD), the Census Bureau, in agreement with State officials, does not recognize the MCD for presenting census data because the MCD is a nonfunctioning entity; applies to Iowa and Ohio only. For example, the city of Dubuque, Iowa is coextensive with Julien township, which does not function as a governmental unit and may not be well-known even to local residents; the city is assigned code C2, and the township, Z8. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3. Also see subclass C5.
- C3:Identifies a consolidated city; that is, an incorporated place that has consolidated its governmental functions with a county or MCD, but continues to include other incorporated places that are legally part of the consolidated government. For example, the city of Columbus, Georgia is consolidated with Muscogee County, which continues to exist as a nonfunctioning legal entity in the State; however, the town of Bibb City continues to exist as a separate active incorporated place within the consolidated government and, therefore, Columbus is treated as a consolidated city. At the time of publication, there are seven consolidated cities in the United States: Athens-Clarke County, Georgia; Butte-Silver Bow, Montana; Columbus, Georgia; Indiana polis, Indiana; Jacksonville, Florida; Milford, Connecticut; and Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee. The subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
- C4:Identifies an alternate authoritative common name of any member of the other subclasses of Class C. The entity code of the legal name is referenced in the ``Other Name Code'' of the record, and in the entry for the legal name, the Other Name Code references the alternate. For example, the entity in California whose legal name is San Buenaventura (subclass C1) is commonly known as Ventura, which is coded C4.
- C5:Identifies an incorporated place that also serves as a primary county division; that is, it is not included in any adjacent primary county division of class T or Z. For example, Boston, MA, is legally a primary division of the county and recognized as an incorporated place and, therefore, is coded C5. Also see subclass C2.
- C6:Identifies an incorporated place that is coincident with or approximates an Alaska Native Village statistical area. The Other Name Code references the Alaska Native Village statistical area; see subclass E6.
- C7:Identifies an independent city. At the time of publication, independent cities exist in only four States: Maryland (Baltimore City), Nevada (Carson City), Missouri (St Louis City), and Virginia (41 cities). These cities also serve as county equivalents, and all but Carson City also serve as primary county divisions.
- C8:Identifies the portion of a consolidated city that is not within another incorporated place; see subclass C3. The Census Bureau identifies these nonfunctioning entities by taking the name of the consol idated city and appending in parentheses the word remainder. For example, Columbus (remainder) identifies the portion of the Columbus, Georgia consolidated city that is not also in Bibb City. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
- C9:Identifies an inactive or nonfunctioning incorporated place.
Class U:Populated (Community) Places (Except Those Associated with Facilities) - U1:Identifies a census designated place (CDP) with a name identical to the authoritative common name that describes essentially the same population. Also see subclass M2.
- U2:Identifies a CDP with a name not identical to an authoritative common name of essentially the same area. If there is an alternate authoritative common name, it is referenced in the Other Name Code field. For example, Suitland-Silver Hill, Maryland is the name of a locally delineated CDP recognized by the Census Bureau which is a combination of two communitiesSuitland and Silver Hilland, therefore, because it is not the authoritative name of the area, is coded U2; Sierra Vista Southeast, Arizona is a CDP that includes the built-up area adjoining the city of Sierra Vista on the southeast, but is not an authoritative name for that area and, therefore, is coded U2. Also see subclass M2.
- U3:Identifies (a) an alternate, authoritative common name of a population essentially described by a specific CDP with a different name (the Other Name Code references the CDP), or (b) a community wholly or substantially within the boundaries of a CDP with a different name (the Part of Code references the CDP). For example, Silver Hill and Suitland are coded U3 and cross-referenced to the CDP of Suitland-Silver Hill (see subclass U2).
- U4:Identifies a populated place wholly or substantially within the boundaries of an incorporated place with a different name; the Part of Code identifies the incorporated place. For example, Harlem and Greenwich Village, which are part of New York city, and Hollywood, which is part of Los Angeles, California, are coded U4.
- U5:Dropped. Only one placethe CDP of Arlington, Virginiawas in this subclass in FIPS PUB 95-2; it has been recoded as U1 as a place and as Z3 as a subclass in FIPS 55-3 as a county subdivision.
- U6:Identifies a populated place located wholly or substantially outside the boundaries of any incorpo rated place or CDP with an authoritative common name recognized by the U.S. Geological Survey.
- U8:Identifies a populated place located wholly or substantially outside the boundaries of an incor- porated place or CDP but whose name has not been verified as authoritative by the U.S. Geological Survey.
- U9:Identifies a CDP that is coincident with or approximates the area of an Alaska Native Village statistical area. The Other Name Code references the Alaska Native Village statistical area; see subclass E2. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
Class D:American Indian Areas - D1:Identifies a federally recognized American Indian reservation and its associated trust land that does not also serve as a primary county division.
- D2:Identifies a federally recognized American Indian reservation that exists in a single county and also serves as a primary county division (applies only in Maine and New York). This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
- D3:Identifies a federally recognized American Indian tribal government that holds off-reservation property in trusttrust landfor a tribe or individual member(s) of a tribe, and the trust land is not associated with a specific American Indian reservation. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
- D4:Identifies a State-recognized American Indian reservation that does not also serve as a primary county division.
- D5:Identifies a State-recognized American Indian reservation that exists in a single county and also serves as a primary county division (applies only to New York).
D6:Identifies a statistical entity delineated for the Census Bureau to delimit an area containing the American Indian population over which a federally or State-recognized American Indian tribe not having a recognized reservation has jurisdiction (tribal jurisdiction statistical areaTJSAin Oklahoma) and/or provides benefits and services to its members (tribal designated statistical areaTDSAin other States). This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
- D7:Identifies an administrative division of an American Indian tribal government. For example, the chapters of the Navajo Nation. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
- D8:Identifies an alternate authoritative common name of any member of the other subclasses of Class D. The place code of the legal name is referenced in the ``Other Name Code'' of the record, and in the entry for the legal name, the ``Other Name Code'' references the alternate. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
- D9:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The entity represented by this subclassthe Oklahoma Historic Reservation Area, which was allocated to 63 countieshas been deleted and replaced by the TJSAs identified as part of subclass D6.
Class E:Alaska Native Areas Alaska Native Villages (ANVs) are legal entities that may not have legally established boundaries. The Census Bureau, in cooperation with Alaska Native officials, has delineated boundaries that identify the settled portion of most Alaska Native Village tribal communities them from the legal entities they represent, these statistical entities are referred to as Alaska Native Village statistical areas (ANVSAs). The FIPS entity code scheme assigns a single code to represnet both the legal ANV and ANVSA which designations appear in parentheses after the legal entity name. Alaska Native Regional Corporations (ANRCs) are legal entities with boundaries determined in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to conduct the business and nonprofit affairs of Alaska Natives and their communities.
- E1:Identifies an ANV/ANVSA where the ANVSA boundaries do not coincide with or approximate an incorporated place or a CDP.
- E2:Identifies an ANV/ANVSA where the ANVSA boundaries coincide with or approximate a CDP. The Other Name Code identifies the CDP; see subclass U9.
- E6:Identifies an ANV/ANVSA where the ANVSA boundaries coincide with or approximate an incorpo rated place. The Other Name Code identifies the incorporated place; see subclass C6.
- E7:Identifies an ANRC, an area established by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; twelve ANRCs cover all of the State of Alaska except the Annette Islands Reserve, an American Indian reserva tiona thirteenth ANRC is for Alaska Natives residing outside of Alaska and this ANRC is not included in FIPS 55. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
5.3.2Group 2:Counties, and County Equivalents Primary County Divisions, American Indian Areas, and Alaska Native Areas Class H:Counties and County Equivalents
Class H includes all the primary divisions of a state or state equivalent usually called counties, but also includes borough and census areas in Alaska, parishes in louisiana, municipios in Puerto Rico, and districts, islands, and municipalities in the Outlying Areas. The class does not include independent cities which are classified as class C7.
- H1:Identifies an active county or county equivalent that does not qualify under subclass C7 or H6.
- H4:Identifies an inactive or nonfunctioning county or county equivalent that does not qualify under subclass H6.
- H5:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3 . The 17 entities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2, which identified inactive or nonfunctioning counties or county equivalents coextensive with a single primary county division, have been reassigned to code subclass H4 or H6, as appropriate.
- H6:Identifies a county or county equivalent that is areally coextensive or governmentally consolidated with an incorporated place, part of an incorporated place (applies only to New York City), or a consolidated city (see subclass C3). The Other Name Code of the record references the name of the incorporated place or consolidated city. (The incorporated place serves as the active governmental unit.)
Class T:Active Minor Civil Divisions - T1:Identifies an active minor civil division (MCD) that is not coextensive with an incorporated place.
- T2:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The entities in this subclass in FIPS 55-2, which identified active MCDs coextensive with a census designated place (CDP), have been assigned to subclass T1.
- T3:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The entities in this subclass in FIPS 55-2, which identified active MCDs not coextensive with a CDP or incorporated place but including a populated place of the same name, have been assigned to subclass T1.
- T5:Identifies an active MCD that is coextensive with an incorporated place. (The incorporated place usually has the same name as the MCD, and usually the officials of the incorporated place administer the governmental functions of the MCD.)
Class Z:Inactive or Nonfunctioning Primary County Divisions - Z1:Identifies an inactive or nonfunctioning minor civil division (MCD) recognized as a primary county division by the Census Bureau, such as the townships in Arkansas and North Carolina and the magisterial districts in Virginia and West Virginia.
- Z2:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The 27 entities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2, which identified unorganized territories (unorgs.) that were coextensive with a single disorganized MCD or member of subclass Z4, have been assigned to subclass Z3.
- Z3:Identifies a unorg. established as an MCD equivalent by the Census Bureau. Some unorgs. may be coextensive with one or more disorganized MCDs and/or members of subclass Z4, or may include (but not be coextensive with) one or more such members. Subclass Z3 also identifies a primary county division that duplicates the county entry (applies only to Arlington County, Virginia).
- Z4:Identifies a nonfunctioning or disorganized township or similar entity not recognized as an MCD by the Census Bureau; must be either coextensive with or included in an unorg., such as the survey townships in Maine (numbered in the 90000 series). If coextensive, the Other Name Code identifies a member of subclass Z3; if included, the Part of Code identifies a member of subclass Z3.
- Z5:Identifies a census county division (in 21 States), census subarea (Alaska), or census subdistrict (Virgin Islands of the United States).
- Z6:Identifies a sub-MCD in Puerto Rico (subbarrio) and the Federated States of Micronesia (a munic ipal district). This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
- Z7:Identifies an independent incorporated place that serves as a primary county division in Iowa, North Carolina, and in counties containing only nonfunctioning MCDs in Nebraska. These entities are coded as places, but also as nonfunctioning primary county divisions numbered in the 90000 series in order to maintain their alphabetic sequence within the nonfunctioning MCD's in these States. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3. Also see subclass C5.
- Z8:Identifies a legally existing MCD that is coextensive with an incorporated place but not recognized by the Census Bureau (applies only in Iowa and Ohio); see subclass C2. This subclass is new for FIPS 55-3.
5.3.3Group 3:Facilities, Except Communications and Transportation Class G:Nongovernment Facilities
This classcomprising subclasses G1 (shopping center or amusement part), G3 (health care or geriatric care facility), G4 (an area of natural preservation or significant cultural and historic significance), G5 (a stockyard, storage facility, or industrial manufacturing or continuous-processing facility other than a utility), G6 (a religious or educational facility, research laboratory, or testing facility), G7 (an energy generation facility or other utility), G8 (an executive or administrative facility), and G9 (any other type of nongovernment facility, not elsewhere classified)has been dropped from FIPS 55-3 and the records deleted because no source was available to make the information complete or keep it current.
Class M:Federal Facilities
- M1:Identifies an installation of the U.S. Department of Defense or of any branch thereof, or of the U.S. Coast Guard, regardless of purpose of function of the installation; does not identify an installation or part thereof that qualifies under subclass M2 or A1.
- M2:Identifies an installation (or part of an installation) that qualifies under subclass M1 and has been reported by the Census Bureau as a CDP.
- M3:Identifies an installation of the U.S. Veterans Administration or other non-Defense Department health care, hospital, rehabilitation, or geriatric care facility.
- M4:Identifies a unit of the national park system (including areas known by other designations such as National Monuments, National Historic Sites, and so forth) managed by the National Park Service.
- M5:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The three Federal correctional facilities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been assigned to subclass M9.
- M6:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The 13 non-Defense Department, non-Coast Guard educa tional and training facilities, research laboratories, or testing stations, or launch, monitoring, or control installations of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration recorded in FIPS 55-2 in this subclass have been assigned to subclass M9.
- M7:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The one energy generation or fuel production facility recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 has been deleted because the information is neither complete nor current.
- M8:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The two executive, legislative, judicial, or administrative offices recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been deleted because the information is neither complete nor current.
- M9:Identifies a Federal facility not elsewhere classified.
Class N:State, Local, and International Government Facilities - N1:Identifies a National Guard or other public safety facility not qualifying under subclass A1.
- N3:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The 23 health care, geriatric care, or veterans facilities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been deleted because the information is neither complete nor current.
- N4:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The 10 State parks and significant cultural or historic sites recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been deleted because the information is neither complete nor current.
- N5:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The 48 State and local correctional facilities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been assigned to code N9.
- N6:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The 42 educational facilities, research laboratories, and testing stations recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been deleted because the information is neither complete nor current.
- N7:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The eight energy generation facilities and other utilities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been deleted because the information is neither complete nor current.
- N8:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The four executive, legislative, judicial, and administrative facilities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been deleted because the information is neither complete nor current.
- N9:Identifies any other State, local, or international government installation not elsewhere classified.
5.3.4Group 4:Communications and Transportation Facilities Class A:Airports
- A1:Identifies an airport that receives regularly scheduled commercial flights and also serves as a military or Coast Guard installation.
- A2:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. This subclassan airport that receives regularly scheduled commercial flights, serves as a military or U.S. Coast Guard installation, and is a CDPcategory is obsolete, and the three airports recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2, have been assigned to subclass A1 or M2, as appropriate.
- A3:Identifies an airport that receives regularly scheduled commercial flights and does not serve as a military or Coast Guard installation.
- A4: Identifies an airport that does not receive regularly scheduled commercial flights and does not serve as a military or Coast Guard installation.
- A5:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. This subclassan airport not meeting Federal Aviation Administration safety regulation FAR 139 and not serving as a U.S. military or Coast Guard installationis obsolete, and the 15 airports recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been assigned to subclass A3 or A4, as appropriate.
Class B:Post Offices Not Corresponding to Other Locational Entities Post office names identified in this class are only those that do not identify entities included in another class; for example, Franklin D. Roosevelt is a postal station in New York city. The entity may be cross-refer enced to the place in which it is located in the Part of Code field. There are no subclasses.
Class S:Surface Transportation Facilities
This classcomprising facilities such as stations, depots, docks, loading and unloading points, switching points, spurs, sidings, junctions, and yardshas been dropped as a class in FIPS 55-3 because the information is neither complete nor current. The two entities recorded in the class in FIPS 55-2 have been deleted. There were no subclasses.
5.3.5Group 5:Obsolete or Incorrect Names
Class X:Obsolete or Incorrect Names or Entities
The code of a correct replacement, if any, is given in the Other Name Code and Part of Code fields; the incorrect or obsolete name may be referenced in same cases from the Other Name Code of the replacement.
- X:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The entities recorded in FIPS 55-2 as X with no subclassno information availablehave been assigned to a redefined subclass X3.
- X1:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. There were no entities in this subclass identifying entities abolished and not absorbed by another entity recorded in FIPS 55-2.
- X2:Identifies entities whose names have been changed and are not appropriate in any other subclass; the new name is referenced by the Other Name Code.
- X3:Identifies entities whose names are incorrect or less preferred, and are not appropriate in any other (sub)class, or entities for which more specific information that would permit assignment to an appropriate (sub)class is not available; the correct or preferred name, where known, is referenced by the Other Name Code.
- X4:Identifies entities absorbed by one or more surviving entities; if one surviving entity, it is referenced by the Other Name Code; if two surviving entities, they are referenced by the Part of Code and the Other Name Code, if more than two surviving entities the Part of Code and Other Name Code reference the surviving entities with the two largest proportions of the original entity.
- X5:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. The four entities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2, which identified entities absorbed by more than one surviving entity, have been assigned to a redefined subclass X4.
- X6:Dropped as a subclass in FIPS 55-3. This subclass, identifying entities that may continue to exist but dropped as not pertinent, is not appropriate; the entities recorded in this subclass in FIPS 55-2 have been assigned to subclass X3.
Table 1. Tape Data Summary (Tenth Update Tape) |
Sequence Number | FIPS Code | Alpha Code | State or State Equivalent | Number of Entities | Number of Records |
1 | 01 | AL | Alabama | 5080 | 5131 |
2 | 02 | AK | Alaska | 1214 | 1248 |
3 | 04 | AZ | Arizona | 2264 | 2290 |
4 | 05 | AR | Arkansas | 4925 | 4950 |
5 | 06 | CA | California | 6962 | 7021 |
6 | 08 | CO | Colorado | 2409 | 2444 |
8 | 10 | DE | Delaware | 1023 | 1026 |
9 | 11 | DC | District of Columbia | 135 | 135 |
10 | 12 | FL | Florida | 4423 | 4465 |
11 | 13 | GA | Georgia | 4656 | 4758 |
12 | 15 | HI | Hawaii | 791 | 791 |
13 | 16 | ID | Idaho | 1527 | 1542 |
14 | 17 | IL | Illinois | 6992 | 7130 |
15 | 18 | IN | Indiana | 5043 | 5101 |
16 | 19 | IA | Iowa | 3941 | 3999 |
17 | 20 | KS | Kansas | 3602 | 3628 |
18 | 21 | KY | Kentucky | 6054 | 6094 |
19 | 22 | LA | Louisiana | 4187 | 4212 |
20 | 23 | ME | Maine | 3154 | 3169 |
21 | 24 | MD | Maryland | 4343 | 4376 |
22 | 25 | MA | Massachusetts | 2911 | 2918 |
23 | 26 | MI | Michigan | 4949 | 5001 |
24 | 27 | MN | Minnesota | 4364 | 4444 |
25 | 28 | MS | Mississippi | 3139 | 3197 |
26 | 29 | MO | Missouri | 5460 | 5529 |
27 | 30 | MT | Montana | 1704 | 1720 |
28 | 31 | NE | Nebraska | 2618 | 2632 |
29 | 32 | NV | Nevada | 817 | 823 |
30 | 33 | NH | New Hampshire | 1309 | 1311 |
31 | 34 | NJ | New Jersey | 3418 | 3445 |
32 | 35 | NM | New Mexico | 1768 | 1804 |
33 | 36 | NY | New York | 8269 | 8337 |
34 | 37 | NC | North Carolina | 6158 | 6262 |
35 | 38 | ND | North Dakota | 2473 | 2494 |
36 | 39 | OH | Ohio | 7152 | 7260 |
37 | 40 | OK | Oklahoma | 2523 | 2642 |
38 | 41 | OR | Oregon | 2443 | 2472 |
39 | 42 | PA | Pennsylvania | 12562 | 12638 |
40 | 44 | RI | Rhode Island | 486 | 487 |
41 | 45 | SC | South Carolina | 2998 | 3038 |
42 | 46 | SD | South Dakota | 2183 | 2216 |
43 | 47 | TN | Tennessee | 5993 | 6058 |
44 | 48 | TX | Texas | 7197 | 7401 |
45 | 49 | UT | Utah | 1118 | 1153 |
46 | 50 | VT | Vermont | 1245 | 1251 |
47 | 51 | VA | Virginia | 7513 | 7620 |
48 | 53 | WA | Washington | 3121 | 3155 |
49 | 54 | WV | West Virginia | 4702 | 4738 |
50 | 55 | WI | Wisconsin | 4000 | 4087 |
51 | 56 | WY | Wyoming | 726 | 729 |
| United States | | 189390 | 191721 |
Puerto Rico and the Outlying Areas: |
Sequence Number | FIPS Code | Alpha Code | State or State Equivalent | Number of Entities | Number of Records |
52 | 60 | AS | American Samoa | 167 | 168 |
54 | 66 | GU | Guam | 132 | 132 |
56 | 69 | MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 52 | 52 |
58 | 72 | PR | Puerto Rico | 2472 | 2484 |
59 | 74 | UM | U.S. Minor Outlying Islands | 13 | 13 |
60 | 78 | VI | Virgin Islands of the U.S. | 267 | 267 |
Freely Associated States: |
53 | 64 | FM | Federated States of Micronesia | 789 | 789 |
55 | 68 | MH | Marshall Islands | 126 | 126 |
57 | 70 | PW | Palau | 146 | 146 |
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The Foreword, Abstract, and Key Words follow:
1994 December 28
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/National Institute of Standards and Technology
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Ronald H. Brown, Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Arati Prabhakar, Director
Foreword The Federal Information Processing Standards Publication Series of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the official publication relating to standards and guidelines adopted and promulgated under the provisions of Section 111(d) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 as amended by the Computer Security Act of 1987, Public Law 100-235. These mandates have given the Secretary of Commerce and NIST important responsibilities for improving the utilization and management of computers and related telecommunications systems in the Federal Government. The NIST, through its Computer Systems Laboratory, provides leadership, technical guidance, and coordination of Government efforts in the development of standards and guidelines in these areas.
Comments concerning Federal Information Processing Standards Publications are welcomed and should be addressed to the Director, Computer Systems Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
James H. Burrows, Director
Computer Systems Laboratory
Abstract This guideline implements ANS X3.47-1993, Information SystemsCodes Structure and Data Requirements for the Identification of Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and Other Locational Entities of the United States and Its Outlying and Associated Areas for Information Interchange, as amplified herein, as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). This publication, which supersedes FIPS PUB 55-2 and 55DC-4, provides a 2-character FIPS State code and a 5-character FIPS numeric code to uniquely identify each entity contained in a list of names of incorporated places, other communities and settlements, primary county divisions (such as townships, New England towns, and census county divisions), American Indian and Alaska Native areas, airports, military bases, national parks, post offices, and other locational entities (except natural or physical features). A 2-character class code distinguishes the different types of geographic entities. The purpose of the codes is to promote the interchange of formatted, machine-sensible data.
Key words: census; community; county; data element; data processing; entity; Federal Information Processing Standards Publication; geography; incorporated place; informa tion system legal area; location; populated place; representations and codes; state; statistical area; statistical data.
Important FIPS 55-3 Change Notice
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
FIFTH PRINTED VERSION NOW AVAILABLE The Fifth Printed Version of FIPS PUB 55-DC3, Guideline: Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and Other Locational Entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Outlying Areas, which matches the Tenth Update Tape, is now available from:
- National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
- ATTN: Sales Office, Sills Building
- 5285 Port Royal Road
- Springfield, Virginia 22161
- Phone - (703) 487-4650; Office Hours - 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The cost of the 3,946 page document (1,973 sheets, printed both sides) Fifth Printed Version is $225.00 per copy, included with this printed version is FIPS PUB 55-3 User's Guide (Order No. FIPSPUB55-DC3). For FIPS PUB 55-3 User's Guilde ONLY the cost is $20.50 per copy (Order No. FIPSPUB55-3); FIPS PUB 55-3 User's Guide ONLY on Microfiche is $9.00 per copy (Order No. FIPSPUB55-3/A02). To obtain FIPS PUB 55-3 on CD ROM (User's Guide and Data Codes) contact NTIS Computer Products Support Group, (703) 487-4650. The revised Guideline supersedes FIPS PUB 55-2 and 55DC-4/PB87/142436. The price of the Tenth Update Tape (Order No. PB95-502563) is $560.00 and includes a User's Guide. Characteristics of tape: 9-track, 1600 bpi, odd parity, 132 character logical record, 8448 characters per block, no tape label. ASCII and EBCDIC versions are available. Both versions use upper and lower case characters.
For additional information on the technical content of both the Fifth Printed Version and the Tenth Update Tape, please contact Branch of Geographic Names, U.S. Geological Survey, (703-648-4544).
IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Your purchase order should include FIPS PUB number, title, cost, and quantity desired. If your organization wishes to order your FIPS PUB through your NTIS Deposit Account, please complete the attached form and forward to NTIS. For additional ordering information, please contact the NTIS Order Control Branch, Attn: Government Desk, telephone (703) 487- 4682.
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