-- History -- 31 May 1997 Version 1.0 SetMessage { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 0 } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- -- This module defines types for use in the SET protocol certificate and -- payment flow messages. -- -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, AlgorithmIdentifier {}, Name, SETString {} FROM SetAttribute SIGNED {} FROM SetCertificate EXTENSION, Extensions, ub-cityName, ub-postalCode, ub-stateProvince FROM SetCertificateExtensions CardCInitReq, CardCInitRes, CertInqReq, CertInqRes, CertReq, CertRes, Me-AqCInitReq, Me-AqCInitRes, RegFormReq, RegFormRes FROM SetCertMsgs AuthReq, AuthRes, AuthRevReq, AuthRevRes, BatchAdminReq, BatchAdminRes, CapReq, CapRes, CapRevReq, CapRevRes, CredReq, CredRes, CredRevReq, CredRevRes, InqReq, InqRes, PCertReq, PCertRes, PInitReq, PInitRes, PReq, PRes FROM SetPayMsgs CA, ContentEncryptionAlgorithms, Digest, DigestAlgorithms, Digests, EE, S {} FROM SetPKCS7Plus ub-phone FROM SetMarketData; MessageWrapper ::= SEQUENCE { messageHeader MessageHeader, message [0] EXPLICIT MESSAGE.&Type (Message), mwExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{MWExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } -- An information object set is defined for each extensible PDU -- -- Note: each of these information object sets uses the extension -- marker (...) to allow vendors to add supported extensions to -- their local copy of the ASN.1. Extensions added by vendors -- should appear after the extension marker. MWExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } MessageHeader ::= SEQUENCE { version INTEGER { setVer1(1) } (setVer1), revision INTEGER (0) DEFAULT 0, -- This is version 1.0 date Date, messageIDs [0] MessageIDs OPTIONAL, rrpid [1] RRPID OPTIONAL, swIdent SWIdent } MessageIDs ::= SEQUENCE { lid-C [0] LocalID OPTIONAL, lid-M [1] LocalID OPTIONAL, xID [2] XID OPTIONAL } MESSAGE ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER -- ISO/IEC 8824-2:1995(E), Annex A Message ::= CHOICE { purchaseInitRequest [ 0] EXPLICIT PInitReq, purchaseInitResponse [ 1] EXPLICIT PInitRes, purchaseRequest [ 2] EXPLICIT PReq, purchaseResponse [ 3] EXPLICIT PRes, inquiryRequest [ 4] EXPLICIT InqReq, inquiryResponse [ 5] EXPLICIT InqRes, authorizationRequest [ 6] EXPLICIT AuthReq, authorizationResponse [ 7] EXPLICIT AuthRes, authReversalRequest [ 8] EXPLICIT AuthRevReq, authReversalResponse [ 9] EXPLICIT AuthRevRes, captureRequest [10] EXPLICIT CapReq, captureResponse [11] EXPLICIT CapRes, captureReversalRequest [12] EXPLICIT CapRevReq, captureReversalResponse [13] EXPLICIT CapRevRes, creditRequest [14] EXPLICIT CredReq, creditResponse [15] EXPLICIT CredRes, creditReversalRequest [16] EXPLICIT CredRevReq, creditReversalResponse [17] EXPLICIT CredRevRes, pCertificateRequest [18] EXPLICIT PCertReq, pCertificateResponse [19] EXPLICIT PCertRes, batchAdministrationRequest [20] EXPLICIT BatchAdminReq, batchAdministrationResponse [21] EXPLICIT BatchAdminRes, cardholderCInitRequest [22] EXPLICIT CardCInitReq, cardholderCInitResponse [23] EXPLICIT CardCInitRes, meAqCInitRequest [24] EXPLICIT Me-AqCInitReq, meAqCInitResponse [25] EXPLICIT Me-AqCInitRes, registrationFormRequest [26] EXPLICIT RegFormReq, registrationFormResponse [27] EXPLICIT RegFormRes, certificateRequest [28] EXPLICIT CertReq, certificateResponse [29] EXPLICIT CertRes, certificateInquiryRequest [30] EXPLICIT CertInqReq, certificateInquiryResponse [31] EXPLICIT CertInqRes, error [999] EXPLICIT Error } -- Note: the parameter InfoObjectSet in the following definitions -- allows a distinct information object set to be specified for -- each PDU that can be extended thus permitting the organization -- defining the extension to indicate where it intends for the -- extension to appear. MsgExtensions {EXTENSION:InfoObjectSet} ::= SEQUENCE OF MsgExtension {{InfoObjectSet}} MsgExtension {EXTENSION:InfoObjectSet} ::= SEQUENCE { extnID EXTENSION.&id({InfoObjectSet}), critical EXTENSION.&critical({InfoObjectSet}{@extnID}) DEFAULT FALSE, extnValue [0] EXPLICIT EXTENSION.&ExtenType ({InfoObjectSet}{@extnID}) } Error ::= CHOICE { signedError [0] EXPLICIT SignedError, unsignedError [1] EXPLICIT ErrorTBS } SignedError ::= S {EE, ErrorTBS} ErrorTBS ::= SEQUENCE { errorCode ErrorCode, errorNonce Nonce, errorOID [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, errorThumb [1] EXPLICIT CertThumb OPTIONAL, errorMsg [2] EXPLICIT ErrorMsg } ErrorMsg ::= CHOICE { -- Either the messageHeader [0] EXPLICIT MessageHeader, -- MessageHeader or a badWrapper [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20000)) -- copy of the message } ErrorCode ::= ENUMERATED { unspecifiedFailure (1), messageNotSupported (2), decodingFailure (3), invalidCertificate (4), expiredCertificate (5), revokedCertificate (6), missingCertificate (7), signatureFailure (8), badMessageHeader (9), wrapperMsgMismatch (10), versionTooOld (11), versionTooNew (12), unrecognizedExtension (13), messageTooBig (14), signatureRequired (15), messageTooOld (16), messageTooNew (17), thumbsMismatch (18), unknownRRPID (19), unknownXID (20), unknownLID (21), challengeMismatch (22) } -- Brand CRL Identifiers BrandCRLIdentifier ::= SIGNED { EncodedBrandCRLID } ( CONSTRAINED BY { -- Verify Or Sign UnsignedBrandCRLIdentifier -- } ) EncodedBrandCRLID ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type (UnsignedBrandCRLIdentifier) UnsignedBrandCRLIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { version INTEGER { bVer1(0) } (bVer1), sequenceNum INTEGER (0..MAX), brandID BrandID, notBefore GeneralizedTime, notAfter GeneralizedTime, crlIdentifierSeq [0] CRLIdentifierSeq OPTIONAL, bCRLExtensions [1] Extensions OPTIONAL } -- Notification to Brand CA that a CRL has been updated CRLNotification ::= S{CA, CRLNotificationTBS} CRLNotificationTBS ::= SEQUENCE { date Date, -- Date of notification crlThumbprint Digest } CRLNotificationRes ::= S{CA, CRLNotificationResTBS} CRLNotificationResTBS ::= SEQUENCE { date Date, -- Copied from CRLNotification crlThumbprint Digest } -- Distribution of BrandCRLIdentifier to CAs and payment gateways BCIDistribution ::= S{CA, BCIDistributionTBS} BCIDistributionTBS ::= SEQUENCE { date Date, bci [0] BrandCRLIdentifier } BrandID ::= SETString { ub-BrandID } CRLIdentifierSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF CRLIdentifier CRLIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { issuerName Name, -- CRL issuer Distinguished Name crlNumber INTEGER (0..MAX) -- cRLNumber extension sequence number } -- Common definitions BackKeyData ::= SEQUENCE { backAlgID ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER.&id({ContentEncryptionAlgorithms}), backKey BackKey } BackKey ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..24)) -- Secret BIN ::= NumericString (SIZE(6)) -- Bank identification number CardExpiry ::= NumericString (SIZE(6)) -- YYYYMM expiration date of card CertThumb ::= SEQUENCE { digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{DigestAlgorithms}}, thumbprint Digest } Challenge ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(20)) -- Signature freshness challenge CountryCode ::= INTEGER (1..999) -- ISO-3166 country code Currency ::= INTEGER (1..999) -- ISO-4217 currency code Date ::= GeneralizedTime DateTime ::= SEQUENCE { date Date, timeInd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } Distance ::= SEQUENCE { scale DistanceScale, dist INTEGER (0..MAX) } DistanceScale ::= ENUMERATED { miles (0), kilometers (1) } Language ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-RFC1766-language)) LocalID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)) Location ::= SEQUENCE { countryCode CountryCode, city [0] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-cityName } OPTIONAL, stateProvince [1] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-stateProvince } OPTIONAL, postalCode [2] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-postalCode } OPTIONAL, locationID [3] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-locationID } OPTIONAL } MerchantID ::= SETString { ub-MerchantID } Nonce ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(20)) PAN ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..19)) PANData ::= SEQUENCE { pan PAN, cardExpiry CardExpiry, panSecret Secret, exNonce Nonce } PANData0 ::= SEQUENCE { pan PAN, cardExpiry CardExpiry, cardSecret Secret, exNonce Nonce } PANToken ::= SEQUENCE { pan PAN, cardExpiry CardExpiry, exNonce Nonce } PaySysID ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-paySysID)) Phone ::= SETString { ub-phone } RRPID ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(20)) -- Request response pair identification Secret ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(20)) SWIdent ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-SWIdent)) -- Software identification Thumbs ::= SEQUENCE { digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{DigestAlgorithms}}, certThumbs [0] EXPLICIT Digests OPTIONAL, crlThumbs [1] EXPLICIT Digests OPTIONAL, brandCRLIdThumbs [2] EXPLICIT Digests OPTIONAL } TransIDs ::= SEQUENCE { lid-C LocalID, lid-M [0] LocalID OPTIONAL, xid XID, pReqDate Date, paySysID [1] PaySysID OPTIONAL, language Language -- Cardholder requested session language } URL ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-URL)) -- Universal Resource Locator XID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(20)) -- Upper bounds of SETString{} types ub-BrandID INTEGER ::= 40 ub-MerchantID INTEGER ::= 30 ub-SWIdent INTEGER ::= 256 ub-acqBusinessID INTEGER ::= 32 ub-locationID INTEGER ::= 10 ub-paySysID INTEGER ::= 64 ub-RFC1766-language INTEGER ::= 35 ub-URL INTEGER ::= 512 END SetCertMsgs { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 1} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- -- Types used in the SET Certificate Management Protocol messages. -- -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS SETString {}, SignatureAlgorithms FROM SetAttribute SubjectPublicKeyInfo{} FROM SetCertificate BackKeyData, BIN, BrandCRLIdentifier, BrandID, CertThumb,Challenge, Currency, Date, Language, LocalID, MerchantID, Nonce, PAN, PANData0, RRPID, Thumbs, ub-acqBusinessID, URL FROM SetMessage CA, EE, Enc {}, EncK {}, EncX {}, EXH {}, KeyEncryptionAlgorithms, L {}, S {}, SO {} FROM SetPKCS7Plus; -- Certificate Management Payload Components AcctInfo ::= CHOICE { panData0 [0] EXPLICIT PANData0, acctData [1] EXPLICIT AcctData } AcctData ::= SEQUENCE { acctIdentification AcctIdentification, exNonce Nonce } AcctIdentification ::= VisibleString (SIZE(ub-acctIdentification)) IDData ::= CHOICE { -- Merchants and Acquirers only merchantAcquirerID [0] MerchantAcquirerID, acquirerID [1] AcquirerID } MerchantAcquirerID ::= SEQUENCE { merchantBIN BIN, merchantID MerchantID -- By prior agreement of Merchant/Acquirer } AcquirerID ::= SEQUENCE { acquirerBIN BIN, acquirerBusinessID AcquirerBusinessID OPTIONAL } AcquirerBusinessID ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..ub-acqBusinessID)) RequestType ::= ENUMERATED { -- Indicates requestor and type of request cardInitialSig (1), -- cardInitialEnc (2), Reserved -- cardInitialBoth (3), Reserved merInitialSig (4), merInitialEnc (5), merInitialBoth (6), pgwyInitialSig (7), pgwyInitialEnc (8), pgwyInitialBoth (9), cardRenewalSig (10), -- cardRenewalEnc (11), Reserved -- cardRenewalBoth (12), Reserved merRenewalSig (13), merRenewalEnc (14), merRenewalBoth (15), pgwyRenewalSig (16), pgwyRenewalEnc (17), pgwyRenewalBoth (18) } RegFormOrReferral ::= CHOICE { regFormData [0] RegFormData, referralData [1] ReferralData } RegFormData ::= SEQUENCE { regTemplate RegTemplate OPTIONAL, policy PolicyText } RegTemplate ::= SEQUENCE { regFormID INTEGER (0..MAX), -- CA assigned identifier brandLogoURL [0] URL OPTIONAL, cardLogoURL [1] URL OPTIONAL, regFieldSeq RegFieldSeq OPTIONAL } RegFieldSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..ub-FieldList) OF RegField RegField ::= SEQUENCE { fieldId [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, fieldName FieldName, fieldDesc [1] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-FieldDesc } OPTIONAL, fieldLen INTEGER (1..ub-FieldValue) DEFAULT ub-FieldValue, fieldRequired [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, fieldInvisible [3] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } ReferralData ::= SEQUENCE { reason Reason OPTIONAL, -- Displayed on requestor's system referralURLSeq ReferralURLSeq OPTIONAL } ( WITH COMPONENTS { ..., reason PRESENT } | WITH COMPONENTS { ..., referralURLSeq PRESENT } ) Reason ::= SETString { ub-Reason } ReferralURLSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF ReferralURL -- Ordered by preference ReferralURL ::= URL PolicyText ::= SETString { ub-PolicyText } -- Certificate Initialization Pair - Cardholder CardCInitReq ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE Challenge, brandID BrandID, thumbs [0] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL } CardCInitRes ::= S { CA, CardCInitResTBS } CardCInitResTBS ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE Challenge, lid-CA LocalID OPTIONAL, caeThumb [0] EXPLICIT CertThumb, brandCRLIdentifier [1] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, thumbs [2] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL } -- Certificate Initialization Pair - Merchant or Payment Gateway Me-AqCInitReq ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE Challenge, requestType RequestType, idData IDData, brandID BrandID, language Language, thumbs [0] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL } Me-AqCInitRes ::= S { CA, Me-AqCInitResTBS } Me-AqCInitResTBS ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE Challenge, lid-CA [0] LocalID OPTIONAL, chall-CA Challenge, requestType RequestType, regFormOrReferral RegFormOrReferral, acctDataField [1] RegField OPTIONAL, caeThumb [2] EXPLICIT CertThumb, brandCRLIdentifier [3] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, thumbs [4] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL } -- Registration Form Pair - Cardholder Only RegFormReq ::= EXH { CA, RegFormReqData, PANOnly } -- Intermediate results of EXH RegFormReqTBE ::= L { RegFormReqData, PANOnly } RegFormReqData ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE2 Challenge, lid-CA [0] LocalID OPTIONAL, requestType RequestType, language Language, thumbs [1] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL } PANOnly ::= SEQUENCE { pan PAN, exNonce Nonce } RegFormRes ::= S { CA, RegFormResTBS } RegFormResTBS ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE2 Challenge, lid-CA [0] LocalID OPTIONAL, chall-CA Challenge, caeThumb [1] EXPLICIT CertThumb OPTIONAL, requestType RequestType, formOrReferal RegFormOrReferral, brandCRLIdentifier [2] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, thumbs [3] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL } -- Certificate Request Pair CertReq ::= CHOICE { encx [0] EXPLICIT EncX { EE, CA, CertReqData, AcctInfo }, enc [1] EXPLICIT Enc { EE, CA, CertReqData } } -- Intermediate results of Enc and EncX CertReqTBE ::= S { EE, CertReqData } CertReqTBEX ::= SEQUENCE { certReqData CertReqData, s SO { EE, CertReqTBS } } CertReqTBS ::= SEQUENCE { certReqData CertReqData, acctInfo AcctInfo } CertReqData ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE3 Challenge, lid-CA [0] LocalID OPTIONAL, chall-CA [1] Challenge OPTIONAL, requestType RequestType, requestDate Date, idData [2] EXPLICIT IDData OPTIONAL, regFormID INTEGER (0..MAX), -- CA assigned identifier regForm [3] RegForm OPTIONAL, caBackKeyData [4] EXPLICIT BackKeyData OPTIONAL, publicKeySorE PublicKeySorE, eeThumb [5] EXPLICIT CertThumb OPTIONAL, thumbs [6] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL } RegForm ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..ub-FieldList) OF RegFormItems RegFormItems ::= SEQUENCE { fieldName FieldName, fieldValue FieldValue } FieldName ::= SETString { ub-FieldName } FieldValue ::= CHOICE { setString SETString { ub-FieldValue }, octetString OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..ub-FieldValue)) } PublicKeySorE ::= SEQUENCE { publicKeyS [0] EXPLICIT SubjectPublicKeyInfo{{SignatureAlgorithms}} OPTIONAL, publicKeyE [1] EXPLICIT SubjectPublicKeyInfo{{KeyEncryptionAlgorithms}} OPTIONAL } -- -- At least one component shall be present. A user may request a -- signature certificate, an encryption certificate, or both. -- ( WITH COMPONENTS { ..., publicKeyS PRESENT } | WITH COMPONENTS { ..., publicKeyE PRESENT } ) CertRes ::= CHOICE { certResTBS [0] EXPLICIT S { CA, CertResData }, certResTBSK [1] EXPLICIT EncK { CAKey, CA, CertResData } } -- Intermediate results of EncK CertResTBE ::= S { CA, CertResData } CertResData ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE3 Challenge, lid-CA LocalID, certStatus CertStatus, certThumbs [0] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL, brandCRLIdentifier [1] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, thumbs [2] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL } CertStatus ::= SEQUENCE { certStatusCode CertStatusCode, nonceCCA [0] Nonce OPTIONAL, eeMessage SETString { ub-eeMessage } OPTIONAL, caMsg [1] CAMsg OPTIONAL, failedItemSeq [2] FailedItemSeq OPTIONAL } FailedItemSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..ub-FieldList) OF FailedItem FailedItem ::= SEQUENCE { itemNumber INTEGER (1..50), itemReason SETString { ub-Reason } } CertStatusCode ::= ENUMERATED { -- In-process status of CertReq requestComplete (1), invalidLanguage (2), invalidBIN (3), sigValidationFail (4), decryptionError (5), requestInProgress (6), rejectedByIssuer (7), requestPended (8), rejectedByAquirer (9), regFormAnswerMalformed (10), rejectedByCA (11), unableToEncryptResponse (12) } CAMsg ::= SEQUENCE { cardLogoURL [0] URL OPTIONAL, brandLogoURL [1] URL OPTIONAL, cardCurrency [2] Currency OPTIONAL, cardholderMsg [3] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-cardholderMsg } OPTIONAL } CAKey ::= BackKeyData -- Certificate Inquiry Pair CertInqReq ::= S { EE, CertInqReqTBS } CertInqReqTBS ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, lid-EE LocalID, chall-EE3 Challenge, lid-CA LocalID } CertInqRes ::= CertRes -- Upper bounds of SETString{} types ub-acctIdentification INTEGER ::= 74 ub-cardholderMsg INTEGER ::= 128 ub-eeMessage INTEGER ::= 128 ub-FieldDesc INTEGER ::= 200 ub-FieldList INTEGER ::= 50 ub-FieldName INTEGER ::= 128 ub-FieldValue INTEGER ::= 128 ub-PolicyText INTEGER ::= 20000 ub-Reason INTEGER ::= 512 END SetPayMsgs { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 2 } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- -- This module defines types for SET protocol payment messages. -- -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS SETString {} FROM SetAttribute EXTENSION FROM SetCertificateExtensions BackKeyData, BIN, BrandCRLIdentifier, BrandID, CertThumb, Challenge, Currency, Date, Language, LocalID, Location, MerchantID, MsgExtensions {}, Nonce, PANData, PANToken, Phone, RRPID, Secret, SWIdent, Thumbs, TransIDs, URL, XID FROM SetMessage C, DD {}, Enc {}, EncB {}, EncBX {}, EncK{}, EncX {}, EX {}, EXH {}, HMAC {}, L {}, M, P, P1, P2, S {}, SO {} FROM SetPKCS7Plus CommercialCardData, MarketAutoCap, MarketHotelCap, MarketTransportCap, ub-reference FROM SetMarketData; -- Purchase Initialization Pair PInitReq ::= SEQUENCE { -- Purchase Initialization Request rrpid RRPID, language Language, localID-C LocalID, localID-M [0] LocalID OPTIONAL, chall-C Challenge, brandID BrandID, bin BIN, thumbs [1] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL, piRqExtensions [2] MsgExtensions {{PIRqExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } PIRqExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } PInitRes ::= S { M, PInitResData } PInitResData ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, rrpid RRPID, chall-C Challenge, chall-M Challenge, brandCRLIdentifier [0] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, peThumb [1] EXPLICIT CertThumb, thumbs [2] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL, piRsExtensions [3] MsgExtensions {{PIRsExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } PIRsExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- Purchase Pair PReq ::= CHOICE { pReqDualSigned [0] EXPLICIT PReqDualSigned, pReqUnsigned [1] EXPLICIT PReqUnsigned } -- Signed components used by a cardholder with a certificate PReqDualSigned ::= SEQUENCE { piDualSigned PIDualSigned, oiDualSigned OIDualSigned } PIDualSigned ::= SEQUENCE { piSignature PISignature, exPIData EX { P, PI-OILink, PANData } } -- Intermediate results of EX PIDualSignedTBE ::= L { PI-OILink, PANData } PI-OILink ::= L { PIHead, OIData } OIDualSigned ::= L { OIData, PIData } PISignature ::= SO { C, PI-TBS } PI-TBS ::= SEQUENCE { hPIData HPIData, hOIData HOIData } HPIData ::= DD { PIData } -- PKCS#7 DigestedData HOIData ::= DD { OIData } -- PKCS#7 DigestedData PI ::= CHOICE { piUnsigned [0] EXPLICIT PIUnsigned, piDualSigned [1] EXPLICIT PIDualSigned, authToken [2] EXPLICIT AuthToken } PIData ::= SEQUENCE { piHead PIHead, panData PANData } PIHead ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, inputs Inputs, merchantID MerchantID, installRecurData [0] InstallRecurData OPTIONAL, transStain TransStain, swIdent SWIdent, acqBackKeyData [1] EXPLICIT BackKeyData OPTIONAL, piExtensions [2] MsgExtensions {{PIExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } PIExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } Inputs ::= SEQUENCE { hod HOD, purchAmt CurrencyAmount } TransStain ::= HMAC { XID, Secret } OIData ::= SEQUENCE { -- Order Information Data transIDs TransIDs, rrpid RRPID, chall-C Challenge, hod HOD, odSalt Nonce, chall-M Challenge OPTIONAL, brandID BrandID, bin BIN, odExtOIDs [0] OIDList OPTIONAL, oiExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{OIExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } OIExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } OIDList ::= SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER HOD ::= DD { HODInput } HODInput ::= SEQUENCE { od OD, purchAmt CurrencyAmount, odSalt Nonce, installRecurData [0] InstallRecurData OPTIONAL, odExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{ODExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } ODExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } OD ::= OCTET STRING -- Order description -- Unsigned components used by a cardholder without a certificate PReqUnsigned ::= SEQUENCE { -- Sent by cardholders without certificates piUnsigned PIUnsigned, oiUnsigned OIUnsigned } OIUnsigned ::= L { OIData, PIDataUnsigned } PIDataUnsigned ::= SEQUENCE { piHead PIHead, panToken PANToken } PIUnsigned ::= EXH { P, PI-OILink, PANToken } -- Intermediate results of EXH PIUnsignedTBE ::= L { PI-OILink, PANToken } PRes ::= S { M, PResData } PResData ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, rrpid RRPID, chall-C Challenge, brandCRLIdentifier [0] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, pResPayloadSeq PResPayloadSeq } PResPayloadSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF PResPayload PResPayload ::= SEQUENCE { completionCode CompletionCode, results Results OPTIONAL, pRsExtensions [0] MsgExtensions {{PRsExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } PRsExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CompletionCode ::= ENUMERATED { meaninglessRatio (0), -- PurchAmt = 0; ratio cannot be computed orderRejected (1), -- Merchant cannot process order orderReceived (2), -- No processing to report orderNotReceived (3), -- InqReq received without PReq authorizationPerformed (4), -- See AuthStatus for details capturePerformed (5), -- See CapStatus for details creditPerformed (6) -- See CreditStatus for details } Results ::= SEQUENCE { acqCardMsg [0] EXPLICIT AcqCardMsg OPTIONAL, authStatus [1] AuthStatus OPTIONAL, capStatus [2] CapStatus OPTIONAL, credStatusSeq [3] CreditStatusSeq OPTIONAL } AuthStatus ::= SEQUENCE { authDate Date, authCode AuthCode, authRatio FloatingPoint, currConv [0] CurrConv OPTIONAL } CapStatus ::= SEQUENCE { capDate Date, capCode CapCode, capRatio FloatingPoint } CreditStatusSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF CreditStatus CreditStatus ::= SEQUENCE { creditDate Date, creditCode CapRevOrCredCode, creditRatio FloatingPoint } -- Purchase Inquiry Pair InqReq ::= CHOICE { inqReqSigned [0] EXPLICIT InqReqSigned, inqReqUnsigned [1] EXPLICIT InqReqData } InqReqSigned ::= S { C, InqReqData } InqReqData ::= SEQUENCE { -- Signed by cardholder, if signed transIDs TransIDs, rrpid RRPID, chall-C2 Challenge, inqRqExtensions [0] MsgExtensions {{InqRqExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } InqRqExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } InqRes ::= PRes -- Authorization Pair AuthReq ::= EncB { M, P, AuthReqData, PI } -- Intermediate results of EncB AuthReqTBE ::= S { M, AuthReqTBS } AuthReqTBS ::= L { AuthReqData, PI } AuthReqData ::= SEQUENCE { authReqItem AuthReqItem, mThumbs [0] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL, captureNow BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, saleDetail [1] SaleDetail OPTIONAL } ( WITH COMPONENTS {..., captureNow (TRUE) } | WITH COMPONENTS {..., captureNow (FALSE), saleDetail ABSENT } ) AuthReqItem ::= SEQUENCE { authTags AuthTags, checkDigests [0] CheckDigests OPTIONAL, authReqPayload AuthReqPayload } AuthTags ::= SEQUENCE { authRRTags RRTags, transIDs TransIDs, authRetNum AuthRetNum OPTIONAL } CheckDigests ::= SEQUENCE { hOIData HOIData, hod2 HOD } AuthReqPayload ::= SEQUENCE { subsequentAuthInd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, authReqAmt CurrencyAmount, -- May differ from PurchAmt avsData [0] AVSData OPTIONAL, specialProcessing [1] SpecialProcessing OPTIONAL, cardSuspect [2] CardSuspect OPTIONAL, requestCardTypeInd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, installRecurData [3] InstallRecurData OPTIONAL, marketSpecAuthData [4] EXPLICIT MarketSpecAuthData OPTIONAL, merchData MerchData, aRqExtensions [5] MsgExtensions {{ARqExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } ARqExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } AVSData ::= SEQUENCE { streetAddress SETString { ub-AVSData } OPTIONAL, location Location } SpecialProcessing ::= ENUMERATED { directMarketing (0), preferredCustomer (1) } CardSuspect ::= ENUMERATED { -- Indicates merchant suspects cardholder -- -- Specific values indicate why the merchant is suspicious -- unspecifiedReason (0) -- Either the merchant does not differentiate -- reasons for suspicion, or the specific -- reason does not appear in the list } MerchData ::= SEQUENCE { merchCatCode MerchCatCode OPTIONAL, merchGroup MerchGroup OPTIONAL } MerchCatCode ::= NumericString (SIZE(ub-merType)) -- ANSI X9.10 -- Merchant Category Code (MCCs) are assigned by acquirer to -- describe the merchant's product, service or type of business MerchGroup ::= ENUMERATED { commercialTravel (1), lodging (2), automobileRental (3), restaurant (4), medical (5), mailOrPhoneOrder (6), riskyPurchase (7), other (8) } AuthRes ::= CHOICE { encB [0] EXPLICIT EncB { P, M, AuthResData, AuthResBaggage }, encBX [1] EXPLICIT EncBX { P, M, AuthResData, AuthResBaggage, PANToken } } -- Intermediate results of EncB and EncBX AuthResTBE ::= S { P, AuthResTBS } AuthResTBEX ::= SEQUENCE { authResTBS AuthResTBS, s SO { P, AuthResTBSX } } AuthResTBS ::= L { AuthResData, AuthResBaggage} AuthResTBSX ::= SEQUENCE { authResTBS AuthResTBS, panToken PANToken } AuthResData ::= SEQUENCE { authTags AuthTags, brandCRLIdentifier [0] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, peThumb [1] EXPLICIT CertThumb OPTIONAL, authResPayload AuthResPayload } AuthResBaggage ::= SEQUENCE { capToken [0] EXPLICIT CapToken OPTIONAL, acqCardMsg [1] EXPLICIT AcqCardMsg OPTIONAL, authToken [2] EXPLICIT AuthToken OPTIONAL } AcqBackKey ::= BackKeyData AcqCardMsg ::= EncK { AcqBackKey, P, AcqCardCodeMsg } -- Intermediate result of EncK AcqCardCodeMsgTBE ::= S { P, AcqCardCodeMsg } AcqCardCodeMsg ::= SEQUENCE { acqCardCode AcqCardCode, acqCardMsgData AcqCardMsgData } AcqCardCode ::= ENUMERATED { messageOfDay (0), accountInfo (1), callCustomerService (2) } AcqCardMsgData ::= SEQUENCE { acqCardText [0] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-acqCardText } OPTIONAL, acqCardURL [1] URL OPTIONAL, acqCardPhone [2] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-acqCardPhone } OPTIONAL } AuthResPayload ::= SEQUENCE { authHeader AuthHeader, capResPayload CapResPayload OPTIONAL, aRsExtensions [0] MsgExtensions {{ARsExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } ARsExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } AuthHeader ::= SEQUENCE { authAmt CurrencyAmount, authCode AuthCode, responseData ResponseData, batchStatus [0] BatchStatus OPTIONAL, currConv CurrConv OPTIONAL -- Merchant to cardholder } AuthCode ::= ENUMERATED { approved ( 0), unspecifiedFailure ( 1), declined ( 2), noReply ( 3), callIssuer ( 4), amountError ( 5), expiredCard ( 6), invalidTransaction ( 7), systemError ( 8), piPreviouslyUsed ( 9), recurringTooSoon (10), recurringExpired (11), piAuthMismatch (12), installRecurMismatch (13), captureNotSupported (14), signatureRequired (15), cardMerchBrandMismatch (16) } ResponseData ::= SEQUENCE { authValCodes [0] AuthValCodes OPTIONAL, respReason [1] RespReason OPTIONAL, cardType CardType OPTIONAL, avsResult [2] AVSResult OPTIONAL, logRefID LogRefID OPTIONAL } AuthValCodes ::= SEQUENCE { approvalCode [0] ApprovalCode OPTIONAL, authCharInd [1] AuthCharInd OPTIONAL, validationCode [2] ValidationCode OPTIONAL, marketSpec MarketSpecDataID OPTIONAL } RespReason ::= ENUMERATED { issuer (0), standInTimeOut (1), standInFloorLimit (2), standInSuppressInquiries (3), standInIssuerUnavailable (4), standInIssuerRequest (5) } CardType ::= ENUMERATED { unavailable ( 0), classic ( 1), gold ( 2), platinum ( 3), premier ( 4), debit ( 5), pinBasedDebit ( 6), atm ( 7), electronicOnly ( 8), unspecifiedConsumer ( 9), corporateTravel (10), purchasing (11), business (12), unspecifiedCommercial (13), privateLabel (14), proprietary (15) } AVSResult ::= ENUMERATED { resultUnavailable (0), noMatch (1), addressMatchOnly (2), postalCodeMatchOnly (3), fullMatch (4) } LogRefID ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..ub-logRefID)) ApprovalCode ::= VisibleString (SIZE(ub-approvalCode)) AuthCharInd ::= ENUMERATED { directMarketing (0), recurringPayment (1), addressVerification (2), preferredCustomer (3), incrementalAuth (4) } ValidationCode ::= VisibleString (SIZE(ub-validationCode)) -- Auth Reversal Pair AuthRevReq ::= EncB { M, P, AuthRevReqData, AuthRevReqBaggage } -- Intermediate results of EncB AuthRevReqTBE ::= S { M, AuthRevReqTBS } AuthRevReqTBS ::= L { AuthRevReqData, AuthRevReqBaggage } AuthRevReqData ::= SEQUENCE { authRevTags AuthRevTags, mThumbs [0] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL, authReqData [1] AuthReqData OPTIONAL, authResPayload [2] AuthResPayload OPTIONAL, authNewAmt CurrencyAmount, aRvRqExtensions [3] MsgExtensions {{ARvRqExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } ARvRqExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } AuthRevReqBaggage ::= SEQUENCE { pi PI, capToken CapToken OPTIONAL } AuthRevTags ::= SEQUENCE { authRevRRTags AuthRevRRTags, authRetNum AuthRetNum OPTIONAL } AuthRevRRTags ::= RRTags AuthRetNum ::= INTEGER (0..MAX) AuthRevRes ::= CHOICE { encB [0] EXPLICIT EncB { P, M, AuthRevResData, AuthRevResBaggage }, enc [1] EXPLICIT Enc { P, M, AuthRevResData } } -- Intermediate results of Enc and EncB AuthRevResTBE ::= S { P, AuthRevResData } AuthRevResTBEB ::= S { P, AuthRevResTBS } AuthRevResTBS ::= L { AuthRevResData, AuthRevResBaggage } AuthRevResBaggage ::= SEQUENCE { capTokenNew CapToken OPTIONAL, authTokenNew AuthToken OPTIONAL } AuthRevResData ::= SEQUENCE { authRevCode AuthRevCode, authRevTags AuthRevTags, brandCRLIdentifier [0] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, peThumb [1] EXPLICIT CertThumb OPTIONAL, authNewAmt CurrencyAmount, -- May be zero authResDataNew AuthResDataNew, aRvRsExtensions [2] MsgExtensions {{ARvRsExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } ARvRsExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } AuthRevCode ::= ENUMERATED { approved ( 0), unspecifiedFailure ( 1), noReply ( 2), amountError ( 3), expiredCard ( 4), invalidTransaction ( 5), systemError ( 6), missingCapToken ( 7), invalidCapToken ( 8), invalidAmount ( 9) } AuthResDataNew ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, authResPayloadNew AuthResPayload OPTIONAL -- Contains new data } -- Capture Pair CapReq ::= CHOICE { encB [0] EXPLICIT EncB { M, P, CapReqData, CapTokenSeq }, encBX [1] EXPLICIT EncBX { M, P, CapReqData, CapTokenSeq, PANToken } } -- Intermediate results of EncB and EncBX CapReqTBE ::= S { M, CapReqTBS } CapReqTBEX ::= SEQUENCE { capReqTBS CapReqTBS, s SO { M, CapReqTBSX } } CapReqTBS ::= L { CapReqData, CapTokenSeq } CapReqTBSX ::= SEQUENCE { capReqTBS CapReqTBS, panToken PANToken } CapReqData ::= SEQUENCE { capRRTags CapRRTags, mThumbs [0] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL, capItemSeq CapItemSeq, cRqExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{CRqExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } CRqExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CapRRTags ::= RRTags CapItemSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF CapItem CapItem ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, authRRPID RRPID, capPayload CapPayload } CapPayload ::= SEQUENCE { capDate Date, capReqAmt CurrencyAmount, authReqItem [0] AuthReqItem OPTIONAL, authResPayload [1] AuthResPayload OPTIONAL, saleDetail [2] SaleDetail OPTIONAL, cPayExtensions [3] MsgExtensions {{CPayExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } CPayExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CapRes ::= Enc { P, M, CapResData } -- Intermediate results of Enc CapResTBE ::= S { P, CapResData } CapResData ::= SEQUENCE { capRRTags CapRRTags, brandCRLIdentifier [0] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, peThumb [1] EXPLICIT CertThumb OPTIONAL, batchStatusSeq [2] BatchStatusSeq OPTIONAL, capResItemSeq CapResItemSeq, cRsExtensions [3] MsgExtensions {{CRsExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } CRsExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CapResItemSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF CapResItem CapResItem ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, authRRPID RRPID, capResPayload CapResPayload } CapResPayload ::= SEQUENCE { capCode CapCode, capAmt CurrencyAmount, batchID [0] BatchID OPTIONAL, batchSequenceNum [1] BatchSequenceNum OPTIONAL, cRsPayExtensions [2] MsgExtensions {{CRsPayExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } CRsPayExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CapCode ::= ENUMERATED { success (0), unspecifiedFailure (1), duplicateRequest (2), authExpired (3), authDataMissing (4), invalidAuthData (5), capTokenMissing (6), invalidCapToken (7), batchUnknown (8), batchClosed (9), unknownXID (10), unknownLID (11) } -- Capture Reversal Or Credit CapRevOrCredReqData ::= SEQUENCE { capRevOrCredRRTags RRTags, mThumbs [0] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL, capRevOrCredReqItemSeq CapRevOrCredReqItemSeq, cRvRqExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{CRvRqExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } CRvRqExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CapRevOrCredReqItemSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF CapRevOrCredReqItem CapRevOrCredReqItem ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, authRRPID RRPID, capPayload CapPayload, newBatchID [0] BatchID OPTIONAL, capRevOrCredReqDate Date, capRevOrCredReqAmt [1] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, newAccountInd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, cRvRqItemExtensions [2] MsgExtensions {{CRvRqItemExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } CRvRqItemExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CapRevOrCredResData ::= SEQUENCE { capRevOrCredRRTags RRTags, brandCRLIdentifier [0] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier OPTIONAL, peThumb [1] EXPLICIT CertThumb OPTIONAL, batchStatusSeq [2] BatchStatusSeq OPTIONAL, capRevOrCredResItemSeq CapRevOrCredResItemSeq, cRvRsExtensions [3] MsgExtensions {{CRvRsExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } CRvRsExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CapRevOrCredResItemSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF CapRevOrCredResItem CapRevOrCredResItem ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, authRRPID RRPID, capRevOrCredResPayload CapRevOrCredResPayload } CapRevOrCredResPayload ::= SEQUENCE { capRevOrCredCode CapRevOrCredCode, capRevOrCredActualAmt CurrencyAmount, batchID [0] BatchID OPTIONAL, batchSequenceNum [1] BatchSequenceNum OPTIONAL, cRvRsPayExtensions [2] MsgExtensions {{CRvRsPayExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } CRvRsPayExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } CapRevOrCredCode ::= ENUMERATED { success (0), unspecifiedFailure (1), duplicateRequest (2), originalProcessed (3), originalNotFound (4), capPurged (5), capDataMismatch (6), missingCapData (7), missingCapToken (8), invalidCapToken (9), batchUnknown (10), batchClosed (11) } -- Capture Reversal Pair CapRevReq ::= CHOICE { encB [0] EXPLICIT EncB { M, P, CapRevData, CapTokenSeq }, encBX [1] EXPLICIT EncBX { M, P, CapRevData, CapTokenSeq, PANToken } } -- Intermediate results of EncB and EncBX CapRevReqTBE ::= S { M, CapRevReqTBS } CapRevReqTBEX ::= SEQUENCE { capRevReqTBS CapRevReqTBS, s SO { M, CapRevReqTBSX } } CapRevReqTBS ::= L { CapRevData, CapTokenSeq } CapRevReqTBSX ::= SEQUENCE { capRevReqTBS CapRevReqTBS, panToken PANToken } CapRevData ::= [0] EXPLICIT CapRevOrCredReqData CapRevRes ::= Enc { P, M, CapRevResData } -- Intermediate results of Enc CapRevResTBE ::= S { P, CapRevResData } CapRevResData ::= [0] EXPLICIT CapRevOrCredResData -- Credit Pair CredReq ::= CHOICE { encB [0] EXPLICIT EncB { M, P, CredReqData, CapTokenSeq }, encBX [1] EXPLICIT EncBX { M, P, CredReqData, CapTokenSeq, PANToken } } -- Intermediate results of EncB and EncBX CredReqTBE ::= S { M, CredReqTBS } CredReqTBEX ::= SEQUENCE { credReqTBS CredReqTBS, s SO { M, CredReqTBSX } } CredReqTBS ::= L { CredReqData, CapTokenSeq } CredReqTBSX ::= SEQUENCE { credReqTBS CredReqTBS, panToken PANToken } CredReqData ::= [1] EXPLICIT CapRevOrCredReqData CredRes ::= Enc { P, M, CredResData } -- Intermediate results of Enc CredResTBE ::= S { P, CredResData } CredResData ::= [1] EXPLICIT CapRevOrCredResData -- Credit Reversal Pair CredRevReq ::= CHOICE { encB [0] EXPLICIT EncB { M, P, CredRevReqData, CapTokenSeq }, encBX [1] EXPLICIT EncBX { M, P, CredRevReqData, CapTokenSeq, PANToken } } -- Intermediate results of EncB and EncBX CredRevReqTBE ::= S { M, CredRevReqTBS } CredRevReqTBEX ::= SEQUENCE { credRevReqTBS CredRevReqTBS, s SO { M, CredRevReqTBSX } } CredRevReqTBS ::= L { CredRevReqData, CapTokenSeq } CredRevReqTBSX ::= SEQUENCE { credRevReqTBS CredRevReqTBS, panToken PANToken } CredRevReqData ::= [2] EXPLICIT CapRevOrCredReqData CredRevRes ::= Enc { P, M, CredRevResData } -- Intermediate results of Enc CredRevResTBE ::= S { P, CredRevResData } CredRevResData ::= [2] EXPLICIT CapRevOrCredResData -- Payment Gateway Certificate Request Pair PCertReq ::= S { M, PCertReqData } PCertReqData ::= SEQUENCE { pCertRRTags RRTags, mThumbs [0] EXPLICIT Thumbs OPTIONAL, brandAndBINSeq BrandAndBINSeq, pcRqExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{PCRqExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } PCRqExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } BrandAndBINSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF BrandAndBIN BrandAndBIN ::= SEQUENCE { brandID BrandID, bin BIN OPTIONAL } PCertRes ::= S { P, PCertResTBS } PCertResTBS ::= SEQUENCE { pCertRRTags RRTags, pCertResItemSeq PCertResItemSeq, brandCRLIdentifierSeq [0] BrandCRLIdentifierSeq OPTIONAL, pcRsExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{PCRsExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } PCRsExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } PCertResItemSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF PCertResItem PCertResItem ::= SEQUENCE { pCertCode PCertCode, certThumb [0] EXPLICIT CertThumb OPTIONAL } PCertCode ::= ENUMERATED { success (0), unspecifiedFailure (1), brandNotSupported (2), unknownBIN (3) } BrandCRLIdentifierSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF [0] EXPLICIT BrandCRLIdentifier -- Batch Administration Pair BatchAdminReq ::= Enc { M, P, BatchAdminReqData } -- Intermediate results of Enc BatchAdminReqTBE ::= S { M, BatchAdminReqData } BatchAdminReqData ::= SEQUENCE { batchAdminRRTags RRTags, batchID [0] BatchID OPTIONAL, brandAndBINSeq [1] BrandAndBINSeq OPTIONAL, batchOperation [2] BatchOperation OPTIONAL, returnBatchSummaryInd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, returnTransactionDetail [3] ReturnTransactionDetail OPTIONAL, batchStatus [4] BatchStatus OPTIONAL, transDetails [5] TransDetails OPTIONAL, baRqExtensions [6] MsgExtensions {{BARqExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } BARqExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } BatchOperation ::= ENUMERATED { open (0), purge (1), close (2) } ReturnTransactionDetail ::= SEQUENCE { startingPoint INTEGER (MIN..MAX), maximumItems INTEGER (1..MAX), errorsOnlyInd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, brandID [0] EXPLICIT BrandID OPTIONAL } TransDetails ::= SEQUENCE { nextStartingPoint INTEGER (MIN..MAX), transactionDetailSeq TransactionDetailSeq } BatchAdminRes ::= Enc { P, M, BatchAdminResData } -- Intermediate results of Enc BatchAdminResTBE ::= S { P, BatchAdminResData } BatchAdminResData ::= SEQUENCE { batchAdminTags RRTags, batchID BatchID, baStatus BAStatus OPTIONAL, batchStatus [0] BatchStatus OPTIONAL, transmissionStatus [1] TransmissionStatus OPTIONAL, settlementInfo [2] SettlementInfo OPTIONAL, transDetails [3] TransDetails OPTIONAL, baRsExtensions [4] MsgExtensions {{BARsExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } BARsExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } TransmissionStatus ::= ENUMERATED { pending (0), inProgress (1), batchRejectedByAcquirer (2), completedSuccessfully (3), completedWithItemErrors (4) } SettlementInfo ::= SEQUENCE { settlementAmount CurrencyAmount, settlementType AmountType, settlementAccount SETString { ub-SettlementAccount }, settlementDepositDate Date } BAStatus ::= ENUMERATED { success ( 0), unspecifiedFailure ( 1), brandNotSupported ( 2), unknownBIN ( 3), batchIDunavailable ( 4), batchAlreadyOpen ( 5), unknownBatchID ( 6), brandBatchMismatch ( 7), totalsOutOfBalance ( 8), unknownStartingPoint ( 9), stopItemDetail (10), unknownBatchOperation (11) } ClosedWhen ::= SEQUENCE { closeStatus CloseStatus, closeDateTime Date } CloseStatus ::= ENUMERATED { closedbyMerchant (0), closedbyAcquirer (1) } BatchStatusSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF BatchStatus BatchStatus ::= SEQUENCE { openDateTime Date, closedWhen [0] ClosedWhen OPTIONAL, batchDetails BatchDetails, batchExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{BSExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } BSExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } BatchDetails ::= SEQUENCE { batchTotals BatchTotals, brandBatchDetailsSeq BrandBatchDetailsSeq OPTIONAL } BrandBatchDetailsSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF BrandBatchDetails BrandBatchDetails ::= SEQUENCE { brandID BrandID, batchTotals BatchTotals } BatchTotals ::= SEQUENCE { transactionCountCredit INTEGER (0..MAX), transactionTotalAmtCredit CurrencyAmount, transactionCountDebit INTEGER (0..MAX), transactionTotalAmtDebit CurrencyAmount, batchTotalExtensions [0] MsgExtensions {{BTExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } BTExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } TransactionDetailSeq ::= SEQUENCE OF TransactionDetail TransactionDetail ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, authRRPID RRPID, brandID BrandID, batchSequenceNum BatchSequenceNum, reimbursementID ReimbursementID OPTIONAL, transactionAmt CurrencyAmount, transactionAmtType AmountType, transactionStatus [0] TransactionStatus OPTIONAL, transExtensions [1] MsgExtensions {{TransExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } TransExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } AmountType ::= ENUMERATED { credit (0), debit (1) } TransactionStatus ::= ENUMERATED { success (0), unspecifiedFailure (1) } ReimbursementID ::= ENUMERATED { unspecified (0), standard (1), keyEntered (2), electronic (3), additionalData (4), enhancedData (5), marketSpecific (6) } -- Payment Message Components AuthToken ::= EncX { P1, P2, AuthTokenData, PANToken } -- Intermediate results of EncX AuthTokenTBE ::= SEQUENCE { authTokenData AuthTokenData, s SO { P1, AuthTokenTBS } } AuthTokenTBS ::= SEQUENCE { authTokenData AuthTokenData, panToken PANToken } AuthTokenData ::= SEQUENCE { transIDs TransIDs, purchAmt CurrencyAmount, merchantID MerchantID, acqBackKeyData BackKeyData OPTIONAL, installRecurData [0] InstallRecurData OPTIONAL, recurringCount [1] INTEGER (1..MAX) OPTIONAL, prevAuthDateTime Date, totalAuthAmount [2] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, authTokenOpaque [3] EXPLICIT TokenOpaque OPTIONAL } BatchID ::= INTEGER (0..MAX) BatchSequenceNum ::= INTEGER (1..MAX) CapToken ::= CHOICE { encX [0] EXPLICIT EncX { P1, P2, CapTokenData, PANToken }, enc [1] EXPLICIT Enc { P1, P2, CapTokenData }, null [2] EXPLICIT NULL } -- Intermediate results of Enc and EncX CapTokenTBE ::= S { P1, CapTokenData } CapTokenTBEX ::= SEQUENCE { capTokenData CapTokenData, s SO { P1, CapTokenTBS } } CapTokenTBS ::= SEQUENCE { capTokenData CapTokenData, panToken PANToken } CapTokenData ::= SEQUENCE { authRRPID RRPID, authAmt CurrencyAmount, tokenOpaque TokenOpaque } CapTokenSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF CapToken CurrencyAmount ::= SEQUENCE { currency Currency, -- Currency code as defined in ISO-4217 amount INTEGER (0..MAX), amtExp10 INTEGER (MIN..MAX) -- Base ten exponent, such that the value in local -- currency is "amount * (10 ** amtExp10)" -- The exponent shall be the same value as defined -- for the minor unit of currency in ISO-4217. } CurrConv ::= SEQUENCE { currConvRate FloatingPoint, cardCurr Currency } FloatingPoint ::= REAL (WITH COMPONENTS {..., base (2)}) MarketAutoAuth ::= SEQUENCE { duration Duration } MarketHotelAuth ::= SEQUENCE { duration Duration, prestige Prestige OPTIONAL } Duration ::= INTEGER (1..99) -- Number of days Prestige ::= ENUMERATED { unknown (0), level-1 (1), -- Transaction floor limits for each level are level-2 (2), -- defined by brand policy and may vary between level-3 (3) -- national markets. } MarketSpecAuthData ::= CHOICE { auto-rental [0] MarketAutoAuth, hotel [1] MarketHotelAuth, transport [2] MarketTransportAuth } MarketSpecCapData ::= CHOICE { auto-rental [0] MarketAutoCap, hotel [1] MarketHotelCap, transport [2] MarketTransportCap } MarketSpecSaleData ::= SEQUENCE { marketSpecDataID MarketSpecDataID OPTIONAL, marketSpecCapData MarketSpecCapData OPTIONAL } MarketTransportAuth ::= NULL MarketSpecDataID ::= ENUMERATED { failedEdit (0), auto (1), hotel (2), transport (3) } MerOrderNum ::= VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-merOrderNum)) MerTermIDs ::= SEQUENCE { merchantID MerchantID, terminalID VisibleString (SIZE(1..ub-terminalID)) OPTIONAL, agentNum INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL, chainNum [0] INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL, storeNum [1] INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL } RRTags ::= SEQUENCE { rrpid RRPID, merTermIDs MerTermIDs, currentDate Date } SaleDetail ::= SEQUENCE { batchID [ 0] BatchID OPTIONAL, batchSequenceNum [ 1] BatchSequenceNum OPTIONAL, payRecurInd [ 2] PayRecurInd OPTIONAL, merOrderNum [ 3] MerOrderNum OPTIONAL, authCharInd [ 4] AuthCharInd OPTIONAL, marketSpecSaleData [ 5] MarketSpecSaleData OPTIONAL, commercialCardData [ 6] CommercialCardData OPTIONAL, orderSummary [ 7] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-summary } OPTIONAL, customerReferenceNumber [ 8] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-reference } OPTIONAL, customerServicePhone [ 9] EXPLICIT Phone OPTIONAL, okToPrintPhoneInd [10] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, saleExtensions [11] MsgExtensions {{SaleExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } SaleExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } PayRecurInd ::= ENUMERATED { unknown (0), singleTransaction (1), recurringTransaction (2), installmentPayment (3), otherMailOrder (4) } InstallRecurData ::= SEQUENCE { installRecurInd InstallRecurInd, irExtensions [0] MsgExtensions {{IRExtensionsIOS}} OPTIONAL } IRExtensionsIOS EXTENSION ::= { ... } InstallRecurInd ::= CHOICE { installTotalTrans [0] INTEGER (2..MAX), recurring [1] Recurring } Recurring ::= SEQUENCE { recurringFrequency INTEGER (1..ub-recurringFrequency), recurringExpiry Date } TokenOpaque ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type -- Gateway-defined data -- Upper bound of SETString{} type ub-acqCardText INTEGER ::= 128 ub-acqCardPhone INTEGER ::= 50 ub-approvalCode INTEGER ::= 6 ub-AVSData INTEGER ::= 128 ub-logRefID INTEGER ::= 32 ub-merOrderNum INTEGER ::= 25 ub-merType INTEGER ::= 4 ub-recurringFrequency INTEGER ::= 366 ub-SettlementAccount INTEGER ::= 50 ub-summary INTEGER ::= 35 ub-terminalID INTEGER ::= 48 ub-validationCode INTEGER ::= 4 END SetCertificate { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 3 } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- -- This module defines types for CRL and X.509v3 certificate support. -- -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, AlgorithmIdentifier {}, Name, SignatureAlgorithms, SupportedAlgorithms FROM SetAttribute Extensions FROM SetCertificateExtensions; UnsignedCertificate ::= SEQUENCE { version [0] CertificateVersion, serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber, signature AlgorithmIdentifier {{SignatureAlgorithms}}, issuer Name, validity Validity, subject Name, subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo{{SupportedAlgorithms}}, issuerUniqueID [1] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, subjectUniqueID [2] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, extensions [3] Extensions -- Required for SET usage } CertificateVersion ::= INTEGER { ver3(2) } ( ver3 ) CertificateSerialNumber ::= INTEGER -- Compute the encrypted hash of this value if issuing a certificate, -- or recompute the issuer's signature on this value if validating a -- certificate. -- EncodedCertificate ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type (UnsignedCertificate) Certificate::= SIGNED { EncodedCertificate } ( CONSTRAINED BY { -- Verify Or Sign Certificate -- } ) SIGNED { ToBeSigned } ::= SEQUENCE { toBeSigned ToBeSigned, algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{SignatureAlgorithms}}, signature BIT STRING } Validity ::= SEQUENCE { notBefore UTCTime, -- Not valid before this date notAfter UTCTime -- Not valid after this date } UniqueIdentifier ::= BIT STRING -- Not used in the SET protocol SubjectPublicKeyInfo {ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER:Algorithms} ::= SEQUENCE { algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{Algorithms}}, subjectPublicKey BIT STRING } END SetCertificateExtensions { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 4 } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- -- Defines X.509 Version 3 certificate extensions. -- -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS Name, SETString {}, SupportedAlgorithms FROM SetAttribute CertificateSerialNumber, SubjectPublicKeyInfo FROM SetCertificate BIN, CountryCode, Language, MerchantID, URL FROM SetMessage DD {}, DetachedDigest FROM SetPKCS7Plus; -- X.509v3 Certificate Extensions EXTENSION ::= CLASS { &id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &critical BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, &ExtenType } WITH SYNTAX { SYNTAX &ExtenType [ CRITICAL &critical ] IDENTIFIED BY &id } Extensions ::= SEQUENCE OF Extension ExtensionSet EXTENSION ::= { -- Information Object Set -- -- Standard X.509v3 extensions -- authorityKeyIdentifier | -- not critical keyUsage | -- critical privateKeyUsagePeriod | -- not critical certificatePolicies | -- critical subjectAltName | -- not critical issuerAltName | -- not critical basicConstraints | -- critical cRLNumber | -- not critical -- -- SET Private extensions -- hashedRootKey | -- critical certificateType | -- critical merchantData | -- not critical cardCertRequired | -- not critical tunneling | -- not critical setExtensions, -- not critical ... } Extension ::= SEQUENCE { extnID EXTENSION.&id({ExtensionSet}), critical EXTENSION.&critical({ExtensionSet}{@extnID}) DEFAULT FALSE, extnValue OCTET STRING -- DER representation of &ExtenType extension -- object for the object identified by extnID } -- Key and policy information extensions -- authorityKeyIdentifier EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX AuthorityKeyIdentifier IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier } AuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { keyIdentifier [0] KeyIdentifier OPTIONAL, authorityCertIssuer [1] GeneralNames OPTIONAL, authorityCertSerialNumber [2] CertificateSerialNumber OPTIONAL } ( WITH COMPONENTS { keyIdentifier ABSENT, authorityCertIssuer PRESENT, authorityCertSerialNumber PRESENT } ) KeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING keyUsage EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX KeyUsage CRITICAL TRUE IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-keyUsage } KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING { digitalSignature (0), nonRepudiation (1), keyEncipherment (2), dataEncipherment (3), keyAgreement (4), keyCertSign (5), -- For use in CA-certificates only cRLSign (6) -- For use in CA-certificates only } privateKeyUsagePeriod EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX PrivateKeyUsagePeriod IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod } PrivateKeyUsagePeriod ::= SEQUENCE { notBefore [0] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, notAfter [1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL } ( WITH COMPONENTS { ..., notBefore PRESENT } | WITH COMPONENTS { ..., notAfter PRESENT } ) certificatePolicies EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX CertificatePoliciesSyntax CRITICAL TRUE IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-certificatePolicies } CertificatePoliciesSyntax ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF PolicyInformation PolicyInformation ::= SEQUENCE { policyIdentifier CertPolicyId, policyQualifiers SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF PolicyQualifierInfo OPTIONAL } CertPolicyId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER PolicyQualifierInfo ::= SEQUENCE { policyQualifierId CERT-POLICY-QUALIFIER.&id ({SupportedPolicyQualifiers}), qualifier CERT-POLICY-QUALIFIER.&Qualifier ({SupportedPolicyQualifiers}{@policyQualifierId}) OPTIONAL } SupportedPolicyQualifiers CERT-POLICY-QUALIFIER ::= { setPolicyQualifier, ... } CERT-POLICY-QUALIFIER ::= CLASS { &id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &Qualifier OPTIONAL } WITH SYNTAX { POLICY-QUALIFIER-ID &id [ QUALIFIER-TYPE &Qualifier ] } setPolicyQualifier CERT-POLICY-QUALIFIER ::= { POLICY-QUALIFIER-ID id-set-setQualifier QUALIFIER-TYPE SetPolicyQualifier } SetPolicyQualifier ::= SEQUENCE { rootQualifier SETQualifier, additionalPolicies AdditionalPolicies OPTIONAL } AdditionalPolicies ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..3) OF AdditionalPolicy AdditionalPolicy ::= SEQUENCE { policyOID CertPolicyId OPTIONAL, policyQualifier SETQualifier OPTIONAL, policyAddedBy CertificateTypeSyntax } SETQualifier ::= SEQUENCE { policyDigest DetachedDigest OPTIONAL, terseStatement SETString {ub-terseStatement} OPTIONAL, policyURL [0] URL OPTIONAL, policyEmail [1] URL OPTIONAL } -- Certificate subject and certificate issuer attributes extensions -- subjectAltName EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX GeneralNames IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-subjectAltName } GeneralNames ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF GeneralName GeneralName ::= CHOICE { directoryName [4] EXPLICIT Name, uniformResourceIdentifier [6] IA5String, registeredID [8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- Other choices defined in X.509 not used by SET } issuerAltName EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX GeneralNames IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-issuerAltName } -- Certification path constraints extensions -- basicConstraints EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX BasicConstraintsSyntax CRITICAL TRUE IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-basicConstraints } BasicConstraintsSyntax ::= SEQUENCE { cA BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, pathLenConstraint INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL } -- Basic CRL extensions -- cRLNumber EXTENSION ::= { -- For use in CRLs only SYNTAX CRLNumber IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-cRLNumber } CRLNumber ::= INTEGER (0..MAX) -- Set protocol private extensions -- hashedRootKey EXTENSION ::= { -- Only in root certificates SYNTAX HashedRootKeySyntax CRITICAL TRUE IDENTIFIED BY id-set-hashedRootKey } HashedRootKeySyntax ::= RootKeyThumb RootKeyThumb ::= SEQUENCE { rootKeyThumbprint DD { SubjectPublicKeyInfo{{SupportedAlgorithms}} } } certificateType EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX CertificateTypeSyntax CRITICAL TRUE IDENTIFIED BY id-set-certificateType } CertificateTypeSyntax ::= BIT STRING { card (0), mer (1), pgwy (2), cca (3), mca (4), pca (5), gca (6), bca (7), rca (8), acq (9) } merchantData EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX MerchantDataSyntax IDENTIFIED BY id-set-merchantData } MerchantDataSyntax ::= SEQUENCE { merID MerchantID, merAcquirerBIN BIN, merNameSeq MerNameSeq, merCountry CountryCode, merAuthFlag BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE } MerNameSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..32) OF MerNames MerNames::= SEQUENCE { language [0] Language OPTIONAL, name [1] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-merName }, city [2] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-cityName }, stateProvince [3] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-stateProvince } OPTIONAL, postalCode [4] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-postalCode } OPTIONAL, countryName [5] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-countryName } } cardCertRequired EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX BOOLEAN IDENTIFIED BY id-set-cardCertRequired } tunneling EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX TunnelingSyntax IDENTIFIED BY id-set-tunneling } TunnelingSyntax ::= SEQUENCE { tunneling BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, tunnelAlgIDs TunnelAlg } TunnelAlg ::= SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER setExtensions EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX SETExtensionsSyntax IDENTIFIED BY id-set-setExtensions } SETExtensionsSyntax ::= SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- Upper bounds of SETString{} types ub-countryName INTEGER ::= 50 ub-cityName INTEGER ::= 50 ub-merName INTEGER ::= 25 ub-postalCode INTEGER ::= 14 ub-stateProvince INTEGER ::= 50 ub-terseStatement INTEGER ::= 2048 -- Object identifiers id-ce OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 2 5 29 } id-ce-keyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 15 } id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 16 } id-ce-subjectAltName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 17 } id-ce-issuerAltName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 18 } id-ce-basicConstraints OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 19 } id-ce-cRLNumber OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 20 } id-ce-certificatePolicies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 32 } id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-ce 35 } id-set OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) } -- Object identifiers assigned under id-set arc OID ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER id-set-contentType OID ::= { id-set 0 } id-set-msgExt OID ::= { id-set 1 } id-set-field OID ::= { id-set 2 } id-set-attribute OID ::= { id-set 3 } id-set-algorithm OID ::= { id-set 4 } id-set-policy OID ::= { id-set 5 } id-set-module OID ::= { id-set 6 } id-set-certExt OID ::= { id-set 7 } id-set-brand OID ::= { id-set 8 } id-set-vendor OID ::= { id-set 9 } id-set-national OID ::= { id-set 10 } -- Content type id-set-content-PANData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 0 } id-set-content-PANToken OID ::= { id-set-contentType 1 } id-set-content-PANOnly OID ::= { id-set-contentType 2 } id-set-content-OIData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 3 } id-set-content-PI OID ::= { id-set-contentType 4 } id-set-content-PIData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 5 } id-set-content-PIDataUnsigned OID ::= { id-set-contentType 6 } id-set-content-HODInput OID ::= { id-set-contentType 7 } id-set-content-AuthResBaggage OID ::= { id-set-contentType 8 } id-set-content-AuthRevReqBaggage OID ::= { id-set-contentType 9 } id-set-content-AuthRevResBaggage OID ::= { id-set-contentType 10 } id-set-content-CapTokenSeq OID ::= { id-set-contentType 11 } id-set-content-PInitResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 12 } id-set-content-PI-TBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 13 } id-set-content-PResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 14 } id-set-content-InqReqData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 15 } id-set-content-AuthReqTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 16 } id-set-content-AuthResTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 17 } id-set-content-AuthResTBSX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 18 } id-set-content-AuthTokenTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 19 } id-set-content-CapTokenData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 20 } id-set-content-CapTokenTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 21 } id-set-content-AcqCardCodeMsg OID ::= { id-set-contentType 22 } id-set-content-AuthRevReqTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 23 } id-set-content-AuthRevResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 24 } id-set-content-AuthRevResTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 25 } id-set-content-CapReqTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 26 } id-set-content-CapReqTBSX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 27 } id-set-content-CapResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 28 } id-set-content-CapRevReqTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 29 } id-set-content-CapRevReqTBSX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 30 } id-set-content-CapRevResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 31 } id-set-content-CredReqTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 32 } id-set-content-CredReqTBSX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 33 } id-set-content-CredResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 34 } id-set-content-CredRevReqTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 35 } id-set-content-CredRevReqTBSX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 36 } id-set-content-CredRevResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 37 } id-set-content-PCertReqData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 38 } id-set-content-PCertResTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 39 } id-set-content-BatchAdminReqData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 40 } id-set-content-BatchAdminResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 41 } id-set-content-CardCInitResTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 42 } id-set-content-Me-AqCInitResTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 43 } id-set-content-RegFormResTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 44 } id-set-content-CertReqData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 45 } id-set-content-CertReqTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 46 } id-set-content-CertResData OID ::= { id-set-contentType 47 } id-set-content-CertInqReqTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 48 } id-set-content-ErrorTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 49 } id-set-content-PIDualSignedTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 50 } id-set-content-PIUnsignedTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 51 } id-set-content-AuthReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 52 } id-set-content-AuthResTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 53 } id-set-content-AuthResTBEX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 54 } id-set-content-AuthTokenTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 55 } id-set-content-CapTokenTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 56 } id-set-content-CapTokenTBEX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 57 } id-set-content-AcqCardCodeMsgTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 58 } id-set-content-AuthRevReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 59 } id-set-content-AuthRevResTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 60 } id-set-content-AuthRevResTBEB OID ::= { id-set-contentType 61 } id-set-content-CapReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 62 } id-set-content-CapReqTBEX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 63 } id-set-content-CapResTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 64 } id-set-content-CapRevReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 65 } id-set-content-CapRevReqTBEX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 66 } id-set-content-CapRevResTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 67 } id-set-content-CredReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 68 } id-set-content-CredReqTBEX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 69 } id-set-content-CredResTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 70 } id-set-content-CredRevReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 71 } id-set-content-CredRevReqTBEX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 72 } id-set-content-CredRevResTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 73 } id-set-content-BatchAdminReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 74 } id-set-content-BatchAdminResTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 75 } id-set-content-RegFormReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 76 } id-set-content-CertReqTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 77 } id-set-content-CertReqTBEX OID ::= { id-set-contentType 78 } id-set-content-CertResTBE OID ::= { id-set-contentType 79 } id-set-content-CRLNotificationTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 80 } id-set-content-CRLNotificationResTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 81 } id-set-content-BCIDistributionTBS OID ::= { id-set-contentType 82 } -- Message extensions -- None currently defined -- Fields id-set-fullName OID ::= { id-set-field 0 } id-set-givenName OID ::= { id-set-field 1 } id-set-familyName OID ::= { id-set-field 2 } id-set-birthFamilyName OID ::= { id-set-field 3 } id-set-placeName OID ::= { id-set-field 4 } id-set-identificationNumber OID ::= { id-set-field 5 } id-set-month OID ::= { id-set-field 6 } id-set-date OID ::= { id-set-field 7 } id-set-address OID ::= { id-set-field 8 } id-set-telephone OID ::= { id-set-field 9 } id-set-amount OID ::= { id-set-field 10 } id-set-accountNumber OID ::= { id-set-field 11 } id-set-passPhrase OID ::= { id-set-field 12 } -- Attributes id-set-attribute-cert OID ::= { id-set-attribute 0 } id-set-rootKeyThumb OID ::= { id-set-attribute-cert 0 } id-set-additionalPolicy OID ::= { id-set-attribute-cert 1 } -- Algorithms -- None currently defined -- Policy id-set-policy-root OID ::= { id-set-policy 0 } -- SET private certificate extensions id-set-hashedRootKey OID ::= { id-set-certExt 0 } id-set-certificateType OID ::= { id-set-certExt 1 } id-set-merchantData OID ::= { id-set-certExt 2 } id-set-cardCertRequired OID ::= { id-set-certExt 3 } id-set-tunneling OID ::= { id-set-certExt 4 } id-set-setExtensions OID ::= { id-set-certExt 5 } id-set-setQualifier OID ::= { id-set-certExt 6 } -- Brands id-set-IATA-ATA OID ::= { id-set-brand 1 } -- contact: rfcrum@air-travel-card.com id-set-Diners OID ::= { id-set-brand 30 } -- contact: william.burnett@citicorp.com id-set-AmericanExpress OID ::= { id-set-brand 34 } -- contact: david.armes@aexp.com id-set-JCB OID ::= { id-set-brand 35 } -- contact: ohashi@cp.jcb.co.jp id-set-Visa OID ::= { id-set-brand 4 } -- contact: tlewis@visa.com id-set-MasterCard OID ::= { id-set-brand 5 } -- contact: paul_hollis@mastercard.com id-set-Novus OID ::= { id-set-brand 6011 } -- contact: gallman@novusnet.com -- Vendors id-set-GlobeSet OID ::= { id-set-vendor 0 } -- contact: terence@globeset.com id-set-IBM OID ::= { id-set-vendor 1 } -- contact: mepeters@raleigh.ibm.com id-set-Cybercash OID ::= { id-set-vendor 2 } -- contact: dee@cybercash.com id-set-Terisa OID ::= { id-set-vendor 3 } -- contact: briank@terisa.com id-set-RSADSI OID ::= { id-set-vendor 4 } -- contact: baldwin@rsa.com id-set-VeriFone OID ::= { id-set-vendor 5 } -- contact: trong@vfi.com id-set-Trintech OID ::= { id-set-vendor 6 } -- contact: doneill@trintech.com id-set-BankGate OID ::= { id-set-vendor 7 } -- contact: johnv@bankgate.com id-set-GTE OID ::= { id-set-vendor 8 } -- contact: jeanne.gorman@gsc.gte.com id-set-CompuSource OID ::= { id-set-vendor 9 } -- contact: simonr@compusource.co.za id-set-Griffin OID ::= { id-set-vendor 10 } -- contact: asn1@mindspring.com id-set-Certicom OID ::= { id-set-vendor 11 } -- contact: sshannon@certicom.ca id-set-OSS OID ::= { id-set-vendor 12 } -- contact: baos@oss.com id-set-TenthMountain OID ::= { id-set-vendor 13 } -- contact: dapkus@tenthmountain.com id-set-Antares OID ::= { id-set-vendor 14 } -- contact: bzcd0@toraag.com id-set-ECC OID ::= { id-set-vendor 15 } -- contact: beattie@ecconsultants.com id-set-Maithean OID ::= { id-set-vendor 16 } -- contact: sullivan@maithean.com id-set-Netscape OID ::= { id-set-vendor 17 } -- contact: rich@netscape.com id-set-VeriSign OID ::= { id-set-vendor 18 } -- contact: simpson@verisign.com id-set-BlueMoney OID ::= { id-set-vendor 19 } -- contact: jeremy@bluemoney.com id-set-Lacerte OID ::= { id-set-vendor 20 } -- contact: lacerte@lacerte.com id-set-Fujitsu OID ::= { id-set-vendor 21 } -- contact: sfuruta@inet.mmp.fujitsu.co.jp id-set-eLab OID ::= { id-set-vendor 22 } -- contact: rah@shipwright.com id-set-Entrust OID ::= { id-set-vendor 23 } -- contact: mortimer@entrust.com id-set-VIAnet OID ::= { id-set-vendor 24 } -- contact: via.net@mail.eunet.pt id-set-III OID ::= { id-set-vendor 25 } -- contact: wu@iii.org.tw id-set-OpenMarket OID ::= { id-set-vendor 26 } -- contact: treese@OpenMarket.com id-set-Lexem OID ::= { id-set-vendor 27 } -- contact: lje@lexem.fr id-set-Intertrader OID ::= { id-set-vendor 28 } -- contact: rachel@intertrader.com id-set-Persimmon OID ::= { id-set-vendor 29 } -- contact: carol.smith@persimmon.com id-set-NABLE OID ::= { id-set-vendor 30 } -- contact: tony@nabletech.com id-set-espace-net OID ::= { id-set-vendor 31 } -- contact: fm@well.com id-set-Hitachi OID ::= { id-set-vendor 32 } -- contact: horimai@iabs.hitachi.co.jp id-set-Microsoft OID ::= { id-set-vendor 33 } -- contact: rickj@microsoft.com id-set-NEC OID ::= { id-set-vendor 34 } -- contact: nakata@mms.mt.nec.co.jp id-set-Mitsubishi OID ::= { id-set-vendor 35 } -- contact: yoshitake@iss.isl.melco.co.jp id-set-NCR OID ::= { id-set-vendor 36 } -- contact: Julian.Inza@spain.ncr.com id-set-e-COMM OID ::= { id-set-vendor 37 } -- contact: 101643.426@compuserve.com id-set-Gemplus OID ::= { id-set-vendor 38 } -- contact: florent.neu@ccmail.edt.fr -- National markets: The value following id-set-national corresponds -- to ISO-3166 numeric codes id-set-Japan OID ::= { id-set-national 392 } END SetCRL { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 5 } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- -- This module defines types for Certificate Revocation List support. -- -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS AlgorithmIdentifier{}, Name, SignatureAlgorithms FROM SetAttribute CertificateSerialNumber, SIGNED {} FROM SetCertificate Extensions FROM SetCertificateExtensions; UnsignedCertificateRevocationList ::= SEQUENCE { version INTEGER { crlVer2(1) } ( crlVer2 ), signature AlgorithmIdentifier {{SignatureAlgorithms}}, issuer Name, thisUpdate UTCTime, nextUpdate UTCTime, revokedCertificates CRLEntryList OPTIONAL, crlExtensions [0] Extensions OPTIONAL } CRLEntryList ::= SEQUENCE OF CRLEntry CRLEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ userCertificate CertificateSerialNumber, revocationDate UTCTime, crlEntryExtensions Extensions OPTIONAL } EncodedCRL ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type (UnsignedCertificateRevocationList) CRL ::= SIGNED { EncodedCRL } (CONSTRAINED BY { -- Validate Or Issue CRL -- }) END SetPKCS7Plus { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 6 } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- -- This module defines types for manipulating RSA PKCS #7 Cryptographic -- Messages, as well as SET-specific messages which contain these types. -- Note that SET uses definitions for PKCS-7 version 1.6. -- -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER, AlgorithmIdentifier {}, ATTRIBUTE, Attribute {}, Name FROM SetAttribute Certificate, CertificateSerialNumber FROM SetCertificate CRL FROM SetCRL CardExpiry, PAN FROM SetMessage; CRLSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF CRL IssuerAndSerialNumber ::= SEQUENCE { -- Uniquely identifies certificate issuer Name, serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber } CONTENTS ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER Contents CONTENTS ::= { { SignedData IDENTIFIED BY signedData }, ... } ContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE { contentType ContentType, content [0] EXPLICIT CONTENTS.&Type({Contents} {@contentType}) OPTIONAL } ContentType ::= CONTENTS.&id({Contents}) SignedData ::= SEQUENCE { -- PKCS#7 sdVersion INTEGER { sdVer2(2) } (sdVer2), digestAlgorithms DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers, contentInfo ContentInfo, certificates [2] IMPLICIT Certificates OPTIONAL, crls [3] IMPLICIT CRLSequence OPTIONAL, signerInfos SignerInfos } SignerInfos ::= SEQUENCE OF SignerInfo (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., authenticatedAttributes PRESENT, unauthenticatedAttributes ABSENT }) SignerInfo ::= SEQUENCE { siVersion INTEGER { siVer2(2) } (siVer2), issuerAndSerialNumber IssuerAndSerialNumber, digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{DigestAlgorithms}}, authenticatedAttributes [2] EXPLICIT AttributeSeq {{Authenticated}} OPTIONAL, digestEncryptionAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{DigestEncryptionAlgorithms}}, encryptedDigest EncryptedDigest, unauthenticatedAttributes [3] EXPLICIT AttributeSeq {{...}} OPTIONAL } Authenticated ATTRIBUTE ::={ { WITH SYNTAX ContentType ID contentType } | { WITH SYNTAX MessageDigest ID messageDigest } , ... } MessageDigest ::= Digest Digests ::= SEQUENCE OF Digest Digest ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)) Certificates ::= SEQUENCE OF Certificate DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers ::= SEQUENCE OF AlgorithmIdentifier { {DigestAlgorithms} } DigestAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-sha1 }, ... } DigestEncryptionAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-rsaEncryption }, ... } EncryptedData ::= SEQUENCE { version INTEGER { enVer0(0) } (enVer0), encryptedContentInfo EncryptedContentInfo } EnvelopedData ::= SEQUENCE { edVersion INTEGER { edVer1(1) } (edVer1), recipientInfos RecipientInfos, encryptedContentInfo EncryptedContentInfo } RecipientInfos ::= SEQUENCE OF RecipientInfo EncryptedContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE { contentType ContentType, contentEncryptionAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{ContentEncryptionAlgorithms}}, encryptedContent [0] IMPLICIT EncryptedContent OPTIONAL } EncryptedContent ::= OCTET STRING ContentEncryptionAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { CBC8Parameter IDENTIFIED BY id-desCDMF } | { CBC8Parameter IDENTIFIED BY id-desCBC }, ... } CBC8Parameter ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) RecipientInfo ::= SEQUENCE { riVersion INTEGER { riVer0(0) } (riVer0), issuerAndSerialNumber IssuerAndSerialNumber, keyEncryptionAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{KeyEncryptionAlgorithms}}, encryptedKey EncryptedKey } KeyEncryptionAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { { NULL IDENTIFIED BY rsaOAEPEncryptionSET }, ... } -- When using the algorithm rsaOAEPEncryptionSET, the OAEP block is encrypted -- using the recipient's public key and the result carried in EncryptedKey. EncryptedKey ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..128)) DigestedData ::= SEQUENCE { ddVersion INTEGER { ddVer0(0) } (ddVer0), digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier {{DigestAlgorithms}}, contentInfo ContentInfo, digest Digest } EncryptedDigest ::= OCTET STRING AttributeSeq { ATTRIBUTE:InfoObjectSet } ::= SEQUENCE OF Attribute { {InfoObjectSet} } -- Cryptographic Parameterized Types -- L { T1, T2 } ::= SEQUENCE { -- Linkage from t1 to t2 t1 T1, t2 DD { T2 } -- PKCS#7 DigestedData } DD { ToBeHashed } ::= DetachedDigest (CONSTRAINED BY { -- digest of the DER representation, including -- -- the tag and length octets, of -- ToBeHashed }) DetachedDigest ::= DigestedData -- No parameter (WITH COMPONENTS {..., contentInfo (WITH COMPONENTS {..., content ABSENT}) }) H { ToBeHashed } ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)) (CONSTRAINED BY { -- HASH is an n-byte value, which is the results -- -- of the application of a valid digest procedure -- -- applied to -- ToBeHashed }) HMAC { ToBeHashed, Key } ::= Digest (CONSTRAINED BY { -- HMAC keyed digest of -- ToBeHashed, -- using -- Key }) HMACPanData ::= SEQUENCE { -- For HMAC, unique cardholder data pan PAN, cardExpiry CardExpiry } S { SIGNER, ToBeSigned } ::= SignedData (CONSTRAINED BY { SIGNER, -- signs -- ToBeSigned }) (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., contentInfo (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., content PRESENT }) } ^ WITH COMPONENTS { ..., signerInfos (SIZE(1..2)) }) SO { SIGNER, ToBeSigned } ::= SignedData -- Detached content (CONSTRAINED BY { SIGNER, -- signs -- ToBeSigned }) (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., contentInfo (WITH COMPONENTS{ ..., content ABSENT }) } ^ WITH COMPONENTS { ..., signerInfos (SIZE(1..2)) }) -- Set Encapsulation Types -- Simple Encapsulation with Signature -- Enc { SIGNER, RECIPIENT, T } ::= E { RECIPIENT, S { SIGNER, T } } -- Simple Encapsulation with Signature and a Provided Key -- EncK { KeyData, SIGNER, T } ::= EK { KeyData, S { SIGNER, T } } -- Extra Encapsulation with Signature -- EncX { SIGNER, RECIPIENT, T, Parameter } ::= E { RECIPIENT, SEQUENCE { t T, s SO { SIGNER, SEQUENCE { t T, p Parameter } } } } (CONSTRAINED BY { Parameter -- data, which shall contain a fresh -- -- nonce 'n', is included in the OAEP block. -- } ) -- Simple Encapsulation with Signature and Baggage -- EncB { SIGNER, RECIPIENT, T, Baggage } ::= SEQUENCE { enc Enc { SIGNER, RECIPIENT, L { T, Baggage } }, baggage Baggage } -- Extra Encapsulation with Signature and Baggage -- EncBX { SIGNER, RECIPIENT, T, Baggage, Parameter } ::= SEQUENCE { encX EncX { SIGNER, RECIPIENT, L { T, Baggage }, Parameter }, baggage Baggage } -- Other Cryptographic Messages -- E { RECIPIENT, ToBeEnveloped } ::= EnvelopedData (CONSTRAINED BY { ToBeEnveloped, -- is encrypted, and the -- -- session key is encrypted using the -- -- public key of -- RECIPIENT } ) (WITH COMPONENTS {..., encryptedContentInfo (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., encryptedContent PRESENT }) } ^ WITH COMPONENTS { ..., recipientInfos (SIZE(1)) }) EH { RECIPIENT, ToBeEnveloped } ::= E { RECIPIENT, ToBeEnveloped } (CONSTRAINED BY { -- H(ToBeEnveloped) included in the OAEP block -- }) EX { RECIPIENT, ToBeEnveloped, Parameter } ::= E { RECIPIENT, L { ToBeEnveloped, Parameter } }(CONSTRAINED BY { Parameter -- data is included in the OAEP block -- }) EXH { RECIPIENT, ToBeEnveloped, Parameter } ::= EX { RECIPIENT, ToBeEnveloped, Parameter } (CONSTRAINED BY { -- H(ToBeEnveloped) included in the OAEP block -- }) EK { KeyData, ToBeEnveloped } ::= EncryptedData (CONSTRAINED BY { ToBeEnveloped, -- encrypted with -- KeyData } ) (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., encryptedContentInfo (WITH COMPONENTS { ..., encryptedContent PRESENT}) }) ENTITY-IDENTIFIER ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER -- Generic placeholder C ::= ENTITY-IDENTIFIER -- Cardholder M ::= ENTITY-IDENTIFIER -- Merchant P ::= ENTITY-IDENTIFIER -- Payment Gateway EE ::= ENTITY-IDENTIFIER -- End Entity CA ::= ENTITY-IDENTIFIER -- Certifying Authority P1 ::= ENTITY-IDENTIFIER -- Gateway One P2 ::= ENTITY-IDENTIFIER -- Gateway Two -- Object Identifiers -- secsig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) identified-organization(3) oiw(14) secsig(3) } pkcs-1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) 1 } rsaOAEPEncryptionSET OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-1 6 } id-rsaEncryption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-1 1 } id-sha1-with-rsa-signature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-1 5 } id-sha1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { secsig 2 26 } id-desCBC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { secsig 2 7 } id-desCDMF OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) encryptionAlgorithm(3) 10} pkcs-7 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) 7 } data OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-7 1 } signedData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-7 2 } envelopedData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-7 3 } digestedData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-7 5 } pkcs-9 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) 9 } contentType OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-9 3 } messageDigest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pkcs-9 4 } END SetAttribute { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 7 } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- -- This module defines types from ISO/IEC 9594-2:1995(E), Annex B, known -- as the Information Framework. A minimal number of types have been -- copied in order to constrain certificate names in SET. Specific SET -- implementations may wish to copy additional X.501 types as necessary -- to facilitate directory manipulation. National language support is -- achieved through the DirectoryString type, copied from the X-500 -- series SelectedAttributeTypes module, and restricted for use in SET. -- -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS id-sha1-with-rsa-signature, KeyEncryptionAlgorithms FROM SetPKCS7Plus; -- attributes commonName ATTRIBUTE ::= { WITH SYNTAX DirectoryString { ub-common-name } ID id-at-commonName } countryName ATTRIBUTE ::= { WITH SYNTAX PrintableString( SIZE(2) ) ID id-at-countryName } organizationName ATTRIBUTE ::= { WITH SYNTAX DirectoryString { ub-organization-name } ID id-at-organizationName } organizationalUnitName ATTRIBUTE ::= { WITH SYNTAX DirectoryString { ub-organizational-unit-name } ID id-at-organizationalUnitName } -- attribute data types Attribute { ATTRIBUTE:InfoObjectSet } ::= SEQUENCE { type ATTRIBUTE.&id({InfoObjectSet}), values SET SIZE(1) OF ATTRIBUTE.&Type({InfoObjectSet}{@type}) } AttributeTypeAndValue ::= SEQUENCE { type ATTRIBUTE.&id({SupportedAttributes}), value ATTRIBUTE.&Type({SupportedAttributes}{@type}) } SupportedAttributes ATTRIBUTE ::= { countryName | organizationName | organizationalUnitName | commonName } ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER AlgorithmIdentifier { ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER:InfoObjectSet } ::= SEQUENCE { algorithm ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER.&id({InfoObjectSet}), parameters ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER.&Type({InfoObjectSet} {@algorithm}) OPTIONAL } SupportedAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { ..., KeyEncryptionAlgorithms | SignatureAlgorithms } SignatureAlgorithms ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { sha1-with-rsa-signature, ... } sha1-with-rsa-signature ALGORITHM-IDENTIFIER ::= { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-sha1-with-rsa-signature } -- naming data types Name ::= CHOICE { -- only one possibility for now -- distinguishedName RDNSequence } RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF RelativeDistinguishedName RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET SIZE(1) OF AttributeTypeAndValue ATTRIBUTE ::= CLASS { &derivation ATTRIBUTE OPTIONAL, &Type OPTIONAL, -- &Type or &derivation required &equality-match MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL, &ordering-match MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL, &substrings-match MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL, &single-valued BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, &collective BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, -- operational extensions &no-user-modification BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, &usage AttributeUsage DEFAULT userApplications, &id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE } WITH SYNTAX { -- [ SUBTYPE OF &derivation ] -- -- [ -- WITH SYNTAX &Type -- ] -- -- [ EQUALITY MATCHING RULE &equality-match ] -- -- [ ORDERING MATCHING RULE &ordering-match ] -- -- [ SUBSTRINGS MATCHING RULE &substrings-match ] -- -- [ SINGLE VALUE &single-valued ] -- -- [ COLLECTIVE &collective ] -- -- [ NO USER MODIFICATION &no-user-modification ] -- ID &id } AttributeUsage ::= ENUMERATED { userApplications (0), directoryOperation (1), distributedOperation (2), dSAOperation (3) } -- MATCHING-RULE information object class specification MATCHING-RULE ::= CLASS { &AssertionType OPTIONAL, &id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE } WITH SYNTAX { [ SYNTAX &AssertionType ] ID &id } DirectoryString { INTEGER:maxSIZE } ::= CHOICE { printableString PrintableString (SIZE(1..maxSIZE)), bmpString BMPString (SIZE(1..maxSIZE)) } SETString { INTEGER:maxSIZE } ::= CHOICE { visibleString VisibleString (SIZE(1..maxSIZE)), bmpString BMPString (SIZE(1..maxSIZE)) } -- Upper bounds of type Name components ub-common-name INTEGER ::= 64 ub-organization-name INTEGER ::= 64 ub-organizational-unit-name INTEGER ::= 64 ds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2) ds(5) } id-at OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ds 4 } id-at-commonName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-at 3 } id-at-countryName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-at 6 } id-at-organizationName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-at 10 } id-at-organizationalUnitName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-at 11 } END SetMarketData { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 8 } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS Date, DateTime, Distance, Location, Phone FROM SetMessage CurrencyAmount, FloatingPoint, ub-merType FROM SetPayMsgs SETString FROM SetAttribute; CommercialCardData ::= SEQUENCE { chargeInfo [0] ChargeInfo OPTIONAL, merchantLocation [1] Location OPTIONAL, shipFrom [2] Location OPTIONAL, shipTo [3] Location OPTIONAL, itemSeq [4] ItemSeq OPTIONAL } ChargeInfo ::= SEQUENCE { totalFreightShippingAmount [ 0] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, totalDutyTariffAmount [ 1] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, dutyTariffReference [ 2] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-reference } OPTIONAL, totalNationalTaxAmount [ 3] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, totalLocalTaxAmount [ 4] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, totalOtherTaxAmount [ 5] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, totalTaxAmount [ 6] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, merchantTaxID [ 7] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-taxID } OPTIONAL, merchantDutyTariffRef [ 8] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-reference } OPTIONAL, customerDutyTariffRef [ 9] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-reference } OPTIONAL, summaryCommodityCode [10] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-commCode } OPTIONAL, merchantType [11] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-merType } OPTIONAL } ItemSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..ub-items) OF Item Item ::= SEQUENCE { quantity INTEGER (1..MAX) DEFAULT 1, unitOfMeasureCode [ 0] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-unitMeasure } OPTIONAL, descriptor SETString { ub-description }, commodityCode [ 1] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-commCode } OPTIONAL, productCode [ 2] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-productCode } OPTIONAL, unitCost [ 3] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, netCost [ 4] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, discountInd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, discountAmount [ 5] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, nationalTaxAmount [ 6] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, nationalTaxRate [ 7] FloatingPoint OPTIONAL, nationalTaxType [ 8] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-taxType } OPTIONAL, localTaxAmount [ 9] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, otherTaxAmount [10] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, itemTotalCost CurrencyAmount } MarketAutoCap ::= SEQUENCE { renterName [0] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-renterName } OPTIONAL, rentalLocation [1] Location OPTIONAL, rentalDateTime DateTime, autoNoShow [2] AutoNoShow OPTIONAL, rentalAgreementNumber [3] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-rentalNum } OPTIONAL, referenceNumber [4] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-rentalRefNum } OPTIONAL, insuranceType [5] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-insuranceType } OPTIONAL, autoRateInfo [6] AutoRateInfo OPTIONAL, returnLocation [7] Location OPTIONAL, returnDateTime DateTime, autoCharges AutoCharges } AutoNoShow ::= ENUMERATED { normalVehicle (0), specialVehicle (1) } AutoRateInfo ::= SEQUENCE { autoApplicableRate AutoApplicableRate, lateReturnHourlyRate [0] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, distanceRate [1] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, freeDistance [2] Distance OPTIONAL, vehicleClassCode [3] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-vehicleClass } OPTIONAL, corporateID [4] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-corpID } OPTIONAL } AutoApplicableRate ::= CHOICE { dailyRentalRate [0] CurrencyAmount, weeklyRentalRate [1] CurrencyAmount } AutoCharges ::= SEQUENCE { regularDistanceCharges CurrencyAmount, lateReturnCharges [ 0] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, totalDistance [ 1] Distance OPTIONAL, extraDistanceCharges [ 2] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, insuranceCharges [ 3] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, fuelCharges [ 4] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, autoTowingCharges [ 5] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, oneWayDropOffCharges [ 6] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, telephoneCharges [ 7] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, violationsCharges [ 8] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, deliveryCharges [ 9] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, parkingCharges [10] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, otherCharges [11] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, totalTaxAmount [12] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, auditAdjustment [13] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL } MarketHotelCap ::= SEQUENCE { arrivalDate Date, hotelNoShow [0] HotelNoShow OPTIONAL, departureDate Date, durationOfStay [1] INTEGER (0..99) OPTIONAL, folioNumber [2] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-hotelFolio } OPTIONAL, propertyPhone [3] Phone OPTIONAL, customerServicePhone [4] Phone OPTIONAL, programCode [5] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-programCode } OPTIONAL, hotelRateInfo [6] HotelRateInfo OPTIONAL, hotelCharges HotelCharges } HotelNoShow ::= ENUMERATED { guaranteedLateArrival (0) } HotelRateInfo ::= SEQUENCE { dailyRoomRate CurrencyAmount, dailyTaxRate CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL } HotelCharges ::= SEQUENCE { roomCharges CurrencyAmount, roomTax [ 0] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, prepaidExpenses [ 1] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, foodBeverageCharges [ 2] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, roomServiceCharges [ 3] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, miniBarCharges [ 4] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, laundryCharges [ 5] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, telephoneCharges [ 6] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, businessCenterCharges [ 7] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, parkingCharges [ 8] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, movieCharges [ 9] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, healthClubCharges [10] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, giftShopPurchases [11] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, folioCashAdvances [12] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, otherCharges [13] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, totalTaxAmount [14] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL, auditAdjustment [15] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL } MarketTransportCap ::= SEQUENCE { passengerName SETString { ub-passName }, departureDate Date, origCityAirport SETString { ub-airportCode }, tripLegSeq [0] TripLegSeq OPTIONAL, ticketNumber [1] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-ticketNum } OPTIONAL, travelAgencyCode [2] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-taCode } OPTIONAL, travelAgencyName [3] EXPLICIT SETString { ub-taName } OPTIONAL, restrictions [4] Restrictions OPTIONAL } TripLegSeq ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..16) OF TripLeg TripLeg ::= SEQUENCE { dateOfTravel Date, carrierCode SETString { ub-carrierCode }, serviceClass SETString { ub-serviceClass }, stopOverCode StopOverCode, destCityAirport SETString { ub-airportCode }, fareBasisCode [0] SETString { ub-fareBasis } OPTIONAL, departureTax [1] CurrencyAmount OPTIONAL } StopOverCode ::= ENUMERATED { noStopOverPermitted (0), stopOverPermitted (1) } Restrictions ::= ENUMERATED { unspecifiedRestriction (0) } ub-airportCode INTEGER ::= 3 ub-carrierCode INTEGER ::= 2 ub-commCode INTEGER ::= 15 ub-corpID INTEGER ::= 12 ub-description INTEGER ::= 35 ub-fareBasis INTEGER ::= 6 ub-hotelFolio INTEGER ::= 25 ub-insuranceType INTEGER ::= 1 ub-items INTEGER ::= 999 ub-passName INTEGER ::= 20 ub-phone INTEGER ::= 20 ub-productCode INTEGER ::= 12 ub-programCode INTEGER ::= 2 ub-reference INTEGER ::= 28 ub-rentalNum INTEGER ::= 25 ub-rentalRefNum INTEGER ::= 8 ub-renterName INTEGER ::= 40 ub-serviceClass INTEGER ::= 1 ub-taCode INTEGER ::= 8 ub-taName INTEGER ::= 25 ub-taxID INTEGER ::= 10 ub-taxType INTEGER ::= 4 ub-ticketNum INTEGER ::= 13 ub-vehicleClass INTEGER ::= 2 ub-unitMeasure INTEGER ::= 12 END SetPKCS10 { joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalRA(23) set(42) module(6) 9 } DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS All; IMPORTS Attribute {}, ATTRIBUTE, Name, SupportedAlgorithms FROM SetAttribute SIGNED {}, SubjectPublicKeyInfo {} FROM SetCertificate AdditionalPolicy, CertificateTypeSyntax, GeneralNames, id-ce-keyUsage, id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod, id-ce-subjectAltName, id-set-additionalPolicy, id-set-certificateType, id-set-tunneling, KeyUsage, PrivateKeyUsagePeriod, TunnelingSyntax FROM SetCertificateExtensions; AttributeSet { ATTRIBUTE:InfoObjectSet } ::= SET OF Attribute { {InfoObjectSet} } EncodedCertificationRequestInfo ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER.&Type (CertificationRequestInfo) CertificationRequest ::= SIGNED { EncodedCertificationRequestInfo } ( CONSTRAINED BY { -- Verify Or Sign CertificationRequest -- } ) CertificationRequestInfo ::= SEQUENCE { version INTEGER { criVer1(0) } (criVer1), subject Name, subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo {{SupportedAlgorithms}}, attributes [0] IMPLICIT AttributeSet {{SupportedCRIAttributes}} } SupportedCRIAttributes ATTRIBUTE ::= { -- -- Attributes corresponding to standard X.509v3 extensions -- { WITH SYNTAX KeyUsage ID id-ce-keyUsage } | { WITH SYNTAX PrivateKeyUsagePeriod ID id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod } | { WITH SYNTAX GeneralNames ID id-ce-subjectAltName } | -- -- Attributes corresponding to SET private extensions -- { WITH SYNTAX CertificateTypeSyntax ID id-set-certificateType } | { WITH SYNTAX TunnelingSyntax ID id-set-tunneling } | -- -- Attributes corresponding to certificate policy -- { WITH SYNTAX AdditionalPolicy ID id-set-additionalPolicy }, ... } END