of 3) Cisco AutoQoS employs class-based marking MQC mechanism for all Layer 2 frame and Layer 3 packet marking as shown in Figure . Congestion Management
Congestion management tools assign a packet or flow to one of several queues, based on classification, for appropriate treatment in the network. When data, voice, and video are placed in the same queue, packet loss and variable delay are more likely to occur. You can increase the predictability of network behavior and voice quality by using multiple queues on egress interfaces and placing voice packets into a strict-priority queue (low latency queuing [LLQ]) with guaranteed bandwidth, separate from data packets. Congested outbound WAN egress queues and serialization delays with low-speed WAN links (link speeds less than 768 kbps) can both result in variable delays and jitter impact on voice traffic. Serialization delay is a function of both link speed and packet size. Large e-mails and data downloads can cause voice quality degradation, even in LAN environments. To alleviate the effects of congestion and to provide enterprise applications with guaranteed bandwidth and the lowest possible latency, Cisco AutoQoS enables these Cisco IOS queuing tools: Cisco AutoQoS uses percentage-based policies for increased scalability and manageability. The same policy map can be applied on multiple interfaces and on interfaces with varying bandwidth. Shaping
Traffic shaping is a QoS mechanism used to send traffic in short bursts at a configured transmission rate. It is most commonly used in Frame Relay environments where the interface clock rate is not the same as the guaranteed bandwidth or committed information rate (CIR). Frame Relay traffic shaping (FRTS) is the most common traffic-shaping application in VoIP environments. Frame Relay scenarios usually have a hub-and-spoke network where the hub link speed is higher than any of the remote link speeds. In some cases, the sum of the remote link speeds is higher than the hub link speed, causing oversubscription. Without FRTS, the hub may try to send traffic at higher rates than the remote links can receive, causing the Frame Relay network to drop traffic arbitrarily. However, the remote links could all send at an aggregate rate that is higher than the hub can receive, again causing the Frame Relay network to arbitrarily drop traffic. Because the Frame Relay network has no Layer 3 or above intelligence, it can drop VoIP traffic if contracts are violated. Therefore, you need to control transmission rates into a Frame Relay cloud so that you can control which packets are dropped and which packets receive priority servicing. Cisco AutoQoS, depending on the autodiscovered enterprise network environment, enables either class-based shaping (for non-Frame Relay environments) or FRTS mechanisms. Congestion Avoidance
Congestion-avoidance techniques monitor network traffic loads in an effort to anticipate and avoid congestion at common network bottlenecks. Packet dropping achieves congestion avoidance. The router default is typically to use a crude default packet-drop mechanism called tail drop. With tail drop, packets are dropped during periods of congestion if they do not fit into the egress queue, which equally affects all traffic types, including high-priority traffic. Global synchronization is another effect of tail drop and occurs as waves of congestion crest, only to be followed by troughs during which the transmission link is not fully utilized. Global synchronization of TCP hosts, for example, can occur because packets are dropped all at once. Global synchronization is manifested when multiple TCP hosts reduce their transmission rates in response to packet dropping, then increase their transmission rates when the congestion is reduced. Cisco AutoQoS utilizes weighted random early detection (WRED) to avoid both the dropping of high-priority packets and global synchronization. WRED increases the probability that congestion will be avoided by dropping low-priority packets rather than high-priority packets. Link Efficiency
Low-speed WAN links can tremendously degrade voice quality. Voice traffic could suffer from long delays before reaching the head of the output line and from long transmission time and insufficient bandwidth. When Cisco AutoQoS detects low-speed links during the Auto Discovery phase, it minimizes these problems by enabling two link efficiency mechanisms. Link fragmentation and interleaving (LFI) is the method used to improve serialization delay. Even when queuing is working at its best and prioritizing voice traffic, there are times when the priority queue is empty and a packet from another class is serviced. Packets from guaranteed bandwidth classes must be serviced according to their configured weight. If a priority voice packet arrives in the output queue while these packets are being serviced, the VoIP packet could wait a substantial length of time before being sent. If a VoIP packet waits behind one data packet, and the data packet is, at most, equal in size to the maximum transmission unit (MTU) (1,500 bytes for serial interfaces and 4,470 bytes for high-speed serial interfaces), the wait time can be calculated based on link speed. For example, this formula calculates the wait time for a link speed of 64 kbps and MTU size of 1500 bytes: Serialization delay = (1500 bytes * 8 bits per byte) / (64,000 bps)= 187.5 ms Therefore, a VoIP packet may need to wait up to 187.5 ms before it can be sent if it is delayed behind a single 1500-byte packet on a 64-kbps link. VoIP packets usually are sent every 20 ms. With an end-to-end delay budget of 150 ms and strict jitter requirements, a gap of more than 180 ms is unacceptable. Some mechanism is needed that ensures that the size of one transmission unit is 10 ms or less. Any packets that have more than 10-ms serialization delay need to be fragmented into 10-ms chunks. A 10-ms chunk or fragment is the number of bytes that can be sent over the link in 10 ms. For a serialization delay of 10 ms, the corresponding size of a packet or fragment transmitted over a 64-kbps link would be 80 bytes. Cisco AutoQoS enables one of two LFI mechanisms to fragment large packets to protect voice, when low-speed links are autodiscovered: Compressed Real-Time Transport Protocol (cRTP) reduces the 40 byte IP + User Datagram Protocol (UDP) + RTP header to 2 to 4 bytes, reducing the bandwidth required per voice call on point-to-point links. The header is compressed at one end of the link and decompressed at the other end. Cisco AutoQoS enables cRTP header compression when voice is transmitted on low-speed links.
Content 5.2 Mitigating Common Cisco AutoQoS Issues 5.2.3 Automated Cisco AutoQoS DiffServ Class Provisioning Cisco AutoQoS for the Enterprise defines as many as ten DiffServ