Cisco AutoQoS VoIP from a different subinterface.
  • For low-speed Frame Relay DLCIs configured for use on Frame Relay-to-ATM Interworking, MLP over Frame Relay is configured automatically. The subinterface must have an IP address.
  • When MLP over Frame Relay is configured, this IP address is removed and put on the MLP bundle. You must also configure Cisco AutoQoS on the ATM side of the network.
  • For low-speed Frame Relay DLCIs with Frame Relay-to-ATM Interworking, you cannot configure Cisco AutoQoS if a virtual template is already configured for the DLCI.
  • ATM PVC Restrictions
    Cisco AutoQoS has the following restrictions in ATM environment:
    Content 5.1 Introducing Cisco AutoQoS 5.1.5 Router Design Considerations When you are configuring Cisco AutoQoS, take the design considerations for Cisco router platforms summarized in Figure into account as follows:
    Content 5.1 Introducing Cisco AutoQoS 5.1.6 Router Prerequisites Before configuring Cisco AutoQoS, you must meet the prerequisites listed in Figure . Details of these prerequisites are as follows: In addition to the Cisco AutoQoS prerequisites, there are other recommendations and requirements for configuring Cisco AutoQoS. Be aware that these may change with Cisco IOS software releases. Verify the prerequisites before implementing Cisco AutoQoS in any environment:
    Content 5.1 Introducing Cisco AutoQoS 5.1.7 Deploying Cisco AutoQoS for the Enterprise on Routers: A Two-Step Approach Cisco AutoQoS for the Enterprise consists of two configuration phases as shown in Figure :
    1. Auto Discovery (data collection)
    2. Cisco AutoQoS template generation and installation
    The Auto Discovery phase uses NBAR-based Protocol Discovery to detect the applications on the network and perform statistical analysis on the network traffic. The data collected should be a representative sampling of the volume and type of voice, video, and data on your network. Therefore, the amount of time devoted to data collection varies from network to network. Run the Auto Discovery phase for as long as necessary. The length of time