as the software queue. FRTS supports FRF.12 (Frame Relay fragmentation), while class-based shaping does not support FRF.12 fragmentation for Frame Relay. Traffic-shaping mechanisms can interact with a Frame Relay network, adapting to indications of Layer 2 congestion in the WAN. For example, if the backward-explicit congestion notification (BECN) bit is received, the router can lower the rate limit to help reduce congestion in the Frame Relay network. And if the forward-explicit congestion notification (FECN) bit is received, the router can generate a test frame with the BECN bit set. This enables the sender to notice congestion even if there is no data traffic flowing back from the receiver to the sender.
Content 4.7 Introducing Traffic Policing and Shaping 4.7.7 Applying Traffic Policing Figure shows how traffic policing is often implemented in an enterprise network. Typically, the access or distribution layer employs traffic policing to limit certain traffic classes before that traffic exits the campus onto the WAN. Traffic shaping is often implemented at the WAN edge when there are speed mismatches or oversubscription. In a typical service provider network, traffic policing is often implemented inbound at the Provider Edge (PE) router to rate-limit incoming traffic from the Customer Edge (CE) router to ensure that the customer traffic rate is not exceeding the contractual rate. Traffic shaping is often implemented outbound at the Provider Edge and at the Customer Edge to limit the traffic rate between the Provider Edge and Customer Edge and to allow for FRF.12 fragmentation on Frame Relay connections between the Customer Edge and Provider Edge.
Content 4.8 Understanding WAN Link Efficiency Mechanisms 4.8.1 Link Efficiency Mechanisms Although there are many quality of service (QoS) mechanisms for optimizing throughput and reducing delay in network traffic, QoS mechanisms do not create bandwidth. QoS mechanisms optimize existing resources and enable differentiation of traffic according to a policy. WAN links can use bandwidth optimizing link efficiency QoS mechanisms such as payload compression, header compression, and link fragmentation and interleaving (LFI). Figure lists these three mechanisms, all available on Cisco IOS software. These features are applicable to low-speed WAN interfaces and are emerging for use on high-speed Ethernet interfaces.
Content 4.8 Understanding WAN Link Efficiency Mechanisms 4.8.2 Compression Overview Figure provides an overview of the concept of compression. Data compression works by identifying patterns in streams of data. Data compression chooses a more efficient method to represent the same information. Essentially, a compression algorithm removes as much redundancy as possible. The compression ratio measures the efficiency and effectiveness of a compression scheme—the ratio of the size of uncompressed data to compressed data. A compression ratio of 2:1 (which is relatively common) means that the compressed data is half the size of the original data. Several compression algorithms exist. Some algorithms take advantage of a specific medium and the redundancies found in it. However, they do a poor job when applied to other sources of data. For example, the MPEG standard takes advantage of the relatively small difference between one frame and another in video data. It does an excellent job in compression of motion pictures, but does not compress text well. For text compression, the Huffmann compression algorithm is better. One of the most important concepts in compression theory is that there is a theoretical limit, known as Shannon's limit, which describes how far a given source of data can be compressed. Modern compression algorithms coupled with the fast processors available today allow compression to approach Shannon’s limit. Hardware compression and software compression refer to the site in the router to which the compression algorithm is applied. In software compression, compression is implemented in the main CPU as a software process. In hardware compression, the compression computations are off-loaded to a secondary hardware module. This frees the central CPU from the computationally intensive task of calculating compression. If you assume that the router has the clock cycles available to perform the compression calculations—for example, CPU utilization remains at a reasonable level—then there is no difference between the efficiency of hardware compression and software compression. The achieved compression ratio is a function of the compression algorithm selected and the amount of redundancy in the data to be compressed, not where the compression calculations take place. Figure illustrates the concepts of payload and header compression. Payload compression squeezes payloads, either the Layer 2 payload or the Layer 3 payload. With Layer 2 payload compression, the Layer 2 header remains intact, but its payload (Layer 3 and above) is compressed. With Layer 3 payload compression, Layer 2 and 3 headers remain intact. Payload compression increases the throughput and decreases the latency in transmission, because smaller packets (with compressed payloads) take less time to transmit than the larger, uncompressed packets. Layer 2 payload compression is performed on a link-by-link basis, whereas Layer 3 payload compression is generally used on a session-by-session basis. Header compression methods work by not transmitting repeated information in packet headers throughout a session. The two peers on a PPP Layer 2 connection (a dialup link) agree on session indices that index a dictionary of packet headers. The dictionary is built at the start of every session and is used for all subsequent (noninitial) packets. Only changing, or nonconstant, parameters in the headers are actually sent along with the session index. Header compression cannot be performed across multiple routers because routers need full Layer 3 header information to be able to route packets to the next hop.
Compression increases the amount of data sent through a transmission resource. Most payload compression schemes work on Layer 2 frames. This results in compressing the entire Layer 3 packet. The Layer 2 payload compression methods include these: These algorithms differ vastly in their compression efficiency and in