eliminated and the queue is no longer full). The following example configures a traffic policy for the default class of the traffic policy called policy1. The default class (which is always called class-default) has these characteristics: 10 queues for traffic that does not meet the match criteria of other classes whose policy is defined by the traffic policy policy1, and a maximum of 20 packets per queue before tail drop is enacted to handle additional queued packets. Router(config)# policy-map policy1
Router(config-pmap)# class class-default
Router(config-pmap-c)# fair-queue 10
Router(config-pmap-c)# queue-limit 20 Example: class-map match-any and class-map match-all Commands
These examples illustrate the difference between the class-map match-any command and the class-map match-all command. The match-any and match-all options determine how packets are evaluated when multiple match criteria exist. Packets must either meet all of the match criteria (match-all) or one of the match criteria (match-any) in order to be considered a member of the traffic class. This example shows a traffic class configured with the class-map match-all command: Router(config)# class-map match-all cisco1
Router(config-cmap)# match protocol ip
Router(config-cmap)# match qos-group 4
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 101 If a packet arrives on a router with traffic class called cisco1 configured on the interface, the router evaluates the packet to determine if it matches the IP protocol, QoS group 4, and access group 101. If the packet meets all three of these match criteria, the packet matches traffic class cisco1. The following example shows a traffic class configured with the class-map match-any command: Router(config)# class-map match-any cisco2
Router(config-cmap)# match protocol ip
Router(config-cmap)# match qos-group 4
Router(config-cmap)# match access-group 101 In traffic class called cisco2, the router evaluates the match criteria consecutively until a successful match criterion is located. The packet evaluation determines whether IP protocol can be used as a match criterion. If IP protocol can be used as a match criterion, the packet is matched to traffic class cisco2. If IP protocol is not a successful match criterion, then QoS group 4 is evaluated as a match criterion. Each matching criterion is evaluated to see if the packet matches that criterion. Once a successful match occurs, the packet is classified as a member of traffic class cisco2. If the packet matches none of the specified criteria, the packet is classified as a member of the traffic class, default class. Note that the class map match-all command requires that all of the match criteria must be met in order for the packet to be considered a member of the specified traffic class (a logical AND operator). In the example, protocol IP AND QoS group 4 AND access group 101 have to be successful match criteria. However, only one match criterion must be met for the packet in the class map match-any command to be classified as a member of the traffic class (a logical OR operator). In the example, protocol IP OR QoS group 4 OR access group 101 have to be successful match criteria.
Content 3.4 Using MQC for Implementing QoS 3.4.6 Step 3: Attaching a Service Policy to Interfaces Like an ACL, you must apply the policy map to the specific interface you want it to affect. You can apply the policy map in either output or input mode. The last configuration step when configuring QoS mechanisms using the Cisco MQC is to attach a policy map to the inbound or outbound packets using the service-policy command. The router immediately verifies the parameters that are used in the policy map. If there is a mistake in the policy map configuration, the router displays a message explaining what is wrong with the policy map. The sample configuration in Figure shows how a policy map is used to separate HTTP from other traffic. HTTP is guaranteed 2 Mbps of bandwidth. All other traffic belongs to the default class and is guaranteed to get 6 Mbps of bandwidth. Example: Traffic Policy Attached to an Interface
The following example shows how to attach an existing traffic policy (that was created in the example "Traffic Policy Created") to an interface. After you define a traffic policy with the policy-map command, you can attach it to one or more interfaces to specify the traffic policy for those interfaces by using the service-policy command in interface configuration mode. Although you can assign the same traffic policy to multiple interfaces, each interface can have only one traffic policy attached at the input and only one traffic policy attached at the output. Router(config)# interface e1/1
Router(config-if)# service-policy output policy1
Router(config-if)# exit Router(config)# interface fa1/0/0
Router(config-if)# service-policy output policy1
Router(config-if)# exit
Content 3.4 Using MQC for Implementing QoS 3.4.7 Nested Class Maps There are two reasons to use the match class-map command. One reason is maintenance; if a long traffic class currently exists, using the Traffic Class match criterion is simply easier than retyping the same traffic class configuration. The more prominent reason for the match class-map command is to allow users to use match-any and match-all statements in the same traffic class. If you want to combine match-all and match-any characteristics in a traffic policy, create a traffic class using one match criteria evaluation instruction (either match any or match all) and then use this traffic class as a match criterion in a traffic class that uses a different match criteria type. A simple library analogy illustrated in Figure will serve to clarify the concept. Let us assume you are looking in a library database for a book that covers the salaries of either football players or hockey players. In Boolean terms, your search is represented by the phrase (salaries AND [football players OR hockey players]). This is a ‘nested search’, one search within another. The part of the search enclosed in brackets, football players OR hockey players, will be performed first, followed by the AND operation. This search will retrieve items on salaries and football players as well as items on salaries and hockey players. The Venn diagram shows six different sectors, three of which overlap to a degree. The overlapping area in the center includes salaries, hockey players, and football players. The area to the right of center contains items on salaries and hockey players. The overlapping area to the left of center contains items on salaries and football players. Only the left of center and the right of center match our criteria. This next example pertains to creating class maps. Suppose A, B, C, and D were all separate match criterion, and you wanted traffic matching A, B, or C, and D to be classified as belonging to the traffic class. In Boolean terms, the nested equation is (A or B or [C and D]). Without the nested traffic class, traffic would either have to match all 4 of the match criterion (A and B and C and D) or match any of the match criterion (A or B or C or D) to be considered part of the traffic class. You would not be able to combine "and" (match-all) and "or" (match-any) statements within the traffic class, and you would therefore be unable to configure the desired configuration. The elegant solution is to create one traffic class using match-all for C and D (which we will call criterion E), and then create a new match-any traffic class using A, B, and E. The new traffic class would have the correct evaluation sequence (A or B or E, which would also be A or B or [C and D]). The desired traffic class configuration is complete. The only method of including both match-any and match-all characteristics in a single