Model The needs of real-time applications, such as remote video, multimedia conferencing, visualization, and virtual reality, motivated the development of the IntServ architecture model (RFC 1633, June 1994). Figure illustrates a more detailed view of the operation of the IntServ model.IntServ provides a way to deliver the end-to-end QoS that real-time applications require by explicitly managing network resources to provide QoS to specific user packet streams, sometimes called microflows. IntServ uses resource reservation and admission-control mechanisms as key building blocks to establish and maintain QoS. This practice is similar to a concept known as “hard QoS.” Hard QoS guarantees traffic characteristics, such as bandwidth, delay, and packet-loss rates, from end to end. Hard QoS ensures both predictable and guaranteed service levels for mission-critical applications. IntServ uses Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) explicitly to signal the QoS needs of an application’s traffic along devices in the end-to-end path through the network. If network devices along the path can reserve the necessary bandwidth, the originating application can begin transmitting. If the requested reservation fails along the path, the originating application does not send any data. IntServ is a multiple-service model that can accommodate multiple QoS requirements. IntServ inherits the connection-oriented approach from telephony network design. Each individual communication must explicitly specify its traffic descriptor and requested resources to the network. The edge router performs admission control to ensure that available resources are sufficient in the network. The IntServ standard assumes that routers along a path set and maintain the state for each individual communication. In the IntServ model, the application requests a specific kind of service from the network before sending data. The application informs the network of its traffic profile and requests a particular kind of service that can encompass its bandwidth and delay requirements. The application sends data only after it receives confirmation for bandwidth and delay requirements from the network. The application also sends data that lies within its described traffic profile. The network performs admission control based on information from the application and available network resources. The network commits to meeting the QoS requirements of the application as long as the traffic remains within the profile specifications. The network fulfills its commitment by maintaining the per-flow state and then performing packet classification, policing, and intelligent queuing based on that state. The QoS feature set in Cisco IOS software includes these features that provide controlled traffic volume services: IntServ Functions
As a means of illustrating the function of the IntServ model, Figure shows the control and data planes. Besides end-to-end signaling, IntServ requires several functions in order to be available on routers and switches along the network path. These functions include the following: Benefits and Drawbacks of the IntServ Model
The IntServ model has several benefits and some drawbacks as shown in Figure :
Content 3.3 Selecting an Appropriate QoS Policy Model 3.3.4 RSVP and the IntServ QoS Model Cisco QoS architecture uses RSVP as one of several methods for providing Call Admission Control (CAC) for voice in a VoIP network. The RSVP method for CAC is the only method that makes an actual bandwidth reservation for each allowed voice call. Other CAC methods can only make a decision that is a guess based on the state of the network at the initiation of the call. The use of RSVP not only provides CAC, it also guarantees QoS for the duration of the call regardless of changing network conditions. RSVP is the method used by Cisco Unified CallManager 5.0 to perform CAC. If resources are available, RSVP accepts a reservation and installs a traffic classifier to assign a temporary QoS class for that traffic flow in the QoS forwarding path. The traffic classifier tells the QoS forwarding path how to classify packets from a