8 bits/byte = 12,000 bits
Line rate: 56,000 bps
Result: 12,000 bits/56,000bps = .214 sec or 214 ms Another method of efficiency is by eliminating overhead bits. For example, RTP headers have a 40-byte header. With a payload of as little as 20 bytes, the overhead can be twice that of the payload in some cases. RTP header compression (also known as Compressed Real-Time Protocol header) reduces the header to a more manageable size. Traffic Shaping and Policing
Shaping is used to create a traffic flow that limits the full bandwidth potential of the flow(s). This is used many times to prevent the overflow problem mentioned in the introduction. For instance, many network topologies use Frame Relay in a hub-and-spoke design. In this case, the central site normally has a high-bandwidth link (say, T1), while remote sites have a low-bandwidth link in comparison (say, 384 Kbps). In this case, it is possible for traffic from the central site to overflow the low bandwidth link at the other end. Shaping is a perfect way to pace traffic closer to 384 Kbps to avoid the overflow of the remote link. Traffic above the configured rate is buffered for transmission later to maintain the rate configured. Policing is similar to shaping, but it differs in one very important way: Traffic that exceeds the configured rate is not buffered (and normally is discarded). Note
Cisco's implementation of policing (committed access rate [CAR]) allows a number of actions besides discard to be performed. However, policing normally refers to the discard of traffic above a configured rate. In summary, QoS is the ability of the network to provide better or “special” services to selected users and applications, but with a cost to other users and applications. In any bandwidth-limited network, QoS reduces jitter, delay, and packet loss for time-sensitive and mission-critical applications.

Content 3.2 Implementing Cisco IOS QoS 3.2.2 Congestion-Management Tools One way network elements handle an overflow of arriving traffic is to use a queuing algorithm to sort the traffic and then determine some method of prioritizing it onto an output link. Cisco IOS software includes the following queuing tools: Each queuing algorithm was designed to solve a specific network traffic problem and has a particular effect on network performance, as described in the following sections. Note
Queuing algorithms take effect when congestion is experienced. By definition, if the link is not congested, then there is no need to queue packets. In the absence of congestion, all packets are delivered directly to the interface. FIFO: Basic Store-and-Forward Capability
In its simplest form, FIFO queuing involves storing packets when the network is congested and forwarding them in order of arrival when the network is no longer congested. FIFO is the default queuing algorithm in some instances, thus requiring no configuration, but it has several shortcomings. Most important, FIFO queuing makes no decision about packet priority; the order of arrival determines bandwidth, promptness, and buffer allocation. Nor does it provide protection against ill-behaved applications (sources). Bursty sources can cause long delays in delivering time-sensitive application traffic, and potentially to network control and signaling messages. FIFO queuing was a necessary first step in controlling network traffic, but today's intelligent networks need more sophisticated algorithms. In addition, a full queue causes tail drops. This is undesirable because the dropped packet could be a high-priority packet. The router can’t prevent this packet from being dropped because there is no room in the queue for it (in addition to the fact that FIFO cannot tell a high-priority packet from a low-priority packet). Cisco IOS software implements queuing algorithms that avoid the shortcomings of FIFO queuing. PQ: Prioritizing Traffic
PQ ensures that important traffic gets the fastest handling at each point where it is used. It was designed to give strict priority to important traffic. Priority queuing can flexibly prioritize according to network protocol (for example IP, IPX, or AppleTalk), incoming interface, packet size, source/destination address, and so on. In PQ, each packet is placed in one of four queues—high, medium, normal, or low—based on an assigned priority. Packets that are not classified by this priority list mechanism fall into the normal queue. During transmission, the algorithm gives higher-priority queues absolute preferential treatment over low-priority queues. As shown in Figure , PQ puts data into four levels of queues: High, Medium, Normal, and Low. PQ is useful for making sure that mission-critical traffic traversing various WAN links gets priority treatment. For example, Cisco uses PQ to ensure that important Oracle-based sales reporting data gets to its destination ahead of other, less-critical traffic. PQ currently uses static configuration and thus does not automatically adapt to changing network requirements. CQ: Guaranteeing Bandwidth
CQ allows various applications or organizations to share the network among applications with specific minimum bandwidth or latency requirements. In these environments, bandwidth must be shared proportionally between applications and users. You can use the Cisco CQ feature to provide guaranteed bandwidth at a potential congestion point, ensuring the specified traffic a fixed portion of available bandwidth and leaving the remaining bandwidth to other traffic. Custom queuing handles traffic by assigning a specified amount of queue space to each class of packets and then servicing the queues in a round-robin fashion). As shown in Figure , CQ handles traffic by assigning a specified amount of queue space to each class of packet and then servicing up to 16 queues in a round-robin fashion. As an example, encapsulated Systems Network Architecture (SNA) requires a guaranteed minimum level of service. You could reserve half of available bandwidth for SNA data and allow the remaining half to be used by other protocols such as IP and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX). The queuing algorithm places the messages in one of 17 queues (queue 0 holds system messages such as keepalives, signaling, and so on) and is emptied with weighted priority. The router services queues 1 through 16 in round-robin order, dequeuing a configured byte count from each queue in each cycle. This feature ensures that no application (or specified group of applications) achieves more than a predetermined proportion of overall capacity when the line is under stress. Like PQ, CQ is statically configured and does not automatically adapt to changing network conditions. Flow-Based WFQ: Creating Fairness Among Flows
For situations in which it is desirable to provide consistent response time to heavy and light network users alike without adding excessive bandwidth, the solution is flow-based WFQ (commonly referred to as just WFQ). WFQ is one of Cisco's premier queuing techniques. It is a flow-based queuing algorithm that creates bit-wise fairness by allowing each queue to be serviced fairly in terms of byte count. For example, if queue 1 has 100-byte packets and queue 2 has 50-byte packets, the WFQ algorithm will take two packets from queue 2 for every one packet from queue 1. This makes service fair for each queue: 100 bytes each time the queue is serviced. WFQ ensures that queues do not starve for bandwidth and that traffic gets predictable service. Low-volume traffic streams that comprise the majority of traffic, receive increased service, transmitting the same number of bytes as high-volume streams. This behavior results in what appears to be preferential treatment for low-volume traffic, when in actuality it is creating fairness. As shown in Figure , if high-volume conversations are active, WFQ makes their transfer