Content Overview As user applications continue to drive network growth and evolution, demand for support of different types of traffic also increases. Applications with differing network requirements create the need for administrative policies that control how the network treats individual applications. The network must service requests from business-critical and delay-sensitive applications with priority. The deployment and enforcement of quality of service (QoS) policies within a network plays an essential role in enabling network administrators and architects to meet networked application demands in converged networks. QoS is a crucial element of any administrative policy that decides how to handle application traffic on a network. This module introduces the concept of QoS, explains key issues of networked applications, lists models for providing QoS in the network (best effort, integrated services [IntServ], and differentiated services [DiffServ]), and describes various methods for implementing QoS, including the Cisco Modular QoS CLI (MQC) and Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) QoS Wizard. Web Links Quality of Service Networking
ito_doc/qos.htm Network QoS using Cisco HOWTO What Ever Happened to Quality of Service (QoS)?
page1.asp Configure QoS on your Cisco router with this template
5100-1035-6136216.html Understanding Delay in Packet Voice Networks
delay-details.html QoS Congestion Avoidance
tsd_technology_support_protocol_home.html QoS Congestion Management (queuing)
tsd_technology_support_protocol_home.html Resource Reservation Protocol /
ito_doc/rsvp.htm#wp1023211 Cisco AutoQoS—A New Paradigm For Automating the Delivery of Network QoS

Content 3.1 Introducing QoS 3.1.1 Converged Network Quality Issues Before network convergence was commonplace, network engineering focused on connectivity. Figure shows how nonconverged networks met differing traffic needs simply by connecting endpoints over dedicated links—data to data, voice to voice, and video to video. Data rates delivered to the network links may result in sporadic bursts of data. Access to the bandwidth in these networks is on a first-come, first-served basis. The data rate available to any one user varies depending on the number of users accessing the network at that time. Protocols are used in nonconverged traditional networks to handle the bursty nature of data networks. Data networks can survive brief outages. For example, when you retrieve e-mail, a delay of a few seconds is generally not noticeable. A delay of several minutes is annoying, but not serious. Traditional networks also had requirements for applications such as data, video, and Systems Network Architecture (SNA). Since each application has different traffic characteristics and requirements, network designers deployed nonintegrated networks. These nonintegrated networks carried specific types of traffic: data network, SNA network, voice network, and video network. Figure illustrates a converged network in which voice, video, and data traffic use the same network facilities. Merging these different traffic streams with dramatically differing requirements can lead to a number of problems. Key among these problems is the fact that voice traffic and video traffic are very time-sensitive and must have priority. In a converged network, constant, small-packet voice flows compete with bursty data flows. Although the packets carrying voice traffic on a converged network are typically very small, the packets cannot tolerate delay or variation in delay while they traverse the network. When delay and delay variation occur, voices break up and words become incomprehensible. Conversely, packets carrying file transfer data are typically large and the nature of IP lets the packets survive delays and drops. It is possible to retransmit part of a dropped data file, but it is not feasible to retransmit part of a voice conversation. Critical voice and video traffic must have priority over data traffic. Mechanisms must be in place to provide this priority. Another reality of the converged network is that service providers cannot have failures when voice and video traffic are involved. Although a file transfer or an e-mail packet can wait until a failed network recovers and delays are almost transparent, voice and video packets cannot wait. Converged networks must provide secure, predictable, measurable, and, sometimes, guaranteed services. Even a brief network outage on a converged network seriously disrupts business operations. Network administrators and architects achieve required performance from the network by managing delay, delay variation (jitter), bandwidth provisioning, and packet loss parameters with quality of service (QoS) techniques. Multimedia streams, such as those used in IP telephony or videoconferencing, are very sensitive to delivery delays and create unique QoS demands. If service providers rely on a best-effort network model, packets may not arrive in order, in a timely manner, or at all. The result is unclear pictures, jerky and slow movement, and sound that is not synchronized with images.
Content 3.1