configuration). Figure represents the bandwidth calculation as a formula. Following the steps of the bandwidth calculation procedure, use this formula: Bandwidth [kbps] = (Total packet size [bytes per packet] * 8 / 1000) * packet rate [pps] (Multiply the total packet size by 8 and divide by 1000 to convert bytes to kilobits per second.) Calculate the Total Packet Size
Use this formula to calculate the total packet size: Total packet size [bytes per packet] = Data-link overhead [bytes per packet] + other overhead [bytes per packet] + IP overhead [bytes per packet] + packetization size [bytes per packet] The data link overhead is the overhead that is caused by the data-link protocol during Layer 2 encapsulation. "Other overhead" is any additional overhead; for example, the overhead caused by using IPsec or any of the tunneling protocols. If cRTP is not used, the IP overhead is 40 bytes for the IP, UDP, and RTP headers. If cRTP is used, the IP overhead is 2 bytes when the UDP checksum is not transmitted and 4 bytes when the UDP checksum is sent. The packetization size is the size of the voice payload that is encapsulated per packet. If the size is not known, use this formula: Packetization size [bytes per packet] = (Packetization period [ms per packet] / 1000) * codec bandwidth [kbps] * 1000 / 8 Because the packetization size is in bytes and the codec bandwidth is in kilobits per second, convert the codec bandwidth by dividing by 8 and multiplying by 1000. In addition, because the units in the codec bandwidth (kilobits per second) and packetization period (milliseconds per packet) are not the same, the packetization period has to be converted by dividing by 1000. Balancing the conversions, the formula simplifies to this: Packetization size [bytes per packet] = Packetization period [ms per packet] * codec bandwidth [kbps] / 8 Calculate the Packet Rate
The packet rate, specified in packets per second, is the multiplicative inverse of the packetization period, which is specified in milliseconds per packet. Therefore, you have to convert the packetization period from milliseconds to seconds when building the reciprocal value: Packet rate [pps] = 1 / (packetization period [ms per packet] / 1000) Sometimes you will not know the packetization period (milliseconds per packet), but you will know the packetization size (bytes per packet). This is because on some devices, the packetization size instead of the packetization period is configured. When the packetization size is configured, calculate the packetization period first using this formula: Packetization period [ms per packet] = (Packetization size [bytes per packet] * 8 / 1000) / (codec bandwidth [kbps] / 1000) Because of the different units used for the packetization size (bytes per packet) and the codec bandwidth (kilobits per second), you have to multiply the packetization size by 8 and then divide by 1000. In addition, you must convert the codec bandwidth value (because the packetization period uses milliseconds instead of seconds) by dividing the codec bandwidth by 1000. Balancing the two conversions, the formula is simplified to this: Packetization period [ms per packet] = Packetization size [bytes per packet] * 8 / codec bandwidth [kpbs] Summary
Assuming that you know the packetization period (in milliseconds per packet), the formulas for calculating the total bandwidth are aggregated and then simplified to this: Bandwidth [kbps] = (8 * (data-link overhead [bytes per packet] + other overhead [bytes per packet] + IP overhead [bytes per packet]) + packetization period [ms per packet] * codec bandwidth [kpbs]) / packetization period [ms per packet] If the packetization size (in bytes per packet) is known instead of the packetization period (milliseconds per packet), the simplest way to calculate the total bandwidth is to use this formula: Bandwidth [kbps] = (Codec bandwidth [kbps] / packetization size [bytes per packet]) * (packetization size [bytes per packet] + data-link overhead [bytes per packet] + other overhead [bytes per packet] + IP overhead [bytes per packet])
Content 2.4 Calculating Bandwidth Requirements for VoIP 2.4.8 Quick Bandwidth Calculation Figure shows a quick way to calculate the total bandwidth when the packetization size is given. Remember that the ratio of the total bandwidth requirement to the nominal bandwidth for the payload is the same as the ratio of total packet size to payload size.The payload size depends on the sample interval and the codec that is used and is usually 20 bytes for G.729 and 160 bytes for G.711, assuming a 20-ms sample interval.The headers are always 40 bytes for the IP, UDP, and RTP headers, plus the Layer 2 header size. The Layer 2 size is 6 bytes for Frame Relay or PPP or 18 bytes for Ethernet.To calculate the total bandwidth, find the total packet size, including all the headers plus payload and divide by the payload size. Multiply the result by the nominal bandwidth for the codec. The result is the total bandwidth requirement. Note
You can calculate the bandwidth using the Voice Codec Bandwidth Calculator at Access to this URL requires a valid account.
Content 2.4 Calculating Bandwidth Requirements for VoIP 2.4.9 Effects of VAD on Bandwidth In a circuit-switched telephony network, because of the nature of the network, the bandwidth of a call is permanently available and dedicated to that call. There is no way to take advantage of speech pauses, one-way audio transmission, or similar instances when a link is not being used. In a packet network, however, voice activity detection (VAD) can take advantage of the fact that one-third of the average voice call consists of silence. VAD detects silence caused, for instance, by speech pauses or by one-way audio transmission while a caller is listening to music on hold (MoH) when being transferred. VAD suppresses the transmission of silence and, therefore, saves bandwidth. The amount of bandwidth saved by VAD depends on several factors: On average, the use of VAD can save about 35 percent of bandwidth. Because of the factors mentioned, there is considerable deviation between each individual call. Therefore, the average of 35 percent assumes a certain statistical distribution of call types, which is usually achieved only if a link carries at least 24 calls. If you are calculating bandwidth for fewer calls, you should not take VAD into account. Figure summarizes the characteristics of VAD. VAD Bandwidth Reduction Examples
The table in Figure shows the reduced bandwidth needs of various calls, assuming that VAD can save 35 percent of bandwidth.
Content 2.5 Implementing VoIP in an Enterprise Network 2.5.1 Enterprise Voice Implementations Enterprise voice implementations use components such as gateways, gatekeepers, Cisco Unified CallManager, and IP phones. Cisco Unified CallManager offers PBX-like features to IP phones. Gateways interconnect traditional telephony systems, such as analog or digital telephones, PBXs, or the PSTN to the