applying the ring voltage. In this example of the distributed call control model, R1 made a local decision to send the call setup message to R2 based on the call routing table of R1. R2 again made a local decision (using the R2 call routing table) that the called device could be reached on a certain physical port. Figure shows how each gateway uses distributed call control to make its own autonomous decisions and not depend on the availability of another (centralized) device to provide call routing services. Because each gateway has its own intelligence, there is no single point of failure. However, each gateway needs to have a local call routing table, which needs manual configuration. This need makes administration of the distributed call control model less scalable. For larger deployments using the distributed call control model, managers add special devices for centralized number lookup. Gateways and endpoints use H.323 gatekeepers or SIP network servers to find numbers that are not known locally. In such a deployment, there is no need for all (or even any) numbers to be stored at the gateways or endpoints; numbers are stored only at the centralized devices.
Content 2.1 Introducing VoIP Networks 2.1.7 Centralized Call Control Figure shows an environment where a single component in the network, a call agent, handles call control. Such centralized call control applies when the voice-capable device does not support call control on its own but uses a call agent. In this example, both voice gateways have the MGCP protocol enabled. With MGCP call control enabled, the gateways use the call agent to perform these functions: As illustrated in the example, with centralized call control, the gateways do not make any local decisions. Instead, they inform the call agent about events (such as incoming or dropped calls). Only the call agent makes call routing decisions, and the gateways depend on the availability of their call agent. Availability of the call agent is critical, because the call agent is a single point of failure. However, only the call agent needs to have a call routing table. This makes administration of the centralized call control model more scalable. Centralized call control allows an external device (call agent) to handle signaling and call processing, leaving the gateway to translate audio signals into voice packets after call setup. After the call is set up, the voice path runs directly between the two gateways and does not involve the call agent. The difference between distributed and centralized call control applies only to signaling and never to the media exchange, which always goes on directly between the two gateways.
Content 2.2 Digitizing and Packetizing Voice 2.2.1 Basic Voice Encoding: Converting Analog Signals to Digital Signals VoIP systems rely on digital signal processors (DSPs). DSPs convert analog voice signals into digital format and vice versa. They also provide functions such as voice compression, transcoding (changing between different formats of digitized voice), and conferencing. DSPs are hardware components often located on voice modules inside gateways. Sampling is the technique that is used to digitize analog information. For example, producers digitize music for CDs by sampling live sound at frequent intervals and then digitizing each sample. Sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. In converting analog music sound waves (a continuous-time signal), DSPs build a sequence of samples (a discrete-time signal) from which the analog signal can be rebuilt for playing back on a CD player. DSPs have a similar role in digitizing voice signals in voice-enabled routers. Figure illustrates how voice-enabled routers convert analog voice signals to digital format for encapsulation in IP packets and transport over IP networks.
In the example, a call is being made from an analog telephone (Phone1), that is connected to a router (R1), to an analog telephone (Phone2) that is connected to another router (R2). The two routers connect to an IP network. The user at Phone1 speaks into the microphone of the telephone, and the telephone sends an analog signal to the FXS port of router R1. Router R1 converts the received analog signal to a digital signal and encapsulates the bits into IP packets. The IP network carries the IP packets to router R2. DSPs on the voice interface cards of the voice-enabled routers perform the analog-to-digital conversion. Figure summarizes the steps: Step 1 Sampling: The DSP periodically samples the analog signal. The output of the sampling is a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) signal measured in volts. Step 2 Quantization: The DSP matches the PAM signal to a segmented digital scale. This scale measures the amplitude (height or voltage) of the PAM signal. Step 3 Compression: The DSP compresses voice samples to reduce bandwidth requirements.
Content 2.2 Digitizing and Packetizing Voice 2.2.2 Basic Voice Encoding: Converting Digital Signals to Analog Signals When a router receives voice input in digital format, it has to convert it back to analog signals before sending it out to