Introducing VoIP Networks 2.1.3 Legacy Analog Interfaces in VoIP Networks A VoIP network that includes legacy equipment, such as analog telephones, needs gateways to convert analog signals into digital format and encapsulate them into IP packets. A network built with IP-enabled devices needs no conversion. Gateways use different types of interfaces to connect to analog devices, such as telephones, fax machines, or PBX or PSTN switches. Analog interfaces that are used at the gateways include these three types: In Figure , the gateway serves a telephone and a fax machine using two FXS interfaces. For these two devices, the router acts like a PBX or a PSTN switch. The router connects to the PSTN using an FXO interface. For this connection, the router acts like a telephone toward the PSTN. Another FXO interface connects to a PBX (PBX-1). Again, the router acts like an end system toward the PBX, and hence uses the same port type as the telephone and fax that connect to PBX-1 use. A second PBX (PBX-2) connects to the router FXS interface. For this connection, the PBX behaves like a telephone toward the router, and the router acts like a PSTN switch. Finally, the router connects to another PBX (PBX-3), this time using an E&M interface. On this trunk connection, both the router and PBX-3 act as a PBX.
Content 2.1 Introducing VoIP Networks 2.1.4 Digital Interfaces Gateways can use digital interfaces to connect to voice equipment. From a hardware perspective, there are BRIs and T1 and E1 interfaces available. All of the interfaces use TDM to support multiple logical channels. T1 and E1 interfaces can use either channel associated signaling (CAS) or common channel signaling (CCS), while a BRI always uses CCS. ISDN PRIs use T1 or E1 CCS. Figure illustrates a router that serves an ISDN telephone using a BRI voice interface. In addition, the router has two T1 or E1 lines: one to a PBX and one to the PSTN. Depending on the interface type (T1 or E1) and the signaling method (CAS or CCS), a maximum of 23, 24, or 30 voice channels are available on these trunks. The PSTN and the PBX also serve ISDN telephones through BRI connections. The table in Figure shows the number of voice channels, the signaling bandwidth, total bandwidth, and framing overhead for all available interface and signaling options.

Content 2.1 Introducing VoIP Networks 2.1.5 Stages for Completing a VoIP Telephone Call Although different protocols deal with call control in different ways, all protocols provide a common set of services. There are three components of basic call control: Note
Later lessons in this module explain the protocols mentioned here. Return to this section to place these protocols in perspective.
Content 2.1 Introducing VoIP Networks 2.1.6 Distributed Call Control There are two types of call control: distributed and centralized. In the past, all voice networks used a centralized architecture in which dumb endpoints (telephones) were controlled by centralized switches. Although this model worked well for basic telephony services, it mandated a trade-off between simplified management and endpoint and service innovation. One of the benefits of VoIP technology is that it allows networks to use either a centralized or a distributed architecture. This flexibility allows companies to build networks characterized by both simplified management and endpoint innovation, depending on the protocol used. Figure illustrates the distributed model in which multiple components in the network handle call control. Configuring the voice-capable device to support call control directly enables distributed call control using protocols such as H.323 or SIP. With distributed call control, the devices perform the call setup, call maintenance, and call teardown without telephone company involvement: