respectively. The following commands can be used to isolate application layer problems related to email and the POP3, SMTP, and IMAP protocols. If there is a problem with the receiving system, the user should see a text error message. If the connection was successful, a hello message will be displayed or an unresponsive Telnet window will open. This indicates connectivity to the server. At this point, the user could use POP3 or SMTP text-based commands to perform basic e-mail procedures such as authenticate, read, delete, or send messages. For example, basic POP commands include user, pass, stat, list, top, uidl, retr, dele, noop, rset, and quit.
Content 7.3 Troubleshooting TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols 7.3.6 File transfer File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used for uploading and downloading files between remote computer systems on a network. Servers run FTP services or FTP daemons, and clients connect by way of the TCP/IP FTP client command line interface or with a third party commercial program that offers a graphical user interface (for example, WS_FTP Pro, UNIX NcFTP Client, and Linux IglooFTP PRO). A Web browser can also make FTP requests to download programs selected from a Web page. FTP uses two or more TCP connections to accomplish data transfers. To start a session, the FTP client opens a TCP connection to port 21 on the FTP server. This connection is called the control connection and is used to pass commands and results between the client and the server. No data, such as file transfers or directory listings, is passed over the control connection. Instead, data is transferred over a separate TCP connection called the data connection. This data connection can be opened in several different ways: As an example, assume a typical FTP connection process to connect to an FTP server and download a file called README. Once logged in to an FTP server, the user could type help to get a listing of acceptable commands. Some of the more popular FTP commands include ascii, binary, cd, dir, get, help, Is, mkdir, put, pwd, and quit. An FTP connection can be tested using any Telnet application that allows a port number to be specified. Telnet to the IP address of the destination server using port 21. If the connection is successful, a hello message will be displayed or an unresponsive Telnet window will open. This indicates connectivity to the server. At this point the user may want to type in help to see which commands are available. Since the connection to the FTP server is by way of Telnet, the choice of commands will vary. In some instances, a router can be configured to act as an FTP server. FTP clients can copy files to and from certain directories on the router. For example, the FTP Server allows retrieval of files, such as syslog files, from the disk file system on the router. When the router receives a request for an FTP connection, the FTP Server process is started. At this point, the user is typically prompted for a username and password. After supplying a valid username and password, various commands can be entered. TFTP
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simplified version of FTP. Unlike FTP that uses the TCP transport protocol, TFTP operates over port 69 and makes use of the UDP protocol. UDP makes TFTP faster at uploading and downloading files. A client can only read or write a file to a TFTP server. Unlike FTP, TFTP does not support directory-browsing, file renaming, logging in, or statistics. For this reason, a user must know the filename of the file they wish to download. A common TFTP application is to back up and restore router configuration files and IOS images. The following commands display information about file management applications. A troubleshooter uses the information from these commands to isolate problems at the application layer that are related to the FTP and TFTP protocols.
Content 7.3 Troubleshooting TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols 7.3.7 Network management and time protocols NTP
Logging time is very important in determining when a problem started. Most network problems can be narrowed down to a configuration change or modifications to the network topology. A synchronized time enables correlation of syslog and Cisco IOS debug output to specific events. While the primary goal of problem resolution is to fix the problem, it is also quite helpful to know when the problem originated so that the problem can be resolved and avoided in the future. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronizes timekeeping among a set of distributed time servers and clients. This synchronization allows events to be correlated when system logs are created and other time-specific events occur. For timestamps to be of use, it is a good idea for all the routers and switches in the network to derive time from a common network time source. Configuring time services on routers requires exec and configuration commands. To configure the time zone properties on the router, the configuration commands clock timezone and clock summer-time are used. The commands ntp server ip-addr and ntp source interface define the NTP server(s) and the source IP address of the NTP requests. The internal clock of the router is set using the EXEC command clock set. To view NTP peer status information, use the show ntp associations and show ntp status commands. SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application-layer protocol that facilitates the exchange of management information between network devices. It is part of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite. Although troubleshooting is necessary to recover from problems, the ultimate goal of the network administrator is to avoid problems. That is also the goal of network management software. The network management software used on TCP/IP networks is based on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). SNMP is a client/server protocol. In SNMP terminology, it is described as a manager/agent protocol. The agent (the server) runs on the device being managed, which is called the Managed Network Entity. The agent monitors the status of the device and reports that status to the manager. The manager (the client) runs on the Network Management Station (NMS). The NMS collects information from all of the different devices that are being managed, consolidates it, and presents it to the network administrator. This design places all of the data manipulation tools and most of the human interaction on the NMS. Concentrating the bulk of the work on the manager means that the agent software is small and easy to