implementations of TCP/IP networking.
  • If both of these local files have not been configured with a hard-coded resolution of the desired NetBIOS name and address, and the Windows client is configured to use a DNS server, the DNS server is queried.
  • NetBIOS and Other Network Layer Protocols
    By default, NetBIOS uses the NetBEUI Frame (NBF) protocol at the lower layers of the OSI model for network communications. NetBEUI has the advantage of being very simple to configure, making it highly suitable to small networks unlikely to have a full-time administrator. The main limitation of NetBEUI is that it is broadcast-based and cannot operate over routed networks. To work on a larger scale, NetBIOS must replace NetBEUI with either the IPX/SPX or TCP/IP protocol suites at the network layer of the OSI model. The TCP/IP protocol suite is most commonly used. When NetBIOS interfaces with the TCP/IP protocol stack, it creates the NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) protocol. This is slightly misleading, because NetBIOS actually interfaces with UDP, not TCP, at the transport layer of the TCP/IP stack, using the NetBIOS Data Protocol to form NetBT. Recall that NetBIOS provides connection and session management at higher layers in the OSI model. This means NetBIOS does not need to rely on TCP for these functions and is able to use the more bandwidth-efficient UDP at transport layer. NetBIOS Node Type
    Recall that NetBIOS is broadcast-based, but TCP/IP is primarily unicast-based. This means that the behavior of the NetBIOS name resolution process over TCP/IP can be configured depending on the size and nature of the network. Misconfiguration of the NetBIOS node type is a common cause of network problems at the transport layer. The behavior of NetBIOS nodes over TCP can be configured as one of four options: NetBIOS hosts configured as NetBIOS broadcast nodes use only UDP datagram broadcasts for NetBIOS name registration and resolution. In large networks, this has the negative impact of increasing the load on the network. By default, routers contain packets generated by NetBIOS name registration and resolution from broadcast nodes. This means that NetBIOS B-node operation is not suitable where resources need to be accessed across a router. Peer-to-peer NetBIOS hosts do not use broadcasts. These hosts rely on having a NetBIOS name server configured to support the operation of NetBIOS name registration and resolution activities. Although this enabled NetBIOS computers to communicate across routers, it makes the network completely reliant on the operation of the NetBIOS name server. If the NetBIOS name server were to fail, the NetBIOS clients would not be able to communicate with each other because they could not broadcast to locate each other. Computers with mixed node configuration use both B-node and P-node operation for NetBIOS name registration and resolution. The default mode of operation for a mixed node host is broadcast. Therefore, if a broadcast fails to return a positive response, the host reverts to peer-to-peer operation. This enables a computer to locate resources on a local network easily and to use a NetBIOS name server if a required resource is not located on the local network segment. NetBIOS hosts configured as hybrid node clients also use both peer-to-peer and broadcast operation for NetBIOS name registration and resolution. Unlike Mixed nodes, Hybrid nodes default to using peer-to-peer and revert to using broadcast when peer-to-peer fails to return a positive response.
    Content 6.2 Troubleshooting Transport Layer Issues on the Router 6.2.1 Common issues with extended ACLs Network problems can arise from transport layer problems on the router, particularly at the edge of the network where security technologies are examining and modifying the traffic. This section will discuss two of the most commonly implemented transport layer security technologies. They are access control lists and Network Address Translation. Recall that access lists are used to filter all traffic entering and leaving the router. Obviously, the most common issues with extended access lists will be the result of misconfiguration by the network engineer. There are eight areas where misconfigurations commonly occur: Selection of traffic flow
    Although these points are not listed in any particular order, the most common router misconfiguration of extended access lists is applying the access list to the incorrect traffic. Traffic is defined by both the router interface through which the traffic is traveling, as well as the direction in which this traffic is traveling. Once defined, an access list must be applied to the correct interface and the correct traffic direction must be selected in order to function properly. Order of Access Control Elements
    Another common mistake made when configuring ACLs is the order in which access control elements (ACEs) are configured. Although an access list may have an element to specifically permit a particular traffic flow, packets will never match that element if they are being denied by another element earlier in the list. Recall that the guideline for configuring an access control list is specific to general. This means that the most specific elements are configured at the top of the list and the less specific elements are configured at the end. The more information defined in an element, the more specific that element is. For example, the element permit tcp any eq 110 established is more specific than the element permit tcp any eq 110 because the first element used the additional keyword established. The element permit udp host eq 53 any is more specific than both of these because it matches a more specific (smaller) range of source addresses. Implicit “deny any any”
    Every extended access list has a deny any any element implied as the final entry in the list. This serves as a security catch all, ensuring traffic that does not match any of the administratively configured access control elements is not allowed through. This does not normally pose an issue when configuring firewall routers, as the guideline for configuring highly secure access lists is to deny everything and specifically permit particular traffic flows. In a situation where high security is not required on the access list, forgetting about this implicit access control element may be the cause of an access list misconfiguration. Addresses and wildcard masks
    Although setting a source or destination address may seem like something difficult to get wrong, it still happens quite often. There are, however, a number of things that make correctly selecting source and destination addresses more complex: If the router is running both access lists and NAT, the order in which each of these technologies is applied to a traffic flow is important. The order of operations in the switching path is quite complex, as shown in Figure . The important points to remember here are: Wildcard masks are typically used to select ranges of addresses. For example, the address and wildcard mask could be used to select all hosts in the Class C network address-space Generally, these sorts of