Use the command ipconfig /all for Windows NT/2000/XP-based systems and ifconfig –a for UNIX/Mac OS platforms. Test UTP for voltage levels, and the presence and polarity of link pulses. Many new switches and some NICs have auto-sensing ports that compensate for polarity faults on a copper cable. Moving a station from a newer switch which compensates for some types of cable fault to an older hub or switch may give a mistaken belief that the older device is at fault, when in fact the newer switch was compensating for a pre-existing cable fault. Copper links between one hub and another, between two switches, or between two PCs require crossover connections. Stations are connected to Layers 1-2 devices with cables that are not crossed over, often called straight cables. Check for crossover cables or hub and switch ports that are configured as a crossover with a simple button press. Many new switches, as well as all 1000BASE-T links, are also able to compensate for crossover cables used instead of straight cables. Some simple hubs use a single connection internally to service a crossover port and an adjacent normal port, only one of them may be used for RJ-45 jacks. This configuration is usually indicated beside the jacks for the shared port. Split pair cables will either operate poorly or not at all, depending on the Ethernet speed used, the length of the split segment, and how far it is located from either end. The further the split is located from a transmitter, the less effect it will have due to signal attenuation. If the split is short, like a patch cable, and it is located midway between the two ends of a long run, 10BASE-T may operate mostly error free. Even a short split cable anywhere along a 1000BASE-T link will likely disrupt traffic, and may even prevent the link from coming up.
Content 3.4 Identifying Physical Layer Problems 3.4.3 Cabling faults – fiber and coax All fiber links are crossed over. The connectors are always the same on stations and infrastructure equipment, so the TX output is connected to the RX input through careful attention to the cable polarity. Check fiber for swapped RX/TX connections when polarized or small form factor multi-fiber connectors are not used. Someone may have reconnected the cable incorrectly after disconnecting for some reason. Figure shows the coaxial cable and Figure shows the fiber-optic cable.If a spare fiber-optic cable did not have dust covers on it, then it should be considered suspect even if it tested good yesterday. Clean all fiber-optic cables before attaching them as routine procedure. If a fiber power test fails, inspect and clean all connections on the link. While walking the cable run route, watch for excessively tight bends and over tightened cable ties that cause micro bends. Test fiber for power level and link indicator LEDs. Coaxial cable
Coaxial cabling runs form a bus topology. Each station NIC acts as an intermediary connector for the run, linking devices in the LAN in one continuous run. Thin Ethernet (10BASE2) can contain 30 hosts in a LAN segment. Breaks in the cable can be difficult to locate because all stations form one continuous segment, with no micro-segmentation occurring. Problems with coaxial cable often occur at the connectors. When the center conductor on the coaxial cable end is not straight and of the correct length, a good connection will not be achieved. When the center conductor is not straight or is not the correct length, cut the coaxial cable behind the connector end, and strip the insulation back. Make sure that the newly exposed center conductor is straight. Before replacing the new cable connector end, check the general condition of the cable. Make sure that the new cable conductor end is securely crimped to the cable. The center connector should extend 3.2 mm (1/8 inch) beyond the end of the connector. Check that the coaxial cable end is securely screwed onto the F-connector at the back of the cable access router. Hand-tighten the connector, making sure that it is finger tight; then give it a 1/6 turn. The connection of a host NIC to 10BASE2 cabling is usually via a BNC connector. Some buildings use a special type of connector in place of the more common BNC to try to prevent problems arising when users disconnect or reconnect their equipment. Without the special connector, a person unplugging their equipment could cause a break in the transmission medium inhibiting communication between other users. The end of each segment of cable must be terminated with a 50 Ohm BNC terminator. Thick Ethernet (10BASE5) cabling runs use thick coaxial cable to form a bus topology. A maximum of 100 transceivers can be used for host connection to the bus. Thick Ethernet cabling is difficult to install because of its weight and large diameter of 0.5 inch. It is not acceptable to bend 10BASE5 cabling, there are also constraints on how tightly the cabling run can be curved. Thick Ethernet was primarily used for LAN backbone connections and it was uncommon to find it used to connect end-stations to the LAN.
Content 3.4 Identifying Physical Layer Problems 3.4.4 Hardware When Layer 1 or Layer 2 hardware components fail, a system will experience a sudden loss of physical connectivity. There are various occurrences in frames transported over shared access media that indicate a faulty NIC or interface in Layers 1-3 equipment. Check for link lights at both the station and the hub or switch end. However, due to increased software control the presence of a link light is not a guarantee that the port works. The absence of a link light is still a fairly reliable indication of a problem. Disconnect the problem station or the station identified as the source of errored frames from the network. Attach a monitoring tool in its place. Be sure to use the original cable of the problem station at this time, not a known-good cable. Test also from the network side back toward the suspect station. Use a spare cable to attach the test tool to the station and watch the power-up process. Without familiarity with low level operating system commands it is often necessary to cold-start the station in order to get it to speak on the network. Once a station has completed the initial boot-up process it may not speak on the network again without these special commands. Observe the link process and the protocols that the station is sending. Ensure that the station is communicating, as many problems relate to station configurations not recognizing or attempting to utilize the network adapter. Look for signal strength and other physical layer parameters. Not all network adapter faults will be exhibited during testing. If the fault appears to be intermittent it may be appropriate to replace the network adapter and driver software as part of the diagnostic process. If that solves the problem then try exchanging just the network adapter to see if the fault was associated with the network adapter or the driver software. If the network adapter was inexpensive enough, it may be more expedient to simply discard the suspect adapter if the user later reports that the problem has been resolved by replacing it. Some portable PC network adapter cards ship with a special power saving feature enabled. This feature causes the NIC to listen for link pulse, but it will not transmit anything at all (including link pulse) until it hears a signal on the receive circuit. To conserve power the entire transmit circuit in the NIC is shut down until the receive circuit indicates that a transmission is warranted. This feature has been known to cause link problems with some other network devices. Try disabling this feature in the software configuration of the NIC, or use a test tool to see what signals are offered by the NIC.
Content 3.4 Identifying Physical Layer Problems 3.4.5 Collision based problems – shared media Excessive collisions are most often caused by a problem with the physical media, such as missing or incorrect terminators, impedance discontinuities (bad connectors, cable stubs, crushed