usually produces collisions, late collisions, and FCS errors.
Content 3.2 Characteristics of Physical Layer Optimization Problems 3.2.6 Resources If network resources are operating at or are near maximum capacity, this can be the cause of physical layer problems. In some instances of sub-optimal network performance, data may flow at expected rates, but it will start and stop unexpectedly. In other instances the data will flow continuously, but not at a desirable rate.Poor performance may be caused by the same conditions that prevent a connection from being established in the first place, or from the same conditions that cause connections to drop. The following procedures assume that this connection has been operating properly prior to this problem, and the following have already been checked: The most common reasons for slow or poor performance include overloaded or underpowered servers, unsuitable switch or router configurations, traffic congestion on a low capacity link, and chronic frame loss.
Content 3.2 Characteristics of Physical Layer Optimization Problems 3.2.7 Utilization A component may be operating sub-optimally at the physical layer because it is being utilized at a higher average than it is configured to operate. When troubleshooting this type of problem, it will become evident that resources for the device are operating at or near the maximum capacity and there is an increase in the number of interface errors. Gathering symptoms reveals excessive runts, late collisions, or an increase in the number of buffer failures. The output from a ping or traceroute command results in excessive packet loss or latency. How Much Utilization is ok?
Shared Ethernet networks are believed to suffer from throughput problems when average traffic loads approach a maximum average capacity level of 40 percent. This percentage is actually conservative. Higher average percentages are certainly possible. The classic solution to excessive traffic is to micro-segment LANs by installing switches. This solution works well until the amount of broadcast traffic grows too large. Since bridges and switches always forward all broadcast traffic to all ports, even infrequent broadcasts from each station will eventually be too many when the station count for the broadcast domain goes up. If a single station is connected to a half duplex switch port acceptable utilization is best learned by monitoring switch port statistics. There will be some level of collisions, but since there are only two devices on that link (the switch and the station) the utilization level should be capable of averaging quite high. There will likely be excessive collisions errors reported by the switch periodically, resulting from the Ethernet capture effect. This problem is not terribly significant overall, and will result in a slight reduction in performance. If the link is allowed to negotiate to full duplex instead of half, the connection should be capable of approaching theoretical limits for full line rate Ethernet. This will depend on the processing power of the attached station. The current generation of switches is quite capable of sustaining line-rate traffic at the minimum frame size. Another problem can occur when access to servers or services is reached through a single switch uplink path. Unless the bandwidth of the uplink path is bigger than the total of simultaneous station requests, the uplink itself becomes a bottleneck. This scenario arises when a network is designed with all servers collected in a server farm, separated from the VLANs they serve. Network bottlenecks or congestion typically manifests itself to users with the following symptoms: Even when network resources are on the same LAN segment as the users, it is still necessary to examine the network architecture to see if bottlenecks exist. If too much traffic is required to pass through an inadequate aggregation path then a potentially useful architecture design is defeated. To prevent this, the network administrator should limit inter-segment traffic by carefully considering which nodes should attach to each segment. The process involves an investment of time and may need to be repeated regularly on extremely dynamic networks. Monitor uplink paths as a part of routine maintenance in order to detect impending saturation of any one path.
Content 3.2 Characteristics of Physical Layer Optimization Problems 3.2.8 Console messages All error messages begin with a percent sign, and are displayed in the following format: %FACILITY-SEVERITY-MNEMONIC: Message-text FACILITY is a code, consisting of two to five uppercase letters, indicating the facility to which the message refers. A facility may be a hardware device, a protocol, or a module of the system software. Figure lists the codes for some of the system facilities. SEVERITY is a single-digit code from 0 to 7 that reflects the severity of the condition. The lower the number, the more serious the situation. Figure lists the severity levels. MNEMONIC is a code, consisting of uppercase letters that uniquely identify the message. Message-text is a text string describing the condition. This portion of the message sometimes contains detailed information about the event being reported, including terminal port numbers, network addresses, or addresses that correspond to locations in the system memory address space. Because the information in these variable fields changes from message to message (see below), it is represented here by short strings enclosed in square brackets ([ ]). For example, a decimal number is represented as [dec]. A complete list of the kinds of variable fields, and the information contained in them, appears in Figure . Some example error messages could be as follows: Error message: %HELLO-2-NORDB: Redistributed IGRP without rdb In this message, HELLO is the facility, 2 is the severity, and NORDB is the MNEMONIC. This message indicates that an internal software error has occurred. The corrective action in this case is to contact technical support for assistance. Error message: %IP-4-DUPADDR Duplicate address [inet] on [chars], sourced by [enet] This error message indicates that two systems are using an identical IP address and that it should be changed on one of the two systems. Web Links System Error Messages td/doc/product/software/ssr83/tsc_r/4041.htm
Content 3.3 Windows and Cisco Commands for Physical Layer Information Gathering 3.3.1 End-system commands – common commands In order to gather information on a physical layer problem it is important to be familiar with end-station commands that exist for this purpose. Interrogating devices at the periphery of the network is a good idea when end-systems are experiencing connectivity problems. There are a number of commands that are common to the popular operating platforms like Windows, UNIX and Mac OS. These can be used to ascertain whether an end station is achieving connectivity with the network. The ping {host |