Content Overview When migrating to a Voice over IP (VoIP) network, all network requirements, including power and capacity planning, must be examined. In addition, congestion avoidance techniques should be implemented. This module highlights the basic issues and defines the initial steps to take to ensure a functional VoIP implementation.
Content 7.1 Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus 7.1.1 Converged Network Benefits The benefits of packet telephony versus circuit-switched telephony are as follows:
Content 7.1 Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus 7.1.2 VoIP Network Components The basic components of a VoIP network are: Other components, such as software voice applications, interactive voice response (IVR) systems, and soft phones, provide additional services to meet the needs of enterprise sites.
Content 7.1 Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus 7.1.3 Traffic Characteristics of Voice and Data Voice traffic has extremely stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements. Voice traffic usually generates a smooth demand on bandwidth and has minimal impact on other traffic as long as voice traffic is managed.Although voice packets are typically small (60 to 120 bytes), they cannot tolerate delay or drops. The result of delays and drops is often unacceptable voice quality. Because drops cannot be tolerated, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used to package voice packets. TCP retransmit capabilities have no value. For voice quality, the delay should be no more than 150 ms (one-way requirement) and less than 1 percent packet loss. A typical voice call requires 17 to 106 kbps of guaranteed priority bandwidth, plus an additional 150 bps per call for voice-control traffic. Multiplying these bandwidth requirements by the maximum number of calls expected during the busiest time period indicates the overall bandwidth required for voice traffic. The QoS requirements for data traffic vary greatly. Different applications (for example, a human resources application versus an automated teller machine [ATM] application) may make greatly different demands on the network. Even different versions of the same application may have varying network traffic characteristics. Data traffic can demonstrate either smooth or bursty characteristics, and it differs from voice and video in terms of delay and drop sensitivity. Almost all data applications can tolerate some delay and generally can tolerate high drop rates. Because data traffic can tolerate drops, the retransmit capabilities of TCP become important and, as a result, many data applications use TCP. It is important to be able to identify different types of traffic that move over networks. With TCP/IP, most applications can be identified by their use of TCP or UDP port numbers, and with TCP, a stream of traffic usually occurs. However, some applications use dynamic port numbers that make classifications more difficult. Cisco IOS software supports network-based application recognition (NBAR), which can be used to recognize dynamic port applications.
Content 7.1 Planning for Implementation of Voice in a Campus 7.1.4 VoIP Call Flow VoIP calls can contend with normal client data for bandwidth. If both the client PC and the VoIP phone are on the same VLAN, each will try to use the available bandwidth without consideration of the other device. To avoid this issue, use two VLANs to allow separation of VoIP and client data. After data is separated, QoS can be applied to prioritize the VoIP traffic as it traverses the network.A major component of designing a successful IP telephony network is properly provisioning the network bandwidth. You can calculate the required bandwidth by adding the bandwidth requirements for each major application, including voice, video, and data. This sum represents the minimum bandwidth requirement for any given