deploy in large networks. Figure shows and describes how anomaly-based IDS and IPS work. Anomaly-based IDSs and IPSs monitor the network for events and content that represents a departure from normal behavior. Anomalies include an unusual increase in a certain type of traffic, an occurrence of some type of traffic that is not usually present on a monitored network, or a malformed message of a known protocol. These are the two types of anomaly-based IDSs and IPSs:
Content 6.4 Introducing Cisco IOS IPS 6.4.8 Honeypot-Based IDS and IPS Honeypot systems provide a dummy server to attract attacks. The philosophy of the honeypot approach is to distract attacks away from the real network devices. The honeypot offers the possibility of analyzing incoming attacks and malicious traffic patterns in order to be prepared when this type of traffic hits the real network. When implementing honeypots, you dedicate servers that can be sacrificed to being compromised. You should never trust such systems, because the system may have been compromised without you noticing the changes. Figure shows and describes how honeypots work. Honeypots are a special type of IDS that you use to lure an attacker either to leave the real targets alone or to give the administrator the time to tighten the network defense. There are two basic philosophies for building honeypots: In the event that the honeypot actually does contain some weakness that you may or may not be aware of, the honeypot system or resource must be extremely well-isolated from other devices in the network. This isolation protects other legitimate systems on the network if the honeypot system or resource is used as a springboard for attacks. Examples
A classic honeypot is a UNIX system, which allows the attacker to log in, for example, using weak passwords or no passwords for certain accounts. When the attacker logs in, the administrator usually sets up a fake environment where the administrator can monitor the actions of the attacker. Some people have built so-called spam honeypots. These honeypots are mail servers that appear to be open relays but in fact simply attract and collect spamming e-mail (attracting spam senders) and route the spam to the bit bucket.
Content 6.4 Introducing Cisco IOS IPS 6.4.9 IDS and IPS Signatures A signature detects patterns in network traffic that should generate an alarm or drop packets. The IPS mechanism that matches the signatures against data packets is called a microengine. An IPS system contains several microengines, and each microengine handles a set of signatures, typically grouped together by protocol or some other common characteristics. There are four categories of signatures as shown in Figure : When malicious traffic passes through the sensor, one or more sensor microengines are activated to inspect the data. Each microengine controls a set of signatures. The sensor must decide which microengine to activate to scan the associated signatures. This selection is based on four criteria: For IPS sensor platforms, such as the Cisco IPS 4200 Series, there are about 1500 signatures available, while for the Cisco IOS IPS, there are about 1200 signatures available. Cisco IOS IPS uses signature definition files (SDFs) that contain signature descriptions for the most relevant attacks and are updated by Cisco on a regular basis. Exploit Signatures
Figure matches the type of exploit signature with the OSI layer. Exploit-specific signatures seek to identify network activity or upper-level protocol transactions that are unique to a specific exploit or attack tool. The specificity of exploit signatures may provide an analyst with some insight into the methodology of an attacker and may allow the analyst to identify and mitigate targeted vulnerabilities. Exploit signatures are often relatively easy to produce for simple protocols and attacks and are often employed in “pattern matching” IDS and IPS products. Examples of exploit signatures are grouped by OSI layer. These are examples of exploit signatures in the network layer: These are examples of exploit signatures in the transport layer: