provided for other protocols, the support is usually similar to the support for UDP. When a protocol flow is initially permitted, all packets matching the flow are permitted until an idle timer expires. Stateful Packet Filter Handling of Dynamic Applications
Dynamic applications, such as FTP, SQLnet, and many protocols that are used for voice and video signaling and media transfer open a channel on a well-known port and then negotiate additional channels through the initial session. Stateful firewalls support these dynamic applications through application inspection features. The stateful packet filter snoops the initial session and parses the application data to learn about the additional negotiated channels. Then the stateful packet filter usually enforces the policy that if the initial session was permitted, any additional channels of that application should be permitted as well.
Content 6.1 Introducing the Cisco IOS Firewall 6.1.5 Introducing the Cisco IOS Firewall Feature Set The Cisco IOS Firewall Feature Set is a security-specific option for Cisco IOS software that is available in select security Cisco IOS images. The Cisco IOS Firewall Feature Set integrates robust firewall functionality, authentication proxy, and intrusion prevention for every network perimeter and enriches existing Cisco IOS security capabilities. The feature set adds more flexibility to existing Cisco IOS security solutions, such as authentication, encryption, and failover, by delivering application-based filtering, dynamic per-user authentication and authorization, defense against network attacks, Java blocking, and real-time alerts. When combined with Cisco IOS IPsec software and other Cisco IOS software-based technologies, such as Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) and quality of service (QoS), the Cisco IOS Firewall provides a complete, integrated virtual private network (VPN) solution. To create a firewall customized to the security policy of your organization, you must determine which Cisco IOS Firewall features are appropriate and then configure those features. Figure lists some of the IOS Firewall features to consider. The next few subtopics discuss the three main features. Cisco IOS Firewall
The Cisco IOS Firewall is the stateful packet filtering engine of a Cisco IOS router. Cisco IOS Firewall allows you to implement firewall intelligence as part of an integrated, single-box solution. Figure summarizes how the Cisco IOS Firewall works. For example, sessions with an extranet partner that involve Internet applications, multimedia applications, or Oracle databases no longer need to open a network doorway that is accessible via weaknesses in the network of a partner. The stateful engine enables tightly secured networks to run the basic application traffic as well as advanced applications, such as multimedia and videoconferencing, securely through a router. Cisco IOS Firewall intelligently filters TCP and UDP packets based on application layer protocol session information. The firewall inspects traffic for sessions that originate on any interface of the router and manages state information for TCP and UDP sessions. This state information is used to create temporary openings in the ACLs to allow return traffic and additional data connections for permissible sessions. Inspecting packets at the application layer and maintaining TCP and UDP session information helps prevent certain types of network attacks, such as SYN flooding. Cisco IOS Firewall inspects packet sequence numbers in TCP connections to see if the numbers are within expected ranges and drops any suspicious packets. Additionally, Cisco IOS Firewall can detect unusually high rates of new connections and issue alert messages. The firewall inspection can help protect against certain denial of service (DoS) attacks that involve fragmented IP packets. Cisco IOS Firewall Authentication Proxy
You can create specific security policies for each user with Cisco IOS Firewall’s dynamic, per-user authentication and authorization. Figure lists the key features of the Cisco IOS Authentication Proxy. Traditionally, user identity and related authorized access was associated with a user IP address or a single security policy was applied to an entire user group or subnet. Now, users can be identified and authorized on the basis of the per-user policy, and administrators can create access privileges that are tailored on an individual basis as opposed to a general policy to apply across multiple users. With the authentication proxy feature, users can start an HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or Telnet session that traverses the router, and the router will intercept that session and prompt the user for authentication, as shown in Figure . User-specific access profiles are then automatically retrieved from a Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) or other RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication server and applied to the router interface. The user profiles are active only when there is active traffic from the authenticated users. The authentication proxy is compatible with other Cisco IOS security features, such as NAT, IPsec, and VPN client software. Cisco IOS Firewall IPS
An IPS provides a level of protection beyond the firewall by protecting the network from internal and external attacks and threats. Cisco IOS Firewall IPS technology enhances perimeter firewall protection on midrange and high-end router platforms by taking appropriate actions on packets and flows that violate the security policy or represent malicious network activity. Figure summarizes how the Cisco IOS IPS feature works. Note
Cisco IOS IPS technology combines IDS and IPS features into one software solution. Cisco IOS Firewall IPS capabilities are ideal for providing additional visibility at intranet, extranet, and branch-office Internet perimeters. You can now benefit from more robust protection against attacks on the network and automatically respond to threats from internal or external hosts. Cisco IOS Firewall IPS is especially suited for locations where a router is deployed and additional security between network segments is required. Cisco IOS Firewall IPS can protect intranet and extranet connections where additional security is mandated and branch-office sites that connect to the corporate office or Internet. The Cisco IOS Firewall IPS identifies more than 700 prepackaged common attacks using signatures to detect patterns of misuse in network traffic. In addition to the predefined signature database, administrators can define their own custom signatures. The intrusion prevention signatures of the Cisco IOS Firewall IPS were chosen from a broad cross-section of intrusion prevention signatures. The signatures represent severe breaches of security and the most common network attacks and information-gathering scans. You can configure the Cisco IOS Firewall IPS to take one or more of the actions listed in the Signature Actions table when Cisco IOS Firewall IPS detects a match against a signature. Web Links Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS)

Content 6.1 Introducing the Cisco IOS Firewall 6.1.6 Cisco IOS Firewall Functions First, we will review some basic ACL concepts. An ACL provides packet filtering. An ACL has an implied “deny all” at the end of the list, and if the ACL is not configured, the ACL permits all connections. Without Cisco IOS Firewall, traffic filtering is limited to ACL implementations that examine packets at the network layer, or at most, the transport layer. Figure describes the characteristics of Cisco IOS ACLs.The static nature of classic ACLs has severe security implications for applications that dynamically negotiate additional communication channels. Such dynamic channels must be statically permitted through the ACLs. Attackers can misuse holes that appear in the ACLs for the dynamic applications in order to inject malicious traffic into the protected network. These shortcomings are addressed by the