source and IP address, destination IP address, source TCP or User Datagram Protocol [UDP] ports, destination TCP or UDP ports, or optional protocol type information for finer granularity of control). The second example in Figure configures ACL 101 to permit traffic that originates from any address on the network to any destination host port 80 (http). More information on extended ACLs appears later in this lesson. Identifying ACLs
Either a number or a name can identify Cisco ACLs and the protocols that they filter as shown in Figure . Using numbered ACLs is effective on smaller networks that do not have as wide a range of traffic types as do larger networks. Because each ACL type is limited to an assigned range of numbers, it is easy to determine the type of ACL that you are using. There can be up to 99 standard IP ACLs in the range from 1 to 99. The extended IP ACL number range is assigned from 100 to 199 and from 2000 to 2699. Figure lists the number range and the type of associated ACL. You can also identify ACLs with an alphanumeric string (a name) rather than a number. Named ACLs allow you to configure more ACLs in a router than if you were to use numbered ACLs alone. Note
If you identify your ACL with a name rather than a number, the mode and command syntax for the ACL are slightly different. Currently, only packet and route filters can use a named ACL. Guidelines for Developing ACLs
Figure lists recommended methods to follow when creating effective, easy-to-use, and easy-to-understand ACLs. Before you start to develop any ACLs, consider these basic rules: Note
Hackers love to gain access to router configuration development systems or TFTP servers that store ACLs. A hacker can discover a lot about your network from looking at these easily read text files. For this reason, it is imperative that the system where you choose to develop and store your router files be a secure system.
Content 5.7 Mitigating Threats and Attacks with Access Lists 5.7.2 Applying ACLs to Router Interfaces Packet-filtering ACLs must be applied to a router interface to take effect. It is important to note that ACLs are applied to an interface based on the direction of the data flow as shown in Figure . Figure also shows the very simple concept of how you apply the ACL to incoming packets (an “in” ACL) or outgoing packets (an “out” ACL), as follows:
Content 5.7 Mitigating Threats and Attacks with Access Lists 5.7.3 Using Traffic Filtering with ACLs Figure shows a network with ACLs installed as filters to partition off specific security zones. Always apply the following general rules when deciding how to handle router services, ports, and protocols: ACLs are important because they act as traffic filters between the corporate (trusted) network and the Internet (untrusted network). Using ACLs, the router enforces corporate security policies by rejecting protocols and restricting port use. The Blocked Services tables shown in Figures and contain a list of common router services that can be used to gather information about your network or, worse, can be used to attack your network. Unless your network configuration specifically requires one of these services, the services should not be allowed to traverse the router. Use ACLs to block these services inbound to the protected network and outbound to the Internet. The Denied Services table shown in Figure contains a listing of common services that reside either on the corporate protected network or on the router itself. You should deny these services to untrusted clients using ACLs. These are two ways to control access to router services:
Content 5.7 Mitigating Threats and Attacks with Access Lists 5.7.4 Filtering Network Traffic to Mitigate Threats ACLs can be used to mitigate many threats: Please note that each of the following examples are not complete solutions and only provide statements to resolve the specific problem. IP Address Spoofing—Inbound
As a rule, do not allow any IP packets that contain the source address of any internal hosts or networks inbound to a private network. Figure shows ACL 150 for router R2. In this example, any packets containing these IP addresses in their source field will be denied: