Boston(config)#line vty 0 4
Boston(config-line)#access-class 30 in
  • You must configure passwords for all of the vty lines on the router. Remember that you can add more vty lines to the router. The default vty lines 0 to 4 and any added lines must be protected.
  • Auxiliary Lines
    By default, Cisco router auxiliary ports do not require a password for remote administrative access. Administrators sometimes use auxiliary ports to remotely configure and monitor the router using a dialup modem connection. Unlike console and vty passwords, the auxiliary password is not configured during the initial configuration dialog and should be configured using the password command in auxiliary line configuration mode. If you want to turn off the EXEC process for the aux port, use the no exec command within the auxiliary line configuration mode. Setting the auxiliary line-level password is only one of several steps that you must complete when configuring a router auxiliary port for remote dial-in access. The table in Figure explains commands that you can use when configuring an auxiliary port.
    Content 5.5 Securing Cisco Router Administrative Access 5.5.4 Additional Password Security Cisco IOS software provides a number of enhanced features that allow you to increase the security of your passwords. These features include setting a minimum password length, encrypting your passwords, and encrypting usernames. Password Minimum Length Enforcement
    Cisco IOS Release 12.3(1) and later allows you to set the minimum character length for all router passwords using the security passwords min-length global configuration command. Figure shows the command syntax. This command provides enhanced security access to the router by allowing you to specify a minimum password length (0 to 16), which eliminates common passwords that are prevalent on most networks, such as lab and cisco. This command affects user passwords, enable passwords and secrets, and line passwords that users create after the command is executed. Existing router passwords remain unaffected. It is highly recommended that you set your minimum password length to at least 10 characters. After you enable this command, any attempt to create a new password that is less than the specified length fails and results in an error message similar to the following: Password too short - must be at least 10 characters. Password configuration failed. Encrypting Passwords
    Just like console and vty passwords, router configurations do not encrypt auxiliary passwords. This is why it is important to use the service password-encryption command. Figure shows the syntax for this command. With the exception of the enable secret password, all Cisco router passwords are, by default, stored in plaintext form within the router configuration. View these passwords with the show running-config command. Sniffers can also see these passwords if your TFTP server configuration files traverse an unsecured intranet or Internet connection. If an intruder gains access to the TFTP server where the router configuration files are stored, the intruder will be able to obtain these passwords. A proprietary Cisco algorithm based on a Vigenere cipher (indicated by the number 7 when viewing the configuration) allows the service password-encryption command to encrypt all passwords (except the previously encrypted enable secret password) in the router configuration file. This method is not as safe as MD5, which is used with the enable secret command, but prevents casual discovery of the router line-level passwords. Most cryptographers consider the encryption algorithm in the service password-encryption command to be relatively weak. Several Internet sites post mechanisms for cracking this cipher. This opinion only proves that relying on the encrypted passwords alone is not sufficient security for your Cisco routers. You need to ensure that the communications link between the console and the routers, or between the TFTP or management server and the routers, is a secured connection. After all of your passwords are configured for the router, you should run the service password-encryption command in global configuration mode, as shown in Figure . When you remove the service password-encryption command with the no form, the command does not decrypt the passwords. Enhanced Username Password Security
    You can choose to use an MD5 hashing mechanism to encrypt username passwords. Cisco routers can maintain a list of usernames and passwords for performing local login authentication. Traditionally, local users were defined with the username password command, which was used to configure users and plaintext passwords. These passwords could then be obfuscated by the password-encryption service, which employed the weak Vigenere cipher that defended against reading the passwords but did not provide adequate protection from hackers. Option 7 in the username password command allows you to enter the ciphertext of a password, computed by the Vigenere algorithm. This option was used in recovery scenarios in which a previous configuration, using password-encryption service, needed to be reinstalled and only obfuscated passwords were available in the backup configuration. Enhanced username password security uses the username secret command and MD5 password hashing. This combination is a much stronger encryption scheme than the standard type 7 encryption found in the service password-encryption command. The added layer of MD5 encryption is useful in environments in which the password crosses the network or is stored on a TFTP server. Using the username secret command in global configuration mode, you can choose to enter a plaintext password for MD5 hashing by the router (option 0), or enter a previously encrypted MD5 secret (option 5). Figure shows the syntax of the username password command and the username secret command and an example. username name secret {[0] password | 5 encrypted-secret} Figure lists the parameters to use with this command. Note that MD5 encryption is a strong encryption method that is not retrievable; therefore, you cannot use MD5 encryption with protocols that require plaintext passwords, such as Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
    Content 5.5 Securing Cisco Router Administrative Access 5.5.5 Protecting Your Router by Securing ROMMON By default, Cisco IOS routers allow a break sequence during power up, which forces the router into ROM Monitor (ROMMON) mode. Once the router is in ROMMON mode, anyone can choose to enter a new enable secret password using the well-known Cisco password recovery procedure. This procedure, if performed correctly, leaves the router configuration intact. This scenario presents a potential security breach because anyone who gains physical access to the router console port can enter ROMMON, reset the enable secret password, and discover the router configuration. You can mitigate this potential security breach by using the no service password-recovery global configuration command as shown in Figure . The no service password-recovery command has no arguments or keywords. Caution
    If you configure a router with the no service password-recovery command, all access to the ROMMON is disabled. If the router flash memory does not contain a valid Cisco IOS image, you will not be able to use the rommon xmodem command to load a new flash image. In order to repair the router, you must obtain a new Cisco IOS image on a flash SIMM or on a Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) card (model dependent). See Cisco.com for more information regarding backup flash images. Once the no service password-recovery command is executed, the router boot sequence will look similar to the display shown in Figure