RFC 2827 defines filters to drop packets that come from source addresses within,,,,,, or This source address is a so-called Martian Address. Additional Authentication
The most effective method for mitigating the threat of IP spoofing is to eliminate the attack’s effectiveness. IP spoofing can function correctly only when devices use IP address-based authentication; therefore, if you use additional authentication methods, IP spoofing attacks are irrelevant. Cryptographic authentication is the best form of additional authentication. However, when cryptographic authentication is not possible, strong two-factor authentication using OTPs can also be effective. Web Links RFC 3704
Content 5.3 Network Attacks Using Intelligence 5.3.1 End Station Vulnerabilities: Worm, Virus, and Trojan Horses The previous lesson discussed attacks based on gathering intelligence and gaining access to networks. This lesson looks at the second category of attack, those using the more sophisticated techniques. These attacks are often based on using malicious code; intelligence gathered in the earlier attacks; or insider access to the network. End stations are particularly vulnerable to attack if not adequately protected. Figure lists the main threats. Viruses are malicious software programs that attach themselves to other programs and execute a particular unwanted function on a user workstation. A virus propagates itself by infecting other programs on the same computer. Viruses can do severe damage, such as erasing files or erasing an entire disk. They can also be a simple annoyance, such as popping up a window that says, “Ha ha, you are infected.” Viruses cannot spread to a new computer without human assistance, such as opening an infected file on a removable media such as an e-mail attachment, or through file sharing. Trojan horse is a general term that refers to programs that appear desirable but actually contain something harmful. For example, a downloaded game could erase files. The contents could also hold a virus or a worm. A Trojan horse can attack on three levels. A virus known as the “Love Bug” is an example of a Trojan horse because the virus pretended to be a love letter but actually carried a harmful program. The Love Bug was a virus because the program infected all image files on the attacked disk, turning the files into new Trojans. It specifically looked for files with the extensions jpeg, .mp3, .mp2, .jpg, .js, .jse, .css, .wsh, .sct, and .hta extensions and overwrote them with itself, changing the extensions to .vbs or .vbe. These original files could only be restored from backups. Without backups they could not be retrieved or used again. Finally, the Love Bug was a worm because the program propagated itself over the Internet by hiding in the Trojan horses that the program sent out using addresses in the attacked e-mail address book. A worm executes arbitrary code and installs copies of itself in the memory of the infected computer. The worm can then infect other hosts from the infected computer. Like a virus, a worm is also a program that propagates itself. Unlike a virus, a worm can spread itself automatically over the network from one computer to the next. Worms are not clever or evil; they just take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers. The next topic will discuss worm attacks in more detail. Virus and Trojan Horse Attack Containment
As shown in Figure , you can contain viruses and Trojan horse attacks by using antivirus software at the user level and potentially at the network level. Antivirus software can detect most viruses and many Trojan horse applications and prevent these forms of attack from spreading in the network. Keeping up to date with the latest developments in these sorts of attacks can also lead to a more effective posture against attacks. As new virus or Trojan horse applications appear, enterprises need to keep up to date with the latest antivirus software and application versions and patches. Deploying host-based intrusion prevention systems, such as the Cisco Security Agent (CSA), provides a very effective defense-in-depth method to prevent attacks against the hosts.
Content 5.3 Network Attacks Using Intelligence 5.3.2 Worm Attack, Mitigation and Response The anatomy of a worm attack has three parts as shown in Figure : Typically, worms are self-contained programs that attack a system and try to exploit vulnerabilities in the target. Upon successful exploitation of the vulnerability, the worm copies the program from the attacking host to the newly exploited system to begin the cycle again. A virus normally requires a path to carry the virus code from one system to another. The path can be a word-processing document, an e-mail message, or an executable program. The key element that distinguishes a computer worm from a computer virus is that human interaction is required to facilitate the spread of a virus. Worm attack mitigation requires diligence on the part of system and network administration staff. Coordination between system administration, network engineering, and security operations personnel is critical in responding effectively to a worm incident. Figure lists these recommended steps for worm attack mitigation: Step 1 Containment: Contain the spread of the worm into your network and within your network. Compartmentalize uninfected parts of your network. Step 2 Inoculation: Start patching all systems and, if possible, scanning for vulnerable systems. Step 3 Quarantine: Track down each infected machine inside your network. Disconnect, remove, or block infected machines from the network. Step 4 Treatment: Clean and patch each infected system. Some worms may require complete core system reinstallations to clean the system. Worm Attack Response
Figure lists six typical incident response methodologies to worms as follows:
Content 5.3 Network Attacks Using Intelligence 5.3.3 Application Layer Attacks and Mitigation Attackers implement application layer attacks using several different methods summarized in Figure :