Content Overview The open nature of the Internet makes it increasingly important for growing businesses to pay attention to the security of their networks. As companies move more of their business functions to the public network, they need to take precautions to ensure that attackers do not compromise their data or that their data does not end up being seen by the wrong people. Unauthorized network access by an outside hacker or disgruntled employee can wreak havoc with proprietary data, negatively affect company productivity, and stunt the ability to compete. Unauthorized network access can also harm relationships with customers and business partners who may question the ability of companies to protect their confidential information. Before learning how to defend against attack, you need to know how the attacker operates. The theme of the first few lessons in this module is “know thine enemy.” You will learn how hackers operate and what attack strategies they can employ. Once you know the nature of the threat, you will be better able to implement the full set of security features contained in Cisco IOS software to provide security for your network. This module describes the best practices for securing router administrative access using mechanisms such as password security features, failed login attempt handling, and role-based command-line interface (CLI). You will learn how to mitigate attacks using access lists. You will also learn how to design and implement a secure management system including secure protocols such as Secure Shell (SSH), Simple Network Management Protocol version 3 (SNMPv3), and authenticated Network Time Protocol (NTP). The module discusses the most ubiquitous authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) protocols RADIUS and TACACS+, and explains the differences between them. Web Links Understanding Remote Worker Security: A Survey of User Awareness vs. Behavior
00aecd8054581d.shtml Core Elements of the Cisco Self-Defending Network Strategy
00aecd80247914.shtml Enterprise Architecture Resiliency At-A-Glance /
netsol/ns413/c654/cdccont_0900aecd8026a141.pdf INS WP: Security Virtues of a Common Infrastructure
netsol/ns413/c654/cdccont_0900aecd80356d03.pdf Deploying Firewalls Throughout Your Organization
00aecd8057f042.shtml Perceptions and Behaviors of Remote Workers: Keys to Building a Secure Company
00aecd8056e783.shtml The Cisco ASA 5500 as a Superior Firewall Solution
00aecd8058ec85.shtml Top 100 Network Security Tools Exploiting Cisco Routers: Part 1 Exploiting Cisco Routers: Part 2 Cisco AutoSecure White Paper

Content 5.1 Thinking Like a Hacker 5.1.1 Seven Steps to Hacking a Network In many ways, hackers and software developers think very much alike. They both follow a specific methodology and both carefully document their work. However, the goals of a hacker are quite different from those of a software developer. Knowing the methodologies that hackers use will help you to develop an effective security policy. Regardless of the specific attack vector an attacker uses, the attack can be thought of as following these seven steps as outlined in Figure : Step 1 Hackers build a footprint of an organization from which they can launch an attack. Step 2 Hackers enumerate information. Step 3 Hackers manipulate users to gain access. Step 4 Hackers attempt to escalate their privileges. Step 5 Hackers gather system passwords and secrets. Step 6 Hackers install back doors and port redirectors. Step 7 Hackers take advantage of compromised systems. Hackers comprise the most well-known outside threat to information systems. They are not geniuses, but they are persistent people who have taken a lot of time to learn their craft. It is often incorrect to refer to people whose intent is to exploit a network maliciously as hackers. In this lesson, the term hacker may refer to someone more correctly referred to as a cracker, or black hat hackers. These are some of the titles assigned to hackers: The goal of any hacker is to compromise the intended target or application. Hackers begin with little or no information about the intended target, but by the end of their analysis, they will have accessed the network and will have begun to compromise their target. Their approach is always careful and methodical—never rushed and never reckless. The seven-step process outlined in the figure is a good representation of the method that hackers use.
Content 5.1 Thinking Like a Hacker 5.1.2 Step 1: Footprint Analysis To hack into a system successfully, hackers want to know as much as they can about the system. Hackers build a