To illustrate the need for a more versatile VPN indicator than the RD, consider the VoIP service. Figure illustrates the need for a more versatile VPN indicator than the RD. There are two connectivity requirements of the VoIP service: Note
Additional security measures have to be put in place at central sites to ensure that the central sites exchange only VoIP calls with other central sites. Otherwise, the corporate network of a customer could be compromised by another customer who is using the VoIP service. Connectivity Requirements
Figure illustrates the connectivity requirements of the VoIP service. Three VPNs are needed to implement the desired connectivity: two customer VPNs (Customer A and Customer B) and a shared VoIP VPN. These sites are related as follows:
Content 4.4 Describing MPLS VPN Technology 4.4.6 Using Route Targets in an MPLS VPN Figure shows a simplified view of a typical large enterprise network. In this case there are five customer sites that are communicating within three VPNs. The VPNs can communicate with the following sites: Each VPN contains customer devices that are attached to the CE routers. These customer devices use VPNs to exchange information between devices. Only the PE routers are aware of the VPNs. Each VPN is associated with one or more VPN routing-forwarding instances (VRFs). A VRF defines the VPN membership of a customer site that is attached to a PE router. A VRF consists of an IP routing table, a derived CEF table, a set of interfaces that use the forwarding table, and a set of rules and routing protocol parameters that control the information that is included in the routing table. A one-to-one relationship does not necessarily exist between customer sites and VPNs. A given site can be a member of multiple VPNs. However, a site can only associate with one VRF. A customer site's VRF contains all the routes available to the site from the VPNs of which that site is a member. At this point, you may ask that since there is no one-to-one mapping between VPN and VRF, how does the router know which routes need to be inserted into which VRF? The introduction of another concept in the MPLS/VPN architecture, the route target, solves this dilemma. Every VPN route is tagged with one or more route targets when it is exported from a VRF (to be offered to other VRFs). You can also associate a set of route targets with a VRF, and all routes tagged with at least one of those route targets will be inserted into the VRF. Packet forwarding information is stored in the IP routing table and the CEF table for each VRF. A separate set of routing and CEF tables is maintained for each VRF. These tables prevent information from being forwarded outside a VPN and also prevent packets that are outside a VPN from being forwarded to a router within the VPN. The distribution of VPN routing information is controlled using VPN route target communities, implemented by BGP extended communities. Distribution of VPN routing information follows two steps: RTs in the MPLS VPN architecture support the requirements for multi-VPN membership. RTs are attributes that are attached to a VPNv4 BGP route to indicate the route’s VPN membership. The RD (a single entity prepended to an IPv4 route) cannot indicate that a site participates in more than one VPN. We need a method in which a set of VPN identifiers can be attached to a route to indicate the site’s membership in several VPNs. How Do RTs Work?
MPLS VPN RTs are attached to a customer route at the moment the route is converted from an IPv4 route to a VPNv4 route by the PE router. The RTs that are attached to the route are called export RTs and are configured separately for each virtual routing table in a PE router. Export RTs identify a set of VPNs to which sites that are associated with the virtual routing table belong. When the VPNv4 routes are propagated to other PE routers, those routers need to select the routes to import into their virtual routing tables. This selection is based on import RTs. Each virtual routing table in a PE router can have a number of configured import RTs that identify the set of VPNs that the virtual routing table is accepting routes from. In overlapping VPN topologies, RTs are used to identify VPN membership. Advanced VPN topologies (for example, central services VPNs) use RTs in more complex scenarios.
Content 4.4 Describing MPLS VPN Technology 4.4.7 End-to-End Routing Information Flow MPLS VPN Routing Criteria
The designers of MPLS VPN technology aimed to meet these criteria shown in Figure : PE-CE Routing Protocol
After you configure VRFs and establish MPBGP connectivity between PE routers, you must configure routing protocols between the PE router and the attached CE routers. You configure the PE-CE routing protocols on the PE router for individual VRFs. Configuring routing protocol on the CE site is very simple. The customer has no information on VRFs that are configured on the provider site. Customer configuration is the same configuration as if the customer is routing between two devices in the C-network. Overall Customer Perspective
Figure shows the customer perspective. The MPLS VPN backbone looks like an intra-company BGP backbone with PE routers performing route redistribution between individual sites and the core backbone. The standard design rules that are used for enterprise BGP backbones can be applied to the design of the C-network. The P routers are hidden from the customer view; the internal topology of the BGP backbone is, therefore, transparent to the customer. P Router Perspective
Figure shows how the P router performs. From the P router perspective, the MPLS VPN backbone looks even simpler—the P routers do not participate in MPLS VPN routing and do not carry VPN routes. The P routers run only a backbone Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) with other P