to match acknowledgments with data packets. Figure displays the output of a sample show ip eigrp neighbors command. This command reveals various key elements that will be discussed later in this module. Interactive Media Activity Point and Click: EIGRP Neighbor Table

Upon completion of this activity, the student will be able to identify the key elements of the EIGRP neighbor table.
Content 2.2 EIGRP Components and Operation 2.2.3 EIGRP Topology Table When the router dynamically discovers a new neighbor, it sends an update about the routes that it knows to its new neighbor. The new neighbor then sends an update about all the routes that it knows to the router. These updates populate the topology table, which contains all the destinations advertised by neighboring routers. It is important to note that if a neighbor is advertising a destination, it must be using that route to forward packets. This rule must be strictly followed by all distance vector protocols. The topology table also maintains the advertised distance (AD) that each neighbor advertises for each destination, and the feasible distance (FD) that this router would use to reach the destination via that neighbor. The topology table is updated when a directly connected route or interface changes or when a neighboring router reports a change to a route. A destination entry in the topology table can be in one of two states: active or passive. A destination is in passive state when the router is not performing a recomputation. It is in active state when the router is performing a recomputation. If feasible successors are always available, a destination never has to go into the active state and avoids a recomputation. The desired state is passive. A recomputation occurs when a destination has no feasible successors. The router initiates the recomputation by sending a query packet to each of its neighboring routers. If the neighboring router has a route for the destination, it sends a reply packet; if it does not have a route, it sends a query packet to its neighbors. In this case, the route is also in active state in the neighboring router. When a destination is in active state, a router cannot change the destination’s routing table information. After a router has received a reply from each neighboring router, the destination entry returns to the passive state, and the router can select a successor. Figure displays the output of a sample show ip eigrp topology command.
Content 2.2 EIGRP Components and Operation 2.2.4 EIGRP Routing Table The routing table is compiled from information in the topology table. A router compares all FDs to reach a specific network and then selects the route with the lowest FD, which is the successor route, and places it in the routing table. The FD for the chosen route becomes the EIGRP routing metric to reach that network in the routing table. Figure displays the output of a sample show ip route eigrp command. Interactive Media Activity Matching: EIGRP Terminology

Upon completion of this activity, the student will be able to identify EIGRP terminology.
Content 2.2 EIGRP Components and Operation 2.2.5 EIGRP Packet Formats Class EIGRP uses five generic packet types . The following sections describe these packet types in detail. Hello Packets
EIGRP relies on hello packets to discover and verify neighbor routers. EIGRP routers send hello packets at a fixed and configurable interval, called the hello interval. The default hello interval depends on the bandwidth of the interface. EIGRP hello packets are multicast. On IP networks, EIGRP routers send hello packets to the multicast IP address An EIGRP router stores information about neighbors in the neighbor table, including the last time that each neighbor responded. The information is stored only if an EIGRP packet is received. If a neighbor is not heard from during the hold time, EIGRP considers that neighbor to be down and DUAL steps in to reevaluate the routing table. By default, the hold time is three times the hello interval, but both timers can be configured as desired. Unlike OSPF, which requires that neighbor routers have the same hello and dead intervals to communicate, EIGRP has no such restriction. Neighbor routers learn about each other’s respective timers through the exchange of hello packets. They use that information to forge a stable relationship.

Update Packets
Updates convey which destinations are reachable. When a new neighbor is discovered, update packets are unicasted so that the neighbor can build up its topology table. More than one update packet may be needed to convey all the topology information to the newly discovered neighbor. Update packets are also used when a router detects a topology change. In this case, the EIGRP router sends a multicast update packet to all neighbors alerting them about the change. All update packets are sent reliably.

Query Packets
An EIGRP router uses query packets whenever it needs specific information from one or all of its neighbors. Queries and replies are used when an EIGRP router loses its successor and cannot find a feasible successor for a route. When this occurs, DUAL places the route in active state, and the router multicasts a query to all neighbors searching for a successor. Queries are transmitted reliably.

Reply Packets
A reply packet is used to respond to a query. Replies are always unicasted to indicate to the originator that it does not need to go into active state because it has feasible successors. Replies are transmitted reliably.

Acknowledgment Packets
To be reliable, a sender’s message must be acknowledged by the recipient. An EIGRP router uses an acknowledgment packet, which is a dataless hello packet, to indicate that it received an EIGRP packet during a reliable exchange. Unlike multicast hello packets, acknowledgment packets are unicast. Acknowledgments can also be bundled with other types of EIGRP packets, such as reply packets. Hello packets are always sent unreliably and therefore do not require acknowledgment. Note
EIGRP also uses request packets to get specific route information from one or more neighbors. A request packet can be multicast or unicast. Requests are transmitted unreliably.
Interactive Media Activity Drag and Drop: EIGRP Timer Basics

Upon completion of this activity, the student will be able to identify the default hello intervals and hold times for EIGRP.
Interactive Media Activity Drag and Drop: EIGRP Packet Types

Upon completion of this activity, the student will be able to identify the different EIGRP packet types.
Content 2.2 EIGRP Components and Operation 2.2.6 EIGRP Packet Exchange Example Discovering and establishing neighbor routes occurs simultaneously in EIGRP. The following is a high-level description of the process, using the topology in Figure as an example:
  1. Router A comes up on the link and sends a hello packet through all of its EIGRP-configured interfaces.
  2. Router B receives the hello packet and sends a hello packet in return to router A. This hello packet contains the router IDs of the neighbors that router B knows about, including the new entry for router A.
Neighbor adjacency is established when router A sees its router ID in the neighbor field of the hello packet that it received from router B.
  1. Router B then forwards an update packet containing all the routes and metrics in its routing table (except those learned through that interface because of the split horizon rule).
  2. Router A replies with an acknowledgement packet, indicating that it received the update information.
  3. Router A assimilates all update packets into its topology table. The topology table includes all destinations advertised by neighboring routers,