the native OS in each individual computer. The NOS then adds functions that allow access to shared resources by a number of users concurrently. Workstations function as clients in a NOS environment. When a workstation becomes a client in a NOS environment, additional specialized software enables the local user to access non-local or remote resources, as if these resources were a part of the local system. The NOS enhances the reach of the client workstation by making remote services available as extensions of the local operating system. A system capable of operating as a NOS server must be able to support multiple users concurrently. The network administrator creates an account for each user, allowing the user to logon and connect to the server system. The user account on the server enables the server to authenticate that user and allocate the resources that the user is allowed to access. Systems that provide this capability are called multi-user systems. A NOS server is a multitasking system, capable of executing multiple tasks or processes at the same time. The NOS scheduling software allocates internal processor time, memory, and other elements of the system to different tasks in a way that allows them to share the system resources. Each user on the multi-user system is supported by a separate task or process internally on the server. These internal tasks are created dynamically as users connect to the system and are deleted when users disconnect. The main features to consider when selecting a NOS are performance, management and monitoring tools, security, scalability, and robustness or fault tolerance. The following section briefly defines each of these features. Performance
A NOS must perform well at reading and writing files across the network between clients and servers. It must be able to maintain fast performance under heavy loads, when many clients are making requests. Consistent performance under heavy demand is an important standard for a NOS. Management and monitoring
The management interface on the NOS server provides the tools for server monitoring, client administration, file, print, and disk storage management. The management interface provides tools for the installation of new services and the configuration of those services. Additionally, servers require regular monitoring and adjustment. Security
A NOS must protect the shared resources under its control. Security includes authenticating user access to services to prevent unauthorized access to the network resources. Security also performs encryption to protect information as it travels between clients and servers. Scalability
Scalability is the ability of a NOS to grow without degradation in performance. The NOS must be capable of sustaining performance as new users join the network and new servers are added to support them. Robustness/fault tolerance
A measure of robustness is the ability to deliver services consistently under heavy load and to sustain its services if components or processes fail. Using redundant disk devices and balancing the workload across multiple servers can improve NOS robustness.
Content 6.1 Workstations and Servers 6.1.5 Microsoft NT, 2000, and .NET Since the release of Windows 1.0 in November 1985, Microsoft has produced many versions of Windows operating systems with improvements and changes to support a variety of users and purposes. Figure summarizes the current Windows OS. NT 4 was designed to provide an environment for mission critical business that would be more stable than the Microsoft consumer operating systems. It is available for both desktop (NT 4.0 Workstation) and server (NT 4.0 Server). An advantage of NT over previous Microsoft OSs is that DOS and older Windows programs can be executed in virtual machines (VMs). Program failures are isolated and do not require a system restart. Windows NT provides a domain structure to control user and client access to server resources. It is administered through the User Manager for Domains application on the domain controller. Each NT domain requires a single primary domain controller which holds the Security Accounts Management Database (SAM) and may have one or more backup domain controllers, each of which contains a read-only copy of the SAM. When a user attempts to logon, the account information is sent to the SAM database. If the information for that account is stored in the database, the user will be authenticated to the domain and have access to the workstation and network resources. Based on the NT kernel, the more recent Windows 2000 has both desktop and server versions. Windows 2000 supports “plug-and-play” technology, permitting installation of new devices without the need to restart the system. Windows 2000 also includes a file encryption system for securing data on the hard disk. Windows 2000 enables objects, such as users and resources, to be placed into container objects called organizational units (OUs). Administrative authority over each OU can be delegated to a user or group. This feature allows more specific control than is possible with Windows NT 4.0. Windows 2000 Professional is not designed to be a full NOS. It does not provide a domain controller, DNS server, DHCP server, or render any of the services that can be deployed with Windows 2000 Server. The primary purpose of Windows 2000 Professional is to be part of a domain as a client-side operating system. The type of hardware that can be installed on the system is limited. Windows 2000 Professional can provide limited server capabilities for small networks and peer-to-peer networks. It can be a file server, a print server, an FTP server, and a web server, but will only support up to ten simultaneous connections. Windows 2000 Server adds to the features of Windows 2000 Professional many new server-specific functions. It can also operate as a file, print, web and application server. The Active Directory Services feature of Windows 2000 Server serves as the centralized point of management of users, groups, security services, and network resources. It includes the multipurpose capabilities required for workgroups and branch offices as well as for departmental deployments of file and print servers, application servers, web servers, and communication servers. Windows 2000 Server is intended for use in small-to-medium sized enterprise environments. It provides integrated connectivity with Novell NetWare, UNIX, and AppleTalk systems. It can also be configured as a communications server to provide dialup networking services for mobile users. Windows 2000 Advanced Server provides the additional hardware and software support needed for enterprise and extremely large networks. Windows .NET Server is built on the Windows 2000 Server kernel, but tailored to provide a secure and reliable system to run enterprise-level web and FTP sites in order to compete with the Linux and UNIX server operating systems. The Windows .NET Server provides XML Web Services to companies which run medium to high volume web traffic.
Content 6.1 Workstations and Servers 6.1.6 UNIX, Sun, HP, and LINUX Origins of UNIX
UNIX is the name of a group of operating systems that trace their origins back to 1969 at Bell Labs. Since its inception, UNIX was designed to support multiple users and multitasking. UNIX was also one of the first operating systems to include support for Internet networking protocols. The history of UNIX, which now spans over 30 years, is complicated because many companies and organizations have contributed to its development. UNIX was first written in assembly language, a primitive set of instructions that control the internal instructions of a computer. However, UNIX could only run on a specific type of computer. In 1971, Dennis Ritchie created the C language. In 1973, Ritchie along with fellow Bell Labs programmer Ken Thompson rewrote the UNIX system programs in C language. Because C is a higher-level language, UNIX could be moved or ported to another computer with far less programming effort. The decision to develop this