Troubleshooting ISDN BRI SPIDs tk801/tk379/technologies_tech_ note09186a0080093c44.shtml
Content 4.3 DDR Configuration 4.3.1 DDR operation Dial-on-demand routing (DDR) is triggered when traffic that matches a predefined set of criteria is queued to be sent out a DDR-enabled interface. The traffic that causes a DDR call to be placed is referred to as interesting traffic. Once the router has transmitted the interesting traffic, the call is terminated.The key to efficient DDR operation is in the definition of interesting traffic. Interesting traffic is defined with the dialer-list command. Dialer lists can allow all traffic from a specific protocol to bring up a DDR link, or they can query an access list to see what specific types of traffic should bring up the link. Dialer lists do not filter traffic on an interface. Even traffic that is not interesting will be forwarded if the connection to the destination is active. DDR is implemented in Cisco routers in the following steps:
  1. The router receives traffic, performs a routing table lookup to determine if there is a route to the destination, and identifies the outbound interface.
  2. If the outbound interface is configured for DDR, the router does a lookup to determine if the traffic is interesting.
  3. The router identifies the dialing information necessary to make the call using a dialer map to access the next-hop router.
  4. The router then checks to see if the dialer map is in use. If the interface is currently connected to the desired remote destination, the traffic is sent. If the interface is not currently connected to the remote destination, the router sends call-setup information through the BRI using the D channel.
  5. After the link is enabled, the router transmits both interesting and uninteresting traffic. Uninteresting traffic can include data and routing updates.
  6. The idle timer starts and runs as long as no interesting traffic is seen during the idle timeout period and disconnects the call based on the idler timer configuration.
The idle timer setting specifies the length of time the router should remain connected if no interesting traffic has been sent. Once a DDR connection is established, any traffic to that destination will be permitted. However, only interesting traffic resets the idle timer. Web Links DDR tk133/tech_protocol_family_ home.html
Content 4.3 DDR Configuration 4.3.2 Configuring legacy DDR Legacy DDR is a term used to define a very basic DDR configuration in which a single set of dialer parameters is applied to an interface. If multiple unique dialer configurations are needed on one interface, then dialer profiles should be used. To configure legacy DDR perform the following steps: Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Configuring Legacy DDR In this lab, the student will configure an ISDN router to make a Legacy dial-on-demand routing (DDR) call to another ISDN capable router. Web Links Configuring Legacy DDR Spokes iosswrel/ps1828/ products_configuration_guide_ chapter09186a0080087272.html
Content 4.3 DDR Configuration 4.3.3 Defining static routes for DDR To forward traffic, routers need to know what route to use for a given destination. When a dynamic routing protocol is used, the DDR interface will dial the remote site for every routing update or hello message if these packets are defined as interesting traffic. To prevent the frequent or constant activation of the DDR link necessary to support dynamic routing protocols, configure the necessary routes statically. To configure a static route for IP use the following command: Router(config)#ip route net-prefix mask {address | interface} [distance] [permanent] The Central router has a static route to network on the Home router. The Home router has two static routes defined for the two subnets on the Central LAN. If the network attached to the Home router is a stub network, then all non-local traffic should be sent to Central. A default route is a better choice for the Home router in this instance. Home(config)#ip route When configuring static routes, consider the following: Web Links Evaluating Backup Interfaces, Floating Static Routes, and Dialer Watch for DDR Backup tk801/tk133/technologies_tech_ note09186a008009457d.shtml
Content 4.3 DDR Configuration 4.3.4 Specifying interesting traffic for DDR DDR calls are triggered by interesting traffic. This traffic can be defined as any of the following: Use the dialer-list command to identify interesting traffic. The command syntax is as follows: Router(config)#dialer-list dialer-group-num protocol protocol-name {permit | deny | list access-list-number} The dialer-group-num is an integer between 1 and 10 that identifies the dialer list to the router. The command dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit will allow all IP traffic to trigger a call. Instead of permitting all IP traffic, a dialer list can point to an access list in order to specify exactly what types of traffic should bring up the link. The reference to access list 101 in dialer list 2 prevents FTP and Telnet traffic from activating the DDR link. Any other IP packet is considered interesting, and will therefore initiate the DDR link. Web Links Configuration Examples tk133/tech_configuration_ examples_list.html
Content 4.3 DDR Configuration 4.3.5 Configuring DDR dialer information There are several steps involved in configuring the DDR interface. PPP is configured on the dialer interface using the same commands that enable PPP on a serial interface. HDLC is the default encapsulation for an ISDN interface on a Cisco router, but most networks employ PPP for circuit-switched connections. Because of its robustness, interoperability, and additional features such as authentication, PPP is the data link protocol in use on the B channels of most routers. To configure PPP on the DDR interface use the following commands: Home(config)#username Central password cisco
Home(config)#interface bri0/0
Home(config-if)#encapsulation ppp
Home(config-if)#ppp authentication chap
Home(config-if)#ip address A dialer list specifying the interesting traffic for this DDR interface needs to be associated with the DDR interface. This is done using the dialer-group group-number