packet, the router fills in the GIADDR field of the packet with the IP address of the router for that segment. This address will then be the gateway address for the DHCP client, when it gets the IP address. The DHCP server receives the discover packet. The server uses the GIADDR field to index into the list of address pools, to find one which has the gateway address set to the value in GIADDR. This pool is then used to supply the client with its IP address. Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Configuring DHCP Relay In this lab, a router will be configured for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Lab Activity e-Lab Activity: Configuring DHCP Relay In this lab, the student will configure a router for DHCP, add the ability for workstations to remotely obtain DHCP addresses and dynamically assign addresses to the attached hosts. Web Links Configuring DHCP Relay, DHCP Server, and PAT doc/product/ ccess/acs_fix/750/ cfgguide/700cgdhc.htm
Content Summary An understanding of the following key points should have been achieved: