of the Router Y and will therefore flood the frame out its ports. Switch B also does not know which port Router Y is on. Switch B then floods the frame it received causing Router Y to receive multiple copies of the same frame. This is a cause of unnecessary processing in all devices.
Content 7.1 Redundant Topologies 7.1.6 Media access control database instability In a redundant switched network it is possible for switches to learn the wrong information. A switch can incorrectly learn that a MAC address is on one port, when it is actually on a different port. In this example the MAC address of Router Y is not in the MAC address table of either switch. Host X sends a frame directed to Router Y. Switches A and B learn the MAC address of Host X on port 0. The frame to Router Y is flooded on port 1 of both switches. Switches A and B see this information on port 1 and incorrectly learn the MAC address of Host X on port 1. When Router Y sends a frame to Host X, Switch A and Switch B will also receive the frame and will send it out port 1. This is unnecessary, but the switches have incorrectly learned that Host X is on port 1. In this example the unicast frame from Router Y to Host X will be caught in a loop. Web Links 802.1d Spanning-Tree Protocol http://www.zyxel.com/support/
Content 7.2 Spanning-Tree Protocol 7.2.1 Redundant topology and spanning tree Redundant networking topologies are designed to ensure that networks continue to function in the presence of single points of failure. Users have less chance of interruption to their work, because the network continues to function. Any interruptions that are caused by a failure should be as short as possible. Reliability is increased by redundancy. A network that is based on switches or bridges will introduce redundant links between those switches or bridges to overcome the failure of a single link. These connections introduce physical loops into the network. These bridging loops are created so if one link fails another can take over the function of forwarding traffic. Switches operate at Layer 2 of the OSI model and forwarding decisions are made at this layer. As a result of this process, switched networks must not have loops. Switches flood traffic out all ports when the traffic is sent to a destination that is not yet known. Broadcast and multicast traffic is forwarded out every port, except the port on which the traffic arrived. This traffic can be caught in a loop. In the Layer 2 header there is no Time To Live (TTL). If a frame is sent into a Layer 2 looped topology of switches, it can loop forever. This wastes bandwidth and makes the network unusable. At Layer 3 the TTL is decremented and the packet is discarded when the TTL reaches 0. This creates a dilemma. A physical topology that contains switching or bridging loops is necessary for reliability, yet a switched network cannot have loops. The solution is to allow physical loops, but create a loop free logical topology. For this logical topology, traffic destined for the server farm attached to Cat-5 from any user workstation attached to Cat-4 will travel through Cat-1 and Cat-2. This will happen even though there is a direct physical connection between Cat-5 and Cat-4. The loop free logical topology created is called a tree. This topology is a star or extended star logical topology, the spanning tree of the network. It is a spanning tree because all devices in the network are reachable or spanned. The algorithm used to create this loop free logical topology is the spanning-tree algorithm. This algorithm can take a relatively long time to converge. A new algorithm called the rapid spanning-tree algorithm is being introduced to reduce the time for a network to compute a loop free logical topology. Web Links Understanding Spanning-Tree Protocol http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/
Content 7.2 Spanning-Tree Protocol 7.2.2 Spanning-Tree Protocol Ethernet bridges and switches can implement the IEEE 802.1D Spanning-Tree Protocol and use the spanning-tree algorithm to construct a loop free shortest path network. Shortest path is based on cumulative link costs. Link costs are based on the speed of the link. The Spanning-Tree Protocol establishes a root node, called the root bridge. The Spanning-Tree Protocol constructs a topology that has one path for reaching every network node. The resulting tree originates from the root bridge. Redundant links that are not part of the shortest path tree are blocked. It is because certain paths are blocked that a loop free topology is possible. Data frames received on blocked links are dropped. The Spanning-Tree Protocol requires network devices to exchange messages to detect bridging loops. Links that will cause a loop are put into a blocking state. The message that a switch sends, allowing the formation of a loop free logical topology, is called a Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU). BPDUs continue to be received on blocked ports. This ensures that if an active path or device fails, a new spanning tree can be calculated. BPDUs contain enough information so that all switches can do the following: Interactive Media Activity Crossword Puzzle: Spanning-Tree States When the student has completed this activity, the student will be able to identify the function of spanning-tree states. Interactive Media Activity Point and Click: Spanning-Tree Protocol After completing this activity, the student will learn about the concept of Spanning-Tree Protocol. Web Links Understanding Spanning-Tree Protocol http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/ td/doc/product/ rtrmgmt/ sw_ntman/ cwsimain/cwsi2/ cwsiug2/vlan2/stpapp.htm
Content 7.2 Spanning-Tree Protocol 7.2.3 Spanning-tree operation When the network has stabilized, it has converged and there is one spanning tree per network. As a result, for every switched network the following elements exist: Root ports and designated ports are used for forwarding (F) data traffic. Non-designated ports discard data traffic. These ports are called blocking (B) or discarding ports. Web Links Understanding Spanning-Tree Protocol http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/
Content 7.2 Spanning-Tree Protocol 7.2.4 Selecting the root bridge The first decision that all switches in the network make, is to identify the root bridge. The position of the root bridge in a network will affect the traffic flow. When a switch is turned on, the spanning-tree