Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to verify the hardware connection and the logical address of the network layer. Figure is a table showing the various ICMP message types. This is a very basic testing mechanism for network connectivity. In Figure , the ping target responded successfully to all five datagrams sent. The exclamation points (!) indicate each successful echo. If one or more periods (.) instead of exclamations are received on a display, the application on the router timed out waiting for a given packet echo from the ping target. Command Purposes Router#ping [protocol] {host | address} Invokes a diagnostic tool for testing connectivity The ping command tests network connections by sending ICMP echo requests to a target host and times replies. When testing a connection, ping tracks the number of packets sent, the number of replies received, and the percentage of packets lost. It also tracks the amount of time required for the packets to reach the destination, and for replies to be received. This information allows verification of communication between a workstation and other hosts, and whether information was lost. The ping command can be invoked from both user EXEC mode and privileged EXEC mode. The ping command can be used to confirm basic network connectivity on AppleTalk, ISO Connectionless Network Service (CLNS), IP, Novell, Apollo, VINES, DECnet, or XNS networks. The use of an extended ping command directs the router to perform a more extensive range of test options. To use extended ping, type ping at the command line, then press the Enter key without entering an IP address. Prompts will appear each time the Enter key is pressed, allowing the specification of many more options than with standard ping. It is a good idea to use the ping command when the network is functioning properly to see how the command works under normal conditions and so that there is something to compare against when troubleshooting. Lab Activity e-Lab Activity: Layer 3 Troubleshooting Using ping In this lab, the students will use the ping command to send ICMP echo requests to an adjacent router. Web Links Using the Extended ping and Extended traceroute Commands tk826/ tk365/technologies_ tech_ note09186a0080093f22.shtml
Content 9.2 Network Testing 9.2.6 Layer 7 troubleshooting using Telnet The telnet utility is a virtual terminal protocol that is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite. It allows verification of the application layer software between source and destination stations. This is the most complete test mechanism available. The telnet utility is normally used to connect remote devices, to gather information, and to run programs. The Telnet application provides a virtual terminal for connection to routers running TCP/IP. For troubleshooting purposes, it is useful to verify that a connection can be made using Telnet. This proves that at least one TCP/IP application is able to connect end-to-end. A successful Telnet connection indicates that the upper-layer application and the services of lower layers are functioning properly. If an administrator can Telnet to one router but not to another router, verify lower layer connectivity. If connectivity has been verified, it is likely that the Telnet failure is caused by specific addressing, naming, or access permission problems. These problems can exist on the administrator's router or on the router that failed as a Telnet target. If the Telnet to a particular server fails from one host, try connecting from a router and several other devices. When trying to Telnet, if a login prompt is not achieved, check the following: Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Troubleshooting Using Ping and Telnet This lab is to gather information about routing updates and routing protocols. Interactive Media Activity Point and Click: Telnet After completing this activity, the student will be able to understand Telnet. Web Links telnet Command iosswrel/ps1835/ products_command_reference_ chapter09186a008008710e.html#998293
Content 9.3 Troubleshooting Router Issues Overview 9.3.1 Troubleshooting Layer 1 using show interfaces The Cisco IOS contains a rich set of commands for troubleshooting. Among the more widely used are the show commands. Every aspect of the router can be viewed with one or more of the show commands. The show command used to check the status and statistics of the interfaces is the show interfaces command. Variations of this command can be used to check the status of the different types of interfaces. To view the status of the FastEthernet interfaces, use show interfaces FastEthernet. The command may also be used to view the status of one particular interface. To view the status of Serial 0/0, use show interfaces serial0/0.The status of two important portions of the interfaces is shown with the show interfaces command. They are the physical (hardware) portion and logical (software) portion. These can be related to the Layer 1 and the Layer 2 functions. The hardware includes cables, connectors, and interfaces showing the condition of the physical connection between the devices. The software status shows the state of messages such as keepalives, control information, and user information that are passed between adjacent devices. This relates to the condition of a Layer 2 protocol passed between two connected router interfaces. These important elements of the show interfaces serial command output are displayed as the line and data-link protocol status. The first parameter refers to the hardware layer and essentially reflects whether the interface is receiving the Carrier Detect (CD) signal from the other end of the connection. If the line is down, a problem may exist with the cabling, equipment somewhere in the circuit may be powered off or malfunctioning, or one end may be administratively down. If the interface is administratively down it has been manually disabled in the configuration. The show interfaces serial command also provides information to help diagnose other Layer 1 issues that are not as easy to determine. An increasing number of carrier transitions counts on a serial link may indicate one or more of the following problems: If an increasing number of input errors appear in the show interfaces serial output, there are several possible sources of those errors. Some of these related to Layer 1 problems are: Another area to examine is number of interface resets. These are the result of too many missed keepalives. The following Layer 1 problems could be a cause of interface resets: If carrier transitions and interface resets are increasing or if input errors are high while interface resets are increasing, the problem is likely to be a