time according to the remote host. The remote host uses an ICMP timestamp reply message to respond to the request. The type field on an ICMP timestamp message can be either 13 (timestamp request) or 14 (timestamp reply). The code field value is always set to 0 because there are no additional parameters available. The ICMP timestamp request contains an originate timestamp, which is the time on the requesting host just before the timestamp request is sent. The receive timestamp is the time that the destination host receives the ICMP timestamp request. The transmit timestamp is filled in just before the ICMP timestamp reply is returned. Originate, receive and transmit timestamps are computed in numbers milliseconds elapsed since midnight Universal Time (UT). All ICMP timestamp reply messages contain the originate, receive and transmit timestamps. Using these three timestamps, the host can estimate transit time across the network by subtracting the originate time from the transit time. It is only an estimate however, as true transit time can vary widely based on traffic and congestion on the network. The host that originated the timestamp request can also estimate the local time on the remote computer. While ICMP timestamp messages provide a simple way to estimate time on a remote host and total network transit time, this is not the best way to obtain this information. Instead, more robust protocols such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) at the upper layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack perform clock synchronization in a more reliable manner. Web Links Clock Synchronization Algorithms for Network Measurements http://www.ieee-infocom.org/2002/ papers/329.pdf
Content 8.2 TCP/IP Suite Control Messages 8.2.4 Information requests and reply message formats The ICMP information requests and reply messages were originally intended to allow a host to determine its network number. Figure shows the format for an ICMP information request and reply message. Two type codes are available in this message. Type 15 signifies an information request message, and type 16 identifies an information reply message. This particular ICMP message type is considered obsolete. Other protocols such as BOOTP and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) are now used to allow hosts to obtain their network numbers.
Content 8.2 TCP/IP Suite Control Messages 8.2.5 Address mask requirements When a network administrator uses the process of subnetting to divide a major IP address into multiple subnets, a new subnet mask is created. This new subnet mask is crucial in identifying network, subnet, and host bits in an IP address. If a host does not know the subnet mask, it may send an address mask request to the local router. If the address of the router is known, this request may be sent directly to the router. Otherwise, the request will be broadcast. When the router receives the request, it will respond with an address mask reply. This address mask reply will identify the correct subnet mask. For example, assume that a host is located within a Class B network and has an IP address of This host does not know the subnet mask, thus it broadcasts an address mask request:
Source address: Destination address: Protocol: ICMP = 1 Type: Address Mask Request = AM1 Code: 0 Mask: This broadcast is received by, the local router. The router responds with the address mask reply: Source address: Destination address: Protocol: ICMP = 1 Type: Address Mask Reply = AM2 Code: 0 Mask: The frame format for the address mask request and reply is shown in Figure . Figure shows the descriptions for each field in the address mask request message. Note that the same frame format is used for both the address mask request and the reply. However, an ICMP type number of 17 is assigned to the request and 18 is assigned to the reply. Web Links IP Routing Tech Notes http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/ tk826/tk365/ tech_tech_notes_ list.html
Content 8.2 TCP/IP Suite Control Messages 8.2.6 Router discovery message When a host on the network boots, and the host has not been manually configured with a default gateway, it can learn of available routers through the process of router discovery. This process begins with the host sending a router solicitation message to all routers, using the multicast address as the destination address. Figure shows the ICMP router discovery message. The router discovery message may also be broadcast to include routers that may not be configured for multicasting. If a router discovery message is sent to a router that does not support the discovery process, the solicitation will go unanswered. When a router that supports the discovery process receives the router discovery message , a router advertisement is sent in return. The router advertisement frame format is shown in Figure and an explanation of each field is shown in Figure . Web Links ICMP Router Discovery Messages http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/ rfc/rfc1256.html
Content 8.2 TCP/IP Suite Control Messages 8.2.7 Router solicitation message A host generates an ICMP router solicitation message in response to a missing default gateway. This message is sent via multicast and it is the first step in the router discovery process. A local router will respond with a router advertisement identifying the default gateway for the local host. Figure identifies the frame format and Figures gives an explanation of each field. Web Links ICMP Router-Discovery Protocol (IDRP) http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/ iosswrel/ps1831/ products_configuration_guide_ chapter09186a00800d97f7.html#xtocid15
Content 8.2 TCP/IP Suite Control Messages 8.2.8 Congestion and flow control messages If multiple computers try to access the same destination at the same time, the destination computer can be overwhelmed with traffic. Congestion can also occur when traffic from a high speed LAN reaches a slower WAN connection. Dropped packets occur when there is too much congestion on a network. ICMP source-quench messages are used to reduce the amount of data lost. The source-quench message asks senders to reduce the rate at which they are transmitting packets. In most cases, congestion will subside after a short period of time, and the source will slowly increase the transmission rate as long as no other source-quench messages are received. Most Cisco routers do not send source-quench messages by default, because the source-quench message may itself add to the network congestion. A small office home office (SOHO) is a scenario where ICMP source-quench messages might be used effectively. One such SOHO could consist of four computers networked together using CAT-5 cable and Internet connection sharing (ICS) over a 56K modem. It is easy to see that the 10Mbps bandwidth of the SOHO LAN could quickly overwhelm the available 56K bandwidth of the WAN link, resulting in data loss and retransmissions. With ICMP messaging, the host acting as the gateway in the ICS can request that the other hosts reduce their transmission rates to a manageable level, thus preventing continued data loss. A network where congestion on the WAN link could cause communication problems is shown in Figure . Web Links BECN for Congestion Control in TCP/IP Networks: Study and Comparative Evaluation http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/lambadaris/ recent-