Conventions When the student has completed this activity, the student will be able to identify the different fields in an IOS image name. Web Links Loading and Maintaining System Images iosswrel/ps1835/products_configuration_guide_ chapter09186a00800c6c63.html#xtocid3
Content 5.2 Managing the Cisco File System 5.2.3 Managing configuration files using TFTP In a Cisco router or switch, the active configuration is in RAM and the default location for the startup configuration is NVRAM. In the event the configuration is lost, this startup configuration should be backed up. One of these backup copies of the configuration can be stored on a TFTP server. The copy running-config tftp command can be used to do this. The steps for this process are listed below: Loading the backup configuration file from a TFTP server can restore the router configuration. The steps below outline this process: Lab Activity Managing Configuration Files with TFTP In this lab, the students will backup a copy of a router configuration file and reload the backup configuration file from a TFTP server into RAM on a router. Web Links Loading and Maintaining System Images iosswrel/ps1835/products_configuration_guide_ chapter09186a00800c6c63.html#xtocid23
Content 5.2 Managing the Cisco File System 5.2.4 Managing configuration files using copy and paste Another way to create a backup copy of the configuration is to capture the output of the show running-config command. This can be done from the terminal session by copying the output, pasting to a text file, then saving the text file. This file will need some editing before it can be used to restore configuration to the router. Perform the following to capture the configuration using the text displayed on the HyperTerminal screen to a text file:
  1. Select Transfer
  2. Select Capture Text
  3. Specify the name for the text file to capture the configuration
  4. Select Start to start capturing text
  5. Display the configuration to the screen by entering show running-config
  6. Press the space bar when each "-More -" prompt appears
  7. When the complete configuration has been displayed, stop the capture by:
  8. Select Transfer
  9. Select Capture Text
  10. Select Stop
After the capture is complete, the configuration file needs to be edited to remove extra text. To create this in a form to be “pasted” back into the router, remove any unnecessary information from the captured configuration. Comments may also be added to explain the various parts of the configuration. A comment is added by beginning a line with an exclamation mark “!”. The configuration file can be edited from a text editor such as Notepad. To edit the file from Notepad click on File > Open. Find the captured file and select it. Click Open. The lines that need to be deleted contain: At the end of each of the interface sections add the no shutdown command. Clicking File > Save will save the clean version of the configuration. The backup configuration can be restored from a HyperTerminal session. Before the configuration is restored any remaining configuration should be removed from the router. This can be done by entering the command erase startup-config at the privileged EXEC router prompt and then restarting the router by entering the reload command. HyperTerminal can be used to restore a configuration. The clean backup of the configuration can be copied into the router. Web Links Operating and Maintaining Cisco Devices: Using Cisco Info Center ns5/ns7/ns18/networking_solutions_design_guide_ chapter09186a00800bcd02.html
Content 5.2 Managing the Cisco File System 5.2.5 Managing IOS images using TFTP Occasionally the router will need to have the IOS upgraded or restored. When a router first arrives, the IOS should be backed up. This IOS image can be stored in a central server with other IOS images. These images can be used to restore or upgrade the IOS on the routers and switches in the internetwork.This server should have a TFTP service running. The IOS backup can be initiated from the privileged EXEC mode with the copy flash tftp command. The router will prompt the user to enter the IP address of the TFTP server. When prompted for the filename of the IOS image on the server, the router may then prompt to erase flash. This often happens if there is not sufficient flash available for the new image. As the image is erased from flash, a series of “e’s” will appear to show the erase process. As each datagram of the IOS image file is downloaded, an “!” will be displayed. This IOS image is several megabytes and may take some time. The new flash image will be verified after it is downloaded. The router is now ready to be reloaded to use the new IOS image. Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Managing IOS Images with TFTP In this lab, the students will backup a copy of a router IOS from flash to a TFTP server. Web Links Loading and Maintaining System Images iosswrel/ps1835/products_configuration_guide_