interface, such as what network the interface services. The description is meant solely as a comment about the interface. Although the description appears in the configuration files that exist in router memory, a description does not affect the operation of the router. Descriptions are created by following a standard format that applies to each interface. The description may include the purpose and location of the interface, other devices or locations connected to the interface, and circuit identifiers. Descriptions allow support personnel to better understand the scope of problems related to an interface and allow for faster resolution of problems. Web Links description (interface) Command iosswrel/ps1835/products_command_reference_ chapter09186a008008000e.html#1017386
Content 3.2 Finishing the Configuration 3.2.3 Configuring interface description To configure an interface description, enter global configuration mode. From global configuration mode, enter interface configuration mode. Use the command description followed by the information. Procedure steps:
  1. Enter global configuration mode by entering the command configure terminal.
  2. Enter specific interface mode (for example interface Ethernet 0) interface ethernet 0.
  3. Enter the command description followed by the information that is to be displayed. For example, XYZ Network, Building 18.
  4. Exit interface mode back to privileged EXEC mode by using the command ctrl-Z.
  5. Save the configuration changes to NVRAM by using the command copy running-config startup-config.
Here are two examples of interface descriptions: interface Ethernet 0
description LAN Engineering, Bldg.2
interface serial 0
description ABC network 1, Circuit 1
Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Configuring Interface Descriptions In this lab the student will practice choosing a description for an interface and use interface configuration mode to enter that description. Web Links description (interface) Command iosswrel/ps1835/products_command_reference_ chapter09186a008008000e.html#1017386
Content 3.2 Finishing the Configuration 3.2.4 Login banners A login banner is a message that is displayed at login and is useful for conveying messages that affect all network users, such as notices of impending system shutdowns. Login banners can be seen by anyone. Therefore, careful attention should be used in the wording of a banner message. “Welcome” is an invitation for anyone to enter a router and is probably not an appropriate message. A login banner should be a warning not to attempt login unless authorized. A message such as “This is a secure system, authorized access only!” instructs unwanted visitors that any further intrusion is unwanted and illegal. Web Links banner login Global Configuration Command iosswrel/ps1835/products_command_reference_ chapter09186a00800ca73f.html#1017505
Content 3.2 Finishing the Configuration 3.2.5 Configuring message-of-the-day (MOTD) A message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner can be displayed on all connected terminals. Enter global configuration mode to configure a message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner. Use the banner motd command, followed by a space and a delimiting character, such as the pound sign (#). Add a message-of-the-day (MOTD) followed by a space and the delimiting character again. Follow these steps to create and display a message-of-the-day:
  1. Enter global configuration mode by using the command configure terminal.
  2. Enter the command banner motd # The message of the day goes here #.
  3. Save changes by issuing the command copy running-config startup-config.
Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Configuring Message-of-the-Day (MOTD) This lab is to enter a message-of-the-day (MOTD) on the router which will allow all users to view the message upon entering the router. Lab Activity e-Lab Activity: Housekeeping This lab is to implement basic configuration setting on a router. This includes tasks such as setting the router clock settings, interface descriptions, and the message-of-the-day. Web Links banner motd Global Configuration Command iosswrel/ps1835/products_command_reference_ chapter09186a00800ca73f.html#1017572
Content 3.2 Finishing the Configuration 3.2.6 Host name resolution Host name resolution is the process that a computer system uses to associate a host name with an IP address. In order to use host names to communicate with other IP devices, network devices such as routers must be able to associate the host names with IP addresses. A list of host names and their associated IP addresses is called a host table. A host table might include all devices in a network organization. Each unique IP address can have a host name associated with it. The Cisco IOS software maintains a cache of host name-to-address mappings for use by EXEC commands. This cache speeds up the process of converting names to addresses. Host names, unlike DNS names, are significant only on the router on which they are configured. The host table will allow the network administrator to type either the host name such as Auckland or the IP address to Telnet to a remote host. Web Links ip host Global Configuration Command iosswrel/ps1835/products_command_reference_ chapter09186a0080087387.html#1018661
Content 3.2 Finishing the Configuration 3.2.7 Configuring host tables To assign host names to addresses, first enter global configuration mode. Issue the command ip host followed by the name of the destination and all IP addresses where the device can be reached. This maps the host name to each of its interface IP addresses. To reach the host, use a telnet or ping command with the name of the router or an IP address that is associated with the router name. The procedure to configure the host table:
  1. Enter global configuration mode in the router.
  2. Enter the command ip host followed by the name of the router and all IP addresses associated with the interfaces on each router.
  3. Continue entering until all routers in the network are entered.
  4. Save the configuration to NVRAM.
Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Configuring Host Tables The goal of this lab is to create IP host tables associating router names with IP addresses. Lab Activity e-Lab Activity: Configuring Host Tables In this lab, IP host tables will be created that allow a router to use names to identify all of the attached interfaces on that router. Web Links ip host Global Configuration Command iosswrel/ps1835/products_command_reference_ chapter09186a0080087387.html#1018661
Content 3.2 Finishing the Configuration 3.2.8 Configuration backup and documentation The configuration of network devices determines how the the network will behave. Management of device configuration includes the following tasks: Configuration files should be stored as backup files in the event of a problem. Configuration files can be stored on a network server, on a TFTP server, or on a disk stored in a safe place. Documentation should be included with this offline information. Web Links Cisco - Capturing Text Output from Hyperterminal public/63/ capture_text_ hyperterminal.pdf
Content 3.2 Finishing the Configuration 3.2.9 Copying, editing, and pasting configurations A current