configuration for a router, unable to locate a configuration from another source. Web Links Router Setup and Startup NOTES/CS458/ chap11/tsld004.htm
Content 2.2 Starting a Router 2.2.4 Establishing a HyperTerminal session All Cisco routers include a TIA/EIA-232 asynchronous serial console port (RJ-45). Cables and adapters are needed to connect a console terminal to the console port. A console terminal is an ASCII terminal or PC running terminal emulation software such as HyperTerminal. To connect a PC running terminal emulation software to the console port, use the RJ-45 to RJ-45 rollover cable with the female RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter. The default parameters for the console port are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. The console port does not support hardware flow control. Take the following steps to connect a terminal to the console port on the router:
  1. Connect the terminal using the RJ-45 to RJ-45 rollover cable and an RJ-45 to DB-9 or RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter.
  2. Configure the terminal or PC terminal emulation software for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
Figure shows a list of operating systems and the terminal emulation software that may be used. Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Establishing a Console Session with HyperTerminal In this lab the students will connect a router and workstation using a console cable and configure HyperTerminal to establish a console session with the router. Web Links Setting up HyperTerminal adsl/hyperterminal-setup.shtml
Content 2.2 Starting a Router 2.2.5 Logging into the router To configure Cisco routers, the router user interface must be accessed with a terminal or by remote access. When accessing a router, a user must login to the router before any other commands are entered. For security purposes, the router has two levels of access to commands: The user EXEC mode prompt is displayed upon login to a router. Commands available at this user level are a subset of the commands available at the privileged EXEC level. For the most part, these commands allow a user to display information without changing router configuration settings. To access the full set of commands, privileged EXEC mode must be entered. At the ">" prompt, type enable. At the password: prompt, enter the password that has been set with the enable secret command. Two commands can be used to set a password used to access privileged EXEC mode: enable password and enable secret. If both commands are used, the enable secret command takes precedence. Once the login steps have been completed, the prompt changes to a "#" indicating the privileged EXEC mode has been entered. The global configuration mode can only be accessed from the privileged EXEC mode. The following are specific modes that can also be accessed from the global configuration mode: To return to the user EXEC mode from the privileged EXEC mode, the disable command or exit may be entered. To return to the privileged EXEC mode from the global configuration mode, type exit or Ctrl-Z. Ctrl-Z may also be used to return directly to the privileged EXEC mode from any sub-mode of global configuration. Web Links Setting up HyperTerminal adsl/hyperterminal-setup.shtml
Content 2.2 Starting a Router 2.2.6 Keyboard help in the router CLI Typing a question mark (?) at the user EXEC mode prompt or the privileged EXEC mode prompt displays a handy list of available commands. Notice the "--More--" at the bottom of the sample display. The screen displays many lines at one time. The "--More--" prompt at the bottom of the display indicates that multiple screens are available as output. Whenever a "--More--" prompt appears, the next available screen can be viewed by pressing the space bar. To display just the next line, press the Return or Enter key. Press any other key to return to the prompt. To access privileged EXEC mode, type enable or the abbreviation ena. This might cause the router to prompt the user for a password if one has been set. If a "?" (question mark) is typed at the privileged EXEC mode prompt, the screen displays a longer list of commands than is available at the user EXEC mode prompt. Screen output varies, depending on Cisco IOS software level and router configuration. If a user wants to set the router clock but does not know the necessary command, the help function can be used to check for the correct command. The following exercise illustrates one of the many uses of the help function. The task is to set the router clock. Assuming the command is not known, proceed using the following steps:
  1. Use ? to find the command for setting the clock. The help output shows that the clock command is required.
  2. Check the syntax for changing the time.
  3. Enter the current time by using hours, minutes, and seconds, as shown in Figure . The system indicates that additional information needs to be provided to complete the command.
  4. Press Ctrl-P (or the up arrow) to repeat the previous command entry automatically. Then add a space and a question mark (?) to reveal the additional arguments. Now the command entry can be completed.
  5. The caret symbol (^) and help response indicate an error. The placement of the caret symbol shows where the possible problem is located. To input the correct syntax, re-enter the command up to the point where the caret symbol is located and then enter a question mark (?).
  6. Enter the year, using the correct syntax, and press Return or Enter to execute the command.
Lab Activity e-Lab Activity: Keyboard help in the CLI This purpose of this lab is to learn the help system in the Cisco IOS. Lab Activity e-Lab Activity: IOS Auto-Completion This purpose of this lab is to learn use the router auto-completion feature (TAB key) and the history buffer. Web Links help Command iosswrel/ ps1835/ productscommand_ reference_ chapter09186a00800ca73c.html#1017835
Content 2.2 Starting a Router 2.2.7 Enhanced editing commands The user interface includes an enhanced editing mode that provides a set of editing key functions that allows the user to edit a command line as it is being typed. The key sequences indicated in Figure can be used to move the cursor on the command line for corrections or changes. Although enhanced editing mode is automatically enabled with the current software release, it can be disabled if it interferes with the interaction of written scripts. To disable enhanced editing mode, type terminal no editing at the privileged EXEC mode prompt. The editing