create ACLs, it is a good idea to add the implicit deny at the end of ACLs to reinforce the dynamic presence of the command line.
Content 11.1 Access Control List Fundamentals 11.1.3 Creating ACLs ACLs are created in the global configuration mode. There are many different types of ACLs including standard, extended, IPX, AppleTalk, and others. When configuring ACLs on a router, each ACL must be uniquely identified by assigning a number to it. This number identifies the type of access list created and must fall within the specific range of numbers that is valid for that type of list. After the proper command mode is entered and the list type number is decided upon, the user enters the access list statements using the keyword access-list, followed by the proper parameters. Creating the access list is the first half of using them on a router. The second half of the process is assigning them to the proper interface. ACLs are assigned to one or more interfaces and can filter inbound traffic or outbound traffic by using the access-group command. The access-group command is issued in the interface configuration mode. When assigning an ACL to an interface inbound or outbound placement should be specified. The filter direction can be set to check packets that are traveling into or out of an interface. When determining if the ACL is addressing inbound or outbound traffic, the network administrator needs to look at at the interfaces from inside the router. This is a very important concept. Traffic coming in from an interface is filtered by an inbound access list, traffic going out an interface is filtered by the outbound access list. After creating a numbered ACL, it must be assigned to an interface. To alter an ACL containing numbered ACL statements, all the statements in the numbered ACL must be deleted by using the command no access-list list-number. These basic rules should be followed when creating and applying access lists: Lab Activity e-Lab Activity: Creating ACLs In this lab, the students will explore the syntax for creating standard and extended access-lists. Interactive Media Activity Drag and Drop: Creating ACLs After completing this activity, the student will be able to create ACLs. Web Links ACL apjohns0_Ch06__ ACLs%5B1%5D.ppt
Content 11.1 Access Control List Fundamentals 11.1.4 The function of a wildcard mask A wildcard mask is a 32-bit quantity that is divided into four octets. A wildcard mask is paired with an IP address. The numbers one and zero in the mask are used to identify how to treat the corresponding IP address bits. The term wildcard masking is a nickname for the ACL mask-bit matching process and comes from of an analogy of a wildcard that matches any other card in the game of poker. Wildcard masks have no functional relationship with subnet masks. They are used for different purposes and follow different rules. Subnet masks start from the left side of an IP address and work towards the right to extend the network field by borrowing bits from the host field. Wildcard masks are designed to filter individual or groups of IP addresses permitting or denying access to resources based on the address. Trying to figure out how wildcard masks work by relating them to subnet masking will only confuse the entire matter. The only similarity between a wildcard mask and a subnet mask is that they are both thirty-two bits long and use ones and zeros for the mask.Another issue is that the ones and zeros mean something different in a wildcard mask as opposed to a subnet mask. In order to eliminate confusion, X’s will be substituted for the 1’s in the wildcard masks in the graphics. This mask would be written as A zero means let the value through to be checked, the X’s (1’s) mean block the value from being compared. In the wildcard mask process, the IP address in the access-list statement has the wildcard mask applied to it. This creates the match value, which is used to compare and see if a packet should be processed by this ACL statement, or sent to the next statement to be checked. The second part of the ACL process is that any IP address that is checked by a particular ACL statement will have the wildcard mask of that statement applied to it. The result of the IP address and the wildcard mask must equal the match value of the ACL. This process is illustrated in the animation. There are two special keywords that are used in ACLs, the any and host options. Simply put, the any option substitutes for the IP address and for the wildcard mask. This option will match any address that it is compared against. The host option substitutes for the mask. This mask requires that all bits of the ACL address and the packet address match. This option will match just one address. Web Links ACL apjohns0_Ch06__ ACLs%5B1%5D.ppt
Content 11.1 Access Control List Fundamentals 11.1.5 Verifying ACLs There are many show commands that will verify the content and placement of ACLs on the router.The show ip interface command displays IP interface information and indicates whether any ACLs are set. The show access-lists command displays the contents of all ACLs on the router. To see a specific list, add the ACL name or number as an option for this command. The show running-config command will also reveal the access lists on a router and the interface assignment information. These show commands will verify the list contents and placement. It is also a good practice to test the access lists with sample traffic to ensure that the access list logic is correct. Lab Activity e-Lab Activity: Verifying ACLs In this lab, the students will verify configured access-lists on the router. Web Links show ip interface EXEC Command iosswrel/ps1835/ products_command_reference_ chapter09186a0080087387.html#1020817
Content 11.2 Access Control Lists (ACLs) 11.2.1 Standard ACLs Standard ACLs check the source address of IP packets that are routed. The comparison will result in either permit or