Content Overview Routers use the Internet Protocol (IP) address information in an IP packet header to determine which interface the packet should be switched to in order to move closer its destination. Because IP does not provide any services to help insure that the packet actually reaches the destination, it is described as an unreliable, connectionless protocol, using best-effort delivery. If packets are dropped in route, arrive in the wrong order, or are transmitted faster than the receiver can accept them, IP alone cannot correct the problem. To address these problems, IP relies upon Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This module describes TCP and its functions and introduces UDP, another important Layer 4 protocol.Each layer within the OSI networking model has various functions. These functions are independent of the other layers. Each layer expects to receive services from the layer beneath it, and each layer provides certain services to the layer above it. The application, presentation, and session layers of the OSI model, which are all considered to be part of the application layer in the TCP/IP model, access the services of the transport layer through logical entities called ports. This module will introduce the concept of ports and will explain the critical importance of ports and port numbers in data networking. Students completing this module should be able to:
Content 10.1 TCP Operation 10.1.1 TCP operation IP addresses allow for the routing of packets between networks. However, IP makes no guarantees about delivery. The transport layer is responsible for the reliable transport of and regulation of data flow from source to destination. This is accomplished using sliding windows and sequencing numbers along with a synchronization process that ensures each host is ready and willing to communicate. To understand reliability and flow control, think of a student who studies a foreign language for one year. Now imagine the student visits a country where the language is used. In conversation, the student must ask people to repeat their words (for reliability) and to speak slowly, so the student can understand the words (flow control). The transport layer, Layer 4 of the OSI model, provides these services to Layer 5 by way of TCP.
Content 10.1 TCP Operation 10.1.2 Synchronization or 3-way handshake TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. Prior to data transmission, the two communicating hosts go through a synchronization process to establish a virtual connection. This synchronization process insures that both sides are ready for data transmission and allows the devices to determine the initial sequence numbers. This process is known as a three-way handshake. This is a three-step process that establishes the virtual connection between the two devices. It is important to understand that sequence numbers are a part of initiating communication between the two devices. They act as reference starting numbers between the two devices. The sequence numbers give each host a way to ACK the SYN so that the receiver knows the sender is responding to the proper connection request. Interactive Media Activity Drag and Drop: TCP Synchronization After completing this activity, the student will be able to understand TCP synchronization. Web Links 3-Way Handshake Course/CS6345/ Notes/chpt-6/node8.html
Content 10.1 TCP Operation 10.1.3 Denial of service attacks Denial of service (DoS) attacks are designed to deny services to legitimate hosts attempting to establish connections. DoS attacks are a common method that hackers utilize to halt system response. One type of DoS is known as SYN flooding. SYN flooding exploits the normal three-way handshake and causes targeted devices to ACK to source addresses that will not complete the handshake.The three-way handshake begins when the initiating host sends a synchronization (SYN) packet. The SYN packet would include the source IP address and the destination IP address. This source and destination address information is used by the recipient to send the SYN/ACK packet back to the initiating device. In a DoS attack, the hacker initiates a synchronization but spoofs the source IP address. Spoofing is a term used when the receiving device replies to a non-existent, unreachable IP address and then is placed in a wait-state while waiting to receive the final ACK from the initiator. The receiving device replies to a non-existent, unreachable IP address and then is placed in a wait state while waiting to receive the final ACK from the initiator. The waiting request is placed in a connection queue or a holding area in memory. This waiting state requires the attacked device to commit system resources, such as memory, to the waiting process until the connection timer times out. Hackers will flood the attacked host with these false SYN requests utilizing all of its connection resources to respond and wait for false connections, preventing it from responding to legitimate connection requests. To defend against these attacks, system administrators may decrease the connection timeout period and increase the connection queue size. Software also exists that can detect these types of attacks and initiate defensive measures. Web Links Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Resources
Content 10.1 TCP Operation 10.1.4 Windowing and window size The amount of data that needs to be transmitted is often too large to be sent in a single data segment. In this case, the data must be broken into smaller pieces to allow for proper data transmission. TCP is responsible for breaking data into segments. This is similar to feeding a child. Since most small children cannot eat extremely large bites the person feeding a child will often cut their food into smaller pieces that the child's mouth can accommodate. Additionally, receiving machines may not be able to receive data as quickly as the source can send data, perhaps because the receiving device is busy with other tasks or perhaps the sender is simply a more robust device.Once the data is segmented, it must be transmitted to the destination device. One of the services provided by TCP is flow control, which regulates how much data is sent during a given transmission period. The process of flow control is known as windowing. Window size determines the amount of data that can be transmitted at one time before receiving an acknowledgment from the destination. After a host transmits the window-sized number of bytes, the host must receive an acknowledgment that the data has been received before it can send any more data. For example, with a window size of 1, each individual segment must