it would require modifying the software. Any failure of an intermediate computer or the application of the computer would cause a break in the chain of the messages that are passed. The Internet uses the principle of network layer interconnection. Using the OSI model as an example, the goal is to build the functionality of the network in independent modules. This allows a diversity of LAN technologies at Layers 1 and 2 and a diversity of applications functioning at Layers 5, 6, and 7. The OSI model provides a mechanism where the details of the lower and the upper layers are separated. This allows intermediate networking devices to “relay” traffic without having to bother with the details of the LAN. This leads to the concept of internetworking, or building networks of networks. A network of networks is called an internet, indicated with the lowercase “i”. When referring to the networks that developed from the DoD on which the Worldwide Web (www) runs, the uppercase “I” is used and is called the Internet. Internetworking must be scalable with regard to the number of networks and computers attached. Internetworking must be able to handle the transport of data across vast distances. It must be flexible to account for constant technological innovations. It must be able to adjust to dynamic conditions on the network. And internetworks must be cost-effective. Internetworks must be designed to permit anytime, anywhere, data communications to anyone. Figure summarizes the connection of one physical network to another through a special purpose computer called a router. These networks are described as directly connected to the router. The router is needed to handle any path decisions required for the two networks to communicate. Many routers are needed to handle large volumes of network traffic. Figure extends the idea to three physical networks connected by two routers. Routers make complex decisions to allow all the users on all the networks to communicate with each other. Not all networks are directly connected to one another. The router must have some method to handle this situation. One option is for a router to keep a list of all computers and all the paths to them. The router would then decide how to forward data packets based on this reference table. The forwarding is based on the IP address of the destination computer. This option would become difficult as the number of users grows. Scalability is introduced when the router keeps a list of all networks, but leaves the local delivery details to the local physical networks. In this situation, the routers pass messages to other routers. Each router shares information about which networks it is connected to. This builds the routing table. Figure shows the transparency that users require. Yet, the physical and logical structures inside the Internet cloud can be extremely complex as displayed in Figure . The Internet has grown rapidly to allow more and more users. The fact that the Internet has grown so large with more than 90,000 core routes and 300,000,000 end users is proof of the soundness of the Internet architecture. Two computers, anywhere in the world, following certain hardware, software, and protocol specifications, can communicate reliably. Standardization of practices and procedures for moving data across networks has made the Internet possible. Web Links Internet: The Big Picture internet_architecture.html
Content 9.2 Internet Addresses 9.2.1 IP addressing For any two systems to communicate, they must be able to identify and locate each other. While these addresses in Figure are not actual network addresses, they represent and show the concept of address grouping. This uses the A or B to identify the network and the number sequence to identify the individual host. A computer may be connected to more than one network. In this situation, the system must be given more than one address. Each address will identify the connection of the computer to a different network. A device is not said to have an address, but that each of the connection points, or interfaces, on that device has an address to a network. This will allow other computers to locate the device on that particular network. The combination of letter (network address) and the number (host address) create a unique address for each device on the network. Each computer in a TCP/IP network must be given a unique identifier, or IP address. This address, operating at Layer 3, allows one computer to locate another computer on a network. All computers also have a unique physical address, known as a MAC address. These are assigned by the manufacturer of the network interface card. MAC addresses operate at Layer 2 of the OSI model. An IP address is a 32-bit sequence of 1s and 0s. Figure shows a sample 32-bit number. To make the IP address easier to use, the address is usually written as four decimal numbers separated by periods. For example, an IP address of one computer is Another computer might have the address This way of writing the address is called the dotted decimal format. In this notation, each IP address is written as four parts separated by periods, or dots. Each part of the address is called an octet because it is made up of eight binary digits. For example, the IP address would be 11000000.10101000.00000001.00001000 in binary notation. The dotted decimal notation is an easier method to understand than the binary ones and zeros method. This dotted decimal notation also prevents a large number of transposition errors that would result if only the binary numbers were used. Using dotted decimal allows number patterns to be more easily understood. Both the binary and decimal numbers in Figure represent the same values, but it is easier to see in dotted decimal notation. This is one of the common problems found in working directly with binary number. The long strings of repeated ones and zeros make transposition and omission errors more likely. It is easy to see the relationship between the numbers and, where 11000000.10101000.00000001.00001000 and 11000000.10101000.00000001.00001001 are not as easy to recognize. Looking at the binary, it is almost impossible to see that they are consecutive numbers. Web Links IP Addressing Fundamentals tutorial.html
Content 9.2 Internet Addresses 9.2.2 Decimal and binary conversion There are many ways to solve a problem. There are also several ways to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers. One method is presented here, however it is not the only method. The student may find other methods easier. It is a matter of personal preference. When converting a decimal number to binary, the biggest power of two that will fit into the decimal number must be determined. If this process is designed to be working with computers, the most logical place to start is with the largest values that will fit into a byte or two bytes. As mentioned earlier, the most common grouping of bits is eight, which make up one byte. However, sometimes the largest value that can be held in one byte is not large enough for the values needed. To accommodate this, bytes are combined. Instead of having two eight-bit numbers, one 16-bit number is created. Instead of three eight-bit numbers, one 24-bit number is created. The same rules apply as they did for eight-bit numbers. Multiply the previous position value by two to get the present column value. Since working with computers often is referenced by bytes it is easiest to start with byte boundaries and calculate from there. Start by calculating a couple of examples, the first being 6,783. Since this number is greater than 255, the largest value possible in a single byte, two bytes will be used. Start calculating from 215. The binary equivalent of 6,783 is 00011010 01111111. The second example is 104. Since this number is less than 255, it can be represented by one byte. The binary equivalent of 104 is 01101000. This method works for any decimal number. Consider the decimal