SPARCstation 2 with a standard built-in Ethernet
card. As indicated by the results shown, an IP workstation can
be effectively shut down by broadcasts flooding the network.
Although extreme, broadcast peaks of thousands of broadcasts
per second have been observed during broadcast storms. Testing
in a controlled environment with a range of broadcasts and
multicasts on the network shows measurable system degradation
with as few as 100 broadcasts or multicasts per second. Most
often, the host does not benefit from processing the broadcast,
as it is not the destination being sought. The host does not
care about the service that is being advertised, or it already
knows about the service. High levels of broadcast radiation can
noticeably degrade host performance. The three sources of
broadcasts and multicasts in IP networks are workstations,
routers, and multicast applications. Workstations broadcast an
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request every time they need
to locate a MAC address that is not in the ARP table. Although
the numbers in Figure might appear low, they represent an
average, well-designed IP network. When broadcast and multicast
traffic peak due to storm behavior, peak CPU loss can be orders
of magnitude greater than average. Broadcast storms can be
caused by a device requesting information from a network that
has grown too large. So many responses are sent to the original
request that the device cannot process them, or the first
request triggers similar requests from other devices that
effectively block normal traffic flow on the network. As an
example, the command telnet translates into
an IP address through a Domain Name System (DNS) search. To
locate the corresponding MAC address an ARP request is
broadcast. Generally, IP workstations cache 10 to 100 addresses
in their ARP tables for about two hours. The ARP rate for a
typical workstation might be about 50 addresses every two hours
or 0.007 ARPs per second. Thus, 2000 IP end stations produce
about 14 ARPs per second. The routing protocols that are
configured on a network can increase broadcast traffic
significantly. Some administrators configure all workstations
to run Routing Information Protocol (RIP) as a redundancy and
reachability policy. Every 30 seconds, RIPv1 uses broadcasts to
retransmit the entire RIP routing table to other RIP routers.
If 2000 workstations were configured to run RIP and, on
average, 50 packets were required to transmit the routing
table, the workstations would generate 3333 broadcasts per
second. Most network administrators only configure a small
number of routers, usually five to ten, to run RIP. For a
routing table that has a size of 50 packets, 10 RIP routers
would generate about 16 broadcasts per second. IP multicast
applications can adversely affect the performance of large,
scaled, switched networks. Although multicasting is an
efficient way to send a stream of multimedia data to many users
on a shared-media hub, it affects every user on a flat switched
network. A particular packet video application can generate a
seven megabyte (MB) stream of multicast data that, in a
switched network, would be sent to every segment, resulting in
severe congestion.
Content 8.2 Collision
Domains and Broadcast Domains 8.2.5 Broadcast
domains A broadcast domain is a grouping of collision
domains that are connected by Layer 2 devices. Breaking up a
LAN into multiple collision domains increases the opportunity
for each host in the network to gain access to the media. This
effectively reduces the chance of collisions and increases
available bandwidth for every host. But broadcasts are
forwarded by Layer 2 devices and if excessive, can reduce the
efficiency of the entire LAN. Broadcasts have to be controlled
at Layer 3, as Layer 2 and Layer 1 devices have no way of
controlling them. The total size of a broadcast domain can be
identified by looking at all of the collision domains that the
same broadcast frame is processed by. In other words, all the
nodes that are a part of that network segment bounded by a
layer three device. Broadcast domains are controlled at Layer 3
because routers do not forward broadcasts. Routers actually
work at Layers 1, 2, and 3. They, like all Layer 1 devices,
have a physical connection to, and transmit data onto, the
media. They have a Layer 2 encapsulation on all interfaces and
perform just like any other Layer 2 device. It is Layer 3 that
allows the router to segment broadcast domains. In order for a
packet to be forwarded through a router it must have already
been processed by a Layer 2 device and the frame information
stripped off. Layer 3 forwarding is based on the destination IP
address and not the MAC address. For a packet to be forwarded
it must contain an IP address that is outside of the range of
addresses assigned to the LAN and the router must have a
destination to send the specific packet to in its routing
Web Links How LAN Switches Work lan-switch3.htm
8.2 Collision Domains and Broadcast Domains
8.2.6 Introduction to data flow Data flow in the
context of collision and broadcast domains focuses on how data
frames propagate through a network. It refers to the movement
of data through Layer 1, 2 and 3 devices and how data must be
encapsulated to effectively make that journey. Remember that
data is encapsulated at the network layer with an IP source and
destination address, and at the data-link layer with a MAC
source and destination address. A good rule to follow is that a
Layer 1 device always forwards the frame, while a Layer 2
device wants to forward the frame. In other words, a Layer 2
device will forward the frame unless something prevents it from
doing so. A Layer 3 device will not forward the frame unless it
has to. Using this rule will help identify how data flows
through a network. Layer 1 devices do no filtering, so
everything that is received is passed on to the next segment.
The frame is simply regenerated and retimed and thus returned
to its original transmission quality. Any segments connected by
Layer 1 devices are part of the same domain, both collision and
broadcast. Layer 2 devices filter data frames based on the
destination MAC address. A frame is forwarded if it is going to
an unknown destination outside the collision domain. The frame
will also be forwarded if it is a broadcast, multicast, or a
unicast going outside of the local collision domain. The only
time that a frame is not forwarded is when the Layer 2 device
finds that the sending host and the receiving host are in the
same collision domain. A Layer 2 device, such as a bridge,
creates multiple collision domains but maintains only one
broadcast domain. Layer 3 devices filter data packets based on
IP destination address. The only way that a packet will be
forwarded is if its destination IP address is outside of the
broadcast domain and the router has an identified location to
send the packet. A Layer 3 device creates multiple collision
and broadcast domains. Data flow through a routed IP based
network, involves data moving across traffic management devices
at Layers 1, 2, and 3 of the OSI model. Layer 1 is used for
transmission across the physical media, Layer 2 for collision
domain management, and Layer 3 for broadcast domain management.
Content 8.2 Collision Domains and Broadcast
Domains 8.2.7 What is a network segment? As
with many terms and acronyms, segment has multiple meanings.
The dictionary definition of the term is as follows: - A
separate piece of something
- One of the parts into
which an entity, or quantity is divided or marked off by or as
if by natural boundaries
In the context of data
communication, the following definitions are used:
- Section of a network that is bounded by bridges, routers,
or switches.
- In a LAN using a bus topology, a segment
is a continuous electrical circuit that is often connected to
other such segments with repeaters.
- Term used in the
TCP specification to describe a single transport layer unit of