optical fiber, or share the same airspace, they
all share the same media environment. Extended
shared media environment – Is a special type of shared
media environment in which networking devices can extend the
environment so that it can accommodate multiple access or
longer cable distances. Point-to-point network
environment – Is widely used in dialup network connections
and is the most familiar to the home user. It is a shared
networking environment in which one device is connected to
only one other device, such as connecting a computer to an
Internet service provider by modem and a phone line.
It is important to be able to identify a shared media
environment, because collisions only occur in a shared
environment. A highway system is an example of a shared
environment in which collisions can occur because multiple
vehicles are using the same roads. As more vehicles enter the
system, collisions become more likely. A shared data network is
much like a highway. Rules exist to determine who has access to
the network medium, but sometimes the rules simply cannot
handle the traffic load and collisions occur. Web Links
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) http://www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/gorry/course/
lan-pages/ csma-cd.html
Content 8.2 Collision
Domains and Broadcast Domains 8.2.2 Collision
domains Collision domains are the connected physical
network segments where collisions can occur. Collisions cause
the network to be inefficient. Every time a collision happens
on a network, all transmission stops for a period of time. The
length of this period of time without transmissions varies and
is determined by a backoff algorithm for each network device.
The types of devices that interconnect the media segments
define collision domains. These devices have been classified as
OSI Layer 1, 2 or 3 devices. Layer 1 devices do not break up
collision domains, Layer 2 and Layer 3 devices do break up
collision domains. Breaking up, or increasing the number of
collision domains with Layer 2 and 3 devices is also known as
segmentation. Layer 1 devices, such as repeaters and hubs,
serve the primary function of extending the Ethernet cable
segments. By extending the network more hosts can be added.
However, every host that is added increases the amount of
potential traffic on the network. Since Layer 1 devices pass on
everything that is sent on the media, the more traffic that is
transmitted within a collision domain, the greater the chances
of collisions. The final result is diminished network
performance, which will be even more pronounced if all the
computers on that network are demanding large amounts of
bandwidth. Simply put, Layer 1 devices extend collision
domains, but the length of a LAN can also be overextended and
cause other collision issues. The four repeater rule in
Ethernet states that no more than four repeaters or repeating
hubs can be between any two computers on the network. To assure
that a repeated 10BASE-T network will function properly, the
round-trip delay calculation must be within certain limits
otherwise all the workstations will not be able to hear all the
collisions on the network. Repeater latency, propagation delay,
and NIC latency all contribute to the four repeater rule.
Exceeding the four repeater rule can lead to violating the
maximum delay limit. When this delay limit is exceeded, the
number of late collisions dramatically increases. A late
collision is when a collision happens after the first 64 bytes
of the frame are transmitted. The chipsets in NICs are not
required to retransmit automatically when a late collision
occurs. These late collision frames add delay that is referred
to as consumption delay. As consumption delay and latency
increase, network performance decreases. The 5-4-3-2-1 rule
requires that the following guidelines should not be exceeded:
- Five segments of network media
- Four
repeaters or hubs
- Three host segments of the network
- Two link sections (no hosts)
- One large
collision domain
The 5-4-3-2-1 rule also provides
guidelines to keep round-trip delay time in a shared network
within acceptable limits. Web Links Collision Domain
http://www.transition-french.com/learning/ whitepapers/
downloads/ colldom_wp.pdf
Content 8.2 Collision
Domains and Broadcast Domains 8.2.3
Segmentation The history of how Ethernet handles collisions
and collision domains dates back to research at the University
of Hawaii in 1970. In its attempts to develop a wireless
communication system for the islands of Hawaii, university
researchers developed a protocol called Aloha. The Ethernet
protocol is actually based on the Aloha protocol. One important
skill for a networking professional is the ability to recognize
collision domains. Connecting several computers to a single
shared-access medium that has no other networking devices
attached creates a collision domain. This situation limits the
number of computers that can use the medium, also called a
segment. Layer 1 devices extend but do not control collision
domains. Layer 2 devices segment or divide collision domains.
Controlling frame propagation using the MAC address assigned to
every Ethernet device performs this function. Layer 2 devices,
bridges, and switches, keep track of the MAC addresses and
which segment they are on. By doing this these devices can
control the flow of traffic at the Layer 2 level. This function
makes networks more efficient by allowing data to be
transmitted on different segments of the LAN at the same time
without the frames colliding. By using bridges and switches,
the collision domain is effectively broken up into smaller
parts, each becoming its own collision domain. These smaller
collision domains will have fewer hosts and less traffic than
the original domain. The fewer hosts that exist in a collision
domain, the more likely the media will be available. As long as
the traffic between bridged segments is not too heavy a bridged
network works well. Otherwise, the Layer 2 device can actually
slow down communication and become a bottleneck itself. Layer 3
devices, like Layer 2 devices, do not forward collisions.
Because of this, the use of Layer 3 devices in a network has
the effect of breaking up collision domains into smaller
domains. Layer 3 devices perform more functions than just
breaking up a collision domain. Layer 3 devices and their
functions will be covered in more depth in the section on
broadcast domains. Interactive Media Activity Fill in
the blank: Segmentation After completing this activity, the
student will learn about segmentation of a network. Web
Links Basics of Network SEgmentation: Switching and
Bridging http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/ 2001/03/
Content 8.2 Collision
Domains and Broadcast Domains 8.2.4 Layer 2
broadcasts To communicate with all collision domains,
protocols use broadcast and multicast frames at Layer 2 of the
OSI model. When a node needs to communicate with all hosts on
the network, it sends a broadcast frame with a destination MAC
address 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF. This is an address to which the network
interface card (NIC) of every host must respond. Layer 2
devices must flood all broadcast and multicast traffic. The
accumulation of broadcast and multicast traffic from each
device in the network is referred to as broadcast radiation. In
some cases, the circulation of broadcast radiation can saturate
the network so that there is no bandwidth left for application
data. In this case, new network connections cannot be
established, and existing connections may be dropped, a
situation known as a broadcast storm. The probability of
broadcast storms increases as the switched network grows.
Because the NIC must interrupt the CPU to process each
broadcast or multicast group it belongs to, broadcast radiation
affects the performance of hosts in the network. Figure shows
the results of tests that Cisco conducted on the effect of
broadcast radiation on the CPU performance of a Sun