the LAN 5.1.9 Bridges There
are times when it is necessary to break up a large LAN into
smaller, more easily managed segments. This decreases the
amount of traffic on a single LAN and can extend the
geographical area past what a single LAN can support. The
devices that are used to connect network segments together
include bridges, switches, routers, and gateways. Switches and
bridges operate at the Data Link layer of the OSI model. The
function of the bridge is to make intelligent decisions about
whether or not to pass signals on to the next segment of a
network. When a bridge receives a frame on the network, the
destination MAC address is looked up in the bridge table to
determine whether to filter, flood, or copy the frame onto
another segment. This decision process occurs as follows:
- If the destination device is on the same segment as the
frame, the bridge blocks the frame from going on to other
segments. This process is known as filtering.
- If the
destination device is on a different segment, the bridge
forwards the frame to the appropriate segment.
- If the
destination address is unknown to the bridge, the bridge
forwards the frame to all segments except the one on which it
was received. This process is known as flooding.
placed strategically, a bridge can greatly improve network
performance. Web Links Bridge sDefinition/0,,sid14_
Content 5.1 Cabling the
LAN 5.1.10 Switches A switch is sometimes
described as a multiport bridge. While a typical bridge may
have just two ports linking two network segments, the switch
can have multiple ports depending on how many network segments
are to be linked. Like bridges, switches learn certain
information about the data packets that are received from
various computers on the network. Switches use this information
to build forwarding tables to determine the destination of
data being sent by one computer to another computer on the
network. Although there are some similarities between the two,
a switch is a more sophisticated device than a bridge. A bridge
determines whether the frame should be forwarded to the other
network segment based on the destination MAC address. A switch
has many ports with many network segments connected to them. A
switch chooses the port to which the destination device or
workstation is connected. Ethernet switches are becoming
popular connectivity solutions because, like bridges, switches
improve network performance by improving speed and bandwidth.
Switching is a technology that alleviates congestion in
Ethernet LANs by reducing the traffic and increasing the
bandwidth. Switches can easily replace hubs because switches
work with existing cable infrastructures. This improves
performance with a minimum of intrusion into an existing
network. In data communications today, all switching equipment
performs two basic operations. The first operation is called
switching data frames. Switching data frames is the process by
which a frame is received on an input medium and then
transmitted to an output medium. The second is the maintenance
of switching operations where switches build and maintain
switching tables and search for loops. Switches operate at much
higher speeds than bridges and can support new functionality,
such as virtual LANs. An Ethernet switch has many benefits. One
benefit is that an Ethernet switch allows many users to
communicate in parallel through the use of virtual circuits and
dedicated network segments in a virtually collision-free
environment. This maximizes the bandwidth available on the
shared medium. Another benefit is that moving to a switched LAN
environment is very cost effective because existing hardware
and cabling can be reused. Lab Activity Lab Exercise:
Purchasing LAN Switches This lab is to introduce the variety
and prices of network components in the market. Web
Links Switch
sDefinition/0,,sid7_ gci213079,00.html
5.1 Cabling the LAN 5.1.11
Host connectivity The function of a NIC is to connect a
host device to the network medium. A NIC is a printed circuit
board that fits into the expansion slot on the motherboard or
peripheral device of a computer. The NIC is also referred to as
a network adapter. On laptop or notebook computers a NIC is the
size of a credit card. NICs are considered Layer 2 devices
because each NIC carries a unique code called a MAC address.
This address is used to control data communication for the host
on the network. More will be learned about the MAC address
later. As the name implies, the network interface card controls
host access to the medium. In some cases the type of connector
on the NIC does not match the type of media that needs to be
connected to it. A good example is a Cisco 2500 router. On the
router an AUI connector is seen. That AUI connector needs to
connect to a UTP Cat 5 Ethernet cable. To do this a
transmitter/receiver, also known as a transceiver, is used. A
transceiver converts one type of signal or connector to
another. For example, a transceiver can connect a 15-pin AUI
interface to an RJ-45 jack. It is considered a Layer 1 device
because it only works with bits, and not with any address
information or higher-level protocols. In diagrams, NICs have
no standardized symbol. It is implied that, when networking
devices are attached to network media, there is a NIC or
NIC-like device present. Wherever a dot is seen on a topology
map, it represents either a NIC interface or port, which acts
like a NIC. Web Links Network Interface Card
sDefinition/0,,sid20 _gci212660,00.html
5.1 Cabling the LAN 5.1.12
Peer-to-peer By using LAN and WAN technologies, many
computers are interconnected to provide services to their
users. To accomplish this, networked computers take on
different roles or functions in relation to each other. Some
types of applications require computers to function as equal
partners. Other types of applications distribute their work so
that one computer functions to serve a number of others in an
unequal relationship. In either case, two computers typically
communicate with each other by using request/response
protocols. One computer issues a request for a service, and a
second computer receives and responds to that request. The
requestor takes on the role of a client, and the responder
takes on the role of a server. In a peer-to-peer network,
networked computers act as equal partners, or peers. As peers,
each computer can take on the client function or the server
function. At one time, computer A may make a request for a file
from computer B, which responds by serving the file to computer
A. Computer A functions as client, while B functions as the
server. At a later time, computers A and B can reverse roles.
In a peer-to-peer network, individual users control their own
resources. The users may decide to share certain files with
other users. The users may also require passwords before
allowing others to access their resources. Since individual
users make these decisions, there is no central point of
control or administration in the network. In addition,
individual users must back up their own systems to be able to
recover from data loss in case of failures. When a computer
acts as a server, the user of that machine may experience
reduced performance as the machine serves the requests made by
other systems. Peer-to-peer networks are relatively easy to
install and operate. No additional equipment is necessary
beyond a suitable operating system installed on each computer.
Since users control their own resources, no dedicated
administrators are needed. As networks grow, peer-to-peer
relationships become increasingly difficult to coordinate. A
peer-to-peer network works well with 10 or fewer computers.
Since peer-to-peer networks do not scale well, their efficiency
decreases rapidly as the number of computers on the network