Exercise: Fluke 620 Cable Tester – FaultsIn this lab, the student will learn the Cable Test-Pass / Fail features of the Fluke 620 LAN CableMeter or an equivalent tester. Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Fluke 620 Cable Tester – LengthIn this lab, the student will learn the Cable Length feature of the Fluke 620 LAN CableMeter or its equivalent. Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Fluke LinkRunner – LAN TestsIn this lab, the student will become familiar with the capabilities of the Fluke LinkRunner and determine whether a cable drop is active. Lab Activity Lab Exercise: Fluke LinkRunner – Cable and NIC TestsIn this lab, the student will become familiar with the capabilities of the Fluke LinkRunner and verify cable length and integrity.
Content Summary An understanding of the following key points should have been achieved: