from one wire to a nearby wire. When voltages
change on a wire, electromagnetic energy is generated. This
energy radiates outward from the transmitting wire like a radio
signal from a transmitter. Adjacent wires in the cable act like
antennas, receiving the transmitted energy, which interferes
with data on those wires. Crosstalk can also be caused by
signals on separate, nearby cables. When crosstalk is caused by
a signal on another cable, it is called alien crosstalk.
Crosstalk is more destructive at higher transmission
frequencies. Cable testing instruments measure crosstalk by
applying a test signal to one wire pair. The cable tester then
measures the amplitude of the unwanted crosstalk signals
induced on the other wire pairs in the cable. Twisted-pair
cable is designed to take advantage of the effects of crosstalk
in order to minimize noise. In twisted-pair cable, a pair of
wires is used to transmit one signal. The wire pair is twisted
so that each wire experiences similar crosstalk. Because a
noise signal on one wire will appear identically on the other
wire, this noise be easily detected and filtered at the
receiver. Twisting one pair of wires in a cable also helps to
reduce crosstalk of data or noise signals from an adjacent wire
pair. Higher categories of UTP require more twists on each wire
pair in the cable to minimize crosstalk at high transmission
frequencies. When attaching connectors to the ends of UTP
cable, untwisting of wire pairs must be kept to an absolute
minimum to ensure reliable LAN communications. Web
Links The Basics of Datacom: Copper Media electric_basics_ datacom_ copper_4
Content 4.2 Signals and Noise
4.2.4 Types of crosstalk There are three distinct
types of crosstalk: - Near-end Crosstalk (NEXT)
- Far-end Crosstalk (FEXT)
- Power Sum Near-end
Crosstalk (PSNEXT)
Near-end crosstalk (NEXT) is
computed as the ratio of voltage amplitude between the test
signal and the crosstalk signal when measured from the same end
of the link. This difference is expressed in a negative value
of decibels (dB). Low negative numbers indicate more noise,
just as low negative temperatures indicate more heat. By
tradition, cable testers do not show the minus sign indicating
the negative NEXT values. A NEXT reading of 30 dB (which
actually indicates -30 dB) indicates less NEXT noise and a
better cable than does a NEXT reading of 10 dB. NEXT needs to
be measured from each pair to each other pair in a UTP link,
and from both ends of the link. To shorten test times, some
cable test instruments allow the user to test the NEXT
performance of a link by using larger frequency step sizes than
specified by the TIA/EIA standard. The resulting measurements
may not comply with TIA/EIA-568-B, and may overlook link
faults. To verify proper link performance, NEXT should be
measured from both ends of the link with a high-quality test
instrument. This is also a requirement for complete compliance
with high-speed cable specifications. Due to attenuation,
crosstalk occurring further away from the transmitter creates
less noise on a cable than NEXT. This is called far-end
crosstalk, or FEXT. The noise caused by FEXT still travels back
to the source, but it is attenuated as it returns. Thus, FEXT
is not as significant a problem as NEXT. Power Sum NEXT
(PSNEXT) measures the cumulative effect of NEXT from all wire
pairs in the cable. PSNEXT is computed for each wire pair based
on the NEXT effects of the other three pairs. The combined
effect of crosstalk from multiple simultaneous transmission
sources can be very detrimental to the signal. TIA/EIA-568-B
certification now requires this PSNEXT test. Some Ethernet
standards such as 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX receive data from
only one wire pair in each direction. However, for newer
technologies such as 1000BASE-T that receive data
simultaneously from multiple pairs in the same direction, power
sum measurements are very important tests. Web Links
Testing/Definitions/ Definitions_ Power+Sum+NEXT.htm
Content 4.2 Signals and Noise 4.2.5
Cable testing standards The TIA/EIA-568-B standard
specifies ten tests that a copper cable must pass if it will be
used for modern, high-speed Ethernet LANs. All cable links
should be tested to the maximum rating that applies for the
category of cable being installed. The ten primary test
parameters that must be verified for a cable link to meet
TIA/EIA standards are: - Wire map
- Insertion
- Near-end crosstalk (NEXT)
- Power sum
near-end crosstalk (PSNEXT)
- Equal-level far-end
crosstalk (ELFEXT)
- Power sum equal-level far-end
crosstalk (PSELFEXT)
- Return loss
- Propagation delay
- Cable length
- Delay
The Ethernet standard specifies that each of
the pins on an RJ-45 connector have a particular purpose. A NIC
transmits signals on pins 1 and 2, and it receives signals on
pins 3 and 6. The wires in UTP cable must be connected to the
proper pins at each end of a cable. The wire map test insures
that no open or short circuits exist on the cable. An open
circuit occurs if the wire does not attach properly at the
connector. A short circuit occurs if two wires are connected to
each other. The wire map test also verifies that all eight
wires are connected to the correct pins on both ends of the
cable. There are several different wiring faults that the wire
map test can detect. The reversed-pair fault occurs when a wire
pair is correctly installed on one connector, but reversed on
the other connector. If the orange striped wire is on pin 1 and
the orange wire on pin 2 at one end, but reversed at the other
end, then the cable has a reversed-pair fault. This example is
shown in the graphic. A split-pair wiring fault occurs when two
wires from different wire pairs are connected to the wrong pins
on both ends of the cable. Look carefully at the pin numbers in
the graphic to detect the wiring fault. A split pair creates
two transmit or receive pairs each with two wires that are not
twisted together. Transposed-pair wiring faults occur when a
wire pair is connected to completely different pins at both
ends. Contrast this with a reversed-pair, where the same pair
of pins is used at both ends. Transposed pairs also occur when
two different color codes on punchdown blocks, representing
T568-A and T568-B, are used at different locations on the same
link. Web Links Cable Testing default.htm
Content 4.2 Signals and Noise 4.2.6
Other test parameters The combination of the effects of
signal attenuation and impedance discontinuities on a
communications link is called insertion loss. Insertion loss is
measured in decibels at the far end of the cable. The TIA/EIA
standard requires that a cable and its connectors pass an
insertion loss test before the cable can be used as a
communications link in a LAN. Crosstalk is measured in four
separate tests. A cable tester measures NEXT by applying a
test signal to one cable pair and measuring the amplitude of
the crosstalk signals received by the other cable pairs. The
NEXT value, expressed in decibels, is computed as the
difference in amplitude between the test signal and the
crosstalk signal measured at the same end of the cable.
Remember, because the number of decibels that the tester