Detailed encapsulation process All
communications on a network originate at a source, and are sent
to a destination. The information sent on a network is referred
to as data or data packets. If one computer (host A) wants to
send data to another computer (host B), the data must first be
packaged through a process called encapsulation. Encapsulation
wraps data with the necessary protocol information before
network transit. Therefore, as the data packet moves down
through the layers of the OSI model, it receives headers,
trailers, and other information. To see how encapsulation
occurs, examine the manner in which data travels through the
layers as illustrated in Figure . Once the data is sent from
the source, it travels through the application layer down
through the other layers. The packaging and flow of the data
that is exchanged goes through changes as the layers perform
their services for end users. As illustrated in Figure ,
networks must perform the following five conversion steps in
order to encapsulate data: - Build the data.
As a user sends an e-mail message, its alphanumeric
characters are converted to data that can travel across the
- Package the data for
end-to-end transport.
The data is packaged for
internetwork transport. By using segments, the transport
function ensures that the message hosts at both ends of the
e-mail system can reliably communicate.
- Add the network IP address to the header.
data is put into a packet or datagram that contains a packet
header with source and destination logical addresses. These
addresses help network devices send the packets across the
network along a chosen path.
- Add the
data link layer header and trailer.
Each network
device must put the packet into a frame. The frame allows
connection to the next directly-connected network device on the
link. Each device in the chosen network path requires framing
in order for it to connect to the next device.
- Convert to bits for transmission.
The frame
must be converted into a pattern of 1s and 0s (bits) for
transmission on the medium. A clocking function enables the
devices to distinguish these bits as they travel across the
medium. The medium on the physical internetwork can vary along
the path used. For example, the e-mail message can originate on
a LAN, cross a campus backbone, and go out a WAN link until it
reaches its destination on another remote LAN.
Lab Activity Lab Exercise: OSI Model Characteristics and
DevicesIn this lab, the student will learn the seven layers of
the OSI model and the characteristics, functions and keywords
relating to each layer. Interactive Media Activity Drag
and Drop: Encapsulation Process Flowchart In this lab, the
student will complete encapsulation process flowchart. Web
Links Data Encapsulation & Decapsulation in the OSI Model
Summary An understanding of the following key points should
have been achieved: - Understanding bandwidth is
essential when studying networking
- Bandwidth is
finite, costs money, and the demand for it increases daily
- Using analogies like the flow of water and flow of
traffic can help explain bandwidth
- Bandwidth is
measured in bits per second, bps, kpbs, Mbps, or Gbps
- Limitations on bandwidth include type of media used, LAN
and WAN technologies, and network equipment
- Throughput refers to actual measured bandwidth, which is
affected by factors that include number of users on network,
networking devices, type of data, user’s computer and the
- The formula T=S/BW (transfer time = size of
file / bandwidth) can be used to calculate data transfer time
- Comparison of analog and digital bandwidth
- A layered approach is effective in analyzing problems
- Network communication is described by layered models
- The OSI and TCP/IP are the two most important models
of network communication
- The International
Organization for Standardization developed the OSI model to
address the problems of network incompatibility
- The
seven layers of the OSI are application, presentation, session,
transport, network, data link, and physical
- The four
layers of the TCP/IP are application, transport, internet, and
network access
- The TCP/IP application layer is
equivalent to the OSI application, presentation, and session
- LANs and WANs developed in response to
business and government computing needs
- Fundamental
networking devices are hubs, bridges, switches, and routers
- The physical topology layouts include the bus, ring,
star, extended star, hierarchical, and mesh
consists of two or more LANs spanning a common geographic area
- A SAN provides enhanced system performance, is
scalable, and has disaster tolerance built in
is a private network that is constructed within a public
network infrastructure
- Three main types of VPNs are
access, Intranet, and Extranet VPNs
- Intranets are
designed to be available to users who have access privileges to
the internal network of an organization
- Extranets are
designed to deliver applications and services that are Intranet
based, using extended, secured access to external users or