Intranet based, and use extended, secure access to
external users or enterprises. This access is usually
accomplished through passwords, user IDs, and other
application-level security. Therefore, an Extranet is the
extension of two or more Intranet strategies with a secure
interaction between participant enterprises and their
respective intranets. Web Links Intranet Basics faqbasic.cfm
2.2 Bandwidth 2.2.1 Importance of
bandwidth Bandwidth is defined as the amount of information
that can flow through a network connection in a given period of
time. It is essential to understand the concept of bandwidth
when studying networking for the following four reasons:
- Bandwidth is finite.
In other words, regardless
of the media used to build the network, there are limits on the
capacity of that network to carry information. Bandwidth is
limited by the laws of physics and by the technologies used to
place information on the media. For example, the bandwidth of a
conventional modem is limited to about 56 kbps by both the
physical properties of twisted-pair phone wires and by modem
technology. However, the technologies employed by DSL also use
the same twisted-pair phone wires, yet DSL provides much
greater bandwidth than is available with conventional modems.
So, even the limits imposed by the laws of physics are
sometimes difficult to define. Optical fiber has the physical
potential to provide virtually limitless bandwidth. Even so,
the bandwidth of optical fiber cannot be fully realized until
technologies are developed to take full advantage of its
- Bandwidth is not free.
It is possible to buy equipment for a local-area
network (LAN) that will provide nearly unlimited bandwidth over
a long period of time. For wide-area network (WAN) connections,
it is almost always necessary to buy bandwidth from a service
provider. In either case, an understanding of bandwidth and
changes in demand for bandwidth over a given time can save an
individual or a business a significant amount of money. A
network manager needs to make the right decisions about the
kinds of equipment and services to buy.
- Bandwidth is a key factor in analyzing network
performance, designing new networks, and understanding the
A networking professional must understand
the tremendous impact of bandwidth and throughput on network
performance and design. Information flows as a string of bits
from computer to computer throughout the world. These bits
represent massive amounts of information flowing back and forth
across the globe in seconds or less. In a sense, it may be
appropriate to say that the Internet is bandwidth.
- The demand for bandwidth is ever increasing.
As soon as new network technologies and
infrastructures are built to provide greater bandwidth, new
applications are created to take advantage of the greater
capacity. The delivery over the network of rich media content,
including streaming video and audio, requires tremendous
amounts of bandwidth. IP telephony systems are now commonly
installed in place of traditional voice systems, which further
adds to the need for bandwidth. The successful networking
professional must anticipate the need for increased bandwidth
and act accordingly.
Web Links Bandwidth
Basics – A Comparison of Connection Speeds lessonintro.htm
2.2 Bandwidth 2.2.2 Analogies
Bandwidth has been defined as the amount of information that
can flow through a network in a given time. The idea that
information flows suggests two analogies that may make it
easier to visualize bandwidth in a network. Since both water
and traffic are said to flow, consider the following analogies:
- Bandwidth is like the width of a pipe.
network of pipes brings fresh water to homes and businesses and
carries waste water away. This water network is made up of
pipes of different diameters. The main water pipes of a city
may be two meters in diameter, while the pipe to a kitchen
faucet may have a diameter of only two centimeters. The width
of the pipe determines the water-carrying capacity of the pipe.
Therefore, the water is like the data, and the pipe width is
like the bandwidth. Many networking experts say that they need
to put in bigger pipes when they wish to add more
information-carrying capacity.
- Bandwidth is like the number of lanes on a highway.
A network of roads serves every city or town. Large
highways with many traffic lanes are joined by smaller roads
with fewer traffic lanes. These roads lead to even smaller,
narrower roads, which eventually go to the driveways of homes
and businesses. When very few automobiles use the highway
system, each vehicle is able to move freely. When more traffic
is added, each vehicle moves more slowly. This is especially
true on roads with fewer lanes for the cars to occupy.
Eventually, as even more traffic enters the highway system,
even multi-lane highways become congested and slow. A data
network is much like the highway system. The data packets are
comparable to automobiles, and the bandwidth is comparable to
the number of lanes on the highway. When a data network is
viewed as a system of highways, it is easy to see how low
bandwidth connections can cause traffic to become congested all
over the network.
Web Links Bandwidth
Content 2.2
Bandwidth 2.2.3 Measurement In digital
systems, the basic unit of bandwidth is bits per second (bps).
Bandwidth is the measure of how much information, or bits, can
flow from one place to another in a given amount of time, or
seconds. Although bandwidth can be described in bits per
second, usually some multiple of bits per second is used. In
other words, network bandwidth is typically described as
thousands of bits per second (kbps), millions of bits per
second (Mbps), and billions of bits per second (Gbps) and
trillions of bits per second (Tbps). Although the terms
bandwidth and speed are often used interchangeably, they are
not exactly the same thing. One may say, for example, that a T3
connection at 45Mbps operates at a higher speed than a T1
connection at 1.544Mbps. However, if only a small amount of
their data-carrying capacity is being used, each of these
connection types will carry data at roughly the same speed. For
example, a small amount of water will flow at the same rate
through a small pipe as through a large pipe. Therefore, it is
usually more accurate to say that a T3 connection has greater
bandwidth than a T1 connection. This is because the T3
connection is able to carry more information in the same period
of time, not because it has a higher speed.
2.2 Bandwidth 2.2.4 Limitations
Bandwidth varies depending upon the type of media as well as
the LAN and WAN technologies used. The physics of the media
account for some of the difference. Signals travel through
twisted-pair copper wire, coaxial cable, optical fiber, and
air. The physical differences in the ways signals travel
result in fundamental limitations on the information-carrying
capacity of a given medium. However, the actual bandwidth of a
network is determined by a combination of the physical media
and the technologies chosen for signaling and detecting network
signals. For example, current understanding of the physics of
unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) copper cable puts the theoretical
bandwidth limit at over one gigabit per second (Gbps). However,
in actual practice, the bandwidth is determined by the use of
10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, or 1000BASE-TX Ethernet. In other words,
the actual bandwidth is determined by the signaling methods,
network interface cards (NICs), and other items of network
equipment that are chosen. Therefore, the bandwidth is not
determined solely by the limitations of the medium. Figure