$Suite $ITEX_MP $SuiteId AAL_CP_PART_I $SuiteOverviewPart $Begin_SuiteStructure $SuiteId AAL_CP_PART_I $StandardsRef /* ATM Forum User Network Interface Specification, Versions 3.0 and 3.1. ITU-T Draft Recommendation I.363, Section 6, 1993. */ $PICSref /* ATM Forum af-test-0042, PICS Proforma for the AAL5. */ $PIXITref /* ATM Forum af-test-0052, Conformance Abstract Test Suite for the ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) Type 5 Common Part (Part 1), Annex A. */ $TestMethods /* Remote Single Layer Test Method. */ $Comment /* Part I of the Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for the AAL Type 5 Common Part protocol conformance testing includes only test purposes that can be tested using the Remote Test Method. */ $Structure&Objectives $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* AAL Common Part conformance testing */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* CPCS-PDU encoding and format */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/GEN/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the ability of the IUT to support the CPCS-PDU format. */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAYLOAD/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU Payload field. */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU PAD field. */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/UU/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU UU field. */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/CPI/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU CPI field. */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/LENGTH/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU Length field. */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/CRC/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU CRC field. */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* CPAAL5 Processing */ $End_Structure&Objective $Structure&Objective $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the behaviours of the IUT sender side. */ $End_Structure&Objective $End_Structure&Objectives $Comment /* */ $End_SuiteStructure $Begin_TestCaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/GEN/ $TestCaseId FMT_GEN_1 $SelectExprId CPCS_FIELDS $Description /* Verify that the IUT supports the CPCS-PDU format as specified. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAYLOAD/ $TestCaseId FMT_PAYLOAD_2 $SelectExprId CPCS_FIELDS $Description /* Verify that the IUT puts the CPCS-SDU into the CPCS-PDU payload field when the value of the Length field is greater than zero. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_3 $SelectExprId $Description /* Verify that the IUT limits the PAD field to 47 octets. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_4 $SelectExprId CPCS_PADDING $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field to complement the CPCS-PDU to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_5 $SelectExprId PAD_CHK $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD =0) to complement the CPCs-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU = 88) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_6 $SelectExprId PAD_CHK_MORE $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD = 30) to complement the CPCS-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU = 58) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_7 $SelectExprId PAD_CHK_MORE $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD = 47) to complement the CPCS-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU =41) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/UU/ $TestCaseId FMT_UU_8 $SelectExprId CPCS_USER $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses CPCS_UU field to transfer transparently CPCS User_to_User information. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/CPI/ $TestCaseId FMT_CPI_9 $SelectExprId $Description /* Verify that the IUT encodes the CPI field to all zeros when only the 64-bit alignment function is used. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/LENGTH/ $TestCaseId FMT_LENGTH_10 $SelectExprId CPCS_LENGTH $Description /* Verify that the IUT encodes the Length field with the number of octet of CPCS-PDU payload. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/LENGTH/ $TestCaseId FMT_LENGTH_11 $SelectExprId ABORT $Description /* Verify that the IUT encodes the Length field to all zeros when the Abort function is invoked. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/CRC/ $TestCaseId FMT_CRC_12 $SelectExprId $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the CRC-32 to detect bit errors in the CPCS-PDU. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_13 $SelectExprId MULTI_PDU $Description /* Verify that the IUT generates more than one SAR-PDU, if the CPCS-PDU has the length greater than 48 octets. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_14 $SelectExprId MULTI_PDU $Description /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU except the last, to the ATM layer with AUU parameter in the ATM-DATA.request primitive equal to zero. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_15 $SelectExprId MULTI_PDU $Description /* Verify that the IUT transfers the last segment of a CPCS-PDU, to the ATM layer with AUU parameter in the ATM-DATA.request primitive equal to one. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_16 $SelectExprId CPCS_CI $Description /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU to the ATM layer with an indication of congestion set to the value of the corresponding CPCS-CI parameter received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $End_CaseIndex $CaseIndex $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_17 $SelectExprId CPCS_LP $Description /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU to the ATM layer with an indication of loss priority set to the value of the corresponding CPCS_LP parameter received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $End_CaseIndex $Comment /* */ $End_TestCaseIndex $Begin_TestStepIndex $StepIndex $TestStepRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/ $TestStepId PREAMBLE $Description /* Setup the connection. */ $End_StepIndex $Comment /* */ $End_TestStepIndex $End_SuiteOverviewPart $DeclarationsPart $TS_TypeDefs $Begin_SimpleTypeDefs $SimpleTypeDef $SimpleTypeId OCTSTRING0to47 $SimpleTypeDefinition OCTETSTRING[0..47] $Comment /* */ $End_SimpleTypeDef $SimpleTypeDef $SimpleTypeId OCTSTRING2 $SimpleTypeDefinition OCTETSTRING[2] $Comment /* */ $End_SimpleTypeDef $SimpleTypeDef $SimpleTypeId OCTSTRING1 $SimpleTypeDefinition OCTETSTRING[1] $Comment /* */ $End_SimpleTypeDef $Comment /* */ $End_SimpleTypeDefs $StructTypeDefs $Begin_StructTypeDef $StructId SDUDATA $Comment /* */ $ElemDcls $ElemDcl $ElemId S1 $ElemType OCTETSTRING[1..Max_SDUval] $Comment /* */ $End_ElemDcl $End_ElemDcls $Comment /* */ $End_StructTypeDef $Begin_StructTypeDef $StructId PATT $Comment /* */ $ElemDcls $ElemDcl $ElemId P1 $ElemType OCTETSTRING[1..PATTERNlen] $Comment /* */ $End_ElemDcl $End_ElemDcls $Comment /* */ $End_StructTypeDef $End_StructTypeDefs $End_TS_TypeDefs $TS_OpDefs $Begin_TS_OpDef $TS_OpId PAD_CHECK(PADVALUE:OCTSTRING0to47;PATTERN:PATT) $TS_OpResult BOOLEAN $Comment /* */ $TS_OpDescription /* This operation checks whether the octetstring "PADVALUE" is coded as the coding pattern "PATTERN". If the "PADVALUE" is coded as the coding pattern rule, then this operation returns TRUE. Else, FALSE is returned. */ $Comment /* */ $End_TS_OpDef $Begin_TS_OpDef $TS_OpId GET_PAD(PADPATTERN:PATT;LENGTH_PAY:OCTSTRING2) $TS_OpResult OCTETSTRING $Comment /* */ $TS_OpDescription /* This operation creates a PAD field with the given "PADPATTERN" type for 48 octet alignment of the CPCS-PDU trailer , when the length of CPCS-PDU payload is "LENGTH_PAY", as specified in section of I.363 recommendation. The returned PAD field is from 0 to 47 octets. */ $Comment /* */ $End_TS_OpDef $Begin_TS_OpDef $TS_OpId CRC_CHECK(A:SDUDATA;B:OCTSTRING0to47;C,D:OCTSTRING1;E:OCTSTRING2) $TS_OpResult OCTETSTRING $Comment /* The octetstring "A" could have up to the Max_SDUval octets.The octetstring "B" could have up to 47 octets. The octetstring "C" and "D" have one octet. The octetstring "E" has two octets. */ $TS_OpDescription /* This operation calculates the proper value of the CPCS-PDU CRC field for the combined octetstrings (A,B,C,D, and E). This operation returns a four octet valid CRC value. */ $Comment /* */ $End_TS_OpDef $Begin_TS_OpDef $TS_OpId INT_TO_OCT(A,B:INTEGER) $TS_OpResult OCTETSTRING $Comment /* */ $TS_OpDescription /* This operation converts a single INTEGER value to a single OCTETSTRING value. The resulting string is "B" length octets long. */ $Comment /* */ $End_TS_OpDef $Begin_TS_OpDef $TS_OpId SETUP_CON(VPI,VCI:BITSTRING) $TS_OpResult BOOLEAN $Comment /* Setup an ATM connection for testing. */ $TS_OpDescription /* Setup an ATM connection between the tester and the IUT using the given VPI and VCI values. If the connection is established successfully, then this operation returns TRUE. Else, FALSE is returned. */ $Comment /* */ $End_TS_OpDef $End_TS_OpDefs $Begin_TS_ParDcls $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId PAYLOAD $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.2 */ $Comment /* Can the content of the CPCS-SDU be known by the tester when it is requested prior to testing? */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId PAYLOADval $TS_ParType SDUDATA $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.2.1 */ $Comment /* Enter the content of the CPCS-SDU for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId USER $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.3 */ $Comment /* Can the content of the CPCS_UU be known by the tester when it is requested prior to testing? */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId USERval $TS_ParType OCTETSTRING $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.3.1 */ $Comment /* Enter the content of the one octet CPCS_UU field for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId LENGTH $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.1 */ $Comment /* Can the CPCS-SDU length size of the CPCS-PDU be known by the tester when it is requested prior to testing? */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId LENGTHval $TS_ParType INTEGER $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.1.1 */ $Comment /* Enter the length of the CPCS-SDU for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId ABORTpar $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PICS */ $Comment /* Does the IUT support the abort function? */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId TOPRtime $TS_ParType INTEGER $PICS_PIXITref /* */ $Comment /* Enter the sufficient amount of time to allow test operator intervention. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId PADDING $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.4 */ $Comment /* Can the content of the CPCS-PDU PAD field be known by the tester when it is requested prior to testing? */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId PATTERNlen $TS_ParType INTEGER $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.4.1 */ $Comment /* Enter the length of the pattern of the CPCS-PDU PAD field. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId PADDINGval $TS_ParType PATT $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.4.2 */ $Comment /* Enter the content of the CPCS-PDU PAD field for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId GENPDU $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 2.5 */ $Comment /* Can the IUT generate a CPCS-SDU with following specific value? 1) 88 octets 2) 58 octets 3) 41 octets */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId MULTI $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 5 */ $Comment /* Does the IUT support generating the CPCS-PDU having the length greater than 48 octets when it is requested for testing? */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId MULTIval $TS_ParType INTEGER $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 5.1 */ $Comment /* Enter the number of integral multiples of 48 octets for the CPCS-PDU sent by the IUT for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId CONG_IN $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 3 */ $Comment /* Can the value of the CPCS_Congestion Indication parameter be known by the tester when it is requested prior to testing? */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId CONG_INval $TS_ParType BITSTRING $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 3.1 */ $Comment /* Enter the value of the CPCS_Congestion Indication parameter for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId LOSS_PR $TS_ParType BOOLEAN $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 4 */ $Comment /* Can the value of the CPCS_Loss Priority parameter be known by the tester when it is requested prior to testing? */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId LOSS_PRval $TS_ParType BITSTRING $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 4.1 */ $Comment /* Enter the value of the CPCS_Loss Priority parameter for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId Max_SDUval $TS_ParType INTEGER $PICS_PIXITref /* PIXIT 6 */ $Comment /* Enter the maximum size of the CPAAL5 user data that may be sent to the tester by the IUT. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId VPIval $TS_ParType BITSTRING $PICS_PIXITref /* */ $Comment /* The VPI value for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $TS_ParDcl $TS_ParId VCIval $TS_ParType BITSTRING $PICS_PIXITref /* */ $Comment /* The VCI value for testing. */ $End_TS_ParDcl $Comment /* */ $End_TS_ParDcls $Begin_SelectExprDefs $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId CPCS_FIELDS $SelectExpr PAYLOAD AND LENGTH AND USER AND PADDING $Comment /* Tester can know the CPCS-SDU, , length of CPCS-SDU, CPCS User-to_User data, and PAD contents prior to testing. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId CPCS_PAYLOAD $SelectExpr PAYLOAD $Comment /* Tester can know the CPCS-SDU content prior to testing. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId CPCS_USER $SelectExpr USER $Comment /* Tester can know the CPCS-UU content prior to testing. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId CPCS_LENGTH $SelectExpr LENGTH $Comment /* Tester can know the length size of the CPCS-SDU prior to testing. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId ABORT $SelectExpr ABORTpar $Comment /* The IUT supports the abort function. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId CPCS_PADDING $SelectExpr PADDING AND LENGTH $Comment /* Tester can know the pattern of the CPCS-PDU PAD field prior to testing. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId PAD_CHK $SelectExpr GENPDU $Comment /* The IUT can generate a CPCS-SDU with specific (88, 58, 41 octets) lengths. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId PAD_CHK_MORE $SelectExpr PADDING AND GENPDU $Comment /* Tester can know the pattern of CPCS-PDU PAD field prior to testing and the IUT can generate a CPCS-SDU with specific (88, 58, 41 octets) lengths. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId MULTI_PDU $SelectExpr MULTI $Comment /* Tester can know the number of ingegral multiples of 48 octets for the CPCS-PDU sent by IUT prior to testing. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId CPCS_CI $SelectExpr CONG_IN $Comment /* Tester can know the value of the CPCS_CI parameter prior to testing. */ $End_SelectExprDef $SelectExprDef $SelectExprId CPCS_LP $SelectExpr LOSS_PR $Comment /* Tester can know the value of the CPCS_LP parameter prior to testing. */ $End_SelectExprDef $Comment /* */ $End_SelectExprDefs $Begin_TS_ConstDcls $TS_ConstDcl $TS_ConstId LENGTH_O $TS_ConstType OCTETSTRING $TS_ConstValue INT_TO_OCT(LENGTHval,2) $Comment /* Expected Length field value from the IUT. */ $End_TS_ConstDcl $Comment /* */ $End_TS_ConstDcls $Begin_TS_VarDcls $TS_VarDcl $TS_VarId PAD_VALUE $TS_VarType OCTETSTRING $TS_VarValue $Comment /* PAD contents */ $End_TS_VarDcl $TS_VarDcl $TS_VarId CRC_RST $TS_VarType OCTETSTRING $TS_VarValue $Comment /* CRC checking result */ $End_TS_VarDcl $TS_VarDcl $TS_VarId CRC_VALUE $TS_VarType OCTETSTRING $TS_VarValue $Comment /* Saving the CRC value */ $End_TS_VarDcl $TS_VarDcl $TS_VarId COUNTER $TS_VarType INTEGER $TS_VarValue $Comment /* Counter */ $End_TS_VarDcl $TS_VarDcl $TS_VarId AUU_R $TS_VarType BITSTRING $TS_VarValue $Comment /* AUU value */ $End_TS_VarDcl $TS_VarDcl $TS_VarId CI_R $TS_VarType BITSTRING $TS_VarValue $Comment /* CI value */ $End_TS_VarDcl $TS_VarDcl $TS_VarId CLP_R $TS_VarType BITSTRING $TS_VarValue $Comment /* CLP value */ $End_TS_VarDcl $TS_VarDcl $TS_VarId Setup_Count $TS_VarType INTEGER $TS_VarValue 0 $Comment /* */ $End_TS_VarDcl $Comment /* */ $End_TS_VarDcls $Begin_PCO_Dcls $PCO_Dcl $PCO_Id LT_PCO1 $PCO_TypeId PHYSAP $PCO_Role LT $Comment /* PHY layer service access point (SAP) on the lower tester 1. */ $End_PCO_Dcl $PCO_Dcl $PCO_Id LT_PCO2 $PCO_TypeId L_CPCS $PCO_Role LT $Comment /* Lower boundary of CPCS. */ $End_PCO_Dcl $Comment /* */ $End_PCO_Dcls $Begin_TimerDcls $TimerDcl $TimerId T_Opr $Duration TOPRtime $Unit s $Comment /* The sufficient amount of time to allow test operator intervention. */ $End_TimerDcl $Comment /* */ $End_TimerDcls $PDU_TypeDefs $TTCN_PDU_TypeDefs $Begin_TTCN_PDU_TypeDef $PDU_Id ATM_CELL $PCO_Type PHYSAP $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldDcls $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId GFC $PDU_FieldType BITSTRING[4] $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId VPI $PDU_FieldType BITSTRING[8] $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId VCI $PDU_FieldType BITSTRING[16] $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId PTI_U $PDU_FieldType BITSTRING[1] $Comment /* User Data Cell */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId PTI_CI $PDU_FieldType BITSTRING[1] $Comment /* Congestion Indication */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId PTI_AUU $PDU_FieldType BITSTRING[1] $Comment /* AUU parameter */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId CLP $PDU_FieldType BITSTRING[1] $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId HEC $PDU_FieldType OCTSTRING1 $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId Payload $PDU_FieldType OCTETSTRING[48] $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $End_PDU_FieldDcls $Comment /* */ $End_TTCN_PDU_TypeDef $Begin_TTCN_PDU_TypeDef $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $PCO_Type L_CPCS $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldDcls $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId Payload $PDU_FieldType SDUDATA $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId PAD $PDU_FieldType OCTSTRING0to47 $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId UU $PDU_FieldType OCTSTRING1 $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId CPI $PDU_FieldType OCTSTRING1 $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId Length $PDU_FieldType OCTSTRING2 $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldDcl $PDU_FieldId CRC $PDU_FieldType OCTETSTRING[4] $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldDcl $End_PDU_FieldDcls $Comment /* */ $End_TTCN_PDU_TypeDef $End_TTCN_PDU_TypeDefs $End_PDU_TypeDefs $End_DeclarationsPart $ConstraintsPart $PDU_Constraints $TTCN_PDU_Constraints $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_I_1 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue PAYLOADval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue GET_PAD(PADDINGval,LENGTH_O) $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue USERval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue '00'O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue LENGTH_O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue CRC_CHECK(PAYLOADval,GET_PAD(PADDINGval,LENGTH_O),USERval,'00'O,LENGTH_O) $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_I_2 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue PAYLOADval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_I_3 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue LENGTH_O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_I_4 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue USERval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_I_5 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue '00'O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_I_6 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue LENGTH_O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_P1 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* CPCS-PDU with 88 octets CPCS-SDU size. */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue - $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue '58'O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_P2 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* CPCS-PDU with 58 octets CPCS-SDU size. */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue '3A'O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_P3 $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* CPCS-PDU with 41 octets CPCS-SDU size. */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue '29'O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CPCS_PDU_A $PDU_Id CPCS_PDU $DerivPath $Comment /* */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PAD $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId UU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CPI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Length $ConsValue '0000'O $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CRC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* Valid CPCS-PDU when Abort function is invoked (received from the IUT). */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId ATM_CELL_0 $PDU_Id ATM_CELL $DerivPath $Comment /* ATM Cell (AUU = 0) */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId GFC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId VPI $ConsValue VPIval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId VCI $ConsValue VCIval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_U $ConsValue '0'B $Comment /* User Data Cell */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_CI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* Congestion Indication */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_AUU $ConsValue '0'B $Comment /* AUU parameter */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CLP $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId HEC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId ATM_CELL_1 $PDU_Id ATM_CELL $DerivPath $Comment /* ATM Cell (AUU = 1) */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId GFC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId VPI $ConsValue VPIval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId VCI $ConsValue VCIval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_U $ConsValue '0'B $Comment /* User Data Cell */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_CI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* Congestion Indication */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_AUU $ConsValue '1'B $Comment /* AUU parameter */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CLP $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId HEC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId ATM_CELL_ANY $PDU_Id ATM_CELL $DerivPath $Comment /* ATM Cell */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId GFC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId VPI $ConsValue VPIval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId VCI $ConsValue VCIval $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_U $ConsValue '0'B $Comment /* User Data Cell */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_CI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* Congestion Indication */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_AUU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* AUU parameter */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CLP $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId HEC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $Begin_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $ConsId CELL_UNASSIGNED $PDU_Id ATM_CELL $DerivPath $Comment /* Unassigned ATM Cell */ $PDU_FieldValues $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId GFC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId VPI $ConsValue '00000000'B $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId VCI $ConsValue '0000000000000000'B $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_U $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_CI $ConsValue ? $Comment /* Congestion Indication */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId PTI_AUU $ConsValue ? $Comment /* AUU parameter */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId CLP $ConsValue '0'B $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId HEC $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldValue $PDU_FieldId Payload $ConsValue ? $Comment /* */ $End_PDU_FieldValue $End_PDU_FieldValues $Comment /* */ $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraint $End_TTCN_PDU_Constraints $End_PDU_Constraints $End_ConstraintsPart $DynamicPart $TestCases $TestGroup $TestGroupId AAL_CP_PART_I $SelectExprId $Objective /* AAL Common Part conformance testing */ $TestGroup $TestGroupId FMT $SelectExprId $Objective /* CPCS-PDU encoding and format */ $TestGroup $TestGroupId GEN $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the ability of the IUT to support the CPCS-PDU format. */ $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_GEN_1 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/GEN/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT supports the CPCS-PDU format as specified. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. 6.3.2 / PICS */ $SelectExprId CPCS_FIELDS $Description /* Verify that the IUT supports the CPCS-PDU format as specified. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_1 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_1 $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct CPCS- PDU */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect CPCS-PDU */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : CPCS_FIELDS */ $End_TestCase $End_TestGroup $TestGroup $TestGroupId PAYLOAD $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU Payload field. */ $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_PAYLOAD_2 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAYLOAD/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT puts the CPCS-SDU into the CPCS-PDU payload field when the value of the Length field is greater than zero. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId CPCS_FIELDS $Description /* Verify that the IUT puts the CPCS-SDU into the CPCS-PDU payload field when the value of the Length field is greater than zero. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_2 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_2 $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct CPCS- PDU payload */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect CPCS-PDU payload */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : CPCS_PAYLOAD */ $End_TestCase $End_TestGroup $TestGroup $TestGroupId PAD $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU PAD field. */ $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_3 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT limits the PAD field to 47 octets. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId $Description /* Verify that the IUT limits the PAD field to 47 octets. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU(PAD_VALUE:=CPCS_PDU.PAD) $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [LENGTH_OF(PAD_VALUE)<=47] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] [LENGTH_OF(PAD_VALUE)>47] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect CPCS-PDU PAD length. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_4 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field to complement the CPCS-PDU to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId CPCS_PADDING $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field to complement the CPCS-PDU to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU(PAD_VALUE:=CPCS_PDU.PAD) $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [(PAD_CHECK(PAD_VALUE,PADDINGval))=TRUE] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct use of the PAD field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [(PAD_CHECK(PAD_VALUE,PADDINGval))=FALSE] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect use of the PAD field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : CPCS_PADDING */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_5 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD = 0) to complement the CPCS-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU = 88) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId PAD_CHK $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD =0) to complement the CPCs-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU = 88) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_P1 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU with 88 octets CPCS-SDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU $Cref CPCS_PDU_P1 $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct use of the PAD field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect use of the PAD field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : PAD_CHK */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_6 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD = 30) to complement the CPCS-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU = 58) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId PAD_CHK_MORE $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD = 30) to complement the CPCS-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU = 58) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_P2 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU(PAD_VALUE:=CPCS_PDU.PAD) $Cref CPCS_PDU_P2 $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [(PAD_CHECK(PAD_VALUE,PADDINGval))=TRUE] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct use of the PAD field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [(PAD_CHECK(PAD_VALUE,PADDINGval))=FALSE] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect use of the PAD field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect PAD field length. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : PAD_CHK_MORE */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_PAD_7 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/PAD/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD = 47) to complement the CPCS-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU = 41) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId PAD_CHK_MORE $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the PAD field (length of PAD = 47) to complement the CPCS-PDU (length of CPCS-SDU =41) to an integral multiple of 48 octets. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_P3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU with 41 octets CPCS-SDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU(PAD_VALUE:=CPCS_PDU.PAD) $Cref CPCS_PDU_P3 $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [(PAD_CHECK(PAD_VALUE,PADDINGval))=TRUE] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct use of the PAD field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [(PAD_CHECK(PAD_VALUE,PADDINGval))=FALSE] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect use of the PAD field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect PAD field length. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : PAD_CHK_MORE */ $End_TestCase $End_TestGroup $TestGroup $TestGroupId UU $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU UU field. */ $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_UU_8 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/UU/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT uses CPCS_UU field to transfer transparently CPCS User_to_User information. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS,, */ $SelectExprId CPCS_USER $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses CPCS_UU field to transfer transparently CPCS User_to_User information. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_4 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_4 $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct CPCS User_to_User information. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect CPCS User_to_User information. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : CPCS_USER */ $End_TestCase $End_TestGroup $TestGroup $TestGroupId CPI $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU CPI field. */ $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_CPI_9 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/CPI/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT encodes the CPI field to all zeros when only the 64-bit alignment function is used. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId $Description /* Verify that the IUT encodes the CPI field to all zeros when only the 64-bit alignment function is used. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_5 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_5 $VerdictId P $Comment /* CPI field is encoded to all zeros. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* CPI field is not encoded to all zeros. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* */ $End_TestCase $End_TestGroup $TestGroup $TestGroupId LENGTH $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU Length field. */ $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_LENGTH_10 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/LENGTH/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT encodes the Length filed with the number of octet of CPCS-PDU payload. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId CPCS_LENGTH $Description /* Verify that the IUT encodes the Length field with the number of octet of CPCS-PDU payload. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_6 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCs-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_6 $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct Length field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect length field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : CPCS_LENGTH */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_LENGTH_11 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/LENGTH/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT encodes the Length field to all zeros when the Abort function is invoked. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId ABORT $Description /* Verify that the IUT encodes the Length field to all zeros when the Abort function is invoked. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_A $VerdictId $Comment /* Invoke Abort function */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU $Cref CPCS_PDU_A $VerdictId P $Comment /* The Length field is encoded to all zeros. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Teh Length field is not encoded to all zeros. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : ABORT IUT should invoke the Abort function prior to CPCS-PDU sending. */ $End_TestCase $End_TestGroup $TestGroup $TestGroupId CRC $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the format of the CPCS-PDU CRC field. */ $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId FMT_CRC_12 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/FMT/CRC/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT uses the CRC-32 to detect bit errors in the CPCS-PDU. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId $Description /* Verify that the IUT uses the CRC-32 to detect bit errors in the CPCS-PDU. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends a CPCS-PDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO2?CPCS_PDU(CRC_RST:=CRC_CHECK(CPCS_PDU.Payload,CPCS_PDU.PAD,CPCS_PDU.UU,CPCS_PDU.CPI,CPCS_PDU.Length), CRC_VALUE:=CPCS_PDU.CRC) $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CRC_RST=CRC_VALUE] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* Correct coding of CRC field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CRC_RST<>CRC_VALUE] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* Incorrect coding of CRC field. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* */ $End_TestCase $End_TestGroup $End_TestGroup $TestGroup $TestGroupId PROC $SelectExprId $Objective /* CPAAL5 Processing */ $TestGroup $TestGroupId SEND $SelectExprId $Objective /* Verify the behaviours of the IUT sender side. */ $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_13 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT generates more than one SAR-PDU, if the CPCS-PDU has the length greater than 48 octets. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId MULTI_PDU $Description /* Verify that the IUT generates more than one SAR-PDU, if the CPCS-PDU has the length greater than 48 octets. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1,COUNTER:=0) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends the CPCS-PDU which has the length greater than 48 octets. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId LB1 $Line [3] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL $Cref ATM_CELL_1 $VerdictId $Comment /* ATM Cell payload had the last (or complete) SAR-SDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] (COUNTER:=COUNTER+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [COUNTER=MULTIval] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [COUNTER<>MULTIval] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL $Cref ATM_CELL_0 $VerdictId $Comment /* ATM cell payload has not the last (or complete) SAR-SDU. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] (COUNTER:=COUNTER+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL $Cref CELL_UNASSIGNED $VerdictId $Comment /* Lower tester receives an unassigned cell. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] LT_PCO1?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : MULTI_PDU */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_14 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU except the last, to the ATM layer with AUU parameter in the ATM-DATA.request primitive equal to zero. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId MULTI_PDU $Description /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU except the last, to the ATM layer with AUU parameter in the ATM-DATA.request primitive equal to zero. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1,COUNTER:=0) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends the CPCS-PDU which has the length greater than 48 octets. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId LB1 $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL(AUU_R:=ATM_CELL.PTI_AUU, COUNTER:COUNTER+1) $Cref ATM_CELL_ANY $VerdictId $Comment /* Receving any ATM Cell. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [COUNTER'0'B] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [COUNTER>=MULTIval] $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [6] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL $Cref CELL_UNASSIGNED $VerdictId $Comment /* Lower tester receives an unassigned cell. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [COUNTER=0] $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [COUNTER=MULTIval] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [COUNTER>0,COUNTER<>MULTIval] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : MULTI_PDU */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_15 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT transfers the last segment of a CPCS-PDU, to the ATM layer with AUU parameter in the ATM-DATA.request primitive equal to one. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref. / PICS */ $SelectExprId MULTI_PDU $Description /* Verify that the IUT transfers the last segment of a CPCS-PDU, to the ATM layer with AUU parameter in the ATM-DATA.request primitive equal to one. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1,COUNTER:=0) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT sends the CPCS-PDU which has the length greater than 48 octets. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId LB1 $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL(AUU_R:=ATM_CELL.PTI_AUU) $Cref ATM_CELL_ANY $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [COUNTER'1'B] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* AUU parameter of the last segment of a CPCS-PDU is not equal to one. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL $Cref CELL_UNASSIGNED $VerdictId $Comment /* Lower tester receives an unassigned cell. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : MULTI_PDU */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_16 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU to the ATM layer with an indication of congestion set to the value of the corresponding CPCS_CI parameter received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref., / PICS */ $SelectExprId CPCS_CI $Description /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU to the ATM layer with an indication of congestion set to the value of the corresponding CPCS-CI parameter received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT send a CPCS-PDU with the Congestion Indication parameter received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId LB1 $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL(CI_R:=ATM_CELL.PTI_CI) $Cref ATM_CELL_1 $VerdictId $Comment /* ATM cell payload has the last (or complete) ATM-SDU */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CI_R=CONG_INval] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* Congestion Indication (CI) is set to the value received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CI_R<>CONG_INval] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* CI is not set to the value received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL(CI_R:=ATM_CELL.PTI_CI) $Cref ATM_CELL_0 $VerdictId $Comment /* ATM cell payload has not the last (or complete) ATM-SDU */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CI_R=CONG_INval] $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [6] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CI_R<>CONG_INval] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL $Cref CELL_UNASSIGNED $VerdictId $Comment /* Lower tester receives an unassigned cell. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : CPCS_CI */ $End_TestCase $Begin_TestCase $TestCaseId PROC_SEND_17 $TestGroupRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/PROC/SEND/ $TestPurpose /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU to the ATM layer with an indication of loss priority set to the value of the corresponding CPCS_LP parameter received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $DefaultsRef $Comment /* Ref., / PICS */ $SelectExprId CPCS_LP $Description /* Verify that the IUT transfers all segments of a CPCS-PDU to the ATM layer with an indication of loss priority set to the value of the corresponding CPCS_LP parameter received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] (Setup_Count:=Setup_Count+1) $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] +PREAMBLE $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [2] $Cref CPCS_PDU_I_3 $VerdictId $Comment /* IUT send a CPCS-PDU with the Loss Priority parameter received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [3] START T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId LB1 $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL(CLP_R:=ATM_CELL.CLP) $Cref ATM_CELL_1 $VerdictId $Comment /* ATM cell payload has the last (or complete) ATM-SDU */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CLP_R=LOSS_PRval] $Cref $VerdictId P $Comment /* Cell Loss Priority (CLP) is set to the value received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CLP_R<>LOSS_PRval] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* CLP is not set to the value received from the CPAAL5 user. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL(CLP_R:=ATM_CELL.CLP) $Cref ATM_CELL_0 $VerdictId $Comment /* ATM cell payload has not the last (or complete) ATM-SDU */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CLP_R=LOSS_PRval] $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [6] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] [CLP_R<>LOSS_PRval] $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?ATM_CELL $Cref CELL_UNASSIGNED $VerdictId $Comment /* Lower tester receives an unassigned cell. */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [5] GOTO LB1 $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] LT_PCO1?OTHERWISE $Cref $VerdictId F $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [4] ?TIMEOUT T_Opr $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* Selection Ref. : CPCS_LP */ $End_TestCase $End_TestGroup $End_TestGroup $End_TestGroup $End_TestCases $TestStepLibrary $TestStepGroup $TestStepGroupId AAL_CP_PART_I $Begin_TestStep $TestStepId PREAMBLE $TestStepRef AAL_CP_PART_I/AAL_CP_PART_I/ $Objective /* Setup of the connection. */ $DefaultsRef $Description /* Setup the connection. */ $BehaviourDescription $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] [Setup_Count =1] $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] [SETUP_CON(VPIval,VCIval) = TRUE] $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [1] [SETUP_CON(VPIval,VCIval) = FALSE] $Cref $VerdictId I $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $BehaviourLine $LabelId $Line [0] [Setup_Count > 1] $Cref $VerdictId $Comment /* */ $End_BehaviourLine $End_BehaviourDescription $Comment /* */ $End_TestStep $End_TestStepGroup $End_TestStepLibrary $End_DynamicPart $End_Suite