Technical Committee Cell-Based 1000 Mbit/s (CB1G) Physical Layer Specification over Single-mode or Multi-mode Fiber and Category 6 Twisted Pair Copper Cabling af-phy-0162.000 April 2001 (c) 2000 by The ATM Forum. This specification/document may be reproduced and distributed in whole, but (except as provided in the next sentence) not in part, for internal and informational use only and not for commercial distribution. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, any protocol implementation conformance statements (PICS) or implementation conformance statements (ICS) contained in this specification/document may be separately reproduced and distributed provided that it is reproduced and distributed in whole, but not in part, for uses other than commercial distribution. All other rights reserved. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no part of this specification/document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of The ATM Forum. The information in this publication is believed to be accurate as of its publication date. Such information is subject to change without notice and The ATM Forum is not responsible for any errors. The ATM Forum does not assume any responsibility to update or correct any information in this publication. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, neither The ATM Forum nor the publisher make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the completeness, accuracy, or applicability of any information contained in this publication. No liability of any kind shall be assumed by The ATM Forum or the publisher as a result of reliance upon any information contained in this publication. 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The ATM Forum is a non-profit international organisation accelerating industry co-operation on ATM technology. The ATM Forum does not, expressly or otherwise, endorse or promote any specific products or services. NOTE: The user's attention is called to the possibility that implementation of the ATM interoperability specification contained herein may require use of an invention covered by patent rights held by ATM Forum Member companies or others. By publication of this ATM interoperability specification, no position is taken by The ATM Forum with respect to validity of any patent claims or of any patent rights related thereto or the ability to obtain the license to use such rights. ATM Forum Member companies agree to grant licenses under the relevant patents they own on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring to obtain such a license. For additional information contact: The ATM Forum World-wide Headquarters 1000 Executive Parkway, Suite 220 St. Louis, MO 63141 Tel: +1 314 205 0200 Fax: +1 314 576 7960 Preface This specification uses three levels for indicating the degree of compliance necessary for specific functions, procedures, or coding. They are indicated by the use of key words as follows: * Requirement: "Shall" indicates a required function, procedure, or coding necessary for compliance. The word "shall" used in text indicates a conditional requirement when the operation described is dependent on whether or not an objective or option is chosen. * Objective: "Should" indicates an objective which is not required for compliance, but which is considered desirable. * Option: "May" indicates an optional operation without implying a desirability of one operation over another. That is, it identifies an operation that is allowed while still maintaining compliance. Table of contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Transmission Convergence (TC) Sublayer 1 2.1 Physical layer cells 1 2.2 Transmitter operation 1 2.2.1 Cell rate decoupling 1 2.2.2 Insertion of F3 OAM cells 2 2.2.3 Scrambling 2 2.2.4 HEC generation 3 2.2.5 Order of transmission of cells 3 2.3 Receiver operation 3 2.3.1 Cell delineation 3 2.3.2 HEC verification 4 2.3.3 Descrambling 4 2.3.4 Extraction of physical layer cells 6 2.4 OAM functionality 6 2.4.1 Maintenance signals 6 2.4.2 Transmission performance monitoring 7 2.4.3 Allocation of OAM functions in information field 7 3 Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) Sublayer 9 3.1 Coding sublayer 9 3.1.1 Data characters 9 3.1.2 Special characters 9 3.1.3 Comma 9 3.1.4 10-bit character 10 3.1.5 Disparity calculation 12 3.2 Ten bit interface (TBI) 13 3.2.1 Signals 13 3.2.2 Electrical characteristics 14 3.3 Synchronization 14 3.4 Loss of synchronization 16 3.5 Media dependent sublayer 16 3.5.1 Single-mode or multi-mode fiber 16 3.5.2 Twisted pair copper cable 16 4 Acronym List 17 5 Normative References 17 APPENDIX I Distributed Sample Descrambler Implementation Example 18 APPENDIX II Test Patterns 20 List of figures Figure 1 : Cell delineation state diagram 3 Figure 2 : Definition of the monitored block boundaries 8 Figure 3 : Receiver synchronization state diagram 15 Figure 4 : Transmitter synchronization state diagram 15 Figure I-1 : Example of descrambler implementation 19 Figure II-1 : Scrambling operation and scrambler initial state 21 List of tables Table 1 : Header pattern for idle cell identification 1 Table 2 : Header pattern for F3 OAM cell identification 1 Table 3 : PRBS phase (as added to payload and all header except HEC) 3 Table 4 : Resultant transmitted data element 3 Table 5 : Allocation of OAM functions in information field 7 Table 6 : Coding of TP-RDI defect information 8 Table 7 : 10-bit data characters 10 Table 8 : 10-bit special characters 12 Table 9 : Signal definitions 13 Table 10 : Electrical characteristics 14 Table II-1 : HEC field 22 Table II-2 : Final HEC field 22 Table II-3 : Descrambler state 23 1 Introduction Cell-Based Physical Layer specification provides the necessary functions to transport ATM cells directly on the physical media without using any frame structure. The functions of the full duplex physical layer (U-plane) are grouped into the Transmission Convergence (TC) sublayer (covered in section 2) and the Physical Media Dependent (PMD) sublayer (covered in section 3). The Transmission Convergence sublayer is bit rate independent as it requires no frame structure. Due to the cell-based structure of the Transmission Convergence sublayer, transport capability of 997.685 Mbit/s is available at the ATM layer. This specification also provides the OAM functions residing in the physical layer management (M-plane). 2 Transmission Convergence (TC) Sublayer 2.1 Physical layer cells Physical Layer Cells include Physical Layer F3 OAM cells and idle cells. Physical Layer F3 OAM cells are used for operation and maintenance at the Transmission Path level. Idle cells are used for cell rate decoupling. (R1) The first four octets of an idle cell header shall be as shown in Table 1. The cell payload content of an idle cell shall be "01101010" repeated 48 times. These values are given prior to scrambling. Table 1 : Header pattern for idle cell identification Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Header Pattern 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 (R2) The first four octets of a Physical Layer F3 OAM cell shall be as shown in Table 2. The cell payload content of a Physical Layer F3 OAM cell shall be as indicated in subsection 2.4.3. These values are given prior to scrambling. Table 2 : Header pattern for F3 OAM cell identification Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Header Pattern 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001001 2.2 Transmitter operation 2.2.1 Cell rate decoupling (R3) The interface structure shall consist of a continuous stream of cells. Each cell contains 53 octets. (R4) When there is no F3 OAM cell or ATM Layer cell to transmit, the physical layer shall insert idle cells for cell rate decoupling. Idle cells format is defined in subsection 2.1. Note that the ATM layer can insert unassigned cells to perform cell rate decoupling. Unassigned cells are defined in ITU-T I.361 [3] and are part of the ATM layer cells. However, insertion of unassigned cells for cell rate decoupling is not required as this function is done at the physical layer by inserting idle cells. 2.2.2 Insertion of F3 OAM cells (R5) One F3 OAM cell shall be inserted every 431 contiguous cells. F3 OAM cell insertion shall be done prior to any other cell. The resulting cell stream consists in one F3 OAM cell followed by 431 contiguous cells (ATM layer cells or idle cells) and then another F3 OAM cell. The overhead induced by F3 OAM cell insertion is 1/432. The resulting interface transport capability is 997.685 Mbit/s. 2.2.3 Scrambling Scrambling is used to improve the security and robustness of the HEC cell delineation mechanism as described in subsection 2.3.1. In addition it helps randomising the data in the information field for improvement of the transmission performance. (R6) All the cells shall be scrambled by using the DSS (Distributed Sample Scrambler). The DSS shall scramble both the payload and the header (except the HEC field) of each cell. The Distributed Sample Scrambler (DSS) is an additive Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) scrambler that does not introduce error multiplication, and is of sufficiently high performance that an underlying PMD sublayer can rely on it to provide a high degree of randomisation. De-scrambling at the receiver is achieved by modulo addition of an identical locally generated pseudo random sequence having phase synchronisation with the first in respect of the transmitted cells. The scrambler does not affect the performance of the 8 bit HEC mechanism during Steady state operation. Phase synchronisation of a receiver PRBS with polynomial generator order r is achieved by sending r linearly independent source PRBS samples through the transmission channel as conveyed data samples. When received without error these r samples are sufficient to synchronise the phase of the PRBS generator at the receiver to that of the transmitter PRBS generator. A simple timing skew between the source PRBS samples and the conveyed PRBS samples serves as a means of decoupling the sample times of the source PRBS samples from the conveyed PRBS samples. This enables linear independence of PRBS samples to be simply achieved by taking samples at equal intervals of half an ATM cell (212 bits) from the source PRBS generator. (R7) The transmitter pseudo random binary sequence shall be added (modulo 2) to the complete cell bit by bit excepting the HEC field. The pseudo random sequence polynomial shall be x31+x28+1. (R8) The CRC octet for each cell shall then be modified by modulo 2 addition of the CRC calculated on the 32 bits of the scrambler sequence co-incident with the first 32 header bits. This is equivalent to calculation of the CRC on the first 32 bits of the scrambled header. The first two bits of the HEC field are then modified as follows by two bits from the PRBS generator. The two bits from the PRBS generator will be referred to as the PRBS source bits and the two bits of the CRC onto which they are mapped will be referred to as the PRBS transport bits. (R9) To the first HEC bit (HEC8) it shall be added (modulo 2) the value of PRBS generator that was added (modulo 2) 211 bits earlier to the previous cell payload (Ut-211). To the second bit of the HEC field it shall be added (modulo 2) the current value of the PRBS generator (Ut+1). These samples are exactly half a cell apart (212 bits) and the first (Ut-211) is delayed by 211 bits before conveyance (requiring one D-type latch for storage) (211 bits is 1 bit less than half a cell). Table 3 : PRBS phase (as added to payload and all header except HEC) Ut-1 Ut Ut+1 Ut+2 Ut+3 Ut+4 Ut+5 Ut+6 Ut+7 Ut+8 Ut+9 Table 4 : Resultant transmitted data element CLP + Ut-1 HEC8 + Ut-211 HEC7 + Ut+1 HEC6 HEC5 HEC4 HEC3 HEC2 HEC1 1st pay_bit + Ut+8 2nd pay_bit + Ut+9 2.2.4 HEC generation (R10) The HEC byte shall be generated as specified in Recommendation ITU-T I.432.1 [1] subsection This shall include the recommended modulo 2 addition of the pattern "01010101" (55 hex) to the HEC bits. 2.2.5 Order of transmission of cells (R11) Each cell shall be transmitted starting from the first byte of the cell header to the last byte of the cell payload (bytes are sent in increasing order). 2.3 Receiver operation 2.3.1 Cell delineation Cell delineation is performed by using the correlation between the header bits to be protected (32 bits) and the relevant control bits (8 bits) introduced in the header by the HEC using a shortened cyclic code with generating polynomial x8 + x2 + x + 1. Figure 1 shows the state diagram of the HEC cell delineation method. Figure 1 : Cell delineation state diagram (R12) In the HUNT state, the delineation process is performed by checking octet by octet for the correct HEC (i.e. syndrome equals zero) for the assumed header field. Prior to scrambler synchronisation, only the last six bits of the HEC are to be used for cell delineation checking. Once such an agreement is found, it is assumed that one header has been found, and the process enters the PRESYNC state. (R13) In the PRESYNC state, the delineation process is performed by checking cell by cell for the correct HEC. Prior to scrambler synchronisation, only the last six bits of the HEC are to be used for cell delineation checking. The process repeats until the correct HEC has been confirmed DELTA times consecutively, at which point the process moves to the SYNC state. If an incorrect HEC is found, the process returns to the HUNT state. The total number of consecutive correct HEC required to move from the HUNT state to the SYNC state is therefore DELTA + 1. (R14) In the SYNC state the cell delineation will be assumed to be lost if an incorrect HEC is obtained ALPHA times consecutively. (R15) Cells with correct HEC shall be passed to the ATM layer when the cell delineation process is in SYNC state and the descrambler is in Steady state operation. In any case, idle cells and Physical Layer OAM cells shall not be passed to the ATM layer. (R16) The value of ALPHA shall be equal to 7. The value of DELTA shall be equal to 8. 2.3.2 HEC verification (R17) HEC sequence error detection shall be performed as specified in Recommendation ITU-T I.432.1 [1] subsection This shall include only error detection as single bit error correction is not applicable due to the error multiplication introduced by the 8B10B coding performed in the PMD sublayer. 2.3.3 Descrambling Three basic states of descrambler operation are defined : (I) Acquisition of scrambler synchronisation (II) Verification of descrambler synchronisation (III) Steady state operation The transition between these three states is based on the value of a confidence counter (C). Receiver state (I): Acquisition of scrambler synchronisation (R18) The descrambler shall enter this state at start-up and each time the cell delineation process enters the HUNT state. When entering this state the confidence counter shall be reset to 0 (C=0). Cell delineation: The cell delineation mechanism is independent of the descrambler synchronisation mechanism. However while the descrambler is in Acquisition or Verification states, the cell delineation is determined by using only the last six bits of the HEC field. This is because the first two bits of the HEC field have been modified by the modulo 2 addition of the conveyed data samples and cannot therefore be used in delineation or HEC evaluation until the descrambler is synchronised (Steady state operation). Acquisition of scrambler synchronisation: (R19) In Acquisition state, the conveyed samples (Ut-211,Ut+1) shall be extracted from the bit stream by modulo 2 addition of the predicted values for HEC8 and HEC7 to the received values. The predicted values correspond to bits HEC8 and HEC7 of the HEC value calculated over the first four bytes of the received header. (R20) The conveyed bits (Ut-211,Ut+1) shall be used as samples for descrambler synchronisation in the receiver. As the degree of the scrambler polynomial is equal to 31, the number of consecutive error free conveyed samples needed to synchronise the descrambler is equal to 31 (16 cells). Descrambler synchronisation may be achieved by comparing, every 212 bits, the received sample bit to the corresponding bit locally generated by the descrambler (Figure I-1). If these two bits are not identical a constant correction vector is applied to the descrambler through feedforward taps. At time t, the sample conveyed in HEC8 (Ut-211) is compared to the descrambler bit Vt-211 generated at time t-211. At time t+212, the sample conveyed in HEC7 (Ut+1) is compared to the descrambler bit Vt+1 generated at time t+1 (both Ut+1 and Vt+1 have been stored during 211 bits before being compared). Because both conveyed samples are compared to the corresponding descrambler bits 211 bits behind their point of modulo addition to the transmitted data sequence, the recursive descrambler feedforward taps are chosen to generate a sequence that is advanced by 211 samples (Figure I-1). (R21) For every cell received correctly with no errors detected in HEC bits 1 to 6 the confidence counter shall increment (C=C+1). Any error detected in HEC bits 1 to 6 results in a return to the initial state (C=0). When the confidence counter reaches the value of 16 the descrambler process shall enter the Verification state. Time to achieve scrambler synchronisation: Two bit samples are conveyed per cell, which are linearly independent. The number of consecutive error free conveyed samples needed to synchronise the descrambler is equal to the degree of the scrambler polynomial, therefore 16 cells provide the 31 samples necessary to synchronise the descrambler. The descrambler synchronisation process is not disabled during cell delineation, however the descrambler will not begin to converge until the cell delineation mechanism has located the true position of the HEC field in the header and is no longer in its HUNT state. Therefore the start of descrambler synchronisation acquisition convergence will be coincident with the final transition from the HUNT state to the PRESYNC state of the cell delineation mechanism. Receiver state (II): Verification of descrambler synchronisation The Verification state differs from the Acquisition state in that the recursive descrambler is assumed to be synchronised and is no longer modified with synchronising samples. Verification is needed because errors undetectable by the 6 bits HEC check may have occurred in the conveyed bits during the Acquisition state (resulting in incorrect descrambler synchronisation). The verification phase tests the predicted PRBS generated locally by the descrambler against the remote reference sequence given by the conveyed samples. To verify descrambler Acquisition phase overall such that the probability of false descrambler synchronisation is less than 10-6 requires 16 verifications (8 cells) where the transmission ratio is better than 10-3. (R22) In Verification state, the conveyed samples (Ut-211,Ut+1) shall be extracted from the bit stream by modulo 2 addition of the predicted values for HEC8 and HEC7 to the received values. The predicted values correspond to bits HEC8 and HEC7 of the HEC value calculated over the first four bytes of the received header. (R23) For each cell received without detected errors in HEC bits 1 to 6, the conveyed samples (Ut-211,Ut+1) shall be compared to the corresponding PRBS bits generated locally by the descrambler (Vt-211,Vt+1). For each cell with two correct predictions received, the confidence counter shall increment (C=C+1). If one or two incorrect predictions are made then the confidence counter shall decrement (C=C-1). (R24) If the confidence counter falls below the value of 8, the descrambler process shall return to the Acquisition state and the confidence counter is reset (C=0). (R25) When the confidence counter reaches the value of 24, the descrambler process shall enter the Steady state operation. Receiver state (III): Steady state operation (synchronised scrambler) In this state the HEC8 and HEC7 bits can both be returned to normal use following their descrambling by using the bits generated locally (Vt-211,Vt+1). Properties of error detection and correction are not affected by this process. Both cell delineation and descrambler synchronisation robustness to channel bit-slip are reliably monitored in this state by the existing cell delineation state machine. (R26) In this state, the two PRBS bits generated locally by the descrambler shall be used to extract the two conveyed samples (Ut-211,Ut+1) by modulo addition. Therefore bits HEC8 and HEC7 can both be returned to normal use. Properties of error detection and correction are not affected by this process. (R27) When the cell delineation process detects a non-zero syndrome with error bits confined to bits HEC8 and HEC7 the confidence counter shall decrement (C=C-1), else it shall increment (C=C+1). The confidence counter shall have an upper limit of 24. (R28) If the confidence counter falls below the value of 16 or if the cell delineation process returns to the HUNT state, the descrambler process shall return to the Acquisition state. 2.3.4 Extraction of physical layer cells (R29) Idle cells shall be extracted, as these cells shall not be passed to the ATM layer. (R30) Physical Layer F3 OAM cells shall be extracted for maintenance and performance monitoring functions. These cells shall not be passed to the ATM layer. 2.4 OAM functionality 2.4.1 Maintenance signals (R31) Transmission Path Remote Defect Indication (TP-RDI) shall be provided to alert the upstream equipment in the opposite direction of transmission that a defect has been detected along the downstream path. It shall be set when a Loss Of Cell Delineation (LCD), Loss of Maintenance flow (LOM), or Loss of Signal (LOS) has been detected at the path level. The time to set this signal must be as short as possible but long enough to filter intermittent defect information. The coding of this field is defined in subsection 2.4.3. Description of defects: Loss of Signal (LOS) - LOS is considered to have occurred when the amplitude of the relevant signal has dropped below prescribed limits for a prescribed period. Out of Cell Delineation (OCD) - An OCD anomaly occurs when the cell delineation process changes from SYNC state to HUNT state while in a working state (refer to Figure 1). An OCD anomaly terminates when the PRESYNC to SYNC state transition occurs (refer to Figure 1) or when the OCD anomaly persists and the LCD maintenance state is entered (see below). Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) - An LCD defect occurs when an OCD anomaly (see above) has persisted for x ms. An LCD defect terminates when the cell delineation process (refer to Figure 1) enters the SYNC state. The value of x shall be in the range 1 to 4. Loss of Maintenance (LOM) - Loss of one F3 OAM cell is detected when no F3 OAM cell is received 431 cells after the last received F3 OAM cell. LOM defect is declared when two successive anomalies (loss of one F3 OAM cell) are detected. 2.4.2 Transmission performance monitoring Transmission performance monitoring is performed to detect and report transmission errors. At the Transmission Path level, this function is achieved by using Physical Layer F3 OAM cells. Physical Layer F3 OAM cells are inserted on a recurrent basis (every 431 cells) in the cell flow. Each F3 OAM cell monitors 8 logic blocks of 54 cells each. For each monitored block, performance monitoring is achieved by checking the BIP-8 value. The BIP-8 calculation is performed only on the cell payload because the cell header is already monitored by the HEC field. Upon reception of one F3 OAM cell, the receiver determines the number of BIP-8 violation in each monitored block. The performance is then calculated according to anomalies a1 to a4 defined in Recommendation ITU-T G.826 Annex D [4]. The total number of error blocks detected in one direction between two consecutive F3 OAM cells is sent in the opposite direction of transmission by using the REB field (subsection 2.4.3). Therefore both the transmitter and the receiver have the same view of the performance measured in one particular direction of transmission. 2.4.3 Allocation of OAM functions in information field (R32) F3 OAM cell payload shall be allocated as defined in Table 5. Table 5 : Allocation of OAM functions in information field 1 R 25 R 2 R 26 R 3 PSN 27 R 4 R 28 R 5 R 29 R 6 R 30 RDI 7 R 31 R 8 EDC-B1 32 R 9 EDC-B2 33 R 10 EDC-B3 34 R 11 EDC-B4 35 R 12 EDC-B5 36 R 13 EDC-B6 37 R 14 EDC-B7 38 R 15 EDC-B8 39 R 16 R 40 R 17 R 41 R 18 R 42 R 19 R 43 R 20 R 44 R 21 R 45 R 22 R 46 REB 23 R 47 CEC (2) Note 1 24 R 48 CEC (8) Note 1 Note 1: MSB is bit 2 of byte 47 and LSB is bit 1 of byte 48. Bits 3 to 8 of byte 47 are set to 0. (R33) PL-OAM Sequence Number (PSN): this field shall be used to number the F3 OAM cells. It is designed to have a sufficiently large cycle compared with the duration of cell loss and insertion. 8 bits are allocated to PSN. The counting is then done modulo 256. This field shall be incremented by one at each new F3 OAM cell being sent. (R34) Error detection code (EDC): this code shall be a BIP-8 calculated on a block of 54 cells repeated for each monitored block. The number of monitored blocks is equal to 8. The field EDC-Bn shall correspond to the BIP-8 calculated on the monitored block number n. For F3 OAM cell number n, the first monitored block shall begin with the first cell following the F3 OAM cell number n-1. The last monitored block shall end at the end of the F3 OAM cell number n, as indicated in Figure 2. Figure 2 : Definition of the monitored block boundaries F3 OAM cells shall not be taken into account by the BIP-8 calculation. This means the BIP-8 calculation shall be stopped during F3 OAM cells. For the other cells (ATM layer cells and idle cells) the BIP-8 shall be calculated only on the cell payload before the scrambling is performed. One octet is allocated for each EDC-Bn field. Each bit of the EDC-Bn field shall be equal to the BIP calculated on the same range bits of each monitored octet (i.e. the Most Significant Bit of each EDC-Bn octet shall be equal to the BIP calculated on the Most Significant Bit of each octet of the monitored block). (R35) Remote Error Blocks (REB): This field shall indicate to the far end direction the total number of error blocks between two consecutive F3 OAM cells in accordance with anomalies a1 to a4 defined in Annex D of ITU-T Recommendation G.826 [4]. The REB field shall be the value of a running counter (modulo 256) increased periodically by the number of error blocks detected in one direction of transmission (in accordance with G.826 Annex D). The value of this running counter shall be put in the REB field of each F3 OAM cell being sent in the opposite direction. By subtracting the values contained in the REB fields of two consecutively received valid F3 OAM cells (i.e. CEC field indicates a valid cell payload), the receiving system knows the total number of error blocks measured by the far end system. (R36) Transmission Path Remote Defect Indication (TP-RDI): This field shall be used to alert the upstream equipment in the opposite direction of transmission that a defect has been detected along the downstream path. The possible defects are LOM, LCD, and LOS. The coding of this field shall be as indicated in Table 6. Table 6 : Coding of TP-RDI defect information MSB LSB 0 0 0 0 LOM LCD LOS RDI_indication When a defect is detected (LOM, LCD, or LOS), the corresponding bit shall be set to 1, else it shall remain 0. When at least one defect is detected, the RDI_indication bit shall be set to 1, else it shall remain 0. (R37) Cell Error Control (CEC) is used to detect errors in the cell payload. A CRC 10 shall be used (it should be the same as in the F4/F5 flows). When the CEC value indicates an invalid payload the F3 OAM cell is considered in error and an anomaly is raised (refer to Recommendation ITU-T G.826 [4]). Similarly when the HEC value indicates an invalid header the F3 OAM cell is also considered in error and an anomaly is raised (refer to [4]). (R38) Reserved Field (R) shall contain the octet pattern of " 01101010 " (6A hex), which is the same as that of the idle cells. 3. Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) Sublayer Physical layer cells are transferred between the Transmission Convergence (TC) sublayer (described in section 2) and the ATM Physical Median Dependent (PMD) sublayer covered in this section. The ATM full duplex PMD sublayer is divided into a coding sublayer, which is media independent, and a media dependent Ten Bit Interface PMD (TBI PMD) sublayer. The currently supported TBI PMD's are specified in subsection 3.5. Link synchronization and loss of synchronization are also specified in the coding sublayer. 3.1 Coding sublayer (R39) Physical layer cells transferred between the coding sublayer and the TBI PMD sublayer shall be encoded (or decoded) eight bits at a time into 10-bit data characters. In addition some of the remaining 10-bit characters are used to represent special characters for control, Kx.y, defined in Table 8. The coding sublayer will use two of the special characters for synchronization and the start of data transmission. Other uses for the characters can be found in 802.3 IEEE Standard, 2000 edition [8] and TR/X3.18-1997 ANSI Technical Report [9]. 3.1.1 Data characters Encoding or decoding of valid 10-bit data or special characters will use a running disparity (RD) calculation to determine the correct character from two possible choices. The two choices given in Tables 7 and 8, correspond to the current value of the running disparity. Running disparity is a binary value with either a negative value (-) or positive value (+). (R40) The coding sublayer shall maintain a running disparity calculation to generate the correct transmitted and received 10-bit data or special characters. Subsection 3.1.5 specifies the rules for running disparity calculation. Additional information may be found in 802.3 IEEE Standard, 2000 edition [8] and TR/X3.18-1997 ANSI Technical Report [9]. Decoding violations during data reception, a received 10-bit data character with an incorrect disparity, shall be passed on as decoded to the TC sublayer. A decoded character that is not defined in Table 7 received during normal data reception by the PMD shall be passed on to the TC sublayer as hex FF. 3.1.2 Special characters (R41) A special character followed by a data character shall define a code group, K28.5/D5.6 and K28.5/D16.2, used for link synchronization. The special character K28.5 shall always be transmitted on even boundaries (characters 0, 2, 4, etc.) in the character stream. The coding sublayer shall continuously transmit data or special characters to the TBI PMD. The start of data transmission shall be indicated by the transmission or reception of the K27.7 special character. Auto-negotiation or use of other special characters for configuration and control is not specified and beyond the scope of this specification. Decoded characters during synchronization should not be transmitted to the TC sublayer. 3.1.3 Comma In a 10-bit character the seven bit string "0011111" is defined as a comma+ and "1100000" as a comma-. The comma in K28.5 is a singular bit pattern and cannot appear in any other location of a code group in the absence of errors and cannot be generated across the boundaries of any two adjacent code groups used in this specification. See 802.3 IEEE Standard, 2000 edition [8] and TR/X3.18-1997 ANSI Technical Report [9] for other circumstances. The comma is used to obtain character and code group alignment. 3.1.4 10-bit character (R42) Table 7 specifies the coding of the eight bits of data and 10-bit data characters for the current negative or positive running disparity, RD- and RD+. Table 8 specifies the coding of the 10-bit special characters. Only K28.5 and K27.7 are used in this specification. Table 7 : 10-bit data characters D[0:31,0:7] Data Eight Bit Value Current RD- Current RD+ D[0:31,0:7] Data Eight Bit Value Current RD- Current RD+ abcdei fghj abcdei fghj abcdei fghj abcdei fghj D0.0 000 00000 100111 0100 011000 1011 D0.1 001 00000 100111 1001 011000 1001 D1.0 000 00001 011101 0100 100010 1011 D1.1 001 00001 011101 1001 100010 1001 D2.0 000 00010 101101 0100 010010 1011 D2.1 001 00010 101101 1001 010010 1001 D3.0 000 00011 110001 1011 110001 0100 D3.1 001 00011 110001 1001 110001 1001 D4.0 000 00100 110101 0100 001010 1011 D4.1 001 00100 110101 1001 001010 1001 D5.0 000 00101 101001 1011 101001 0100 D5.1 001 00101 101001 1001 101001 1001 D6.0 000 00110 011001 1011 011001 0100 D6.1 001 00110 011001 1001 011001 1001 D7.0 000 00111 111000 1011 000111 0100 D7.1 001 00111 111000 1001 000111 1001 D8.0 000 01000 111001 0100 000110 1011 D8.1 001 01000 111001 1001 000110 1001 D9.0 000 01001 100101 1011 100101 0100 D9.1 001 01001 100101 1001 100101 1001 D10.0 000 01010 010101 1011 100101 0100 D10.1 001 01010 010101 1001 010101 1001 D11.0 000 01011 110100 1011 110100 0100 D11.1 001 01011 110100 1001 110100 1001 D12.0 000 01100 001101 1011 001101 0100 D12.1 001 01100 001101 1001 001101 1001 D13.0 000 01101 101100 1011 101100 0100 D13.1 001 01101 101100 1001 101100 1001 D14.0 000 01110 011100 1011 011100 0100 D14.1 001 01110 011100 1001 011100 1001 D15.0 000 01111 010111 0100 101000 1011 D15.1 001 01111 010111 1001 101000 1001 D16.0 000 10000 011011 0100 100100 1011 D16.1 001 10000 011011 1001 100100 1001 D17.0 000 10001 100011 1011 100011 0100 D17.1 001 10001 100011 1001 100011 1001 D18.0 000 10010 010011 1011 010011 0100 D18.1 001 10010 010011 1001 010011 1001 D19.0 000 10011 110010 1011 110010 0100 D19.1 001 10011 110010 1001 110010 1001 D20.0 000 10100 001011 1011 001011 0100 D20.1 001 10100 001011 1001 001011 1001 D21.0 000 10101 101010 1011 101010 0100 D21.1 001 10101 101010 1001 101010 1001 D22.0 000 10110 011010 1011 011010 0100 D22.1 001 10110 011010 1001 011010 1001 D23.0 000 10111 111010 0100 000101 1011 D23.1 001 10111 111010 1001 000101 1001 D24.0 000 11000 110011 0100 001100 1011 D24.1 001 11000 110011 1001 001100 1001 D25.0 000 11001 100110 1011 100110 0100 D25.1 001 11001 100110 1001 100110 1001 D26.0 000 11010 010110 1011 010110 0100 D26.1 001 11010 010110 1001 010110 1001 D27.0 000 11011 110110 0100 001001 1011 D27.1 001 11011 110110 1001 001001 1001 D28.0 000 11100 001110 1011 001110 0100 D28.1 001 11100 001110 1001 001001 1001 D29.0 000 11101 101110 0100 010001 1011 D29.1 001 11101 101110 1001 010001 1001 D30.0 000 11110 011110 0100 100001 1011 D30.1 001 11110 011110 1001 100001 1001 D31.0 000 11111 101011 0100 010100 1011 D31.1 001 11111 101011 1001 010100 1001 D0.2 010 00000 100111 0101 011000 0101 D0.3 011 00000 100111 0011 011000 1100 D1.2 010 00001 011101 0101 100010 0101 D1.3 011 00001 011101 0011 100010 1100 D2.2 010 00010 101101 0101 010010 0101 D2.3 011 00010 101101 0011 010010 1100 D3.2 010 00101 110001 0101 110001 0101 D3.3 011 00011 110001 1100 110001 0011 D4.2 010 00111 110101 0101 001010 0101 D4.3 011 00100 110101 0011 001010 1100 D5.2 010 01001 101001 0101 101001 0101 D5.3 011 00101 101001 1100 101001 0011 D6.2 010 01011 011001 0101 011001 0101 D6.3 011 00110 011001 1100 011001 0011 D7.2 010 01100 111000 0101 000111 0101 D7.3 011 00111 111000 1100 000111 0011 D8.2 010 01111 111001 0101 000110 0101 D8.3 011 01000 111001 0011 000110 1100 D9.2 010 10001 100101 0101 100101 0101 D9.3 011 01001 100101 1100 100101 0011 D10.2 010 01010 010101 0101 010101 0101 D10.3 011 01010 010101 1100 010101 0011 D11.2 010 01011 110100 0101 110100 0101 D11.3 011 01011 110100 1100 110100 0011 D12.2 010 01100 001101 0101 001101 0101 D12.3 011 01100 001101 1100 001101 0011 D13.2 010 01101 101100 0101 101100 0101 D13.3 011 01101 101100 1100 101100 0011 D14.2 010 01110 011100 0101 011100 0101 D14.3 011 01110 011100 1100 011100 0011 D15.2 010 01111 010111 0101 101000 0101 D15.3 011 01111 010111 0011 101000 1100 D16.2 010 10000 011011 0101 100100 0101 D16.3 011 10000 011011 0011 100100 1100 D17.2 010 10001 100011 0101 100011 0101 D17.3 011 10001 100011 1100 100011 0011 D18.2 010 10010 010011 0101 010011 0101 D18.3 011 10010 010011 1100 010011 0011 D19.2 010 10011 110010 0101 110010 0101 D19.3 011 10011 110010 1100 110010 0011 D20.2 010 10100 001011 0101 001011 0101 D20.3 011 10100 001011 1100 001011 0011 D21.2 010 10101 101010 0101 101010 0101 D21.3 011 10101 101010 1100 101010 0011 D22.2 010 10110 011010 0101 011010 0101 D22.3 011 10110 011010 1100 011010 0011 D23.2 010 10111 111010 0101 000101 0101 D23.3 011 10111 111010 0011 000101 1100 D24.2 010 11000 110011 0101 001100 0101 D24.3 011 11000 110011 0011 001100 1100 D25.2 010 11001 100110 0101 100110 0101 D25.3 011 11001 100110 1100 100110 0011 D26.2 010 11010 010110 0101 010110 0101 D26.3 011 11010 010110 1100 010110 0011 D27.2 010 11011 110110 0101 001001 0101 D27.3 011 11011 110110 0011 001001 1100 D28.2 010 11100 001110 0101 001110 0101 D28.3 011 11100 001110 1100 001110 0011 D29.2 010 11101 101110 0101 010001 0101 D29.3 011 11101 101110 0011 010001 1100 D30.2 010 11110 011110 0101 100001 0101 D30.3 011 11110 011110 0011 100001 1100 D31.2 010 11111 101011 0101 010100 0101 D31.3 011 11111 101011 0011 010100 1100 D0.4 100 00000 100111 0010 011000 1101 D0.5 101 00000 100111 1010 011000 1010 D1.4 100 00001 011101 0010 100010 1101 D1.5 101 00001 011101 1010 100010 1010 D2.4 100 00010 101101 0010 010010 1101 D2.5 101 00010 101101 1010 010010 1010 D3.4 100 00011 110001 1101 110001 0010 D3.5 101 00011 110001 1010 110001 1010 D4.4 100 00100 110101 0010 001010 1101 D4.5 101 00100 110101 1010 001010 1010 D5.4 100 00101 101001 1101 101001 0010 D5.5 101 00101 101001 1010 101001 1010 D6.4 100 00110 011001 1101 011001 0010 D6.5 101 00110 011001 1010 011001 1010 D7.4 100 00111 111000 1101 000111 0010 D7.5 101 00111 111000 1010 000111 1010 D8.4 100 01000 111001 0010 000110 1101 D8.5 101 01000 111001 1010 000110 1010 D9.4 100 01001 100101 1101 100101 0010 D9.5 101 01001 100101 1010 100101 1010 D10.4 100 01010 010101 1101 010101 0010 D10.5 101 01010 010101 1010 010101 1010 D11.4 100 01011 110100 1101 110100 0010 D11.5 101 01011 110100 1010 110100 1010 D12.4 100 01100 001101 1101 001101 0010 D12.5 101 01100 001101 1010 001101 1010 D13.4 100 01101 101100 1101 101100 0010 D13.5 101 01101 101100 1010 101100 1010 D14.4 100 01110 011100 1101 011100 0010 D14.5 101 01110 011100 1010 011100 1010 D15.4 100 01111 010111 0010 101000 1101 D15.5 101 01111 010111 1010 101000 1010 D16.4 100 10000 011011 0010 100100 1101 D16.5 101 10000 011011 1010 100100 1010 D17.4 100 10001 100011 1101 100011 0010 D17.5 101 10001 100011 1010 100011 1010 D18.4 100 10010 010011 1101 010011 0010 D18.5 101 10010 010011 1010 010011 1010 D19.4 100 10011 110010 1101 110010 0010 D19.5 101 10011 110010 1010 110010 1010 D20.4 100 10100 001011 1101 001011 0010 D20.5 101 10100 001011 1010 001011 1010 D21.4 100 10101 101010 1101 101010 0010 D21.5 101 10101 101010 1010 101010 1010 D22.4 100 10110 011010 1101 011010 0010 D22.5 101 10110 011010 1010 011010 1010 D23.4 100 10111 111010 0010 000101 1101 D23.5 101 10111 111010 1010 000101 1010 D24.4 100 11000 110011 0010 001100 1101 D24.5 101 11000 110011 1010 001100 1010 D25.4 100 11001 100110 1101 100110 0010 D25.5 101 11001 100110 1010 100110 1010 D26.4 100 11010 010110 1101 010110 0010 D26.5 101 11010 010110 1010 010110 1010 D27.4 100 11011 110110 0010 001001 1101 D27.5 101 11011 110110 1010 001001 1010 D28.4 100 11100 001110 1101 001110 0010 D28.5 101 11100 001110 1010 001110 1010 D29.4 100 11101 101110 0010 010001 1101 D29.5 101 11101 101110 1010 010001 1010 D30.4 100 11110 011110 0010 100001 1101 D30.5 101 11110 011110 1010 100001 1010 D31.4 100 11111 101011 0010 010100 1101 D31.5 101 11111 101011 1010 010100 1010 D0.6 110 00000 100111 0110 011000 0110 D0.7 111 00000 100111 0001 011000 1110 D1.6 110 00001 011101 0110 100010 0110 D1.7 111 00001 011101 0001 100010 1110 D2.6 110 00010 101101 0110 010010 0110 D2.7 111 00010 101101 0001 010010 1110 D3.6 110 00011 110001 0110 110001 0110 D3.7 111 00011 110001 1110 110001 0001 D4.6 110 00100 110101 0110 001010 0110 D4.7 111 00100 110101 0001 001010 1110 D5.6 110 00101 101001 0110 101001 0110 D5.7 111 00101 101001 1110 101001 0001 D6.6 110 00110 011001 0110 011001 0110 D6.7 111 00110 011001 1110 011001 0001 D7.6 110 00111 111000 0110 000111 0110 D7.7 111 00111 111000 1110 000111 0001 D8.6 110 01000 111001 0110 000110 0110 D8.7 111 01000 111001 0001 000110 1110 D9.6 110 01001 100101 0110 100101 0110 D9.7 111 01001 100101 1110 100101 0001 D10.6 110 01010 010101 0110 010101 0110 D10.7 111 01010 010101 1110 010101 0001 D11.6 110 01011 110100 0110 110100 0110 D11.7 111 01011 110100 1110 110100 1000 D12.6 110 01100 001101 0110 001101 0110 D12.7 111 01100 001101 1110 001101 0001 D13.6 110 01101 101100 0110 101100 0110 D13.7 111 01101 101100 1110 101100 1000 D14.6 110 01110 011100 0110 011100 0110 D14.7 111 01110 011100 1110 011100 1000 D15.6 110 01111 010111 0110 101000 0110 D15.7 111 01111 010111 0001 101000 1110 D16.6 110 10000 011011 0110 100100 0110 D16.7 111 10000 011011 0001 100100 1110 D17.6 110 10001 100011 0110 100011 0110 D17.7 111 10001 100011 0111 100011 0001 D18.6 110 10010 010011 0110 010011 0110 D18.7 111 10010 010011 0111 010011 0001 D19.6 110 10011 110010 0110 110010 0110 D19.7 111 10011 110010 1110 110010 0001 D20.6 110 10100 001011 0110 001011 0110 D20.7 111 10100 001011 0111 001011 0001 D21.6 110 10101 101010 0110 101010 0110 D21.7 111 10101 101010 1110 101010 0001 D22.6 110 10110 011010 0110 011010 0110 D22.7 111 10110 011010 1110 011010 0001 D23.6 110 10111 111010 0110 000101 0110 D23.7 111 10111 111010 0001 000101 1110 D24.6 110 11000 110011 0110 001100 0110 D24.7 111 11000 110011 0001 001100 1110 D25.6 110 11001 100110 0110 100110 0110 D25.7 111 11001 100110 1110 100110 0001 D26.6 110 11010 010110 0110 010110 0110 D26.7 111 11010 010110 1110 010110 0001 D27.6 110 11011 110110 0110 001001 0110 D27.7 111 11011 110110 0001 001001 1110 D28.6 110 11100 001110 0110 001110 0110 D28.7 111 11100 001110 1110 001110 0001 D29.6 110 11101 101110 0110 010001 0110 D29.7 111 11101 101110 0001 010001 1110 D30.6 110 11110 011110 0110 100001 0110 D30.7 111 11110 011110 0001 100001 1110 D31.6 110 11111 101011 0110 010100 0110 D31.7 111 11111 101011 0001 010100 1110 Table 8 : 10-bit special characters Kx.y Special Character Current RD- Current RD+ abcdei fghj abcdei fghj K28.0 001111 0100 110000 1011 K28.1 001111 1001 110000 0110 K28.2 001111 0101 110000 1010 K28.3 001111 0011 110000 1100 K28.4 001111 0010 110000 1101 K28.5 001111 1010 110000 0101 K28.6 001111 0110 110000 1001 K28.7 001111 1000 110000 0111 K23.7 111010 1000 000101 0111 K27.7 110110 1000 001001 0111 K29.7 101110 1000 010001 0111 K30.7 011110 1000 100001 0111 3.1.5 Disparity calculation (R43) Running disparity of a character shall be calculated on the two sub-blocks, abcdei then fghj. Running disparity at the end of a sub-block is positive if the sub-block contains more ones than zeros or if abcdei is 000111 or fghj is 0011. Running disparity shall be negative if the sub-block contains more zeros than ones or if abcdei is 111000 or fghj is 1100. Otherwise running disparity shall be the same as at the beginning of the sub-block. The running disparity at the end of a character shall be the current running disparity used for the next character. 3.2 Ten bit interface (TBI) The interface between the TC sublayer and coding sublayer is not intended as a separate physical interface or accessible. It is expected that the TBI may be implemented as a chip to chip interface from the coding sublayer to a TBI PMD. This would allow support for the different TBI PMD's defined in subsection 3.5. 3.2.1 Signals The interface signals for the TBI PMD are defined in Table 9. Table 9 : Signal definitions Symbol Signal Name Signal Type Active Level TX[0:9] Transmit Data Input H TBC Transmit Byte Clock Input ( EWRAP Enable Wrap Input H RX[0:9] Receive Data Output H RBC[0] Receive Clock 0 Output ( RBC[1] Receive Clock 1 Output ( COM_DET Comma Detect Output H LCK_REF Lock to Reference Input L REFCLK Reference Clock Input ( EN_CDET Enable Comma Detect Input H TX[0:9] is the 10-bit parallel data interface to the TBI PMD. The bit TX[0] corresponds to "a" in the 10-bit encoded character and is transmitted first in a serial transmission TBI PMD. TBC is the 125 MHz transmit clock to the TBI PMD. This clock is used to latch the TX[0:9] into the TBI PMD. The TBC is frequency locked to any REFCLK. EWRAP is used to wrap the TBI PMD transmit characters back to the input. Use of this function is not defined in this standard. RX[0:9] is the 10-bit parallel data interface from the TBI PMD. The bit RX[0] corresponds to "a" in the 10-bit encoded character and is received first in a serial transmission TBI PMD. RBC[0] is the 62.5 MHz receive clock from the TBI PMD and is used to receive odd characters (1, 3, etc.). This clock may be stretched during comma alignment. RBC[1] is the 62.5 MHz receive clock from the TBI PMD and is used to receive even characters (0, 2, etc.). RBC[1] is 180( out of phase with RBC[0]. This clock may be stretched during comma alignment. COM_DET indicates that the data character associated with the current RBC[1] contains a valid comma. LCK_REF causes the TBI PMD to lock its PLL to REFCLK. Use of this function is not defined in this standard but may be helpful in acquiring initial lock to the incoming bit stream. (R44) REFCLK is a 125 MHz transmit reference clock. The frequency tolerance for this clock shall be +/- 100ppm. EN_CDET enables the TBI PMD to align the 10-bit field on a comma. The TBI PMD may delete one or more characters and stretch the receive clock in order to align the received comma with RBC[1]. 3.2.2 Electrical characteristics Table 10 defines the electrical characteristics for the TBI PMD. Table 10 : Electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units VOH Output High Voltage IOH = -400uA VCC = Min 2.2 3.0 VCC V VOL Output Low Voltage IOL = 1 mA VCC = Min GND 0.25 0.6 V VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 - VCC+10% V VIL Input Low Voltage GND - 0.8 V IIH Input High Current VCC = Max VIN = 2.4 V - - 40 uA IIL Input Low Current VCC = Max VIN = 0.4 V - - -600 uA Cin Input Capacitance - - 4.0 pf tr Clock Rise Time 0.8V to 2.0V 0.7 - 2.4 ns tf Clock Fall Time 2.0V to 0.8V 0.7 - 2.4 ns tr Data Rise Time 0.8V to 2.0V 0.7 - - ns tf Data Fall Time 2.0V to 0.8V 0.7 - - ns 3.3 Synchronization The PMD sublayer is divided into a local encoding-transmit and receive-decoding operation; representing a full duplex channel. These are synchronized with the equivalent remote upstream equipment on the channel. At the start of synchronization the received bit stream is aligned on a comma in the K28.5 character and a code group, K28.5/D5.6 (or K28.5/D16.2). Once the code group is aligned the code group K28.5/D16.2 is transmitted to notify the remote equipment. Receipt of this code group is used to indicate that physical layer cells can now be transmitted. The special character K27.7 is used to indicate the start of data character transmission. Synchronization for the receiver and transmitter follow two different state diagrams. The receiver starts synchronization at power up, when a local Loss of Signal (LOS) =1 is indicated by the TC sublayer, a remote LOS = 1 is received by the Transmission Path Remote Defect Indication (TP-RDI), or when a local Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) = 1 and is transmitted to the remote equipment by the TP-RDI. Once the receiver is aligned on a comma then the local LOS is set to 0. Figure 3 illustrates the receiver synchronization. The transmitter starts synchronization at power up, a local LOS = 1, a remote LOS = 1, or remote LCD = 1 is received. If the LOS = 0 and the remote status OK is true the transmitter would send a block of 47 octets and then return to normal transmission. Figure 4 illustrates the transmitter synchronization. (R45) At power up, a local LOS = 1, a remote LOS = 1 is received, or local LCD = 1 and is transmitted to the remote equipment by the TP-RDI; the receiver shall set the remote status OK to not true and align the received bit stream on a comma to the leftmost bit positions of an even character (EN_CDET). (R46) When the receiver has detected three successive commas in the leftmost bit positions of an even character (COM_DET), the LOS shall be set to a 0, and the receiver shall assume an initial negative running disparity and begin decoding code groups. (R47) On the receipt of a K28.5/D16.2 code group by the receiver with the correct disparity, the receiver shall set the remote status OK to true. (R48) On the receipt of a K27.7 special character by the receiver, the receiver shall begin the reception of data characters. Figure 3 : Receive synchronization state diagram (R49) At power up, a local LOS = 1, a remote LOS = 1 is received, or remote LCD = 1 is received; then the transmitter shall assume a positive running disparity and start transmitting K28.5/D5.6 code groups. (R50) If the LOS = 0, the transmitter shall begin transmitting K28.5/D16.2 code groups starting when the current running disparity is negative. (R51) The transmitter shall transmit a minimum of twenty-two consecutive K28.5/D16.2 code groups and if the remote status OK is true, then the transmitter shall transmit a K27.7 special character. (R52) After the transmitter has transmitted a single K27.7 special character, the transmitter shall begin transmission of data characters. Figure 4 : Transmitter synchronization state diagram 3.4 Loss of synchronization (R53) If the receiver after 4 ms has not completed synchronization: LOS = 0, remote status OK is true, and received a K27.7 special character; then the local LOS shall be set to 1 and the receiver and transmitter shall return to the start of synchronization. (R54) At power up LOS shall be set to a 1. 3.5 Media dependent sublayer The media dependent sublayer is defined by the TBI PMD. Two PMD's are defined in this specification for the 1000 Mbit/s Cell-Based Physical Layer. 3.5.1 Single-mode or multi-mode fiber (R55) The single-mode or multi-mode fiber TBI PMD in this specification shall use the 1000BASE-X PMD, specified in Clause 38 of the 802.3 IEEE Standard, 2000 Edition [8]. 3.5.2 Twisted pair copper cable (R56) The category 6 twisted pair copper cabling TBI PMD in this specification shall use the PMD specified in TIA/EIA-854 [10]. 4 Acronym List AIS Alarm Indication Signal BIP Bit Interleaved Parity CEC Cell Error Control CRC Cyclic Redundancy Code DSS Distributed Sample Scrambler EDC Error Detection Code HEC Header Error Check LCD Loss of Cell Delineation LOM Loss Of Maintenance LOS Loss Of Signal MSB Most Significant Bit OAM Operation And Maintenance OCD Out of Cell Delineation PCS Physical Coding Sublayer PMA Physical Medium Attachment PMD Physical Medium Dependent PSN PL-OAM Sequence Number PRBS Pseudo Random Binary Sequence RDI Remote Defect Indication REB Remote Error Blocks TBI Ten Bit Interface TC Transmission Convergence TP Transmission Path 5 Normative References The following references contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this specification. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All references are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this specification are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the references indicated below. [1] ITU-T I.432.1 Recommendation, B-ISDN USER-NETWORK INTERFACE PHYSICAL LAYER SPECIFICATION - GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS - December, 1995. [2] ITU-T I.432.2 Recommendation, B-ISDN USER-NETWORK INTERFACE PHYSICAL LAYER SPECIFICATION FOR 155 520 KBIT/S AND 622 080 KBIT/S - December, 1995. [3] ITU-T I.361 Recommendation, B-ISDN ATM LAYER SPECIFICATION - 1993. [4] ITU-T G.826 Recommendation, ERROR PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS AND OBJECTIVES FOR INTERNATIONAL, CONSTANT BIT RATE DIGITAL PATHS AT OR ABOVE THE PRIMARY RATE - July, 1995. [5] ITU-T G.957 Recommendation, OPTICAL INTERFACES FOR EQUIPMENTS AND SYSTEMS RELATING TO THE SYNCHRONOUS DIGITAL HIERARCHY - July, 1995. [6] ITU-T G.958 Recommendation, DIGITAL LINE SYSTEMS BASED ON THE SYNCHRONOUS DIGITAL HIERARCHY FOR USE ON OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES. [7] AF/PHY/0046.000 ATM Forum specification, 622.080 Mbps Physical Layer Specification - January, 1996. [8] 802.3 IEEE Standard, 2000 edition: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications. [9] TR/X3.18-1997 ANSI Technical Report (Fibre Channel - 10-bit Interface). [10] TIA/EIA-854, A Full Duplex Ethernet Physical Layer Specification for 1000Mbits/s operating over Category 6 Balanced Twisted Pair Cabling.. APPENDIX I Distributed Sample Descrambler Implementation Example This Appendix does not form an integral part of this specification. Acquisition of scrambler synchronisation The conveyed bits are extracted by modulo addition of the predicted values for HEC8 and HEC7 from the received values. Scrambler synchronisation may for example be achieved by comparing the conveyed samples (Ut-211, Ut+1) at half cell intervals to the recursive descrambler sequence Vt (Figure I-1). In order to ensure the samples are compared to the recursive descrambler sequence at the same interval they were extracted from the source PRBS, the second sample U(t+1) (derived from HEC7) is stored for 211 bits before it is used. Additionally, because both samples are applied to the recursive descrambler 211 bits behind their point of modulo addition to the transmitted data sequence, the recursive descrambler feedforward taps are chosen to generate a sequence that is advanced by 211 samples. Figure I-1 illustrates a recursive descrambler implementation. Notation of sample values indicates the important sample values in each cell, time being referenced to the conveyed PRBS sample being received with HEC8. Acquisition state: At time t: - the receiver PRBS generator sample Vt is at the input to the lower D-type D2; - the source PRBS sample St ( Ut-211 conveyed via HEC8 is at input D1; - the sample previously stored at the output of the lower D-type is Q2 ( Vt-211 Xor2 = D1 + Q2 = Ut-211 + Vt-211 At this time, the feedforward taps (constant correction vector) are applied to the descrambler if AND2 gate output is high, that is if Ut-211(Vt-211. At time t(1: - the receiver sample Vt+1 is at the input to D2; - the sample St+1 ( Ut+1 is at the input to D1. These values are latched on the following clock edge such that: At time t(2 through until t(212: – Xor1 = Vt+1 + Ut+1 At time t+212 : At this time, the feedforward taps (constant correction vector) are applied to the descrambler if AND1 gate output is high, that is if Ut+1(Vt+1. At time t(213 ( L ( t-211 (L being the duration of a cell): – Q2 = Vt+213 = Vt-211+L (held until the next cell cycle). Verification of descrambler synchronisation In this state the conveyed samples (Ut-211,Ut+1) are extracted in the same way as during the Acquisition state, but the feedforward taps are no longer applied. Instead for each cell received with no error detected in bits HEC 1 to 6, the conveyed samples (Ut-211,Ut+1) are compared to the corresponding bits (Vt-211,Vt+1) generated locally by the descrambler. Each time two correct predictions are made the confidence counter is incremented, else it will decrement. Steady state operation (synchronised scrambler) In this state the descrambler is assumed to be synchronised and feedforward taps are no longer applied. Instead, the descrambler samples (Vt-211,Vt+1) are added by modulo 2 addition to the first two bits of the received HEC byte in order to regenerate the values of HEC8 and HEC7 bits. Therefore bits HEC8 and HEC7 can both be returned to normal use for error detection and error correction properties. Figure I-1 : Example of descrambler implementation APPENDIX II Test Patterns This Appendix does not form an integral part of this specification. The example of operation described in this appendix is based on the transmission of 17 consecutive idle cells generated by the Cell-Based TC sublayer described in section 2. The transmitter operation is described in II 1 of this appendix and the receiver operation is described in II 2 of this appendix. Notations: * The content of an ATM cell is presented in the following format : H1 H2 H3 H4 HEC P1 ..... P48. The bytes H1 to H4 correspond to the cell header while the bytes P1 to P48 correspond to the cell payload. Each byte is given in hex value (hXX), * The reference of time is noted t (both in the transmitter and in the receiver), * U(t+x) is the state of the scrambler in the transmitter at time t+x. It is noted either as a 31 bits vector or as an hex value (example : U(t+x) = 0000000011111111000000001111111 = h7F00FF00), * V(t+x) is the state of the descrambler in the receiver at time t+x. It is noted either as a 31 bits vector or as an hex value, * Ut+x is the output of the scrambler in the transmitter at time t+x, * Vt+x is the output of the descrambler in the receiver at time t+x. The content of an idle cell (prior to scrambling and HEC calculation) is : 00 00 00 01 xx 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A II 1 Transmitter operation The time reference in the transmitter is defined as the time when the first bit of the HEC field of the first cell is generated, coincident with the scrambler state U(t). So t corresponds to the generation of the first HEC8 bit in the transmitter (Figure II-1). At time t the scrambler in the transmitter is in a random state. If U(t) = h3ECFEDE8 then Ut = 1. II 1.1 Cell scrambling The scrambler sequence is added (modulo 2) bit by bit to the whole cell, except the HEC field, but the scrambler in the transmitter is not stopped during that time. This operation is represented in Figure II-1, as well as the scrambler state at time t. When U(t) = h3ECFEDE8 then U(t-32) = h0ABB8F39 and Ut-32 = 1. Figure II-1 : Scrambling operation and scrambler initial state After the scrambling is performed, the 17 idle cells become : Cell 1: BE CF ED E9 xx 0B 6F 32 5E B8 35 59 4E EB 27 3E 6B 7C 25 82 79 22 0B 3B 78 7C BD D9 6F 2A BE 3C 34 E6 87 A3 3F BD 6D 6D 9C B4 14 1A EA 31 71 83 6F 6D E3 28 30 Cell 2: 77 86 A1 12 xx 0D 39 74 32 D1 FD B3 50 A4 38 4B B3 13 EC 34 4F 01 03 34 76 0A 2D 37 94 AE 91 0E 7B AC 2A E3 55 82 E3 EB EB 33 E1 71 7D 41 CD ED 36 87 5D 11 1D Cell 3: 09 19 41 9F xx CC F0 BF 57 4E F2 93 C2 6A D4 03 BA 60 F0 24 CA D6 FA 1D 20 DA 4D F0 54 08 5C FD F0 8D 6E 3C F1 D4 27 AE E6 F2 2D AB BA DE 99 F4 C0 4C B4 BD 9C Cell 4: 20 50 D0 8F xx C6 C3 92 BB F9 A6 16 D0 71 35 58 BF E9 27 22 99 58 24 74 BF 2A 17 BA 94 ED 4C C4 7F 16 4D D7 17 50 5E C7 43 BD 49 E2 A4 B6 15 F7 1A 15 6C 87 8D Cell 5: 0E 63 05 BF xx 9C 3A F8 30 E3 C2 6B 77 E3 BA 79 89 E4 CB 73 95 9D 39 C6 6A F1 F7 F2 62 E4 88 DA F3 99 84 02 C6 B3 50 31 FE 4B BB 64 00 34 D8 90 1B 3C 20 39 9D Cell 6: C8 31 98 92 xx 10 D2 7D 7B 34 9B 35 5D 38 9D 27 71 E0 F0 21 E5 D6 FA 45 8E DA 48 CB E8 08 05 31 48 88 41 6E 01 8C 8C 24 03 C9 C2 10 23 17 BD 3A 6F 4C B1 CA 32 Cell 7: 20 0D 45 33 xx A4 B3 2A E7 1A 4C E3 A7 88 4F E5 2F 8C 79 80 BF C7 73 12 9B E1 CF 14 91 C7 77 78 27 E1 81 6A 29 C3 0C 6E D7 AE C6 28 CD A9 F6 C5 59 D4 99 C7 36 Cell 8: 92 DD 8F 71 xx 09 83 8A FC 93 27 A2 28 0C 2D 7E C8 C2 95 09 05 B4 62 9A 48 36 F4 88 0B 1A B9 88 BF 86 F3 82 9F 7A C7 34 D1 41 E5 3C AE 85 81 AB AD 4B 01 F5 96 Cell 9: 54 6E C0 3C xx 5B E9 CF 55 11 57 73 E3 2F C1 C1 EC BB 87 85 0A D7 6F 42 A0 C0 32 B7 55 9B 56 03 EA 9B D4 21 64 92 F2 4C 98 12 D8 48 A9 10 2C 03 DB 3A 80 22 1D Cell 10: AF 70 17 94 xx 8B 3C 1B A7 BD A1 95 2C B9 42 60 8A FE BA D1 A2 0E C0 A1 7C E9 93 4D 2F 52 0A 50 B3 9C A9 B2 46 EB D0 58 FB 72 BD 26 59 D6 B0 31 36 DE 7B 69 18 Cell 11: 29 32 31 C7 xx 2D 15 8B FC 93 6B B0 28 08 74 7A C8 8F B7 41 01 FC 02 8A 04 20 35 AC 52 5B 29 85 99 1C D3 4A BB EC 8A 26 D1 09 AE 38 AA 91 A7 E3 E4 21 29 E1 92 Cell 12: 22 BF A8 73 xx EF BD A8 5F 3C B9 CD 55 AA F7 57 E9 E2 83 C9 55 F5 23 1F EC A0 6F D9 0B 5E 3A 3A BB 47 CF C6 DA EB 7B F8 03 79 50 68 29 7F BE 4A DD 1C 80 20 73 Cell 13: 83 70 35 AA xx 89 5B 8F 17 9F 17 F7 4E D7 48 82 68 C2 01 3A 45 BC 09 C8 C8 A0 97 05 03 50 46 42 2B BC F0 BE F4 AE F2 8A BB AA D5 A6 D5 E0 E9 38 ED D7 59 E7 1E Cell 14: A9 5F CD A2 xx 29 2B 11 90 D8 FF 22 34 26 14 7F 32 35 77 15 5F 25 87 67 54 0B 60 A3 F0 B8 D3 60 F2 E4 88 D6 D3 99 84 D8 86 B3 5C 21 7E 4B 62 4D 00 38 F8 52 1B Cell 15: 8C 07 F7 FA xx 1A FA 20 5D 82 4E 5D 7B 38 61 75 5D EE CD A7 7D 29 59 21 30 DF 38 49 74 55 EC 1D B5 ED 01 F8 2D 12 04 6A 93 1C 56 64 0F E5 D2 90 F9 8E 94 36 73 Cell 16: 86 19 79 AA xx CF 03 8A 6B 76 27 AA 79 96 2D EB 72 56 9D 79 D9 DC F5 76 36 6E A5 97 12 2F 0A 47 1E B6 A8 E7 CE 1F C7 AB 65 DB ED F8 8E 11 1C 61 E5 2B E6 C5 80 Cell 17: 9B D3 A1 7D xx F7 3F 5B D6 85 93 12 DD 4A 0F 10 76 2C F7 3F 96 8E 85 9E 5D ED 4A C1 7D 16 21 8D 33 56 43 D1 4B D0 A2 AE 32 B3 77 A7 56 49 8D 23 D0 13 D0 62 B9 II 1.2 HEC generation The HEC value is computed on the scrambled header and the pattern h55 is added to the HEC field by modulo 2 addition. For the first cell : HEC (BE CF ED E9) = hAD xor h55 = hF8. The HEC field of each cell after this operation is given in the following table : Table II-1 : HEC field Cell 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 HEC F8 00 F1 A1 9C 7B 89 B4 41 C6 BD F4 DE 0C 0D C8 62 II 1.3 Addition of scrambler samples The last operation consists in modifying bits HEC8 and HEC7 of each cell to convey the two scrambler samples. For the first cell : HEC8 = HEC8 xor Ut-211 and HEC7 = HEC7 xor Ut+1, For the second cell : HEC8 = HEC8 xor Ut+213 and HEC7 = HEC7 xor Ut+425, For the third cell : HEC8 = HEC8 xor Ut+637 and HEC7 = HEC7 xor Ut+849, ..... Consequently the final value of the HEC field of each cell is given in the following table : Table II-2 : Final HEC field Cell 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 HEC 78 80 F1 61 5C 7B 49 34 01 46 FD B4 DE CC 4D 08 62 II 1.4 Transmitted bytes Important note: the transmitter operation has been described in three separate steps (II 1.1, II 1.2, and II 1.3) but as these three operations are linear they can be done at the same time (especially operations II 1.1 and II 1.3 which are both related to the scrambler output). As a result of the operations described in II 1.1, II 1.2, and II 1.3 the resulting output is given below. Bytes are transmitted from left to right. In each byte the MSB (Most Significant Bit) is transmitted first. The HEC byte of each cell is highlighted. BE CF ED E9 78 0B 6F 32 5E B8 35 59 4E EB 27 3E 6B 7C 25 82 79 22 0B 3B 78 7C BD D9 6F 2A BE 3C 34 E6 87 A3 3F BD 6D 6D 9C B4 14 1A EA 31 71 83 6F 6D E3 28 30 77 86 A1 12 80 0D 39 74 32 D1 FD B3 50 A4 38 4B B3 13 EC 34 4F 01 03 34 76 0A 2D 37 94 AE 91 0E 7B AC 2A E3 55 82 E3 EB EB 33 E1 71 7D 41 CD ED 36 87 5D 11 1D 09 19 41 9F F1 CC F0 BF 57 4E F2 93 C2 6A D4 03 BA 60 F0 24 CA D6 FA 1D 20 DA 4D F0 54 08 5C FD F0 8D 6E 3C F1 D4 27 AE E6 F2 2D AB BA DE 99 F4 C0 4C B4 BD 9C 20 50 D0 8F 61 C6 C3 92 BB F9 A6 16 D0 71 35 58 BF E9 27 22 99 58 24 74 BF 2A 17 BA 94 ED 4C C4 7F 16 4D D7 17 50 5E C7 43 BD 49 E2 A4 B6 15 F7 1A 15 6C 87 8D ... (cells 5 to 16) ... Last cell : 9B D3 A1 7D 62 F7 3F 5B D6 85 93 12 DD 4A 0F 10 76 2C F7 3F 96 8E 85 9E 5D ED 4A C1 7D 16 21 8D 33 56 43 D1 4B D0 A2 AE 32 B3 77 A7 56 49 8D 23 D0 13 D0 62 B9 II 2 Receiver operation At start up the cell delineation process is in HUNT state and the descrambler process is in Acquisition state (C=0). During the HUNT state, the HEC check is done only on the last six bits of the HEC field (bits HEC6 to HEC1). As soon as a correct HEC is found the cell delineation process enters the PRESYNC state (where the HEC check is still done on 6 bits). During the PRESYNC state, the descrambler is in Acquisition state and the two conveyed samples (Ut-211, Ut+1) are extracted and used for descrambler synchronisation. The first correct HEC is detected upon reception of the following bytes : BE CF ED E9 78, because : HEC (BE CF ED E9) = hAD, this value is compared to (h78 xor h55 = h2D) and the last six bits are the same. The time reference in the receiver is defined as the time when the first bit of the HEC field of the first cell is received, coincident with the descrambler state V(t). At time t the descrambler is in a random state. If V(t) = h2477F94D then Vt = 0. II 2.1 Acquisition state During this state the conveyed samples are extracted by modulo addition between the received HEC value and the predicted HEC value : Cell 1 : received value = h78 predicted value = (HEC (BE CF ED E9) = hAD) xor h55 = hF8 comparison between these two values : h78 xor hF8 = h80, so Ut-211 = 1 and = Ut+1 = 0. Cell 2 : received value = h80 predicted value = (HEC (77 86 A1 12) = h55) xor H55 = h00 comparison between these two values : h80 xor h00 = h80, so Ut+213 = 1 and = Ut+425 = 0. The conveyed samples are used for descrambler synchronisation, as explained in Appendix I. Every 212 bits the received sample Ut+x is compared to the corresponding bit Vt+x generated by the descrambler. If these two samples are not identical a constant correction vector (K= h34DCCEC4) is applied : at time t : Vt-211 = 0 is compared to Ut-211 = 1--> the correction vector K is applied, at time t+212 : Vt+1 = 0 is compared to Ut+1 = 0 --> the correction vector K is not applied, at time t+424 : Vt+213 = 0 is compared to Ut+213 = 1--> the correction vector K is applied,... The following table indicates the descrambler state at the times when the samples are compared and when the correction vector is potentially applied. Table II-3 : Descrambler state Time V(t+x) (bits 1 to 31) Vt+x Comparison between : Cor. (t+x) descrambler scrambler -211 0001110111110000110111000101001 0 - - - 0 1011001010011111111011100010010 0 Vt-211=0 Ut-211=1 yes 1 0111101000111100110011000011111 0 - - - 212 213 0100110000000100100000010110011 1010011000000010010000001011001 1 0 Vt+1=0 - Ut+1=0 - no - 424 425 0110110000000100000001011111010 1001010101110001001110011101011 1 0 Vt+213=0 - Ut+213=1 - yes - 636 637 0011100010000011101001000010110 0001110001000001110100100001011 0 0 Vt+425=0 - Ut+425=0 - no - 848 849 1011101000111001001001100110010 0101110100011100100100110011001 0 0 Vt+637=0 - Ut+637=0 - no - 1060 1061 0100111011010100110000111000111 1010011101101010011000011100011 1 1 Vt+849=0 - Ut+849=0 - no - 1272 1273 0111000100000111011101101110100 0011100010000011101110110111010 0 1 Vt+1061=1 - Ut+1061=1 - no - 1484 1485 1110010111010111011111001000101 1111001011101011101111100100010 1 0 Vt+1273=1 - Ut+1273=1 - no - 1696 1697 1111110001010100101110101011111 0101110101011001011001100111001 0 0 Vt+1485=0 - Ut+1485=1 - yes - 1908 1909 1110001101100010010000111001110 1101001011000010000110101110001 1 1 Vt+1697=0 - Ut+1697=1 - yes - 2120 2121 1000101011101100110101101001010 1110011000000101010100000110011 1 1 Vt+1909=1 - Ut+1909=0 - yes - 2332 2333 1000111111100101110110110010111 1110010010000001110101101011101 1 0 Vt+2121=1 - Ut+2121=0 - yes - 2544 2545 0111001110001001001100011011000 1001101010110111101000111111010 1 1 Vt+2333=0 - Ut+2333=1 - yes - 2756 2757 0100111011000001101011100000110 0010011101100000110101110000011 0 1 Vt+2545=1 - Ut+2545=1 - no - 2968 2969 1011011101100101101111111000111 1101101110110010110111111100011 1 1 Vt+2757=1 - Ut+2757=1 - no - 3180 3181 1100010010100100100101011000101 1100000100100001011100011110100 1 0 Vt+2969=1 - Ut+2969=0 - yes - 3392 3393 0010011101001111001011111001111 0001001110100111100101111100111 0 1 Vt+3181=0 - Ut+3181=0 - no - 3604 3605 0110100001001010011110000001110 1011010000100101001111000000111 1 1 Vt+3393=1 - Ut+3393=1 - no - 3816 3817 0101000000111001110101000010001 1010100000011100111010100001000 1 1 Vt+3605=1 - Ut+3605=1 - no - 4028 4029 0110010101111111000011111010110 0001000111001100101111001111101 0 0 Vt+3817=1 - Ut+3817=0 - yes - 4240 4241 1100111110110101000110011001001 0110011111011010100011001100100 0 0 Vt+4029=0 - Ut+4029=0 - no - 4452 4453 0110000100101100101111000000101 1001001111100101011001010010100 1 0 Vt+4241=0 - Ut+4241=1 - yes - 4664 4665 1101101100001001110101000111111 0110110110000100111010100011111 0 0 Vt+4453=0 - Ut+4453=0 - no - 4876 4877 0000111000010111011110111101010 1010010001111000100001101100011 1 1 Vt+4665=0 - Ut+4665=1 - yes - 5088 5089 1111001010110100110000001110110 0101101000101001010110110101101 0 0 Vt+4877=1 - Ut+4877=0 - yes - 5300 5301 1001011010000000110110110001101 0100101101000000011011011000110 0 0 Vt+5089=0 - Ut+5089=0 - no - 5512 5513 0001111111100000111011000001111 0010110010000011010011010010001 0 1 Vt+5301=0 - Ut+5301=1 - yes - 5724 5725 0010000001001010110110001011000 1001000000100101011011000101100 1 1 Vt+5513=1 - Ut+5513=1 - no - 5936 5937 0011011110010011000100000000000 0011100010111010101100110010110 0 0 Vt+5725=1 - Ut+5725=0 - yes - 6148 6149 0101100100100001111110100001111 0000111111100011110001100010001 0 1 Vt+5937=0 - Ut+5937=1 - yes - 6360 6361 1101010110011110100110000110000 0110101011001111010011000011000 0 1 Vt+6149=1 - Ut+6149=1 - no - 6572 6573 0110101000100001111010111111111 0011010100010000111101011111111 0 0 Vt+6361=1 - Ut+6361=1 - no - Note: In this example the correction vector is applied 15 times. For each acquisition process, the number of times the correction vector is applied only depends on the transmit scrambler and the receive descrambler initial states which are random. For 16 consecutive cells received with no error detected in HEC bits 1 to 6, the number of times the correction vector is applied ranges from 0 to 31 (0 corresponds to the unlikely case where the transmit scrambler and the receive descrambler are synchronised at start-up) During the Acquisition state, each time a cell is received with no error detected in HEC bits 1 to 6, the confidence counter is incremented (C=C+1). Therefore at time t+6572 (cell number 17) the confidence counter has reached the value 16 and the descrambler process enters the Verification state. II 2.2 Verification state When entering the Verification state, the descrambler in the receiver is assumed to be synchronised, because the 31 conveyed samples received during the Acquisition state are sufficient to insure descrambler synchronisation (this process is deterministic and does not depend on the transmit scrambler and receive descrambler initial states). However because the HEC check during the Acquisition state is performed only on the last six bits, undetected errors may have occurred in the conveyed samples (bits HEC8 and HEC7) resulting in incorrect descrambler synchronisation. For this reason the Verification process tests for a couple of cells that the PRBS bits generated locally by the descrambler (Vt-211,Vt+1) are identical to the expected ones (Ut-211,Ut+1). During the Verification state the conveyed samples (Ut-211,Ut+1) are extracted in the same way as during the Acquisition state. Then they are compared to the PRBS bits generated locally (Vt-211,Vt+1) but feedforward taps are no longer applied. Instead when two correct predictions are made the confidence counter is incremented, else it will decrement. At time t+6752 the first bit of cell 17 is received. At this time the descrambler state is h418CAFEA and the descrambler process has just entered the Verification state. Received header for cell 17 : 9B D3 A1 7D 62 (HEC value = h62), Predicted HEC value = HEC (9B D3 A1 7D) xor h55 = h37 xor h55 = h62, Comparison between received HEC and predicted HEC : h62 xor h62 = h00, so Ut+6573 = 0 and = Ut+6785 = 0. These received samples are compared to the corresponding bits generated locally by the descrambler (Vt+6573 = 0, Vt+6785 = 0). As they are identical the confidence counter is incremented (C=17). This verification process is repeated for the following cells (cells 18 to 24) until the confidence counter reaches the value of 24 and the descrambler process moves to the Steady state. Note : It is easy to verify that the descrambler is actually correctly synchronised when entering the Verification state : at time t+6752 the descrambler state is h418CAFEA, so the bytes generated by the descrambler from time t+6752 are : 9B D3 A1 7C xx 9D 55 31 BC EF F9 78 B7 20 65 7A 1C 46 9D 55 FC E4 EF F4 37 87 20 AB 17 7C 4B E7 59 3C 29 BB 21 BA C8 C4 58 D9 1D CD 3C 23 E7 49 BA 79 BA 08 D3 at time t+6752 (beginning of cell 17) the received bytes are : 9B D3 A1 7D 62 F7 3F 5B D6 85 93 12 DD 4A 0F 10 76 2C F7 3F 96 8E 85 9E 5D ED 4A C1 7D 16 21 8D 33 56 43 D1 4B D0 A2 AE 32 B3 77 A7 56 49 8D 23 D0 13 D0 62 B9 after modulo addition the result is : 00 00 00 01 xx 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A II 2.3 Steady state operation In this state the descrambler is assumed to be synchronised. The PRBS generated locally by the descrambler is used to descramble both the header and the payload of the received cells. The conveyed samples (Ut-211,Ut+1) are no longer extracted, instead they are descrambled by modulo addition with the corresponding descrambler bits (Vt-211,Vt+1). During this state the HEC check is performed by using the full eight bits of the HEC field thus enabling multiple bit error detection and single bit error correction. Cells with correct HEC (or cell headers with single bit error which are corrected) are passed to the ATM layer. When the HEC check indicates a non-zero syndrome with error bits confined to HEC8 and HEC7 the confidence counter will decrement, else it is incremented (the upper limit of the confidence counter is 24). II 2.4 Parallel implementation The descrambler behaviour described in II 2.1, II 2.2, and II 2.3 of this appendix does not depend on the implementation of the DSS (serial or parallel). Nevertheless, in parallel implementation of the DSS, to receive data words (of 8, 16, or 32 bits) instead of a bit stream requires slight modifications in the application of the correction vector. Example: If the DSS implementation is in parallel with the 8 bit data word. The clock edges occur at time t, t+8,..., t+1904, t+1912,.... Taking the same values as in II 2.1 : * From a serial description : V(t+1908) = h39C246C7 (correction vector K= h34DCCEC4 is applied) V(t+1909) = h4758434B V(t+1912) = h3AC21A5F V(t+1913) = h758434BF * From a 8 bits parallel implementation : The correction vector K can not be applied at time t+1908 because this time is not coincident with a clock edge, so a modified correction vector K' will be applied at the next clock edge t+1912 (that is 4 bits later). The determination of K' is deduced from K by a 4 bits shift using the same polynomial as the scrambler (1+x^28+x^31). So K'= h4DCCEC42. Cell-Based 1000Mbit/s (CB1G) Physical Layer Specification af-phy-0162.000 ii ATM Forum Technical Committee